
We are expected to believe that “pathogens” are coming at us with increasing frequency and usually these are in the form of claimed viruses. The dengue “virus” was purportedly discovered in the early 1900s, hot on the heels of another alleged mosquito-transmitted ‘germ’ in the form of the Yellow Fever “virus”.

There are many inconsistencies with the dengue story including how deadly it is supposed to be, why the cases are increasing, why it only appears in certain neighbourhoods, and crucially, how the “cases” are actually defined.

As we outlined in our new book The Final Pandemic, all “pandemics” lead to vaccines and dengue is no different with the rush now on to get more shots to market. In this video, we bring to light the human experiments performed more than a century ago, investigate the virologists’ use of the word “isolation”, and show why the “Settling the Virus Debate” Statement remains out of reach for them.

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