We are expected to believe that “pathogens” are coming at us with increasing frequency and usually these are in the form of claimed viruses. The dengue “virus” was purportedly discovered in the early 1900s, hot on the heels of another alleged mosquito-transmitted ‘germ’ in the form of the
Thank goodness for you and your colleagues who keep a sharp eye on what these "elites" are planning and giving us the other side of the reality. Thank you.
Eating raw meat, Raw dairy , High intensity strength training, practicing perfect posture, breathing through your nose softly only, engaging with your fellow human being in love , optimal sleep. Everything else related to medicine is most likely bullshit.
Timely piece. 20 yrs in the Borneo forests as a mosquito pin cushion & I've never caught anything, despite seeing hundreds of backwards diagnoses in the people around me. Two days ago the gov't fogged my entire street, supposedly due to a case of dengue in my neighbour. I did wonder if my dogs, chickens or I would get sick from the 'disinfectant' (nothing so far) but I also noticed none of the mosquitos have died on my property, not even a dip in numbers.
I was actually wondering if it was all just a performative show? As they stopped traffic and were at it in hazmats for a couple of hours.
If it were a genuine insecticide I would have expected to see some die off in the target species or affect on say the frogs in my aquaponics, but nothing...
Here we go again.. Maybe I am way off the mark here but it made me think wouldn't a needle pushed into a baby mouse brain kill it anyway! Such a tiny brain.. What size needle would be pushed into a human brain that would match the percentage of the poor mouse's brain? What is happening to the world? Great video again Dr. Sam..
A half-inch copper pipe like I use for tapping maple trees might give you the caliber you're looking for. Plus the idea of Canadians doing nationalism experiments by "tapping" immigrants has certain dark-comedy overtones. Or maybe inject maple syrup into brains to improve their Canadian content. The flags of Canada literally have "Made In China" mini-flags sewn onto them, so the country is nearly totally lacking in irony. Lotta saps here in maple territory. --Thor
Legal notice: the advice offered here is not intended to cure any disease other than hyper nationalism. Consult a qualified medical practitioner for proper wikipedia-style advice.
I think the allopathic medical system has been designed to generate revenues and profits. Create a disease and then pretend a set of symptoms and signs can be diagnosed. Pharmaceutical drugs can be prescribed. Or, a vaccine can be cooked up. Either way, the revenues kick in along with harmful side effects so more products can be sold and administered. It all leads to poor health and death.
You’ve helped me to see the system for what it is. Thank you. 🙏🏼
They are clearly ramping up the rhetoric to prime the population for a coming pandemic. Here bird flu is going "pole to pole". This article is a cornucopia of germ fear spread to polar bears, seals, by hogs, and of course because of climate change!
There is a lot of truth being revealed since the breaking of the first seal, aka COVID, as predicted in Revelations. Apocalypse = unveiling. Big hugs to YOU, Drs Sam and Mark, and all genuine truthers. One of the best books of the covid era, and I think, of the century is WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL by Parker and Lester. https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/ 👍👍👍
I prefer suggestions as to how these diseases CAN occur in clusters when things like viruses etc are ruled out. Hence my suggestion of either by air (aerosol spraying?) or by water (in the local water reservoir?)
Who has time to watch 200 videos for an answer to an obvious question in one of them. Surely a reference to an alternative is appropriate.
I am leaning strongly towards the idea that viruses don't exist as contagion owing to the many reasons given, but it is frustrating that nearly every video I watch telling me viruses don't exist fails to address possible / likely reasons that they do form in clusters. As one who fully accepts the idea of dead bits of DNA being used as excuses for viruses I simply want the plausible explanation for the occurrence of these diseases in clusters. I am trying to shift my thinking from how we've been brain washed. Telling me the old explanations for diseases are wrong doesn't help me do this when I don't see alternative explanations. If people are to be fully 'converted" in their way of thinking about causes of disease - not only do they need to be told what is wrong with the old thinking but some clues as to genuine causes and both parts of the process of the "conversion" require repetition to some degree if we are all to be re-educated. This is where Bryan Ardis really starred in his immense research regarding what was in the jabs and how to combat the toxins in them. He didn't just say "Ah the spike proteins are snake venoms or conotoxins" and leave it at that. He also extended his research and informed us how to deal with them. He completed the story. Even a reference to another video or link explaining alternative reasons diseases occur in clusters even for the most important reason which for us to know how we can prevent getting them. Apart from water and air being means of spreading toxins I suspect 5G which effects people certain distances from cell towers - which could explain the cluster effect - I do know that 5G and also high frequency WiFi can displace iron from haemoglobin and interfere with the development of neural pathways in babies and young children. So even this sort of detail being thrown in here and there would help the "thinking-conversion-process".
True enough, I suppose. So yes, all the usual suspects:
Public water. Food supply. Air. Aerosols. Contrails. Aerial spraying. Drone's performing aerial spraying. Stress from multiple attempts to spell "aerial." Personal products. Cleaning products. Personal cleaning products. Earth wind and fire and Trump. Are we still doing Trump? I forget.
I could do a list of fifty more, and so could you. So yes, endorse your intuitions.
Most fun for me is in the comments section here, there's a primatologist who lives in Borneo and he has an amazing story about the government spraying for mosquitoes and the mosquitoes NOT dying. If you don't have time for Sam's videos, definitely check out that guy's story. --David
Accepting a falsehood it not better than not knowing.
I imagine plenty of people have been jailed for crimes they didn't commit because the police couldn't figure out exactly why did it, so they blamed a convenient patsy, lied and planted evidence.
And that's what viruses are: Non-existent patsies. Illness of unknown cause is the crime, and viruses are guilty. Case closed.
I understand what you're saying but the case isn't closed until we KNOW what the cause of each disease IS. It isn't the SAME cause for EVERY disease that occurs in clusters which is why I would like even a hint of the likely causes when any specific disease is discussed. It isn't ok either to just list LOTS of possible causes. For a statement of possible causes AND remedies more research needs to be done to "close the case" - just as Bryan Ardis did with the snake venoms and conotoxins finishing up with nicotine as the remedy. Bryan Ardis was crucified most inappropriately by Dr Andrew Kaufman (who does do excellent work and videos in the virus & germ theory field) and Tom Cowen after he proposed both cause and remedy of the clot shots BUT his suggestion to use nicotine as a remedy was canned by both of these doctors as there were no double blind clinical trials. NOT A GOOD EXCUSE given that off-label medicines such as Ivermectin have been used for decades and NOT ONE double blind clinical trial was used for those off label cases. I realise this ISN'T ALWAYS possible but I would dearly love to know if there is anyone who CAN make useful suggestions as to both causes and remedies. The subject at hand is what COULD be cause of what is being CALLED "Dengue fever/disease".
If someone told you they were adopted, you would have no reason to disbelieve them just because they don't know who their biological parents are.
It's a logical fallacy and benefits no one to hold onto a disproven "theory" only because there is no new /proven theory to replace it. It's actually a distraction that harms us because it prevents us from looking for the actual cause.
Partly, also, we have been propagandized to believe in the "one disease, one cause" notion of illness.
How about just: IF our bodies are filled with too many toxins, we suffer from poor nutrient intake, not enough sunshine/fresh air/time in nature, we don't do enough physical activity, we have too much stress & not enough relaxation/spirituality/down time etc....
Then our bodies react with dis-ease, warning signs our bodies give us so we change our lifestyle.
And because we are all Individuals, and our toxic/stress etc overload is all unique, our bodies react in unique ways:
It could be allergies, skin outbreaks, dental issues, emotional/mental issues, joint issues, cancer, abdominal issues, stomach issues etc etc
Figuring out what really causes disease will take money and time, so I don't think the Bailys should be criticized for not being able to do that type of investigation. However, we do know from history that scurvy was once blamed on a germ as was phelagra because outbreaks occurred in clusters. Turned out to be nutrient deficiencies of C and B vitamins, respectively. So causes that can explain clusters include nutrient imbalances, and we know many substances are toxic, and people in the same area are likely to be exposed to the same toxins. So those transmission routes should also be considered with other diseases.
My Thursday essays at Substack often follow up on what Sam's saying. In the last couple of weeks commenters there have offered strange but not impossible theses about why folks get sick together.
Mary, I've attempted to narrow my Thursday health notes to this clustering of yours. You'll prolly not like my assortment of answers, but my articles will likely fulfill your demand for "even a hint of the likely causes." I've been hinting for a few Thursdays and I intend to hint for more Thursdays. --david
Yes, the Trump rattle is about six inches in length and is easy to shake. It has little shells and other things that make noise. People sit in groups and shake the rattles (each rattle is often built as an orange-skinned doll) and say "not our fault, not our fault, it is the fault of the trump." In a society this primitive, it actually works quite well. They have a superstition called "democracy" where they dress gullible people up and call them "the leader" and they can blame all their own faults on this leader or scape-goat.
Sorry for spelling "Drones" with an apostrophe. I'll leave it unedited as an act of contrition. I didn't notice the typo till I wrote this comment up as one of my twice-daily Linked In articles. (the ones with no readers except Dan Goldin, the former head of Nasa. And now I leave this comment-on-a-comment in sleeper mode, embedded here until the last trump. Shouldn't be too long.
I am funny, true. Alas, when you show up at my substack you will discover the other things I am, and you will back very, very slowly out the door. But hey, Elizabeth, you and me, we'll always have funny!
Weeell, I did show up at your substack, although I'm not reading much as of late.
And funny... I think of as a wonderful coping mechanism in an insane world. (not a bypassing, but a 'man, are we really still doing this...?' and a 'please, no!')
I've been through hell many times myself, and if I couldn't laugh at the incredible shit shit shitiness of it, I doubt I'd still be earth side.
The only thing that makes me back out the door are lies, manipulations, possibly insults and maybe, just maybe massive assumptions.
Here’s an example from my vegetable garden. In a damp cloudy summer here in the uk, potato and tomato plants will start to display signs of blight, which is a disease. The orthodox view is that the disease spreads from one plant to another. Once blight starts, it will usually be seen on every plant. However I don’t believe it spreads as a contagion. I think when the right conditions arise, each plant succumbs as an individual. It’s not contagious.
The problem is the idea that there are numerous named diseases as opposed to a state of dis-ease.
The former justifies the industrial medical complex and doctors who 'know about such things' and are so-called 'experts'.
The truth is we are individuals and whilst symptoms can be similar, each person who is dis-eased in a cluster will not be exactly in the the same state of health, physically and mentally.
It is possible for a group to be suffering from a deficiency (say vitamin niacin B3 missing in disease called pellagra) or from a poisoning event, say DDT.
No doubt radiation has a bearing on health, but its impact seems to vary depending on the individual.
A diseased person can have several different issues needing to be addressed, although one particular issue may be causing the bulk of the dis-ease.
But we need to get away from trying to box a set of similar symptoms as a named disease.
I understand your frustration. Paradigm shifts can be difficult. After reading “Terrain Therapy” I learned that disease is caused by God. Or the devil. Or both. Wait. Isn’t that what we believed before germ theory? That’s progress for you. Believing in something with even less evidence than viruses. Of course I do know if we take care of our health we are less likely to get sick and if we do it is less serious. Let’s do that. The rest is circus.
I'm in a longterm exploration of why diseases cluster if it's not cuz of wee bits having a go at folks. I left my life as a rich professor, gave away all stocks and money and land, and took to the streets on a quest. Years later (and years ago now), while seeking to overwinter in caves in the Niagara escarpment I met a witch who brought me back to her trailer. She does healings on zoom now. I experiment on myself by doing things like licking urinal handles during pandemics. I do standup comedy, also thinking through some of this. But readers who come to my substack from Sam's comments basement aren't interested in my findings, and would rather return to Sam's basement and other parts of the internet where they can complain about how their masters in Washington and Georgia (D.C. & C.D.C.) disappointed them. So I make more jokes. People say they're interested in why diseases follow a cluster pattern, but they're usually just pretending to be interested. What they really want to do is complain. To find a master who is not themselves that they can complain about. And that too, for me, is funny. Meanwhile, here at the trailer, we are performing life-and-death experiments on clustering. Of the more than five-million words I've written on this, I report 0.0001 percent of them every Thursday at noon. To get a flavor for what the witch & I are up to, she with a half century of energy work and me with a half century of skepticism, check out some of my comments elsewhere right here in this Sam basement or in any Sam basement for the last two-hundred videos. I'll be leaving Sam's basement soon, but the archive of my SubSam essays will likely remain. --david
How on earth are we expected to believe in all, or any, of this sudden blitz on us? Or that they can develop vaccines so quickly? For anyone with an IQ in excess of that of a cupcake it's simply not credible. More worrying is the WHO campaign of global health security which governments shall then hide behind.
With thousands or millions of proposed viruses floating around, the only thing that has saved mankind from extinction is that it's all poppycock. No way a body could ever fight off dozens of viruses at the same time. They can never tell us why one virus pops up and why another goes out of fashion only to reemerge months later. Certainly vaccines haven't saved anybody from anything. Otherwise no one would ever be sick or diseased.
"out of fashion" is the right phrase. Things in fashion can be profited from until the market is saturated, then big pharma change the fashion to market another pointless toxic vaccine or drug.
Drs Sam and Mark, just another fantastic breakdown of their lies!
What is interesting just like other 'viruses', is that the mosquito carries this so called virus around with it and it infects humans with it each time it takes blood. So how does this virus not only survive on/in a mosquito and again survive the winter months when there are no mosquitoes?
These parasites must take us for a bunch of idiots!
Thank you once again for this exposure! Best wishes.
Do you know anything about chikungunya? I had a friend post about getting it from a mosquito. What I struggled with when reading her post (she ended up in hospital as she had a fever… not sure why) but she listed off all the symptoms that convinced her she was positive and they’re often such generic symptoms: fever, joint pain, rash, headache…
And all I can do is take a deep breath and wait for people to catch up…
In the late 1800s the insect theory was proposed. It came in the light of a lot of doctors, surgeons and scientists exposing the false germ-theory of disease and the filthy & failed practice of inoculation and vaccination. Everything was now caused and spread by insects!
An article about the theory from 1899. There was a lot of talk about the theory but it was never proven. And if it was true it was not the only cause because there were places in Russia people got malaria where the temperatures are below zero and mosquitos can’t even survive.
In The Lancet, April 1909 we see the mosquito and malaria campaign that failed. They tried to kill all the moquito breeding places which had devastating effects on the gardens and the inhabitants in the area.
The campaign was also mentioned by a great body of scientists in 1913 exposing the fraudulent germ-theory of disease. They said that malaria was at its maximum where moquitos were absent and at a minimum where the mosquitos were most numerous!
It is more intelligent to believe in whiches than that microbes cause disease :-)
Humans consider themselves higher beings. Higher than all other life forms. They consider themselves intelligent and yet it seems that the largest of mammals and the smallest of insects are wiser. After 100 years people still believe things that have been disproven.
In a review of Dr. Nott's insect theory written by William Riley he states:
"The danger in using isolated sentences from an article as a basis for interpreting the author's theories, is generally recognized, but sometimes the most careful workers fall into the trap. Once the mistaken interpretation is published, it may be copied over and over again until it rises to the dignity of a dogma"
And the good man William is right about that. Though further down in the review he falls into the exact same trap mentioning Pasteur and Koch but not Antoine Bechamp and Burdon Sanderson who who discovered fermentation and spontaneos generation in germinal matter.
Its all about killing off and poisoning everything. Kill the insects. Kill the birds. Poison the crops. Poison the body from birth to grave. Kill the microbes. Kill the cow... Kill, kill, kill!! Insanity.
Thank you - You have to be patient with that Lancet Report. It's 1058 pages and 664MB so it might take a while to load. You can though when it's done download it for free on the top left, so you can open and search the document a lot faster.
My former brother-in-law and former friend, the constant gardener George Jagoe, has made a ton of money spraying Africa with DDT. Made enough to have servants. Yup, actual DDT, as if to prove that our species is incapable of learning anything. My constant-gardener reference is a fine joke referencing the John LeCarre novel. It's a joke about pharmaceutical mass murder in Africa. It's a fine joke because as I always said: instead of killing mosquitoes, plant food gardens. George was the opposite of a gardener. I always insisted: instead of destroying Africa's bird population, plant food gardens. Instead of obliterating Africa's fens and marshes, plant food gardens. Whenever people tell themselves human problems are "difficult" or "intractable," the answer is almost always a high-mulch no-water no-fertilizer high-yield kitchen garden. Most everything else is a mix of phobias and yakkity-yak. --Thor
Thank goodness for you and your colleagues who keep a sharp eye on what these "elites" are planning and giving us the other side of the reality. Thank you.
Eating raw meat, Raw dairy , High intensity strength training, practicing perfect posture, breathing through your nose softly only, engaging with your fellow human being in love , optimal sleep. Everything else related to medicine is most likely bullshit.
Timely piece. 20 yrs in the Borneo forests as a mosquito pin cushion & I've never caught anything, despite seeing hundreds of backwards diagnoses in the people around me. Two days ago the gov't fogged my entire street, supposedly due to a case of dengue in my neighbour. I did wonder if my dogs, chickens or I would get sick from the 'disinfectant' (nothing so far) but I also noticed none of the mosquitos have died on my property, not even a dip in numbers.
I was actually wondering if it was all just a performative show? As they stopped traffic and were at it in hazmats for a couple of hours.
If it were a genuine insecticide I would have expected to see some die off in the target species or affect on say the frogs in my aquaponics, but nothing...
Might have been having a go at the larvae, but I'm lovin the hazmat-costume drama motif.
All the world's a stage...
I considered that but if the adults are unaffected, more larvae imho 🤷
Yeah, I agree that it would just sort of encourage them.
I'm starting back learning Indonesian after 45 years.
Here we go again.. Maybe I am way off the mark here but it made me think wouldn't a needle pushed into a baby mouse brain kill it anyway! Such a tiny brain.. What size needle would be pushed into a human brain that would match the percentage of the poor mouse's brain? What is happening to the world? Great video again Dr. Sam..
A half-inch copper pipe like I use for tapping maple trees might give you the caliber you're looking for. Plus the idea of Canadians doing nationalism experiments by "tapping" immigrants has certain dark-comedy overtones. Or maybe inject maple syrup into brains to improve their Canadian content. The flags of Canada literally have "Made In China" mini-flags sewn onto them, so the country is nearly totally lacking in irony. Lotta saps here in maple territory. --Thor
Legal notice: the advice offered here is not intended to cure any disease other than hyper nationalism. Consult a qualified medical practitioner for proper wikipedia-style advice.
Hi Dr. Sam👋
Did you know that lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich links to your video "Viruses don't exist and why it matters" on his Telegram channel..!?
- And that most of his followers have reacted positively to it..!?
Wow. I've been waiting for Reiner to take that next step!
Is it his official channel? I haven't looked at his Telegram channel in awhile so I'll have to check it out.
In possibly related news, Sam gave me a like yesterday. First time in a year.
I think the allopathic medical system has been designed to generate revenues and profits. Create a disease and then pretend a set of symptoms and signs can be diagnosed. Pharmaceutical drugs can be prescribed. Or, a vaccine can be cooked up. Either way, the revenues kick in along with harmful side effects so more products can be sold and administered. It all leads to poor health and death.
You’ve helped me to see the system for what it is. Thank you. 🙏🏼
They are clearly ramping up the rhetoric to prime the population for a coming pandemic. Here bird flu is going "pole to pole". This article is a cornucopia of germ fear spread to polar bears, seals, by hogs, and of course because of climate change!
There is a lot of truth being revealed since the breaking of the first seal, aka COVID, as predicted in Revelations. Apocalypse = unveiling. Big hugs to YOU, Drs Sam and Mark, and all genuine truthers. One of the best books of the covid era, and I think, of the century is WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL by Parker and Lester. https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/ 👍👍👍
last trump a-comin'
I prefer suggestions as to how these diseases CAN occur in clusters when things like viruses etc are ruled out. Hence my suggestion of either by air (aerosol spraying?) or by water (in the local water reservoir?)
Public water is pathetically toxic. The food supply? The air? Personal products? Cleaning products?
what isn’t toxic?
Do not ignore fear and sympathetic reasons as to why contagion appears to be viable, which it isn't.
Plenty of clues spread across more than two-hundred Sam Bailey videos.
Who has time to watch 200 videos for an answer to an obvious question in one of them. Surely a reference to an alternative is appropriate.
I am leaning strongly towards the idea that viruses don't exist as contagion owing to the many reasons given, but it is frustrating that nearly every video I watch telling me viruses don't exist fails to address possible / likely reasons that they do form in clusters. As one who fully accepts the idea of dead bits of DNA being used as excuses for viruses I simply want the plausible explanation for the occurrence of these diseases in clusters. I am trying to shift my thinking from how we've been brain washed. Telling me the old explanations for diseases are wrong doesn't help me do this when I don't see alternative explanations. If people are to be fully 'converted" in their way of thinking about causes of disease - not only do they need to be told what is wrong with the old thinking but some clues as to genuine causes and both parts of the process of the "conversion" require repetition to some degree if we are all to be re-educated. This is where Bryan Ardis really starred in his immense research regarding what was in the jabs and how to combat the toxins in them. He didn't just say "Ah the spike proteins are snake venoms or conotoxins" and leave it at that. He also extended his research and informed us how to deal with them. He completed the story. Even a reference to another video or link explaining alternative reasons diseases occur in clusters even for the most important reason which for us to know how we can prevent getting them. Apart from water and air being means of spreading toxins I suspect 5G which effects people certain distances from cell towers - which could explain the cluster effect - I do know that 5G and also high frequency WiFi can displace iron from haemoglobin and interfere with the development of neural pathways in babies and young children. So even this sort of detail being thrown in here and there would help the "thinking-conversion-process".
True enough, I suppose. So yes, all the usual suspects:
Public water. Food supply. Air. Aerosols. Contrails. Aerial spraying. Drone's performing aerial spraying. Stress from multiple attempts to spell "aerial." Personal products. Cleaning products. Personal cleaning products. Earth wind and fire and Trump. Are we still doing Trump? I forget.
I could do a list of fifty more, and so could you. So yes, endorse your intuitions.
Most fun for me is in the comments section here, there's a primatologist who lives in Borneo and he has an amazing story about the government spraying for mosquitoes and the mosquitoes NOT dying. If you don't have time for Sam's videos, definitely check out that guy's story. --David
Accepting a falsehood it not better than not knowing.
I imagine plenty of people have been jailed for crimes they didn't commit because the police couldn't figure out exactly why did it, so they blamed a convenient patsy, lied and planted evidence.
And that's what viruses are: Non-existent patsies. Illness of unknown cause is the crime, and viruses are guilty. Case closed.
I understand what you're saying but the case isn't closed until we KNOW what the cause of each disease IS. It isn't the SAME cause for EVERY disease that occurs in clusters which is why I would like even a hint of the likely causes when any specific disease is discussed. It isn't ok either to just list LOTS of possible causes. For a statement of possible causes AND remedies more research needs to be done to "close the case" - just as Bryan Ardis did with the snake venoms and conotoxins finishing up with nicotine as the remedy. Bryan Ardis was crucified most inappropriately by Dr Andrew Kaufman (who does do excellent work and videos in the virus & germ theory field) and Tom Cowen after he proposed both cause and remedy of the clot shots BUT his suggestion to use nicotine as a remedy was canned by both of these doctors as there were no double blind clinical trials. NOT A GOOD EXCUSE given that off-label medicines such as Ivermectin have been used for decades and NOT ONE double blind clinical trial was used for those off label cases. I realise this ISN'T ALWAYS possible but I would dearly love to know if there is anyone who CAN make useful suggestions as to both causes and remedies. The subject at hand is what COULD be cause of what is being CALLED "Dengue fever/disease".
Dr Tom Cowan gave a great analogy recently:
If someone told you they were adopted, you would have no reason to disbelieve them just because they don't know who their biological parents are.
It's a logical fallacy and benefits no one to hold onto a disproven "theory" only because there is no new /proven theory to replace it. It's actually a distraction that harms us because it prevents us from looking for the actual cause.
Partly, also, we have been propagandized to believe in the "one disease, one cause" notion of illness.
How about just: IF our bodies are filled with too many toxins, we suffer from poor nutrient intake, not enough sunshine/fresh air/time in nature, we don't do enough physical activity, we have too much stress & not enough relaxation/spirituality/down time etc....
Then our bodies react with dis-ease, warning signs our bodies give us so we change our lifestyle.
And because we are all Individuals, and our toxic/stress etc overload is all unique, our bodies react in unique ways:
It could be allergies, skin outbreaks, dental issues, emotional/mental issues, joint issues, cancer, abdominal issues, stomach issues etc etc
Figuring out what really causes disease will take money and time, so I don't think the Bailys should be criticized for not being able to do that type of investigation. However, we do know from history that scurvy was once blamed on a germ as was phelagra because outbreaks occurred in clusters. Turned out to be nutrient deficiencies of C and B vitamins, respectively. So causes that can explain clusters include nutrient imbalances, and we know many substances are toxic, and people in the same area are likely to be exposed to the same toxins. So those transmission routes should also be considered with other diseases.
My Thursday essays at Substack often follow up on what Sam's saying. In the last couple of weeks commenters there have offered strange but not impossible theses about why folks get sick together.
Mary, I've attempted to narrow my Thursday health notes to this clustering of yours. You'll prolly not like my assortment of answers, but my articles will likely fulfill your demand for "even a hint of the likely causes." I've been hinting for a few Thursdays and I intend to hint for more Thursdays. --david
Yes. Trump. Number one cause of illness.
Yes, the Trump rattle is about six inches in length and is easy to shake. It has little shells and other things that make noise. People sit in groups and shake the rattles (each rattle is often built as an orange-skinned doll) and say "not our fault, not our fault, it is the fault of the trump." In a society this primitive, it actually works quite well. They have a superstition called "democracy" where they dress gullible people up and call them "the leader" and they can blame all their own faults on this leader or scape-goat.
Since President Warp Speed is still pushing the covax he can be considered a causative factor in some cases.
Sorry for spelling "Drones" with an apostrophe. I'll leave it unedited as an act of contrition. I didn't notice the typo till I wrote this comment up as one of my twice-daily Linked In articles. (the ones with no readers except Dan Goldin, the former head of Nasa. And now I leave this comment-on-a-comment in sleeper mode, embedded here until the last trump. Shouldn't be too long.
You're very funny, thank you. Stress relieving laughter.
I am funny, true. Alas, when you show up at my substack you will discover the other things I am, and you will back very, very slowly out the door. But hey, Elizabeth, you and me, we'll always have funny!
Weeell, I did show up at your substack, although I'm not reading much as of late.
And funny... I think of as a wonderful coping mechanism in an insane world. (not a bypassing, but a 'man, are we really still doing this...?' and a 'please, no!')
I've been through hell many times myself, and if I couldn't laugh at the incredible shit shit shitiness of it, I doubt I'd still be earth side.
The only thing that makes me back out the door are lies, manipulations, possibly insults and maybe, just maybe massive assumptions.
Here’s an example from my vegetable garden. In a damp cloudy summer here in the uk, potato and tomato plants will start to display signs of blight, which is a disease. The orthodox view is that the disease spreads from one plant to another. Once blight starts, it will usually be seen on every plant. However I don’t believe it spreads as a contagion. I think when the right conditions arise, each plant succumbs as an individual. It’s not contagious.
A few references supporting real alternative explanations:
-Flint Michigan
-Exxon Valdez oil spill
-Palestine, Ohio
I hope these references satisfy the alternative hypothesis that toxicity can cause clusters of disease.
The problem is the idea that there are numerous named diseases as opposed to a state of dis-ease.
The former justifies the industrial medical complex and doctors who 'know about such things' and are so-called 'experts'.
The truth is we are individuals and whilst symptoms can be similar, each person who is dis-eased in a cluster will not be exactly in the the same state of health, physically and mentally.
It is possible for a group to be suffering from a deficiency (say vitamin niacin B3 missing in disease called pellagra) or from a poisoning event, say DDT.
No doubt radiation has a bearing on health, but its impact seems to vary depending on the individual.
A diseased person can have several different issues needing to be addressed, although one particular issue may be causing the bulk of the dis-ease.
But we need to get away from trying to box a set of similar symptoms as a named disease.
I understand your frustration. Paradigm shifts can be difficult. After reading “Terrain Therapy” I learned that disease is caused by God. Or the devil. Or both. Wait. Isn’t that what we believed before germ theory? That’s progress for you. Believing in something with even less evidence than viruses. Of course I do know if we take care of our health we are less likely to get sick and if we do it is less serious. Let’s do that. The rest is circus.
I'm in a longterm exploration of why diseases cluster if it's not cuz of wee bits having a go at folks. I left my life as a rich professor, gave away all stocks and money and land, and took to the streets on a quest. Years later (and years ago now), while seeking to overwinter in caves in the Niagara escarpment I met a witch who brought me back to her trailer. She does healings on zoom now. I experiment on myself by doing things like licking urinal handles during pandemics. I do standup comedy, also thinking through some of this. But readers who come to my substack from Sam's comments basement aren't interested in my findings, and would rather return to Sam's basement and other parts of the internet where they can complain about how their masters in Washington and Georgia (D.C. & C.D.C.) disappointed them. So I make more jokes. People say they're interested in why diseases follow a cluster pattern, but they're usually just pretending to be interested. What they really want to do is complain. To find a master who is not themselves that they can complain about. And that too, for me, is funny. Meanwhile, here at the trailer, we are performing life-and-death experiments on clustering. Of the more than five-million words I've written on this, I report 0.0001 percent of them every Thursday at noon. To get a flavor for what the witch & I are up to, she with a half century of energy work and me with a half century of skepticism, check out some of my comments elsewhere right here in this Sam basement or in any Sam basement for the last two-hundred videos. I'll be leaving Sam's basement soon, but the archive of my SubSam essays will likely remain. --david
Look up scurvy and limeys. Then watch Erin Brockovich.
Covid is the regular flu.
And the regular flu is how the body detoxifies.
How on earth are we expected to believe in all, or any, of this sudden blitz on us? Or that they can develop vaccines so quickly? For anyone with an IQ in excess of that of a cupcake it's simply not credible. More worrying is the WHO campaign of global health security which governments shall then hide behind.
With thousands or millions of proposed viruses floating around, the only thing that has saved mankind from extinction is that it's all poppycock. No way a body could ever fight off dozens of viruses at the same time. They can never tell us why one virus pops up and why another goes out of fashion only to reemerge months later. Certainly vaccines haven't saved anybody from anything. Otherwise no one would ever be sick or diseased.
"out of fashion" is the right phrase. Things in fashion can be profited from until the market is saturated, then big pharma change the fashion to market another pointless toxic vaccine or drug.
Drs Sam and Mark, just another fantastic breakdown of their lies!
What is interesting just like other 'viruses', is that the mosquito carries this so called virus around with it and it infects humans with it each time it takes blood. So how does this virus not only survive on/in a mosquito and again survive the winter months when there are no mosquitoes?
These parasites must take us for a bunch of idiots!
Thank you once again for this exposure! Best wishes.
Do you know anything about chikungunya? I had a friend post about getting it from a mosquito. What I struggled with when reading her post (she ended up in hospital as she had a fever… not sure why) but she listed off all the symptoms that convinced her she was positive and they’re often such generic symptoms: fever, joint pain, rash, headache…
And all I can do is take a deep breath and wait for people to catch up…
In the late 1800s the insect theory was proposed. It came in the light of a lot of doctors, surgeons and scientists exposing the false germ-theory of disease and the filthy & failed practice of inoculation and vaccination. Everything was now caused and spread by insects!
House fly spreading diseases:
Infantile paralysis and the house fly:
Ants crawling into the ears of babies and laying eggs which could cause meningitis - You can't make this shit up:
An article about the theory from 1899. There was a lot of talk about the theory but it was never proven. And if it was true it was not the only cause because there were places in Russia people got malaria where the temperatures are below zero and mosquitos can’t even survive.
In The Lancet, April 1909 we see the mosquito and malaria campaign that failed. They tried to kill all the moquito breeding places which had devastating effects on the gardens and the inhabitants in the area.
The campaign was also mentioned by a great body of scientists in 1913 exposing the fraudulent germ-theory of disease. They said that malaria was at its maximum where moquitos were absent and at a minimum where the mosquitos were most numerous!
It is more intelligent to believe in whiches than that microbes cause disease :-)
Humans consider themselves higher beings. Higher than all other life forms. They consider themselves intelligent and yet it seems that the largest of mammals and the smallest of insects are wiser. After 100 years people still believe things that have been disproven.
In a review of Dr. Nott's insect theory written by William Riley he states:
"The danger in using isolated sentences from an article as a basis for interpreting the author's theories, is generally recognized, but sometimes the most careful workers fall into the trap. Once the mistaken interpretation is published, it may be copied over and over again until it rises to the dignity of a dogma"
And the good man William is right about that. Though further down in the review he falls into the exact same trap mentioning Pasteur and Koch but not Antoine Bechamp and Burdon Sanderson who who discovered fermentation and spontaneos generation in germinal matter.
Its all about killing off and poisoning everything. Kill the insects. Kill the birds. Poison the crops. Poison the body from birth to grave. Kill the microbes. Kill the cow... Kill, kill, kill!! Insanity.
Many thanks for all that information. The Lancet, April 1909 pdf comes up blank though.
Thank you - You have to be patient with that Lancet Report. It's 1058 pages and 664MB so it might take a while to load. You can though when it's done download it for free on the top left, so you can open and search the document a lot faster.
My former brother-in-law and former friend, the constant gardener George Jagoe, has made a ton of money spraying Africa with DDT. Made enough to have servants. Yup, actual DDT, as if to prove that our species is incapable of learning anything. My constant-gardener reference is a fine joke referencing the John LeCarre novel. It's a joke about pharmaceutical mass murder in Africa. It's a fine joke because as I always said: instead of killing mosquitoes, plant food gardens. George was the opposite of a gardener. I always insisted: instead of destroying Africa's bird population, plant food gardens. Instead of obliterating Africa's fens and marshes, plant food gardens. Whenever people tell themselves human problems are "difficult" or "intractable," the answer is almost always a high-mulch no-water no-fertilizer high-yield kitchen garden. Most everything else is a mix of phobias and yakkity-yak. --Thor
Just received my copy of "The Final Pandemic". Thanks so much Sam and Mark.