My daughter is 6 weeks old so I’m right in the middle of being bombarded with vaccine-propaganda. The latest was today when we received a home visit. I have been clear from the beginning that she won’t be getting any vaccines, but my husband isn’t convinced so despite my objections he keeps asking the doctors about the vaccines.

Today, they were sitting and discussing it, including my “hesitancy” right in front of me and came to the conclusion that the only reason I question it must be because I’m a foreigner (I’m Swedish but I live in Japan) because clearly there can’t be any other reason why I don’t want my daughter injected with that crap. The woman then convinced him to talk with his family and anyone else around us and have them help him convince me about how important it is to inject our daughter with that crap.. I swear, it was like I wasn’t even in the room. I still don’t know if I should laugh or cry..

After the woman left, my husband, yet again, sits in front of me with that wounded puppy-look on his face and asks me what we should do. I again state that my daughter won’t be injected with anything and asks him if he’s truly okay with injecting his healthy child with poison. He says “No, but everyone else is doing it.”.

I sat and explained all of this to him as late as a couple of weeks ago and while he seemed to listen to my explanations then, it’s clear that yet again everything I said went in one ear and out the other..

I’ve spent the last 4 years sending him research and information about vaccines and germ theory and yet, here we are again, right where we started..

I’m frankly so tired and exhausted..

I told him to do the research himself for a change and then he can see for himself. I know he won’t though.. I frankly don’t even think it’s as much about him believing that these diseases are so deadly and dangerous but more about him being too cowardly to stand up to perceived authority.. This much was clear to me during my daughter’s birth as well when the doctors stopped asking me for consent and instead started going straight to him instead because they knew that he’d say “Yes” to everything they asked without question..

Excuse the rant, I’m just really riled up from that damn home visit today and needed to vent.. I wish I had married someone with the ability to think for himself and a willingness to stand up to protect his family.. I’m so tired (and taking care of a newborn obviously doesn’t help in the energy department either)..

It does help to come here and see that at least I’m not the only one who sees through the scam and propaganda though so that’s something.

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Being tired is what they want, stay alert & give puppy face a whack over the nose for not being more supportive.

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Good luck to you! Sounds like an absolutely draining situation to be in but glad to hear your staying strong. I just had a couple counselling appointment today with my partner because she thinks I’m delusional and paranoid for not wanting to vaccinate in the future. At this rate there won’t be a kid as this has been going on for 6 months and she still refuses to comprehend any concerning information about how vaccines can and do harm adults and children. Keep fighting the good fight though! I sure as shit won’t be backing down after what iv learned in the past 3 or so years about this poison haha.

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One of the problems in discussing the "vaccine issue" with most people is that it is not a discussion about science or medicine or even a discussion about some product, it has become a discussion about a civic religion. The poisonous injection is the sacrament.

The belief, and that is what it is, that vaccines have been a "miracle" of modern medicine is accepted as an indisputable article of faith. When arguing against such dogma, which must be done, many will take it as a personal attack on their entire belief system. Cutting through that is the greater challenge in my experience.

Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud. Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.

Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.

There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.

Vaccination is and has always been a racketeering operation.

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GREAT comment.

A racketeering operation which has been rendered into a compulsory religion. And worst of all, the people who fancy themselves as championing social change and progress are often the ones who are the most demanding of adherence to this blind faith in this scientism masquerading as "SCIENCE."

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The cult needs racketeering as much as tennis needs rackets.

Vaccinating--it's in the wrist action.

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Yes, and if any jab was any good, they would not need indemnity from prosecution for harms caused.

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Sorry to hear this and not one bit surprised you feel exhausted and angry. I feel sorry for you. I doubt we could have stayed married if we had not agreed not to vaccinate. We have been against all vaccination since 98 our children grew up with this view. My extended family are all vaccine addicts. The force of propaganda driven group think cannot be underestimated. People, it seems, would rather risk injury or death than stand out from the crowd and think for themselves. Keep as calm and stress the freedom NOT to put drugs into your child. NOT to do something. Good health does not result from drugs. If it did drug addicts would be the most healthy people on earth. Do your family believe that 10 vaccines are better than 1; 100 are better than 10; 1000 are better than 100? How about 5000? How about one "vaccine" a day for life? Stress the risk from diseases, supposedly made immune from by vaccination, is tiny, but vaccine risk is large. Tell them you refuse to put your happy healthy child at any risk. Vaccine evangelists tell us we should take drugs ( and risk) for self protection ; we reply we are fine with our natural immunity and prefer not to take any risk. They tell us we should take drugs (and risk) to protect others; we reply that risking our own health to help others is voluntary and if coerced is an attack. Good luck.

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A key to dividing the masses are choices such as these. Stay strong and stand firm. If your man is looking for someone else to make decisions for him, let it be you 🖐😊

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I feel for you...you are doing the right thing for your daughter...know that. I understand your frustration...we all have been raised and indoctrinated with one set of ideas and it's difficult for most to open their minds and realize that there may be OTHER ways of interpreting the world around them. I WISH I could raise my kids all over again knowing what I know now. I would have never let them be injected with those toxins. And, they would not have needed all those antibiotics either. AND, I would have been able to better interpret what was happening to one of my kids whom they had diagnosed with asthma. Tell your husband that if these shots actually worked, kids would not fall ill, yet they do. Kids are more chronically ill in these times than ever! Kids are born perfectly healthy but then the medical establishment poisons and corrupts their bodies and then their minds in institutions like public schools. Tell your husband that if he believes in illnesses and viruses, then he will undoubtedly get sick. Yet if you have a healthy life style in mind and body, and treat yourself with kindness as you would treat others, illness does not befall that body. Much love to you and you family. Peace.

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[We were all thinkin it. Someone had to say it. Men are supposed to protect their families.]

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Yes. Take the baby to visit in sweden. Find a real man and don't come back.

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easier said than done. a mother with a young child is vulnerable in many ways.

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I know, right? The first couple of years are when women and children most need protection. Plus there's the cross-cultural context. Ugh. The guy who should be protecting is apparently inviting the monsters across the threshold. I mostly wrote that on the off-chance that the father would read the comments here. I can't exactly take him out for a beer and ask him what he's doing.

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he should be asked why he's doing what he's doing.

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He spent far to long in the government indoctrination camps. (schools) He is beyond help as he is incapable of critical thinking.

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I'd say "okay dear I'm taking the kid to get the vaccine in Okinawa" and I'd fly to Sweden.

I offer this as a parable of urgency rather than actionable legal advice.

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There is a pediatrician (i believe he was forced to stop practicing) named Paul Thomas, who collected extensive data on his patients comparing the jabbed vs the un-vxd. Those who had received none, were overwhelmingly healthier (the factor being no sick visits) than the vaxxed kids.

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My heart goes out to you niko. You have done your homework for your child. I admire you for standing on the side of the child. It has cost you but you have done well. My prayers go out to you and your family. Thanks for sharing your compelling story.

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I am also concerned as my daughter is expecting next year February. Her partner 's family have all taken it barring him but he believes in the science, right!

They are contemplating this decision to have the child jabbed up which I am totally against. I mean why would people want to do this when the evidence is there?

I do hope that he will come around and perhaps a happy family unit be 'born' out of this realization. Good luck!

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Best get rid of him, he is not to be trusted and would willingly have the child poisoned if your back was turned. "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead"

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You have done well. Keep ignoring them all. This is YOUR baby and it's whole future is in your hands. Your child will thank you later. You are not "hesitatant" you are INFORMED. Correct them next time and tell them you have done the research thank you. Their profit loss isn't your problem.

I remember having an online argument with an old schoolmate midwife. I said doctors recieved kickbacks for vaccines. She said they do not I'm being ridiculous and she would run around town naked if I could prove it. As a nurse she was far more informed. This was in 2o21. I simply went to google and found a current PUBLIC news article stating the insane kickbacks our taxes were paying doctors. She unfriened me😂

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Nike, be very proud of yourself and what a Warrior Mom you are. I am sure your husband is strong in other areas and tell him to focus on those areas to support your family and you will keep everyone safe. Blessing

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Niko, I think. Or I need glasses. You can't do "just do it" jokes with Niko.

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It's standard protocol for them to engage family members to pressure you if you do not consent. It's taught in the literature; it is cruel, manipulative and brutal. I'm sorry you had to go through this, they just rely on someone in your circle being statistically likely to cave and if it hadn't been your husband they probably would have gone through everyone else in the building to heap on you until YOU caved!

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Videos with information about narcissists, such as @DoctorRamani on YT, and videos on "How To Be Stoic" might help you cope with this. I'm not saying that your husband sounds narcissistic. What I'm saying is: Learning how these people operate will help you recognize bad behavior. If anything, your husband sounds more like one of the flying monkeys who support and defend the narcissists. Listening to tips on "How To Be More Stoic", will help strengthen your belief system, and stick to your guns. You are not alone. Good luck Niko.

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Most humans on planet earth today are so brainwashed that they cannot be labelled as 'misbehaving'. Being mind-controlled is not narcissism. When it comes to The Medical Mafia, education is key. First, emphasize Informed Consent. One cannot give informed consent without being educated about what they are consenting or not consenting! Duh! What moron/monster would inject a child with something they know nothing about? Once he investigates, he will learn the truth. Stay strong mama bear! Your fight is the most worthy fight!

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That is incredibly tough for you. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this issue without much support. You are incredibly brave.....my hat is off to you!

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I smell WHO-OPPING profits for Big Pharma 💉 Buttressed by hefty cough-ups from the taxpayer 🥺😢

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whooping cough-ups ;-))

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I am so grateful for this information, and have been reading your book "Virus Mania".

I have just received a book from Amazon, which strongly backs up your teaching. The title is "The Secrets of Underground Medicine" by Dr Richard Gerhauser.

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A well-wisher bought me a book on Amazon. In the back instead of saying "published" by Amazon it said, weirdly, ""constructed by Amazon." The book was written by a guy in my neighborhood in Concord Massachusetts. A tiny little creature smaller than a period was wandering around on page 177 in the sunlight. He wandered up over the top. Later I found him near the W on the title page. The book has a weirdly soft cover. Almost like hyper-soft. What chemical did they use to make something softer than leather? I left the book in the sunlight with the creature near the W. Later I looked at the book at an angle to the sun and noticed shiny bits, like leaks. There was one near the W. [The book's title is Walden] I got my jeweler's loupe out, wondering why the creature hadn't moved. He was dead. I think he got caught in the leakage from the W.

When Dad died he left kid gloves. I wear them when I read this Amazon book now.

We all know Amazon is evil. Underground medicine? Hmm. Perhaps we have disturbed something in the depths.

True story.

--David Thor

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Listen to you. You were in haste and couldn’t take the time to read what I wrote or you wouldn’t have said “page.” But it’s not just that you’re sloppy, is it? You’re doing something much worse here.

I’ve had my share of C minus students in the back row so let’s sort this out. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re smart enough to not have made the obvious mistake and misunderstood the default setting. So you’re a liar. You understood very well that you were going to randomly prioritize the default setting at orthodoxy (book covers don’t leak). Yet you did it anyway. You set up the orthodox position as if it were a given, as if it didn’t need photos or evidence or microscopes or “macro-photography” [lol—you couldn’t just say photos?], and then tried to slide the burden of proof for your assertions onto me. Pretending you didn’t do so.

Be so kind as to send the proof you would need for your claim or go away. My story speaks for itself. Orthodoxy and its two-bit apologists have had a free ride for too long. People who understand the layout are here, so you lot can go now.

—David Thor

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Whooping Cough Boosters for Adults? The Vaccines Don’t Even Work for Kids, Experts Say

Experts interviewed by The Defender said the vaccines don’t prevent transmission and come with dangerous side effects.

NBC News this week reported whooping cough “rising sharply” in some countries and quoted experts warning pregnant moms and parents to vaccinate their kids and adults to get boosters. Experts interviewed by The Defender said the vaccines don’t prevent transmission and come with dangerous side effects.

By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

19 April, 2024

This was another example, Thorp said, “where this fable that the vaccine would provide immunity was forced down the throats of pregnant women with the backing of the medical-industrial-complex without a randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.”

No vaccine should be given during pregnancy, Thorp said. “But now the pharmaceutical industrial complex is pushing six vaccines including for influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, RSV, and COVID-19.”

“From the fetus to the infant at 12 months of life, there are about 42 vaccines administered in 2024, compared with about 11 in 1986,” he added. “This is absurd and an abomination of science.”

Please continue for full article >


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I no longer support CHD. They are on the wrong track, iMO, keeping this virus myth alive. They have become HUGE since 2020 and I question where they're going with all their articles and TV channels. No, they are working within the overton window. The only good thing is that they may educate parents to not choose to jab their kids...but they need to look at this virus model and make a decision.

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Bobby Jr admits he's pro-vax but just wants a "safe vaccine." #nosuchthing

Sorry Bobby but if you took out all the noxious vaccine substances, all you'd be left with is a benign placebo. Of course Bobby knows this but has to appear he's a "white hat" when in actuality he's in the Big Club with the rest of the actors on the political stage.

What's In A Flu Shot? https://youtu.be/kU4lwhaj_W4?si=RmQihfcm9eGnypH5

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RFK JR Wants YOU to TRUST the CDC and FDA 😳


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I noticed in interviews Meryl Nass will always bring the conversation back to viruses, a true gatekeeper. I can't cite any particular example, as it has been a while since I bothered with anything she has to say.

As a side, does anyone truly believe RFK Jr. really wrote that Fauci book? Alone or even at all?

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same here. early on @covid-steria CHD was impressive, yet recently (more or less when RFK,Jr. became actively involved in the up-coming elections or so?) it's articles are no more than a rehash from before. still subb'd though, in a "know thy enemy" sort of way.

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It has never been proven they do not exist. From an evolutionary perspective, why would they not? RNA was around a long time, prior to the evolution of DNA. They are not particularly infectious because RNA has no error-checking mechanism, so most of the produced clones will be useless.

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Karl, you sound like a flat earther claiming that no one has proven that the earth is spherical, like a ball floating in space. Maybe, like Augustine, you think that if there are people living on the underside of the earth they must have huge feet to keep them from falling off (read the Confessions of St. Augustine). While it's impossible to prove a negative, like virus's don't exist, the fact that in over a century of searching no one can prove that they've found one should be sufficient reason to steer clear of snake oil preparations and vaccines that purport to protect you from them.

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Is the 'Flat Earther' analogy the best one? After all, whether you think the earth is an (approx.) sphere, which I do, else flat, the earth still exists.

Maybe, a better analogy is religion; if you believe in an invisible 'entity', no one has ever seen (outside of a psych unit), which I don't.

I neither said I believe viruses exist; just that they might. Unlike the 'no virus' crowd who won't even acknowledge any chance they do exist. Certainly, Kevin McKernan believes they do, as explained in his sub article: 'https://anandamide.substack.com/p/viroids-and-obelisks'.

What I did say, is that evolutionarily they certainly should exist. Lots happens over billions of years, and a pathogen that can attack a host using the host's own energy, seems like an elegant solution for any pathogen.

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Well there is one thing that I do know, and that is if there was no media hype there certainly would not have been a 'pandemic' and certainly no 'viruses' ( pathogenic micro-organisms).....however could there be a toxin of sorts around????

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Hahaha, I didn't say that virus's don't exist, just that nobody has ever proven that they do, but I will say that there's a lot more evidence for "an invisible entity" that billions of people call God than there is for virus's or dark matter and dark energy.

That a bunch of people, called scientists, postulate the existence of types of matter and energy that can't be seen or interacted with in any way (yet) simply because they were proven wrong about their belief that the universe must be contracting while in fact , by observation, it's expansion is accelerating rather than decelerating because of the influence of this strange stuff, and millions of people as well as who knows how many other scientists accept their hype as fact is a mystery to me; however, that so many people off handedly disregard the likely existence of a creator when there's such an overwhelming amount of evidence for It's existence is a far greater mystery, as you say, "the earth still exists". Where it derives from is quite clear now, the Big Bang, but where and how that event took place is still as great a mystery as it has ever been. To try and make the case "that evolutionarily they (virus's) certainly should exist" is really just an admission that truly obvious explanation is unacceptable, that everything in existence was designed and created by something far beyond our understanding.

As for religion, It's a serious blunder to conflate religion with the creator. Man is responsible for the development of all religions, which exist (in part) to try and explain what they believe are the mysteries of the creator.

The creator, or God as It's called in English, is the designer and prime mover that brought all things into existence for It's own reasons and purposes. If there's no creator then everything is simply an accident, and if that's the case then another accident could end it all at any second.

Hahaha, But how can there be an accident when there's nothing to be involved in an accident? Scientists claim that there was always something there, they like to use the word singularity to describe what was there in the beginning because to most of them the idea of themselves actually being creatures is not acceptable, otherwise they're not the greatest things in creation, they're not really at the top of the food chain. Hahaha!

What you personally believe Karl is obviously up to you, as it is to each of us, and I most certainly won't begrudge your choices.

I wish you the very best in all of your endeavors throughout your entire life, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Who committed this crime against humanity?

Elizabeth Hart

Jan 06, 2024

In a recent substack article, Sage Hana said: “THEY FAKED A PANDEMIC TO INSTALL TOTALITARIANISM.”

This is a succinct summary of the Covid debacle…

So who was behind this? Who are the actors who facilitated ‘Covid’ stealing the peoples’ personal autonomy and bodily integrity via the imposition of restrictions/lockdowns, testing, masking/muzzling, vaccines, and surveillance?

We need to build a list of those who were complicit in the betrayal of the people, complicit in the theft of freedom.

For instance, Greg Hunt, who was Australia’s Health Minister during the bulk of the ‘Covid’ scam.

Prior to entering the Australian Parliament in 2001, Greg Hunt was the Director of Global Strategy of the World Economic Forum 2000-2001 - responsible for the development of global strategy for the WEF, working directly to the CEO, and during 1999-2001 he was Engagement Manager – McKinsey & Co, providing specialist advice in telecommunications, start-ups, government reform and the banking sector.

How many other WEF associates such as Hunt ‘penetrated zee cabinets’ around the world, after which we ended up with a fake pandemic to install totalitarianism?

During ‘Covid’ I sought accountability from Greg Hunt, requesting the definition of the 'emergency' in Australia constraining the entire country, and requesting access to the advice being provided by medical and scientific experts about this 'emergency', and the evidence supporting this advice, and also requesting transparency for the people providing medical and scientific advice to the then Morrison and State governments - see my email to Greg Hunt dated 23 July 2021, also copied below.

No response received from Hunt…no accountability.

Please continue to read full article >


WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF) Report Reveals the Global Elites’ Shocking Plan to Enforce Vaccination - this is absolutely terrifying and they must be stopped !

14 April, 2024

Have you taken all of your shots?

The globalists are proposing that digital IDs could be used to track the unvaccinated.

Where this leads is major institutions, including JPMorgan, are predicting that the metaverse represents a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity.

It is projected that by 2026, nearly 30% of online users will have adopted the metaverse for activities such as work, shopping, education, and entertainment.

Here’s the kicker: the WEF report says digital ID will be “a cornerstone in metaverse identity.”

So, imagine needing an ID not just to drive or travel but to log in and interact online.

That means that if you haven’t been a good boy or girl and complied with taking all of your shots, you could find your online access restricted by the unelected technocrats controlling the digital world.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. It could get so much worse than that.

Please read the full report >


or watch and listen to Maria Zeee for more disturbing details.

Please read and take action to stop these alleged global elite psychopaths destroying our world as we knew it. This is absolutely terrifying and they must be stopped !



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And yet they want more than 7 billion people dead? I guess this is why they want everyone on the net? But what of those that do not 'perform' to their wishes, that being those that have not taken their poisons now or ever will? There is a stirring amongst the like minded, and it isn't in the form of panic, but something much larger.

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Thanks for this Sam. Which is worse? The drug pushers poisoning for profit? Their victims' failure to see it? Just can't understand how accepting a 1/1000000 death rate is any different from throwing 1/1000000 in a volcano; both are killing in broad daylight to supposedly "save" others. For me, all vaccination ( including to animals) is just barbarism. Thanks for your hard work. I had doubted the existence of viruses but lacked the detail you have kindly provided. I do not think I have ever read anything as boring and meaningless, and full of nonsense, as Plotkin. No doubt soon we will be forced to recant in to the Vaccine Inquisition, as their dogma is for public good you see, and truth is what they say it is.

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Baal and Moloch love babies. What could go wrong?

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I was diagnosed with this at the beginning of this year, I'm 58 and had it for 21 weeks until someone told me it was caused by Fungal spores and pollen, I took a hayfever tablet and the cough disappeared within an hour, only to return as it wore off

I then did some research and found that pollen is the same size and shapes given to viruses in the virus fiction, they can't photo viruses because they are too small but can 3D colour photo pollen, exosomes are the same size again, and both of these cause the same symptoms as the fictional Virus 🤣

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Many respiratory allergic symptoms are caused by excessive mast cell activation. Black seeds, or the oil thereof, prevents this and ameliorates symptoms.

It has no side-effects at proper dosing; according to the Prophet Mohammed it will cure every thing except death.

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nigella sativa, right?

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Yep - organic of course, if pos.

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I'm visualizing you as a sort of black widow spider and gibellula fungus is trying to take you over.

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New age much?

Vegetables are men made and toxic, so are nuts and especially grains!

We are obligate carnivoren.

Aint no broccoli in nature! 😁

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“I was astonished and not a little perturbed to find that when you draw a graph of the death rate from whooping cough that starts in the mid nineteenth century, you can clearly see that at least 99 percent of the people who used to die of whooping cough in the nineteenth and early twentieth century had stopped dying before the vaccine against whooping cough was introduced, initially in the 1950s and universally in the 1960s.

“I also realized that the reason the Department of Health’s graphs made the vaccine appear so effective was because they didn’t start until the 1940s when most of the improvements in health had already occurred, and this was before even antibiotics were generally available. If you selected only deaths in under-15-year-olds, the drop was even more dramatic — by the time whooping cough vaccine was part of the universal immunization schedule in the early 1960s all the hard work had been done.” — Dr. Jayne Donegan

Once the microbe was “identified” as the specific agent leading to widespread respiratory ailments, the daily hazards of the turn-of-the-century industrial era—filthy street sewage, poor nutrition, heavy air pollution, and overall squalid living conditions—were no longer deemed causes for illness. Instead, they were sidelined by those who were in hot pursuit of the opportunity to invent a vaccine.

The story of the pertussis vaccine is largely the story of bacteriologist Pearl Kendrick and public health scientist Grace Eldering.

Though many pharmaceutical companies in the United States were offering pertussis and mixed-serum pertussis vaccines in the early 1900s, none proved to be effective.

In 1931, the American Medical Association’s Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry found no “evidence even for the presumptive value of stock or commercial vaccines” because “the pertussis vaccines seem to have absolutely no influence [as a preventive], and after the disease is thoroughly established even freshly prepared vaccines seem useless.”

In 1932, Kendrick and Eldering began the whooping cough research project in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They alleged that they had improved the methods used for growing the pertussis bacillus, which allowed them to design and direct the first large-scale controlled clinical trial for the pertussis vaccine. This was hailed at the time as one of the greatest field tests in microbe-hunting history. Keep in mind that in the 1930s, there were no accepted standards and few established models for conducting field studies.

The field trial ran from 1934 to 1937 was composed of 5,815 children. The vaccinated group was made up of “children of acceptable age and history who presented themselves at the city immunization clinics for pertussis vaccination.”

The control group was “selected at random from a list of non-immunized children maintained by the Grand Rapids City Health Department.”

Even though an approximately equal sample of children of the same age comprised both groups, the original field trial design was methodologically flawed. The “vaccinated” experimental group was self-selected, but the unvaccinated control subjects were randomly chosen. In addition to this procedural defect, 1,603 observations (28%) from the study’s early years were not included in the final analysis.

Along with these operational deficiencies was the largely overlooked fact that the study was conducted during the height of the Great Depression (an era of extreme deprivation in which daily life consisted of grinding poverty, food scarcity, substandard housing, and extraordinary social stressors). As Grace Eldering noted, “[W]e learned about pertussis and the Depression at the same time.”

In the summer of 1936, America’s then-premier epidemiologist, Wade Hampton Frost, a professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, was tasked with reviewing the Kendrick-Elder study. He identified four major problems with the study.

Due to the long, slow build-up of the trial, he noted, the study population overall was quite heterogeneous, which meant that:

– In the early years of the trial, follow-up of control children was either inadequate or the records were incomplete;

– Recruitment to the trial varied over the life of the study, as did the frequency of nursing visits to look for whooping cough;

– The possibility of unknown differences between experimental and control groups existed because of differences in the way they had been recruited.

– There was a question as to whether the rates of other communicable diseases were also lower in the experimental group, as might be expected, if the vaccinated children were from a higher socioeconomic group than were children in the control groups.

Nevertheless, the field trials were deemed a success, and Michigan began distributing the pertussis vaccines in 1940.

It’s called racketeering.

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Dr J Donegan did a superb job of exposing this many years prior to bs cv.. sadly got hammered by the establishment, lost her licence then eventually got it back again after a high court win.. It is unfortunate that she lays very low these days.

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Dr Donegan writes in the magazine- www.informedparent.co.uk.

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Another GREAT comment. You're on a roll today!!

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Eldering or Elder? the racketeering part's spot on though.

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An astonishing lack of typos. All I could find while reading you and simultaneously hand-grinding coffee beans was that the Grace Eldering of the fourth paragraph may have become Grace Elder later on. When you put comments in the comments basement you're supposed to put a minimum of three typos per paragraph. I didn't even know that, myself excepted, you could be against vaccines and typos at the same time. It was a great read. Thank-you.

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Yes- on the money.

"When illness is blamed on bacteria, so-called "viruses" and genes, not only are enormous profits generated for the pharmaceutical industry selling their antibiotics, antivirals, vaccines and the myriad of other related drugs, but it also protects the other hand of the same industry that sells herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, preservatives, etc... as it obscures one of the fundamental causes of illness...our nutrient-deficient and poison laden foods."

- T.C. Fry , founder of Life Science Institute

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OK, but 'diseases of mismanagement' is a bit of a weird concept when we embrace illness as an adaptive biological response to a biological conflict. There isn't any 'mismanagement' in your child's body responding perfectly to a conflict that they perceive based on their psychology (for example, your kid might be a very territorial person and perceive as a conflict something that someone else wouldn't), so it's not your job to 'manage' their psychology. It's your job to provide a safe place for them to be able to regulate and express their imbalance and help them fix the problem, but you're not responsible for what is in their head. Disclaimer: I'm not a mother, but I am a good teacher of all ages and one heck of an auntie, and I don't think rigid ideas of control or management help parents or children, especially since they lead to the pathologization of adaptive, biological responses and the pathologization of the mother-baby dyad.

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Aunt Helen's right! Well said.

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CRITICAL for everyone in the World to see - Bill Gates - The Banned Video - he says > VACCINES THE BEST INVESTMENTS I ever made - over a 20 to 1 return.


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under an onslaught of continuous slings and arrows, this lady and her husband are relentlessly demolishing the viral idiocy — do not yield! abide!

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Once again, thanks so much, Dr Sam Bailey. The con job regarding the selling of the "effectiveness of vaccination" re pertussis, switching from deaths at the beginning of the sentence to "incidence" at the end, is breath taking. Likewise the con job of presenting Bordetella pertussis. as the responsible pathogen, ignoring the scientific method and indeed Robert Koch's basic postulates.

I was recently amused by a friend of mine insisting that Koch's Postulates have been satisfied many times while being unable to state what these postulates say. "Not sure what the 'experts' say, but i am sure that they got it figured out." SMH. Luckily we have people like you and Dr Mark and others shedding light in the midst of all this engineered darkness.

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Be nice to have some graphs that don't show when the vaccines were introduced.. when presenting such information to those unaware, it is always good to present the chart and ask 'where do you think the 'x' vaccine was introduced in this timeline?' before presenting a second chart highlited with the actual answer :) psych 101 😄😊👍

..nice work btw 🖐😊 appreciated..

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Comedy is all about timing.

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Thank you Sam and Mark for the outstanding work and research you have been doing. By combining all the information through the lens of your critical thinking skills, you have armed those who care to read and watch your videos with the tools they need, to question everything the allopathic community assumes is correct!

To this day, the brainwashing continues through organizations such as the WHO, U.N., CDC, FDA, WEF, Pfizer and of course the IMF who funds all this corruption.

It must be challenging to go up against these organizations whose intentions are none other than to deceive, manipulate, control and fabricate! I am grateful to have you and Mark as my guiding compass towards health and wellness. Thank you so much for what you are doing for humanity, plants, animals and all living things.

I just purchased four of your books! Can You Catch A Cold, Virus Mania, Terrain Therapy and The Final Pandemic.. Outstanding work indeed. Thank you again.

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Polio is said to be resurging in Gaza after literally being irradicated decades ago. No one seems to make the connection between the malnourishment, polluted water and constant fear that Palestinian people have experienced for nearly a year. So, they rush in with their vaccines to reach the ones that bullets and bombs haven’t been able to kill.

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The CDC stands for the Crime and Death Corporation. And Happy 175 Birthday to Pfizer, who has never cured one illness in that time.

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Center for Disease Creation.

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