You have done well. Keep ignoring them all. This is YOUR baby and it's whole future is in your hands. Your child will thank you later. You are not "hesitatant" you are INFORMED. Correct them next time and tell them you have done the research thank you. Their profit loss isn't your problem.
I remember having an online argument with an old …
You have done well. Keep ignoring them all. This is YOUR baby and it's whole future is in your hands. Your child will thank you later. You are not "hesitatant" you are INFORMED. Correct them next time and tell them you have done the research thank you. Their profit loss isn't your problem.
I remember having an online argument with an old schoolmate midwife. I said doctors recieved kickbacks for vaccines. She said they do not I'm being ridiculous and she would run around town naked if I could prove it. As a nurse she was far more informed. This was in 2o21. I simply went to google and found a current PUBLIC news article stating the insane kickbacks our taxes were paying doctors. She unfriened me😂
You have done well. Keep ignoring them all. This is YOUR baby and it's whole future is in your hands. Your child will thank you later. You are not "hesitatant" you are INFORMED. Correct them next time and tell them you have done the research thank you. Their profit loss isn't your problem.
I remember having an online argument with an old schoolmate midwife. I said doctors recieved kickbacks for vaccines. She said they do not I'm being ridiculous and she would run around town naked if I could prove it. As a nurse she was far more informed. This was in 2o21. I simply went to google and found a current PUBLIC news article stating the insane kickbacks our taxes were paying doctors. She unfriened me😂