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My daughter is 6 weeks old so I’m right in the middle of being bombarded with vaccine-propaganda. The latest was today when we received a home visit. I have been clear from the beginning that she won’t be getting any vaccines, but my husband isn’t convinced so despite my objections he keeps asking the doctors about the vaccines.

Today, they were sitting and discussing it, including my “hesitancy” right in front of me and came to the conclusion that the only reason I question it must be because I’m a foreigner (I’m Swedish but I live in Japan) because clearly there can’t be any other reason why I don’t want my daughter injected with that crap. The woman then convinced him to talk with his family and anyone else around us and have them help him convince me about how important it is to inject our daughter with that crap.. I swear, it was like I wasn’t even in the room. I still don’t know if I should laugh or cry..

After the woman left, my husband, yet again, sits in front of me with that wounded puppy-look on his face and asks me what we should do. I again state that my daughter won’t be injected with anything and asks him if he’s truly okay with injecting his healthy child with poison. He says “No, but everyone else is doing it.”.

I sat and explained all of this to him as late as a couple of weeks ago and while he seemed to listen to my explanations then, it’s clear that yet again everything I said went in one ear and out the other..

I’ve spent the last 4 years sending him research and information about vaccines and germ theory and yet, here we are again, right where we started..

I’m frankly so tired and exhausted..

I told him to do the research himself for a change and then he can see for himself. I know he won’t though.. I frankly don’t even think it’s as much about him believing that these diseases are so deadly and dangerous but more about him being too cowardly to stand up to perceived authority.. This much was clear to me during my daughter’s birth as well when the doctors stopped asking me for consent and instead started going straight to him instead because they knew that he’d say “Yes” to everything they asked without question..

Excuse the rant, I’m just really riled up from that damn home visit today and needed to vent.. I wish I had married someone with the ability to think for himself and a willingness to stand up to protect his family.. I’m so tired (and taking care of a newborn obviously doesn’t help in the energy department either)..

It does help to come here and see that at least I’m not the only one who sees through the scam and propaganda though so that’s something.

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Being tired is what they want, stay alert & give puppy face a whack over the nose for not being more supportive.

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Good luck to you! Sounds like an absolutely draining situation to be in but glad to hear your staying strong. I just had a couple counselling appointment today with my partner because she thinks I’m delusional and paranoid for not wanting to vaccinate in the future. At this rate there won’t be a kid as this has been going on for 6 months and she still refuses to comprehend any concerning information about how vaccines can and do harm adults and children. Keep fighting the good fight though! I sure as shit won’t be backing down after what iv learned in the past 3 or so years about this poison haha.

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One of the problems in discussing the "vaccine issue" with most people is that it is not a discussion about science or medicine or even a discussion about some product, it has become a discussion about a civic religion. The poisonous injection is the sacrament.

The belief, and that is what it is, that vaccines have been a "miracle" of modern medicine is accepted as an indisputable article of faith. When arguing against such dogma, which must be done, many will take it as a personal attack on their entire belief system. Cutting through that is the greater challenge in my experience.

Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud. Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.

Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.

There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.

Vaccination is and has always been a racketeering operation.

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GREAT comment.

A racketeering operation which has been rendered into a compulsory religion. And worst of all, the people who fancy themselves as championing social change and progress are often the ones who are the most demanding of adherence to this blind faith in this scientism masquerading as "SCIENCE."

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The cult needs racketeering as much as tennis needs rackets.

Vaccinating--it's in the wrist action.

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Yes, and if any jab was any good, they would not need indemnity from prosecution for harms caused.

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Sorry to hear this and not one bit surprised you feel exhausted and angry. I feel sorry for you. I doubt we could have stayed married if we had not agreed not to vaccinate. We have been against all vaccination since 98 our children grew up with this view. My extended family are all vaccine addicts. The force of propaganda driven group think cannot be underestimated. People, it seems, would rather risk injury or death than stand out from the crowd and think for themselves. Keep as calm and stress the freedom NOT to put drugs into your child. NOT to do something. Good health does not result from drugs. If it did drug addicts would be the most healthy people on earth. Do your family believe that 10 vaccines are better than 1; 100 are better than 10; 1000 are better than 100? How about 5000? How about one "vaccine" a day for life? Stress the risk from diseases, supposedly made immune from by vaccination, is tiny, but vaccine risk is large. Tell them you refuse to put your happy healthy child at any risk. Vaccine evangelists tell us we should take drugs ( and risk) for self protection ; we reply we are fine with our natural immunity and prefer not to take any risk. They tell us we should take drugs (and risk) to protect others; we reply that risking our own health to help others is voluntary and if coerced is an attack. Good luck.

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A key to dividing the masses are choices such as these. Stay strong and stand firm. If your man is looking for someone else to make decisions for him, let it be you 🖐😊

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I feel for you...you are doing the right thing for your daughter...know that. I understand your frustration...we all have been raised and indoctrinated with one set of ideas and it's difficult for most to open their minds and realize that there may be OTHER ways of interpreting the world around them. I WISH I could raise my kids all over again knowing what I know now. I would have never let them be injected with those toxins. And, they would not have needed all those antibiotics either. AND, I would have been able to better interpret what was happening to one of my kids whom they had diagnosed with asthma. Tell your husband that if these shots actually worked, kids would not fall ill, yet they do. Kids are more chronically ill in these times than ever! Kids are born perfectly healthy but then the medical establishment poisons and corrupts their bodies and then their minds in institutions like public schools. Tell your husband that if he believes in illnesses and viruses, then he will undoubtedly get sick. Yet if you have a healthy life style in mind and body, and treat yourself with kindness as you would treat others, illness does not befall that body. Much love to you and you family. Peace.

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[We were all thinkin it. Someone had to say it. Men are supposed to protect their families.]

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Yes. Take the baby to visit in sweden. Find a real man and don't come back.

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easier said than done. a mother with a young child is vulnerable in many ways.

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I know, right? The first couple of years are when women and children most need protection. Plus there's the cross-cultural context. Ugh. The guy who should be protecting is apparently inviting the monsters across the threshold. I mostly wrote that on the off-chance that the father would read the comments here. I can't exactly take him out for a beer and ask him what he's doing.

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he should be asked why he's doing what he's doing.

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He spent far to long in the government indoctrination camps. (schools) He is beyond help as he is incapable of critical thinking.

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I'd say "okay dear I'm taking the kid to get the vaccine in Okinawa" and I'd fly to Sweden.

I offer this as a parable of urgency rather than actionable legal advice.

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There is a pediatrician (i believe he was forced to stop practicing) named Paul Thomas, who collected extensive data on his patients comparing the jabbed vs the un-vxd. Those who had received none, were overwhelmingly healthier (the factor being no sick visits) than the vaxxed kids.

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My heart goes out to you niko. You have done your homework for your child. I admire you for standing on the side of the child. It has cost you but you have done well. My prayers go out to you and your family. Thanks for sharing your compelling story.

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I am also concerned as my daughter is expecting next year February. Her partner 's family have all taken it barring him but he believes in the science, right!

They are contemplating this decision to have the child jabbed up which I am totally against. I mean why would people want to do this when the evidence is there?

I do hope that he will come around and perhaps a happy family unit be 'born' out of this realization. Good luck!

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Best get rid of him, he is not to be trusted and would willingly have the child poisoned if your back was turned. "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead"

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You have done well. Keep ignoring them all. This is YOUR baby and it's whole future is in your hands. Your child will thank you later. You are not "hesitatant" you are INFORMED. Correct them next time and tell them you have done the research thank you. Their profit loss isn't your problem.

I remember having an online argument with an old schoolmate midwife. I said doctors recieved kickbacks for vaccines. She said they do not I'm being ridiculous and she would run around town naked if I could prove it. As a nurse she was far more informed. This was in 2o21. I simply went to google and found a current PUBLIC news article stating the insane kickbacks our taxes were paying doctors. She unfriened me😂

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Nike, be very proud of yourself and what a Warrior Mom you are. I am sure your husband is strong in other areas and tell him to focus on those areas to support your family and you will keep everyone safe. Blessing

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Niko, I think. Or I need glasses. You can't do "just do it" jokes with Niko.

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It's standard protocol for them to engage family members to pressure you if you do not consent. It's taught in the literature; it is cruel, manipulative and brutal. I'm sorry you had to go through this, they just rely on someone in your circle being statistically likely to cave and if it hadn't been your husband they probably would have gone through everyone else in the building to heap on you until YOU caved!

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Videos with information about narcissists, such as @DoctorRamani on YT, and videos on "How To Be Stoic" might help you cope with this. I'm not saying that your husband sounds narcissistic. What I'm saying is: Learning how these people operate will help you recognize bad behavior. If anything, your husband sounds more like one of the flying monkeys who support and defend the narcissists. Listening to tips on "How To Be More Stoic", will help strengthen your belief system, and stick to your guns. You are not alone. Good luck Niko.

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Most humans on planet earth today are so brainwashed that they cannot be labelled as 'misbehaving'. Being mind-controlled is not narcissism. When it comes to The Medical Mafia, education is key. First, emphasize Informed Consent. One cannot give informed consent without being educated about what they are consenting or not consenting! Duh! What moron/monster would inject a child with something they know nothing about? Once he investigates, he will learn the truth. Stay strong mama bear! Your fight is the most worthy fight!

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That is incredibly tough for you. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this issue without much support. You are incredibly brave.....my hat is off to you!

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