Virology, as we are led to 'understand' it is but zombie science underwritten by orchestrated errant nonsense, and as such exhibits itself, simplistically, as but a runaway hostage to fortune... A pained multi-layered tautological white-coated charade of over ambition and dogma drenched in ego and lucre.

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Good to see this work happening. Always had suspicions about viruses - not everyone in a household will suddenly come down with flu symptoms, so how can it be contagious? and distinctly remember a live cross to a couple that were quarantined on a cruise liner at the beginning of the pandemic. They had been in that cabin for 2 weeks, she was +ve test and he was -ve. yeah... right

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Love and blessings to you and yours Sam. From Sydney Australia.

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Drs Sam, Mark and family - I cannot thank you enough for your tireless work in print, in videos and online articles! In my opinion you represent the highest calibre of information debunking the entire virus / vaccine fraudulence that has ruined people's lives everywhere, especially among the more vulnerable and poorer sectors of society.

I have your two books which have kept me sane, firstly throughout 2020 and then in 2022 with your second book. Your love, intellectual curiosity, and compassion is what has been (and is still) missing from medicine, science and society in general.

Thank God we can turn to you. Blessings, Linda from the UK.

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Hello from the UK, a wet West Sussex. I have not read their books but I appreciated the YouTube videos they did,and still do. I managed to work out in June 2020 via a different route that we had been fooled for years and years.



And my children's story one of the first things for my website that I wrote to try and wake up the masses.


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The causality experiment was carried out by the Imperial College London in summer, 2021. But the outcome is the opposite: no participants needed medical treatment after direct nasal inoculation (of the 'virus' sample collected from a UK patient).

The paper, based on this uncontrolled experiment with two independent variables ('virus' +Remdesivir), was only published in March, 2022, because of the unfinished vaccine sales.

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-%20022-%2001780-%209 (Safety, tolerability and viral kinetics during SARS-CoV-2 human challenge in young adults)

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It is shocking that the leading broadsheets, i.e. The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph, Washington Post, New York Times, et al, did not highlight this experiment carried out by Imperial College. Could it be because Imperial College's modelling was behind the fraudulence which took UK and others into a series of damaging lockdowns? And thus this experiment would have exposed what a sham the science is that Imperial College peddles. This paper should have been on the front pages of the British (and international) press for all to see. Sadly, "Covid is transmissible and is dangerous" is still believed by overwhelming numbers of people in Britain as well as our government, doctors and scientists.

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This uncontrolled experiment (or any other virology paper) would have failed the high school biology class. Nature (and other pharma sponsored) is corrupt to its core.

The average IQ of (Guardian,Times,Telegraph, Washington Post, New York Times) journalists were carefully curated so that they don't understand simple scientific method.

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They are just smart enough to realize who issues their pay checks.

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The plandemic has been a random symptom of the Keynesian economics: when a government realises that it could print unlimited amount of fake money to steal with impunity, the first thing to its weak mind is to lock up the citizenry.

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Agree 100 per cent xx

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I did a review with a historical(legal) perspective. I could use some proofreading(first 5 pages) if you are a English native:


Thank you

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Imperial College put people in peril. 'imperil lace ogle' is an anagram of Imperial college'.

Neil Ferguson is a nasty piece of work. he was brought up in Llanidloes Wales. Anagram of this is 'Sod all Neil'.


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Mar 7, 2023
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As the good doctor says spread the virus about no virus thumbs up

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What is certain is that all these so-called sequences are dead cell debris/nucleotide sequences - and to administer these to another human being is idiocy to say the least, because this cell debris must be excreted to keep the organism healthy - such an "experiment" should be treated judicially!!!!

Let's start at the beginning of the lies, the fraud and the manipulation:


And now you enter every single so-called "sequence" into the BLAST search


top left at Enter Query Sequence, scroll down to the little blue box BLAST, click on it and wait until the result comes!

And the jumble of letters in the "gene bank" that you always see first are human amino acids and also NOT a "virus"!


This constant fear, which was transported by the paid lying press every day into the people, creates stress and makes also ill:


People also get and got sick from the absolutely useless test sticks:



Neurons line your nose and tell your brain how to interpret the chemical information that makes up a smell. Damage to these neurons changes the way smells reach in your brain. The olfactory bulbs underneath the front of your brain receive signals from these neurons and give your brain a signal about the scent: whether it’s pleasing, enticing, appetizing, or foul. The olfactory bulbs can be damaged, which can cause parosmia. exposure to toxic chemicals, such as in this test-sticks, but also high volumes of air pollution can cause parosmia to develop.

And that you can get sick from these horrible and absolutely unnecessary dirt masks, you also should know - make the environment, humans and animals sick and that for years to come:


and how absolutely harmful these particles are, you can read here


And there was also NO so-called "Gain Of Function Research" either


from Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D.


And that with these toxic substances NO so-called "mRNA" is present, is actually logical, since one had NO protein and what one never had, that one can also not reproduce or synthetically produce, since there is absolutely NO template!



The goal of this diabolical agenda:



See what other toxins are in these toxic substances:


When we talk about the disease diagnoses issued by Modern Western Medicine, we must understand that they are all nothing but one and the same state of self-healing as a result of the fact that the energies and tissues of our being are affected by an accumulation of harmful factors.

Except for injuries caused by burns (thermal, chemical, electrical), asphyxiation (mechanical, with liquids, with toxic gases), physical trauma and massive poisoning… the harmful factors that constantly besiege our being are:

– negative emotional experiences (fear, sadness, hatred, envy, etc.),

– toxins of all kinds (almost all synthetic chemicals, some minerals, some metals, some biological concentrates, some products resulting from the decomposition of biological matter),

– almost all artificial radiation,

– overstraining the being through physical and intellectual effort and exposure to the elements,

– quantitative undernutrition (lack of food, degradation of tissues involved in digestion and absorption) and qualitative undernutrition (denatured and devitalized foods as a result of their growth in an industrialized regime and over-processing),

– iatrogenics (harmful drugs and toxic vaccines + harmful medical procedures) - all this releases free radicals and these cause oxidative stress that damages cells - every person who eats healthy food, does a lot of exercise and gets a lot of fresh air(forests, lake areas, uncultivated areas), eats a lot of fruits and vegetables(antioxidants https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/301506#_noHeaderPrefixedContent ), will be not get sick so easily!

As a consequence of the daily siege of these factors on our being, our body adapts the energy flows that animate the tissues, the structure of the tissues, the functions of the tissues and the sensitivity of the tissues/cells to be able to adapt to self-heal to neutralize and eliminate toxins, and if you have too many toxins in the organism, cells die and this cell debris must be excreted, but also the millions of dead cell debris that are created by cell division every day must be excreted https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-228 , to cleanse itself of metabolic and tissue residues, to regenerate its damaged tissues and to quantitatively restore and rebalance its energy flows, a fact that manifested itself through a multitude of symptoms concentrated predominantly in certain tissues/cells most of the time.

It is constantly repeated any nonsense and this now for over 3 years - I think it is time to focus on the essentials and that is now that what is behind all these distractions, namely the serious changes for all people, which the WHO wants to enforce with the help of all governments world wide in the form of a new treaty - this treaty will deprive people of any basic rights and freedoms and oblige everyone to make themselves available forever as guinea pigs for toxic substances, until these felons have achieved their highly criminal goal https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-403 - this is what people should focus on and fight together with all means against it or do we all want to wait until these criminals have achieved their highly criminal goal and more and more are killed?!!! The true and only war that actually takes place is the war against the whole humanity and if we all don't fight back, it will be forever too late!!!!

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Ha yeah those Testing Sticks were a great idea - shoved into sinus cavity - and yet people lined up voluntarily? Baaaarbra and Baaasil

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Well, since I always get to the bottom of everything, let's take a look at this "study" and then we'll also see what was experimented with here


with TCID50 - is a ready chemical mixture that can produce anything you want https://www.agilent.com/en/solutions/cell-analysis/virology/general-virology-applications/tcid50-assay but ONLY in prepared cell lines, which has absolutely nothing to do with humans - or with an other toxic Mix: https://www.gnhindia.com/products/nz-drugs/moraten-berna-suspension-for-injection-1000-tcid50/ and they used Remdesivir and THAT drug can be deadly https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-20e?fbclid=IwAR01MmGIk2mA-Gs5HgOJUGF1OQQDBI3dkKwLx3rqOQ69m2yZVp3yljiJ-rc - https://odysee.com/@AussieFighter:8/MONEY--amp--MURDER-IN-HOSPITALS---The-world-needs-to-know-this!:f - so these experiment participants can be glad that they were all healthy young people, because otherwise these results would not have been so insignificant!!!

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These experiments are done with a chemical mixture and no one really knows what is in there and what was actually given to these young people - so this is also a crime!!!

https://www.h-h-c.com/product/nattrol-sars-cov-2-stock/ - https://www.h-h-c.com/wp-content/uploads/IFU/PINATSARS(COV2)-ST.pdf

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Thank you Dr Sam, in mi opinion one the best sources of excellent information and amazing investigation, love your book terrain therapy.

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Thanks Sam and Mark, the No Virus is growing even faster and stronger than you can imagine!

God bless you!


from Argentina

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Excellent news and hello from UK.

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Always a pleasure to listen to Dr Sam ! Virology is a self fueling money making machine capable of creating viruses ad infinitum. If we don't expose this fraud we will never escape the paradigm but the deprogramming is hard, people cling on to their beliefs.

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A huge thank you and congratulations Dr Sam, Mark and all your colleagues for your persistence in proving that viruses do not exist. It is obvious that the 'virologists' are not going to co-operate and are obviously failing to prove anything other than since 2019 and before that germ theory has all been a big hoax.

I saw the scam from a different perspective... As a (now retired) hypnotherapist in the UK, I suspected propaganda from the start with persistent news articles and broadcasts, and constant repetitive 'jingles' like "hands, face, space" and then "clap the NHS", "wash your hands for as long as it takes you to sing happy birthday". How patronising! What an absolute joke! But it was not funny for me to see people so totally hypnotised that they became very aggressive if they learned that I was unvaccinated! I remain to this day unvaccinated or perhaps a better description would be 'unjabbed. I have not and will never take a PCR test.

I think that this whole thing has been about control of the many by the few, and I am currently studying common law, to protect my rights and freedoms and help others do the same in case they try to bring on some other Orwellian restrictions.

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Don’t forget about Evolutamente.it in Italy, we also translated Mark’s paper in Italian, we are exposing the viral fraud every day in our telegram channel.

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Virus comes from latin 'poison'.

Poison cannot self multiply.


Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Blessings and please see this -


Pfizer/ US government via Israel (Revelation 3:9, anyone?) has a patent to remote track and trace all the vaccinated persons by a quantum link of pulsating microwave 5G frequencies.

Please look up Patent US 011 107 588 B2

August 31 2021

And also this -



Covid plandemic was a DARPA military operation, pre-planned by Obama's run Pentagon - Pentagram. Confirmed by numerous official FOI requests.


P.S. they are banning prayers around abortion clinic sites, notably in England. Even silent prayer is classified as 'offence'.

I wonder why. Maybe because prayer disrupts the human sacrifice soul energy transfer mechanism, and so fails to power hell. Rev 911.

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Are germ theory and contagious viruses really what we are being told by this world? A look into what scripture reveals.


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Jesus said it is not what goes into a man that defiles him but what comes out of him. We create our own poisons in effect in dealing the food and toxins that enter.



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Assuming that the existence of a virus has not been proved, what is making people sick? Hundreds and thousands of people died under the assumption that Covid killed them. Early on in the "pandemic" many people were really sick. Mass hysteria and fear does not seem a robust enough answer.

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In a big picture sense there were no excess deaths in 2020. Many countries experienced below average death rates (Ireland, Spain, Australia etc). Several countries had the lowest death rates for a decade.

Most hospitals sat half empty during the so called 'peak' of the so called 'pandemic'. Nurses reported being bored, watching Netfix, making dance videos, being encouraged to take holidays and even being laid off.

Seasonal flu cases 'mysteriously' dropped by about 95%. And every day thousands of people took to social media to report that their loved ones had died of cancer, old age, dementia, car accidents etc but they had been labelled 'covid' on their death certificate. Even the official guidelines urged doctors to label deaths 'covid' and hospitals in the US (starved of business due to the lockdowns) were given financial rewards for every patient they labelled 'covid'.

OK, now for some small scale details....

While most hospitals sat empty, some hospitals (such as Elmhurst in NYC) were instructed to accept anybody and everybody. Patients were diverted to these specific hospitals, rather than spreading them out over all the local hospitals. Whistleblower nurses like Nicole Sirotek and Erin Marie Olszewski reported that patients coming in with anxiety from watching the TV news were put on ventilators within 15 minutes of walking into the reception! Nearly everyone who was put on vents died. These specific hospitals did become 'death zones' and these were the ones the media reported on each evening. The rest lay empty.

The same thing was happening in selected care homes (homes for the elderly). Midazolam and morphine were being administered to kill residents creating the brief spikes in excess mortality we saw in March / April.

But overall death rates for 2020 were pretty normal. There was no pandemic.

There were reports of some people suffering unusual / severe symptoms (in 2020) that did not fit conventional explanation. Some of these reports are consistent with microwave poisoning (possibly with co factors too like air pollution, recent flu vaccination). These reports are worth investigating (we certainly live in a toxic world that is destroying our health), but they don't constitute a 'pandemic' because death rates remained within normal limits for the year as a whole.

We've only seen CONSISTENT excess mortality after the vax roll out.

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FWIW, we cannot discount the potentially deadly effects of stress and fear on the body. There is such a thing as mass stress affecting large segments of the population. Stress can kill; it often does. No doubt the people who perpetrated this scam are well aware of this phenomenon. Do a search for "stress can kill;" you'll find articles that go both ways, many dating from the early days of the plandemic. Likely those that said that stress can't kill you were planted by TPTB, who only wanted sick people to get the jabs. Hard to imagine we are led by such evil people (people WE elected in many cases).

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Yes I agree, not just stress generally but also fear of a 'killer virus' is enough to make people ill.

Also, I remember NHS 111 worker Louise Hampton (famous for her 'certificate of bollocks' video) said in 2020 she would get calls from people obviously having heart attacks (or similar emergencies) but when she tried to arrange for an ambulance to take them to hospital they would refuse because they were scared of 'getting covid'. She reckons a lot of people died at home unnecessarily because they refused treatment.

But on the other hand, maybe some people survived because they avoided hospitals and doctors. Maybe it balanced out. The number of SIDS deaths dropped to around zero in mid 2020 because babies were no longer getting vaccinated because of the lockdown. There's a study on the web somewhere about it.

One other point.... in my previous comment I implied microwave poisoning was not a particularly significant factor in 2020 (for the world as a whole), but that's not to say it isn't causing a health catastrophe. I believe it IS causing huge amounts of chronic sickness, disease and premature death, but it's obviously been building year on year for the last 20+ years and so it won't really show up as 'excess' mortality / morbidity year on year.

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I don't know how relevant this is, but I have read that 5G towers were switched on in Wuhan at about the time people started getting sick. FWIW, the more I read about the harms of EMF, the more concerned I get.

One thing I've learned during this mess is the absolutely devastating toll that childhood vaccination has taken on our children. Before we started mass vaccination of children in the late 1980s and early 1990s (after the Childhood Vaccination Act (sp?) of 1986 the indemnified vaccine manufacturers from product liability) the U.S. had the healthiest childhood population on the planet. Now we have nearly the sickest, with autism, allergies, neurological problems, learning deficiencies, and more. We let pharma destroy our children's immune systems for profit. Unvaccinated kids have much better health than vaccinated kids. That fact will never make the light of day because Fauci controlled all funding for medical research, and that kind of research is/was the very last thing he would have funded. Sorry for the rant; sometimes I wish I had not learned all that I learned.

Thanks for taking time to reply.

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WHO don't think you should worry about the induction oven. Also it's good for "the climate".

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Absolutely agree.

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great that you are asking this sort of question! in a nutshell what we are looking at is existing cold, flu, pneumonia symptoms being rebranded under a different name. in fact you may notice there is a rebranding allowed of any existing life threatening disease after a PCR test. if you were to examine each COVID labelled mortality case individually you will find in the overwhelming majority had existing chronic disease, often multiple conditions, diabetes, heart disease, the list goes on. most mortality occurs at the end of peoples lives who have not been taking care of themselves and or who have chronic pharmaceutical toxicity due to long term prescribed medication given by their doctor. If you look at Italy flu stats prior to the announced pandemic they have a higher percentage elderly population and already had a higher reported cases deaths etc with regards to flu. On a world scale we could always find unusually high mortality, hospitalisations associated with common cold and flu, pneumonia symptoms. Remember the images that were broadcast across the world of people dropping in the streets-is that what you actually observed in your local city once the virus was supposedly ripping through the community? here in Australia in 2020 there was nothing unusual in regards to mortality, hospitalisations-in fact it was a quiet year. interestingly 2020 has been removed from government statistic reports which would enable comparison with 2021, 2022 when mortality, hospitalisations became significantly worse after vaccination.

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Concerning flu, this is a detoxification process and so flu in itself is not a killer. Flu complications is what probably leads to pneumonia and then death. The medics seem to assume that flu and pneumonia are interchangeable, but they are worlds apart. Flu complications are probably due to medications and antibiotics which can prove fatal.

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It is nonsensical that here in Australia the ABS ( Aust Bureau of Statistics) is not including 2020. 2020 was the usual mortality, it was 2019 that was unusual - people should have been questioning the excess deaths that yr. 2019 just made 2021 look like normal. From ABS: 2015 - 159,052; 2016 - 158,504; 2017 -160,909; 2018 -158,493; 2019 -169,301; 2020 -161,300; 2021- 171,469.

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The 'flu was re-branded in 2020 as COVID 19 to make money for big pharma etc.

Excess deaths in UK in April/May mainly in care homes where the sick were effectively abandoned and by all account some 'helped' on their way to dusty death. Love grew cold and no one checked.

Flu'd cases were below average in 2020 in UK winter so were bound to rise. Neil Ferguson is a nasty piece of work, but he knows what he is doing. He anticipated this. Fear and stupidity did the rest to boost the death rate for a period.

It is most important to realise we are each individuals with an individual immune system and are not a herd.

Therefore each person must be considered on a case by case basis and statistics are merely 'noise' and are readily corrupted to deceive the masses. I did this on Neil Ferguson and a herd immunity plus a whole lot more.



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Millions died from the shot and it's just starting. Was it a deadly particle or poison ?

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Virus - from latin - 'poison'. Poison cannot self multiply.


Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Blessings and please see this -


Pfizer/ US government via Israel (Revelation 3:9, anyone?) has a patent to remote track and trace all the vaccinated persons by a quantum link of pulsating microwave 5G frequencies.

Please look up Patent US 011 107 588 B2

August 31 2021

And also this -



Covid plandemic was a DARPA military operation, pre-planned by Obama's run Pentagon - Pentagram. Confirmed by numerous official FOI requests.


P.S. they are banning prayers around abortion clinic sites, notably in England. Even silent prayer is classified as 'offence'.

I wonder why. Maybe because prayer disrupts the human sacrifice soul energy transfer mechanism, and so fails to power hell. Rev 911.

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Hello Dr. Sam Bailey :-). I've been watching your videos and reading articles from you and your husband for some time now. I also started a thread in a forum with a title close to a statement that you and other professionals have signed, "Settling the Virus Debate" (I added biological to avoid confusion with computer viruses). Anyway, things have gotten to the point where I would really appreciate any help from anyone here that knows a tad more about sequencing then I do. I read Dr. Mark Bailey's "A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)" in its entirety and that certainly helped, but there's a certain post from someone who still believes in viruses where I just don't know the answer. As a matter of fact, I just paid for a subscription to your website in the hopes of being able to ask questions over there in a comments section, but it appears that it's here that one can make comments, not there. The post is rather involved, so I'll just quote the part that has me stumped:


Each contig can use reads that were used in other contigs. All they are doing is assembling the reads in different ways.

That contig in question used only 5% of the total reads he had after he filtered out 55% of the reads so that particular contig used less than 2% of the reads. Because each contig can reuse reads used in other contigs, the number of reads in a specific contig is meaningless when it comes to finding the actual sequence of the virus. What is important is how many contigs result in similar or identical results. If a contig is completely different from all the other ones then that is an outlier and not likely to be the sequence of the virus.

The anonymous mathematician, who for some reason doesn't want to put his name to this groundbreaking science, had 1 contig out of 28,459 contigs that could considered similar to human RNA.

That would mean that .0035% of the contigs from the mathematician had a possible match to a human RNA sequence. No reasonable mathematician would accept this as statistically significant.


To get a bit more context as to what this poster is referring to, here is his complete post:


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You cant understand it because it is just confusion packaged to appear as something "scholarly". Virologists cannot meet their own definition of a virus, found in the "wild" and be able to isolate it purely.....let alone prove contagion (viral infection). Especially if you remove their ability to use CGI/photoshop/arrow pointers.

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I agree, but the poster stumped me when he said the above. I'll see if The Infectious Myth group that admede told me about can help me out :-).

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Mar 11, 2023
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Thanks, I've applied to that group, as well as the 2.0 and 4.0 ones :-)

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Mar 13, 2023
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That one didn't show up. Can you link to it?

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The love of truth brings together as fear separates and isolates us.

Humanity has one mind.

When fearful thoughts are believed they are strengthened and as in convid psyop.

We saw how it created chaos and the fearful wrong action lead to problems.

Not believing in the fearful story of " viruses" weakens the narrative.

Love of truth and seeing our interconnected-ness brings us together.

Love has no language barrier.

And remember in a state of love not fear miracles happen.

The world needs a paradigm shift from fear to love.

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It is coming.

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