You cant understand it because it is just confusion packaged to appear as something "scholarly". Virologists cannot meet their own definition of a virus, found in the "wild" and be able to isolate it purely.....let alone prove contagion (viral infection). Especially if you remove their ability to use CGI/photoshop/arrow pointers.
You cant understand it because it is just confusion packaged to appear as something "scholarly". Virologists cannot meet their own definition of a virus, found in the "wild" and be able to isolate it purely.....let alone prove contagion (viral infection). Especially if you remove their ability to use CGI/photoshop/arrow pointers.
You cant understand it because it is just confusion packaged to appear as something "scholarly". Virologists cannot meet their own definition of a virus, found in the "wild" and be able to isolate it purely.....let alone prove contagion (viral infection). Especially if you remove their ability to use CGI/photoshop/arrow pointers.
I agree, but the poster stumped me when he said the above. I'll see if The Infectious Myth group that admede told me about can help me out :-).