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What is certain is that all these so-called sequences are dead cell debris/nucleotide sequences - and to administer these to another human being is idiocy to say the least, because this cell debris must be excreted to keep the organism healthy - such an "experiment" should be treated judicially!!!!

Let's start at the beginning of the lies, the fraud and the manipulation:


And now you enter every single so-called "sequence" into the BLAST search


top left at Enter Query Sequence, scroll down to the little blue box BLAST, click on it and wait until the result comes!

And the jumble of letters in the "gene bank" that you always see first are human amino acids and also NOT a "virus"!


This constant fear, which was transported by the paid lying press every day into the people, creates stress and makes also ill:


People also get and got sick from the absolutely useless test sticks:



Neurons line your nose and tell your brain how to interpret the chemical information that makes up a smell. Damage to these neurons changes the way smells reach in your brain. The olfactory bulbs underneath the front of your brain receive signals from these neurons and give your brain a signal about the scent: whether it’s pleasing, enticing, appetizing, or foul. The olfactory bulbs can be damaged, which can cause parosmia. exposure to toxic chemicals, such as in this test-sticks, but also high volumes of air pollution can cause parosmia to develop.

And that you can get sick from these horrible and absolutely unnecessary dirt masks, you also should know - make the environment, humans and animals sick and that for years to come:


and how absolutely harmful these particles are, you can read here


And there was also NO so-called "Gain Of Function Research" either


from Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D.


And that with these toxic substances NO so-called "mRNA" is present, is actually logical, since one had NO protein and what one never had, that one can also not reproduce or synthetically produce, since there is absolutely NO template!



The goal of this diabolical agenda:



See what other toxins are in these toxic substances:


When we talk about the disease diagnoses issued by Modern Western Medicine, we must understand that they are all nothing but one and the same state of self-healing as a result of the fact that the energies and tissues of our being are affected by an accumulation of harmful factors.

Except for injuries caused by burns (thermal, chemical, electrical), asphyxiation (mechanical, with liquids, with toxic gases), physical trauma and massive poisoning… the harmful factors that constantly besiege our being are:

– negative emotional experiences (fear, sadness, hatred, envy, etc.),

– toxins of all kinds (almost all synthetic chemicals, some minerals, some metals, some biological concentrates, some products resulting from the decomposition of biological matter),

– almost all artificial radiation,

– overstraining the being through physical and intellectual effort and exposure to the elements,

– quantitative undernutrition (lack of food, degradation of tissues involved in digestion and absorption) and qualitative undernutrition (denatured and devitalized foods as a result of their growth in an industrialized regime and over-processing),

– iatrogenics (harmful drugs and toxic vaccines + harmful medical procedures) - all this releases free radicals and these cause oxidative stress that damages cells - every person who eats healthy food, does a lot of exercise and gets a lot of fresh air(forests, lake areas, uncultivated areas), eats a lot of fruits and vegetables(antioxidants https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/301506#_noHeaderPrefixedContent ), will be not get sick so easily!

As a consequence of the daily siege of these factors on our being, our body adapts the energy flows that animate the tissues, the structure of the tissues, the functions of the tissues and the sensitivity of the tissues/cells to be able to adapt to self-heal to neutralize and eliminate toxins, and if you have too many toxins in the organism, cells die and this cell debris must be excreted, but also the millions of dead cell debris that are created by cell division every day must be excreted https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-228 , to cleanse itself of metabolic and tissue residues, to regenerate its damaged tissues and to quantitatively restore and rebalance its energy flows, a fact that manifested itself through a multitude of symptoms concentrated predominantly in certain tissues/cells most of the time.

It is constantly repeated any nonsense and this now for over 3 years - I think it is time to focus on the essentials and that is now that what is behind all these distractions, namely the serious changes for all people, which the WHO wants to enforce with the help of all governments world wide in the form of a new treaty - this treaty will deprive people of any basic rights and freedoms and oblige everyone to make themselves available forever as guinea pigs for toxic substances, until these felons have achieved their highly criminal goal https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-403 - this is what people should focus on and fight together with all means against it or do we all want to wait until these criminals have achieved their highly criminal goal and more and more are killed?!!! The true and only war that actually takes place is the war against the whole humanity and if we all don't fight back, it will be forever too late!!!!

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Ha yeah those Testing Sticks were a great idea - shoved into sinus cavity - and yet people lined up voluntarily? Baaaarbra and Baaasil

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