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Yes I agree, not just stress generally but also fear of a 'killer virus' is enough to make people ill.

Also, I remember NHS 111 worker Louise Hampton (famous for her 'certificate of bollocks' video) said in 2020 she would get calls from people obviously having heart attacks (or similar emergencies) but when she tried to arrange for an ambulance to take them to hospital they would refuse because they were scared of 'getting covid'. She reckons a lot of people died at home unnecessarily because they refused treatment.

But on the other hand, maybe some people survived because they avoided hospitals and doctors. Maybe it balanced out. The number of SIDS deaths dropped to around zero in mid 2020 because babies were no longer getting vaccinated because of the lockdown. There's a study on the web somewhere about it.

One other point.... in my previous comment I implied microwave poisoning was not a particularly significant factor in 2020 (for the world as a whole), but that's not to say it isn't causing a health catastrophe. I believe it IS causing huge amounts of chronic sickness, disease and premature death, but it's obviously been building year on year for the last 20+ years and so it won't really show up as 'excess' mortality / morbidity year on year.

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I don't know how relevant this is, but I have read that 5G towers were switched on in Wuhan at about the time people started getting sick. FWIW, the more I read about the harms of EMF, the more concerned I get.

One thing I've learned during this mess is the absolutely devastating toll that childhood vaccination has taken on our children. Before we started mass vaccination of children in the late 1980s and early 1990s (after the Childhood Vaccination Act (sp?) of 1986 the indemnified vaccine manufacturers from product liability) the U.S. had the healthiest childhood population on the planet. Now we have nearly the sickest, with autism, allergies, neurological problems, learning deficiencies, and more. We let pharma destroy our children's immune systems for profit. Unvaccinated kids have much better health than vaccinated kids. That fact will never make the light of day because Fauci controlled all funding for medical research, and that kind of research is/was the very last thing he would have funded. Sorry for the rant; sometimes I wish I had not learned all that I learned.

Thanks for taking time to reply.

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WHO don't think you should worry about the induction oven. Also it's good for "the climate".

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