Virology, as we are led to 'understand' it is but zombie science underwritten by orchestrated errant nonsense, and as such exhibits itself, simplistically, as but a runaway hostage to fortune... A pained multi-layered tautological white-coated charade of over ambition and dogma drenched in ego and lucre.
Virology, as we are led to 'understand' it is but zombie science underwritten by orchestrated errant nonsense, and as such exhibits itself, simplistically, as but a runaway hostage to fortune... A pained multi-layered tautological white-coated charade of over ambition and dogma drenched in ego and lucre.
Virology, as we are led to 'understand' it is but zombie science underwritten by orchestrated errant nonsense, and as such exhibits itself, simplistically, as but a runaway hostage to fortune... A pained multi-layered tautological white-coated charade of over ambition and dogma drenched in ego and lucre.
And cruel of course, the anagram of lucre.
nicely worded