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Dr Fauci's West Nile Virus


In the world of virology, there are many blockbuster “viruses” that serve the deadly Pharmaceutical Empire and friends. Everyone is familiar with the Spanish Flumeasles, and relative new “virus” on the block ‘SARS-CoV-2’ first appearing in Once Upon A Time in Wuhan. However, is there now another contender?…

The establishment claim that the ‘West Nile virus’ (WNV) was discovered in Uganda in 1937 through an interesting “isolation” technique that involved some foul play against mice. While the public subsequently heard little about WNV, this changed recently with news platforms reporting that 83-year-old Dr Anthony Fauci had been infected. Some states have gone on high alert and started spraying the streets with insecticides, reminiscent of the polio and DDT fraud last century.

Currently there are no WNV vaccines licensed for use in humans. There have been some attempts to prepare one for widespread application but it is unlikely to be rolled out…unless there is a declaration of a ‘Pandemic‘. In this video we expose the pseudoscience behind the entire WNV paradigm.

Addendum: I would highly recommend Dr Andrew Kaufman’s recent presentation “Is Eastern Equine Encephalitis Caused By A Virus?” – this has many parallels regarding alleged “virus isolation“, mosquito transmission, antibody assays and pointless public health measures.


  1. The Final Pandemic, Drs Mark & Samantha Bailey, 2024

  2. Does Sunscreen Cause Cancer?”, Dr Sam Bailey, 23 Sep 2023

  3. What You Need To Know About Yellow Fever”, Dr Sam Bailey, 5 Nov 2023

  4. The Dengue Drop Shot”, Dr Sam Bailey, 9 Mar 2024

  5. The Ongoing DDT Cover-Up”, Dr Sam Bailey, 23 Mar 2024

  6. Clinical Signs and Symptoms of West Nile Virus Disease”, CDC (accessed 1 Sep 2024)

  7. Clinical Testing and Diagnosis for West Nile Virus Disease”, CDC (accessed 1 Sep 2024)

  8. Virus Mania, 3rd English edition, 2021

  9. The Yin and Yang of HIV”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2022

  10. War on Meat: Alpha-gal Syndrome”, Dr Sam Bailey, 12 Aug 2023

  11. Category: Antibodies”, Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy

  12. A Neurotropic Virus Isolated from the Blood of a Native of Uganda”, American Journal of Tropical Medicine, 1941

  13. Virus, Bacteriophage & Single “Virus” Genomics, Dr Mark Bailey, 20 Jul 2024

  14. Origin of the West Nile virus responsible for an outbreak of encephalitis in the northeastern United States”, Science, 17 Dec 1999

  15. Vaccination and Control Methods of West Nile Virus Infection in Equids and Humans”, Vaccines, 1 May 2024

  16. A West Nile Virus DNA Vaccine Utilizing a Modified Promoter Induces Neutralizing Antibody in Younger and Older Healthy Adults in a Phase I Clinical Trial”, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 May 2011

  17. Is Immunity Real?”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2 Jun 2024

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Dr Sam Bailey
Dr Sam Bailey
Dr Sam Bailey is a medically trained doctor who makes health podcasts on questions from her viewers.
She is the co-author of "The Final Pandemic, "Terrain Therapy" and "Virus Mania."