
The longer that the COVID-19 Fraud has been pushed onto the world the more people are waking up to the reality that there was no pandemic. Virology has been dismantled from every possible angle and for many of us the entire virus model has been bid a final “Farewell”.

However, the notion of “pathogens” and “bio-weapons” that are being created through “gain of fiction” experiments continues to strike fear in those yet to realise that the entire concept is based on anti-scientific premises. Unfortunately, stories about “bio-labs” continue to drive unwarranted fears and act to keep people on the germ theory plantation. As a result they remain trapped inside a false paradigm and unable to fully appreciate what really makes people ill.

In this video we will once again outline the complete lack of evidence that bio-weapons exist and how the corporate media has overtly pushed these fear-based narratives since early 2020 to help sustain the “pandemic” industry and all the evil that comes with the biosecurity surveillance state.

Show notes and related videos HERE.

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