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He's definitely controlled op. He's not an anti vaxxer either, he believes in some of them. Most people are oblivious and don't care and will go off of some emotional nostalgia because he's a "Kennedy."

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I think he’s legit. Just my two cents.

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Many of us would like for him to be. But seriously he would not be a Democratic or Republican if he were actually for the people. Those two Parties are the Left and Right wings of the same predator Beast. They all work for the Antichrist aka the Papacy..

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Hear you, although I believe one must be in the game to win it. He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance of changing the game. To me, his record of helping people fight against corporate abuses speaks for itself. I trust him. 😊

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"He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance of changing the game"

That's like thinking you can comply your way out of tyranny. Kennedy has said himself that "you cannot comply your way out of tyranny".

Watch the videos I linked in my comment to the OP. And why would you trust someone who is going to lie and deceive in order to 'play the game' to win the competition? Is he going to keep lying to us and deceiving in order to 'play the game to stay in the role? Or to stay alive(remember what happened to his father and uncle - and unlike many of his siblings and family, he knows, or at least is closer to the truth of who killed them)?

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What has he lied about? Playing by the rules in order to gain access, in an attempt to affect change, is not lying or deceiving. I feel that he’s the most honest of the candidates and a man of integrity. I also appreciate him calling out Dr. Mengele Fauci and the deep state and technocratic corruption. More power to him, imho.

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My only complaint and criticism is he refuses to look at the science that certainly does not validate “viruses.” The egregious hypocrisy being that’s precisely what he implored everyone to do on “vaccines.” That is my big problem with him, but I agree with you on your points.

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Totally with you about calling out Dr Death (Fauci). I give him huge kudos for that, as well as exposing vaccine dangers, as well as the work he did prior, fighting against mercury in the rivers. That is a good track record.

What he has lied about? You said "He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance" - the rules of that game that I have observed is lying and deceiving, making promises that you think are going to get you elected with no intention of fulfilling them. Lies and deceptions on both sides. The only candidate ever who might have been actually honest is Ron Paul (or maybe I just don't know the dirt on him). He dropped out after his children's lives were threatened. Which is how they keep it a SELECTION, not an ELECTION. And it's not even that because the electoral college seats the president, the people don't.

Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by "Playing by the rules in order to gain access". It sounded like an excuse for things he has said. If I'm wrong let me know what you actually meant by that.

You say you trust him. I don't understand why you would trust someone who...

1. would take away our guns (if a non-partisan bill crossed his desk asking for it)

2. mandate vaccines (if they could be shown to be safe and do more harm than good - viruses are not causing the disease the medical cartel claims, but they won't admit it and Kennedy believes their virus lies.)

3. throw climate change deniers in jail. Anyone who throws those calling out the agendas of control would also presumably censor them, even though he himself is heavily censored and complains about it (rightfully so). But he would go further than just that and imprison people who see what's going on with that psyop.

4. in a plandemic follow the pandemic preparedness protocols from the CDC, the W.H.O. and the European Medical Association, the NHS Health Service in England. Which means that he will follow these captured or corrupt from the start organizations will determine who is sick, and do things to them based on that 'diagnosis' - like quarantine, isolation. Anyone who believes in contagion, denies the body cleanses/detoxes and thinks these detox symptoms are contagious diseases is not suitable to be in a position to tell me or anyone what to do with our bodies, including quarantine and isolation.

The general perception is that RFK Jr is that he's fair, good, and honest. That he won't take people's guns away, he won't mandate vaccines, and that he won't allow censorship, he won't punish or throw people in jail for having views different from views/beliefs. All of those things are untrue - by his own words.

For sure, a huge part of this is the propaganda media machine is painting him in a certain light that is untrue based on what he has actually said (and I believe what he has said as listed in my points above). So they have huge culpability too, as they do with all these candidates.

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They want you to think Fauci is the bad guy and focus on him instead that of no virus being found. Fauci is just another nasty member of the syndicate albeit in the public eye. David Martin, RFK, etc calling out Fauci is part of the psy op to distract you into the fake bioweapon narrative.

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You nailed it Proton Magic!

I think Fauci should be stripped of all his assets, which should go into a fund to help those injured by the vaccine, and he should be punished for crimes against humanity and murder. But it doesn't stop there, there are so many others also complicit, including the controllers at the top who's names we don't know. .They ALL need to be taken down.

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"I think Fauci should be stripped of all his assets". Let's go a step further, strip all politicians that, have and continue to, conspire against the citizens they are supposed to be representing, (but instead are representing globalist, corpirate interests), of their assets( some have netted tens of millions in a few short years), take away the indemnity from pharma companies peddling their death jabs and other pharmaceuticals that maim and kill, and NEVER allow them to "settle" out of court so they can continue their death regimes. "Three strikes and you're out" really does need to apply to corpirate criminal cabal.

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Good cop, bad cop

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“Playing y the rules” meaning he is running as a “democrat”. I was responding to Vicki when she said if he cared about the people, he “wouldn’t be running as a dem or repub”. He’s a democrat, he runs as a a democrat, is what I meant. LOL Much ado about nothing?

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Legit what a Legit lawyer? A legit ambulance chaser? A rich-kid that became a drug-addict, but along the way managed to secure a seat on the 'bar' ( UK)

Legit? As satanic legit?


Let's remember here prior to JFK, there was Joe Kennedy Mafia, he ran booze, heroin, and whores and that's how the family got rich, and then&only then made the kids into something 'legit', now you can say this is how the MOB makes shit LEGIT.

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Are you attacking Rfkjr directly, or indirectly for the sins you say were committed by his ancestors? I think if you have specific criticisms, then by all means let us hear them. I don’t think your issues with RFKjrs ancestors are very relevant, if at all. I am pleased to hear your criticisms of him directly, and/but I don’t think his “recovered addict” status is anything but admirable. I do however hold a fierce criticism of his stance/silence on “viruses.”

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I'm attacking 'jeff butt hurt' a homo cuck on substack

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Classic subversion technique right here. Come on a forum and spread some truth that the ruling cult wants to bury, then act like a crude jackass, thus convincing all that the truths offered are in the realm of the unhinged. Nice work.

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Abuse just says how immature and silly you are!

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My 'parrot' tells me your a UNIT-8200 IDF Mossad Hasbara CUCK; Of course your being a retard, you don't know what that means.

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Hell yes, RFK-Jr is "Hunter Biden" in an unused condom

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controlled op's dont get called an anti vaxxer...name one other candidate the media demeans for being "antivax"... because hes wrong about viruses doesn't mean he's "controlled op"

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It's all theatre. All of the Alphabet Agencies work for the same beast system. And they monitor all social media, all the internet. Space Force

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He's not anti vaxxer, and he has said so over and over and over again. They are all working for the Papacy and that is the truth that no one wants to accept. The Kennedy's are Catholics and Catholics like it or not are Idol worshipers that worship the Pope whoever it is. The Papacy, the Vatican is the Synagogue of Satan.

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Yes they do. Look at this headline: Trump and DeSantis try to out anti-vaxx each other - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5_d0OEcCYg

Other candidates (the controlled ops) don't get called out as anti-vaxxers because they are totally onboard and owned by BigPharma - so your logic there is flawed.

Other controlled ops not running for President are Del Bigtree (who has been inciting fear about lab-leaks and gain-of-function. Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough (still getting paid by BigHarma).

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trump was going to militarize the roll out of the death jab

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I agree. For those people who can't see him as controlled op, he will certainly be put to good use in the fake climate change agenda to enslave us. He has said that he thinks climate change deniers should be thrown in jail. But don't take my word for it, take it directly from the man himself:


Sarah is correct, he's not an anti-vaxxer, he believes in them, he just wants vaccines to be safe. Again, don't take my word for it, listen to his own words:


Pay particular attention to what he says at 1:20 ... I don't think we ought to be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans UNLESS we know... -

Keyword here being UNLESS. Unless this requirement is met. Yet every time these vaccines are released we are told they are safe and effective - thus meeting the requirement. Do you see the problem here?

I don't care if the injections are absolutely safe. I don't care if the 'infallible' top medical institutes claim they help. I will make my own decisions. Since I know that viruses don't exist and contagion is a myth, there is no reason to take even a truly safe vaccine (which will never exist either, but that's beside the point).

By his own admission Kennedy will mandate vaccines for unwilling Americans if they can be shown to be safe, and help more than harm. Of all the candidates that I know of with respect to the vaccines and mandating them, he has the best stance. But if viruses don't exist and contagion is a myth, there is no reason to mandate or take vaccines at all. Even though Kennedy's stance is better than the rest of the parasite class, it's still not good.

Not good enough, because of everything Sam and Mark and the rest of Team No Virus point out... but that is precisely why it is THE most important discussion in the medical & health realm. Because even the guy with the best stance on vaccines and mandating them will mandate vaccines if 'the science' can show they really are safe and effective. And that means forcing (or trying to) an unnecessary medical intervention on people without their consent.

He doesn't want to take anyone's guns away... but if a non-partisan bill to disarm Americans comes across his desk he will sign it. Again, this comes directly from him.

If Kennedy wins the election, he may not be getting or giving too much love to Big-Harma, but he will most definitely be working swiftly and effectively to roll in the WEF NWO climate change agenda and throwing all of us who can see through the lies in jail.

He complains about being censored from social media *- rightfully so, I'm 100% in support of him there - I disagree with things he says but I stand by his right to say them and not be censored or punished for it. But while he complains about being censored, he's talking about IMPRISONING those of us who speak out or engage in 'wrong think' about the contrived climate change hoax.

* Notice how he's heavily censored from social media, but seems to get more air-time from interviewers than any other candidate, at least in my YT feed. Including interviews in MSM, or by people who made their name and gained their audience in MSM, to the most popular podcaster in the world (Joe Rogan), to the popular Russell Brand who has more followers than I think all the main MSM networks combined.

I don't like making predictions, but I'm just going to throw it out here. If I were to bet on who the next President will be, my money is on RFK, Jr. Let's roll out the Climate Change agenda... you will own nothing, have no privacy, no vehicle, live in a 15-minute city and eat food rations created in a lab and handed out to you by the overlords. And you'll be happy...we've got a drug for that ;)

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There has NEVER been a need for jab mandates before, why now all of a sudden? Follow the money. It leads right back to the doorsteps of those pushing "climate emergency" bollocks. All that signed the UN "sustainable development accord have been coerced into allowing he WHO to control plandemic mandates. "They" are all complicit.

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It is very hard to disprove this opinion. After really admiring RFK Jr a year or 2 ago… my discernment is leading me to this train of thought, rather swiftly.

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Please define "controlled op".

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good cop, bad cop. May be overslimplified, but there you go.

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It’s also come out in the last week that despite claiming to be a Catholic Christian he is in reality he’s shill for Bolshevik Zionism which means to genocide Palestinian orthodox Christians and Islamic Palestinian to the full extent his belief of viruses is now A very minor ”sin”

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He may not be controlled opposition.... but he is ignorant of so much, and knows so much that simply is not so.

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More like willfully blind, and knowing which side his bread is buttered on, which makes him controlled

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Aug 29, 2023
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RFK-jr is an ambulance chaser a grifter (LAWYER), he makes the insurance companys & big-pharma 'whole'

"Why kill the batman/big-pharma?, he completes me" - joker

Same for RFK-jr relationship to big-pharma, they give his life purpose, he has no intention of killing his mentor.

Insurance companys , big-pharma, lawyers, this is a 3-way marriage made in hell, any of you honestly stupid enough to think that RFK-jr is going to upset the apple-cart that funds his Heroin habit??


Lastly, not long ago RFK-jr was a "HEROIN ADDICT", that means he's really just like Hunter Biden, just an apple that fallen close to the tree. In this case the logical is POTUS RFK-jr, make Hunter Biden his Veep.

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I was an active alcoholic 12 years ago. What does that make me? People get better. I have healed and dealt with my trauma. It is possible to change. Your comment is deeply offensive.

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If means your moron.

Had you attended any AA program, you would know the truth; The truth is to fess up what you are.

So clearly you didn't attend "AA" ( alcoholics anonymous ) program, which makes you a 'concern troll' or a liar;

A real ex-alcoholic wears his prior life on his shirt as a symbol of pride, that he fought the beast & won.

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Oh come on! You're being a bit hysterical aren't you! He is nothing like Hunter Biden, who is a prostitute user, on the take, and a man who makes money out of his father's name.

Kennedy kicked heroin more than 30 years ago, for goodness sake, and has made his own way in the world as a brilliant environmental lawyer. He's super fit and has a happy marriage. Controlled opposition my foot!! You're paranoid!

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Aug 30, 2023
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Satan&Molch created USA right after 1492 the UK "ZOG" always wanted their own 'country'.


Note the Talmud says that "Jews cannot have their own country", so these satanic ZOG cannibals or now JEWS.

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Sep 3, 2023
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Your right, but please don't put any value on 'money', they WANT power 100% power.

Once you have power, you can PRINT money for "Free"

Once you have power you can fuck your neighbors wife&kids

Once you have power you can steal children, and consume their blood&organs for immortality.

Been this way forever in human culture;

Never about money. It's only about 'power'

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Why Does Pedophilia&Cannibalism Promote Psychopaths? : It's never in all human history about 'money', its always been about 'power', the power to fuck your neighbors wife&kids.


Hey dumb-ass, they have been in power since 5AD, but in actually since 4,000BC

MONEY did not exist, prior to 1800's as 'paper'

Surely your argument could be "GOLD", but the fact is 'wealth' has always been in "Human Slavery"

He that has the most child brides to fuck is KING of the world, in all cultures in the history of mankind;

All wars were largely looting, and kidnapping & raping;

Then&now like UK-Saudi/China-Indian today, its all about child-sex slavery ran by CIA/MOSSAD/CSB/KGB/MI5.

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Sep 3, 2023
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Pedophiles & Sodomites, & cannibals are sociopaths & psychopath's , defend them, and you become just like them.


The powerful have always fucked children if&when they could; By force or wealth, poor parents historically would rather have their children fucked than die of starvation.

The men who abuse the poor by starving their children, or just abducting as they do now 'child sex slavery', are pschopath's.

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Sep 4, 2023
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Pedophiles & Sodomites, & cannibals are sociopaths & psychopath's , defend them, and you become just like them

Defend them, you are one of them; Arguing whether they are sociopaths and/or psychopaths is like arguing how many angels can dance on the tip of a needle.

I just call them ZOG ASSHOLES and be done with it, and let the clinical faux psychologists like you sort them out.

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