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I agree. For those people who can't see him as controlled op, he will certainly be put to good use in the fake climate change agenda to enslave us. He has said that he thinks climate change deniers should be thrown in jail. But don't take my word for it, take it directly from the man himself:


Sarah is correct, he's not an anti-vaxxer, he believes in them, he just wants vaccines to be safe. Again, don't take my word for it, listen to his own words:


Pay particular attention to what he says at 1:20 ... I don't think we ought to be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans UNLESS we know... -

Keyword here being UNLESS. Unless this requirement is met. Yet every time these vaccines are released we are told they are safe and effective - thus meeting the requirement. Do you see the problem here?

I don't care if the injections are absolutely safe. I don't care if the 'infallible' top medical institutes claim they help. I will make my own decisions. Since I know that viruses don't exist and contagion is a myth, there is no reason to take even a truly safe vaccine (which will never exist either, but that's beside the point).

By his own admission Kennedy will mandate vaccines for unwilling Americans if they can be shown to be safe, and help more than harm. Of all the candidates that I know of with respect to the vaccines and mandating them, he has the best stance. But if viruses don't exist and contagion is a myth, there is no reason to mandate or take vaccines at all. Even though Kennedy's stance is better than the rest of the parasite class, it's still not good.

Not good enough, because of everything Sam and Mark and the rest of Team No Virus point out... but that is precisely why it is THE most important discussion in the medical & health realm. Because even the guy with the best stance on vaccines and mandating them will mandate vaccines if 'the science' can show they really are safe and effective. And that means forcing (or trying to) an unnecessary medical intervention on people without their consent.

He doesn't want to take anyone's guns away... but if a non-partisan bill to disarm Americans comes across his desk he will sign it. Again, this comes directly from him.

If Kennedy wins the election, he may not be getting or giving too much love to Big-Harma, but he will most definitely be working swiftly and effectively to roll in the WEF NWO climate change agenda and throwing all of us who can see through the lies in jail.

He complains about being censored from social media *- rightfully so, I'm 100% in support of him there - I disagree with things he says but I stand by his right to say them and not be censored or punished for it. But while he complains about being censored, he's talking about IMPRISONING those of us who speak out or engage in 'wrong think' about the contrived climate change hoax.

* Notice how he's heavily censored from social media, but seems to get more air-time from interviewers than any other candidate, at least in my YT feed. Including interviews in MSM, or by people who made their name and gained their audience in MSM, to the most popular podcaster in the world (Joe Rogan), to the popular Russell Brand who has more followers than I think all the main MSM networks combined.

I don't like making predictions, but I'm just going to throw it out here. If I were to bet on who the next President will be, my money is on RFK, Jr. Let's roll out the Climate Change agenda... you will own nothing, have no privacy, no vehicle, live in a 15-minute city and eat food rations created in a lab and handed out to you by the overlords. And you'll be happy...we've got a drug for that ;)

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There has NEVER been a need for jab mandates before, why now all of a sudden? Follow the money. It leads right back to the doorsteps of those pushing "climate emergency" bollocks. All that signed the UN "sustainable development accord have been coerced into allowing he WHO to control plandemic mandates. "They" are all complicit.

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It is very hard to disprove this opinion. After really admiring RFK Jr a year or 2 ago… my discernment is leading me to this train of thought, rather swiftly.

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