Hear you, although I believe one must be in the game to win it. He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance of changing the game. To me, his record of helping people fight against corporate abuses speaks for itself. I trust him. 😊
Hear you, although I believe one must be in the game to win it. He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance of changing the game. To me, his record of helping people fight against corporate abuses speaks for itself. I trust him. 😊
"He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance of changing the game"
That's like thinking you can comply your way out of tyranny. Kennedy has said himself that "you cannot comply your way out of tyranny".
Watch the videos I linked in my comment to the OP. And why would you trust someone who is going to lie and deceive in order to 'play the game' to win the competition? Is he going to keep lying to us and deceiving in order to 'play the game to stay in the role? Or to stay alive(remember what happened to his father and uncle - and unlike many of his siblings and family, he knows, or at least is closer to the truth of who killed them)?
What has he lied about? Playing by the rules in order to gain access, in an attempt to affect change, is not lying or deceiving. I feel that he’s the most honest of the candidates and a man of integrity. I also appreciate him calling out Dr. Mengele Fauci and the deep state and technocratic corruption. More power to him, imho.
My only complaint and criticism is he refuses to look at the science that certainly does not validate “viruses.” The egregious hypocrisy being that’s precisely what he implored everyone to do on “vaccines.” That is my big problem with him, but I agree with you on your points.
Totally with you about calling out Dr Death (Fauci). I give him huge kudos for that, as well as exposing vaccine dangers, as well as the work he did prior, fighting against mercury in the rivers. That is a good track record.
What he has lied about? You said "He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance" - the rules of that game that I have observed is lying and deceiving, making promises that you think are going to get you elected with no intention of fulfilling them. Lies and deceptions on both sides. The only candidate ever who might have been actually honest is Ron Paul (or maybe I just don't know the dirt on him). He dropped out after his children's lives were threatened. Which is how they keep it a SELECTION, not an ELECTION. And it's not even that because the electoral college seats the president, the people don't.
Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by "Playing by the rules in order to gain access". It sounded like an excuse for things he has said. If I'm wrong let me know what you actually meant by that.
You say you trust him. I don't understand why you would trust someone who...
1. would take away our guns (if a non-partisan bill crossed his desk asking for it)
2. mandate vaccines (if they could be shown to be safe and do more harm than good - viruses are not causing the disease the medical cartel claims, but they won't admit it and Kennedy believes their virus lies.)
3. throw climate change deniers in jail. Anyone who throws those calling out the agendas of control would also presumably censor them, even though he himself is heavily censored and complains about it (rightfully so). But he would go further than just that and imprison people who see what's going on with that psyop.
4. in a plandemic follow the pandemic preparedness protocols from the CDC, the W.H.O. and the European Medical Association, the NHS Health Service in England. Which means that he will follow these captured or corrupt from the start organizations will determine who is sick, and do things to them based on that 'diagnosis' - like quarantine, isolation. Anyone who believes in contagion, denies the body cleanses/detoxes and thinks these detox symptoms are contagious diseases is not suitable to be in a position to tell me or anyone what to do with our bodies, including quarantine and isolation.
The general perception is that RFK Jr is that he's fair, good, and honest. That he won't take people's guns away, he won't mandate vaccines, and that he won't allow censorship, he won't punish or throw people in jail for having views different from views/beliefs. All of those things are untrue - by his own words.
For sure, a huge part of this is the propaganda media machine is painting him in a certain light that is untrue based on what he has actually said (and I believe what he has said as listed in my points above). So they have huge culpability too, as they do with all these candidates.
They want you to think Fauci is the bad guy and focus on him instead that of no virus being found. Fauci is just another nasty member of the syndicate albeit in the public eye. David Martin, RFK, etc calling out Fauci is part of the psy op to distract you into the fake bioweapon narrative.
I think Fauci should be stripped of all his assets, which should go into a fund to help those injured by the vaccine, and he should be punished for crimes against humanity and murder. But it doesn't stop there, there are so many others also complicit, including the controllers at the top who's names we don't know. .They ALL need to be taken down.
"I think Fauci should be stripped of all his assets". Let's go a step further, strip all politicians that, have and continue to, conspire against the citizens they are supposed to be representing, (but instead are representing globalist, corpirate interests), of their assets( some have netted tens of millions in a few short years), take away the indemnity from pharma companies peddling their death jabs and other pharmaceuticals that maim and kill, and NEVER allow them to "settle" out of court so they can continue their death regimes. "Three strikes and you're out" really does need to apply to corpirate criminal cabal.
“Playing y the rules” meaning he is running as a “democrat”. I was responding to Vicki when she said if he cared about the people, he “wouldn’t be running as a dem or repub”. He’s a democrat, he runs as a a democrat, is what I meant. LOL Much ado about nothing?
Hear you, although I believe one must be in the game to win it. He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance of changing the game. To me, his record of helping people fight against corporate abuses speaks for itself. I trust him. 😊
"He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance of changing the game"
That's like thinking you can comply your way out of tyranny. Kennedy has said himself that "you cannot comply your way out of tyranny".
Watch the videos I linked in my comment to the OP. And why would you trust someone who is going to lie and deceive in order to 'play the game' to win the competition? Is he going to keep lying to us and deceiving in order to 'play the game to stay in the role? Or to stay alive(remember what happened to his father and uncle - and unlike many of his siblings and family, he knows, or at least is closer to the truth of who killed them)?
What has he lied about? Playing by the rules in order to gain access, in an attempt to affect change, is not lying or deceiving. I feel that he’s the most honest of the candidates and a man of integrity. I also appreciate him calling out Dr. Mengele Fauci and the deep state and technocratic corruption. More power to him, imho.
My only complaint and criticism is he refuses to look at the science that certainly does not validate “viruses.” The egregious hypocrisy being that’s precisely what he implored everyone to do on “vaccines.” That is my big problem with him, but I agree with you on your points.
Totally with you about calling out Dr Death (Fauci). I give him huge kudos for that, as well as exposing vaccine dangers, as well as the work he did prior, fighting against mercury in the rivers. That is a good track record.
What he has lied about? You said "He has to play within the rules if he stands a chance" - the rules of that game that I have observed is lying and deceiving, making promises that you think are going to get you elected with no intention of fulfilling them. Lies and deceptions on both sides. The only candidate ever who might have been actually honest is Ron Paul (or maybe I just don't know the dirt on him). He dropped out after his children's lives were threatened. Which is how they keep it a SELECTION, not an ELECTION. And it's not even that because the electoral college seats the president, the people don't.
Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by "Playing by the rules in order to gain access". It sounded like an excuse for things he has said. If I'm wrong let me know what you actually meant by that.
You say you trust him. I don't understand why you would trust someone who...
1. would take away our guns (if a non-partisan bill crossed his desk asking for it)
2. mandate vaccines (if they could be shown to be safe and do more harm than good - viruses are not causing the disease the medical cartel claims, but they won't admit it and Kennedy believes their virus lies.)
3. throw climate change deniers in jail. Anyone who throws those calling out the agendas of control would also presumably censor them, even though he himself is heavily censored and complains about it (rightfully so). But he would go further than just that and imprison people who see what's going on with that psyop.
4. in a plandemic follow the pandemic preparedness protocols from the CDC, the W.H.O. and the European Medical Association, the NHS Health Service in England. Which means that he will follow these captured or corrupt from the start organizations will determine who is sick, and do things to them based on that 'diagnosis' - like quarantine, isolation. Anyone who believes in contagion, denies the body cleanses/detoxes and thinks these detox symptoms are contagious diseases is not suitable to be in a position to tell me or anyone what to do with our bodies, including quarantine and isolation.
The general perception is that RFK Jr is that he's fair, good, and honest. That he won't take people's guns away, he won't mandate vaccines, and that he won't allow censorship, he won't punish or throw people in jail for having views different from views/beliefs. All of those things are untrue - by his own words.
For sure, a huge part of this is the propaganda media machine is painting him in a certain light that is untrue based on what he has actually said (and I believe what he has said as listed in my points above). So they have huge culpability too, as they do with all these candidates.
They want you to think Fauci is the bad guy and focus on him instead that of no virus being found. Fauci is just another nasty member of the syndicate albeit in the public eye. David Martin, RFK, etc calling out Fauci is part of the psy op to distract you into the fake bioweapon narrative.
You nailed it Proton Magic!
I think Fauci should be stripped of all his assets, which should go into a fund to help those injured by the vaccine, and he should be punished for crimes against humanity and murder. But it doesn't stop there, there are so many others also complicit, including the controllers at the top who's names we don't know. .They ALL need to be taken down.
"I think Fauci should be stripped of all his assets". Let's go a step further, strip all politicians that, have and continue to, conspire against the citizens they are supposed to be representing, (but instead are representing globalist, corpirate interests), of their assets( some have netted tens of millions in a few short years), take away the indemnity from pharma companies peddling their death jabs and other pharmaceuticals that maim and kill, and NEVER allow them to "settle" out of court so they can continue their death regimes. "Three strikes and you're out" really does need to apply to corpirate criminal cabal.
Good cop, bad cop
“Playing y the rules” meaning he is running as a “democrat”. I was responding to Vicki when she said if he cared about the people, he “wouldn’t be running as a dem or repub”. He’s a democrat, he runs as a a democrat, is what I meant. LOL Much ado about nothing?