CK - There is no such thing as COVID however. Did you even watch Dr Bailey's video here??? Nor are there any kinds of viruses that make us sick. Ever. The COVID virus is nonexistent. The field of virology is bogus so your lengthy post here makes no sense.
In addition to Dr Sam Bailey's video here (and many stack posts) & Dr Mark Bailey's …
CK - There is no such thing as COVID however. Did you even watch Dr Bailey's video here??? Nor are there any kinds of viruses that make us sick. Ever. The COVID virus is nonexistent. The field of virology is bogus so your lengthy post here makes no sense.
In addition to Dr Sam Bailey's video here (and many stack posts) & Dr Mark Bailey's extensive "virology" report etc, you can also read up on virology hoax topics here too> Mike Stone's Viro LIE gy Exposing the lies of Germ Theory and virology using their own sources.
Once again, there's no probability of a true positive for COVID when COVID doesn't even EXIST!!! Please watch part 1 of The Viral Delusion that I posted above. Stunning. -
Just discovered that my comment on a Steve K (H) irsch's stack article [Jul 26, 2022] was scrubbed so put it there again. hahaha What does K(H) irsch have to worry about if viruses *really exist", huh? Virus defenders are all lily-livered cowards as they say out west. Even docs like Dr Mercola.
Here's the comment that got deleted there (& that I just reposted there) for posterity.
Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 6:37 AM - my comment here was liked by one of Steve's subscribers. Gone now?
So repetez s'il vous plait > Stefan Lanka, Ph.D. is a German micro-biologist and former virologist. Since the early 1990s he has been at the forefront speaking out about the pseudoscientific methods used to prove the existence of so-called viruses and challenging the medical theory stating that viruses are the cause of infectious diseases.
Dr. Stefan Lanka's 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception:- April 20, 2021 - The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus, because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda.
In a previous article on the nature of the virus, I have discussed the heroic efforts of German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, who won a landmark case in 2017 which went all the way to the German Supreme Court. Lanka proved in the highest court of the land that measles was not caused by a virus, and that there was in fact no such thing as a measles virus.
Lanka is still busy working, and he wrote this article earlier this year (translated into English here) entitled ““The Misconception called Virus”” in which he explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.
The Virus Misconception: The Killer Virus Story vs. Deficiency and Toxicity Lanka’s main point throughout the article is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus. Lanka writes: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are wrong and are based on easily recognizable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations …
All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells which were prepared in a special way. They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were infected by a virus. In reality, the infected cells and tissues were dying because they were starved and poisoned as a consequence of the experiments in the lab.”
Further: ” … the death of the tissue and cells takes place in the exact same manner when no “infected” genetic material is added at all. The virologists have apparently not noticed this fact. According to … scientific logic and the rules of scientific conduct, control experiments should have been carried out. In order to confirm the newly discovered method of so-called “virus propagation” … scientists would have had to perform additional experiments, called negative control experiments, in which they would add sterile substances … to the cell culture.”
“These control experiments > have never been carried out by the official “science” to this day <. During the measles virus trial, I commissioned an independent laboratory to perform this control experiment and the result was that the tissues and cells die due to the laboratory conditions in the exact same way as when they come into contact with alleged “infected” material.”
Also, please see Christine Massey's excellent FOI research that also proves these facts - that viruses do not exist as no one can provide laboratory proof of them & COVID was simply a world-wide BS psyop.
Massey has a substack as well as a website (& is best friends with Steve Hirsch!) so check her out. :-)
fyi > Dr Stefan Lanka: The Misconception Called Virus (2020) - Archive
The Misconception called Virus . Measles as an example . Dr Stefan Lanka . Contrary to what most people believe, there are no pathogenic viruses. The claims about the existence o fviruses and viral diseases are based on historic misinterpretations and not as i thought in the past - on fraud or deliberate deception.
The only reason I don't go around explaining this issue the way you have done here, which is Absolutely Right On, is because most Americans and some others as well simply won't read it all. This is what I've understood since early 2020, thanks to Dolores Cahill and others... What I DON'T understand is how Christine Massey is "best friends" with Steve HIRSCH? or KIRSCH? If that was a mistake, it blows my mind, and if it isn't, well-- oops. ;)
But EXCELLENT explanation, and I think Dr. Lanka should get a big PRIZE, and maybe someday, he will. I think Dr. Sam Bailey also explains a wide variety of things very well, too. She has that teaching ability that makes her really valuable in formats like 20-minute podcasts.
So CHEERS and KUDOS to you for your efforts! Do you have a SS page? If not, I'd like to have you as a guest on MY page, to come and do what you just did... Or I could copy & paste this comment you just wrote... ^_^ I'd imagine you'd be preaching to the choir on my page, but you never know, sometimes there's a visitor that appreciates these things... And I usually write in Doggish, so maybe not everyone gets the message... ;)
hahaha It was satire <sarcasm> that clearly missed the mark. Anyone who follows either you, Christine, or K (H) irsch should know that but maybe not all Dr Sam's followers are aware of that K(H) irsch-pushed public nastiness to you & virus questioners a year ago?
He promised a public debate with those of you who wanted to share no virus evidence & then HE reneged on his promise. But, more than that, he told hateful lies when he refused to debate & also about all of you. But you had the actual emails which showed his lies, which you put on your website, (Went into detail for those unaware of this.)
And for the record, Christine, I have MUCH faith in you, I recommend your page frequently, and I admire your diligence, your courage, and your GRACE under fire.
These boys, BOYS, NOT MEN, are shills, liars, and butt-clenching traitors-- the kind of people I classify FIRST under the category of COWARDS. Fie.
But I'm glad I was the cause of another place where we can SAY THIS, before the Nasties try to wipe all Truth from the chalkboard of Freedom...
I'm just a dog, but I'm a Good Dog, a Watch Dog, a Guard Dog...
Fangks. What happens when a working dog is made to "go lie down" for three fricken years... The under belly of the Nasties' Agenda is... enlightenment for dogs. ;)
And what does anyone "have to lose" about saying out in the open that viruses are not anything like what we've been told lo this past century and more?
This IS a psy-op. It's very difficult for most people to understand that psychopaths are trying to KILL A BUNCH OF US OFF. It sounds tooooo much like a "conspiracy theory." But sometimes CONSPIRACIES are real. There's copious evidence that this is the case, but if you think about it, and research it a bit, there have been numerous instances, WWII for one, in which people obeyed and did as they were told, because they couldn't believe that someone else would simply slaughter them. They were wrong.
Used <sarcasm> "best friend" to get Hirsch's followers to check out Christine"s stack. hahaha
And the descriptions are all Dr Lanka. He spells out the critical problems with the virus lab work & tests so clearly that even normies should readily understand it. Sorry for confusion - sometimes my satire misses. lol
FWIW My own self-description "belligerent thinker" is sarcasm, as both Bush2 & Obomber always used the term "belligerents" when they wanted to justify bombing or invading a (resistant/rebellious) country du jour for global/ imperialist reasons.
So "belligerent" is a rebellious term in my use of it.
A "Rebel Girl", as the US labor organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn used it to describe herself.
I most belligerently commend you on your belligerence. I'm a "Rebel Girl," too, and have been pretty much forever, including past lives... I will die with my sneakers on, and a squeak toy in my backpack.
And btw, I think the Nasties are planning something sort of Big... Perhaps once something Big happens, the sleepyheads will wake the hell UP. THREE YEARS of this, and still they wander around thinking things are "going back to normal." SMFH. I imagine it'll be about online ID's and probably BANKING.
Yep. That's the idea the evil-doers (tm) are "selling". It's in Agenda 2030, right? Demoralize us with a "plan-demic", kill millions, strip away our rights & then come in for the kill w/digital CBDC $ controls. Not confusing at all as they've been telling us this for a couple decades now. They (corp-govt "partnership") tell us & print up reports & plans to outline it.
ICYMI Good overview of Agenda 21/2030 & their dam plans for a so-called "Great Reset" of all of our freedoms & liberties here >
December 20th, 2020 - Computing Forever program interview: Rosa Koire (RIP Rosa) Explains Agenda 21 and The Great Reset (And also details how the Green New Deal is yet another devious component of the so-called sustainability movement to guilt-trip over carbon, drive electric cars & promote urban living over rural living. It wants to strip personal property rights & do land grabs around the country to move us into fascist "smart cities".) (interview length 40 minutes)
They tell us what their plans are in reports & then try to deny it. Just like with the C19 fake health crisis/scam - they use it to promote authoritarianism in the guise of public health (when there was clearly NO crisis per the annual mortality stats) & then they deny it.
But you left out the mass deaths. Remember the (Maine?) big rocks in Georgia that said "Let's cull those fuckers down to about 12 people and they can be slaves! Hey, yeah!!"
THAT is when I started barking without stopping. Well, okay, except for sleeping, but I don't sleep ALL night no mo. Sometimes I bark for no reason, and when I do, it's ALWAYS while shredding photos of Klown Schlob and Boil Grapes... I know they are minions of the Most Evil, but I like the feeling of chewing their bootox completely arf...
Thank you, Lucinda! If you are familiar with Dr Kerri Mullis the inventor of the PCR test and won, the Nobel Prize for this work. He has stated in videos before his death that #1 Fauci knows nothing and is just a bureaucrat and a Liar who would not debate him in three different offers at three different Universities about the use of the PCR test for HIV. Mullis knew that this test was never able to diagnose any illness and was never meant to do so but Fauci would not debate him. Mullis stated emphatically that the test would only show ancient miniscule particles of dead material that has been in the human body for thousands of years but was not active. He also stated that if it was cycled high enough it would appear to be something but was not actually anything active and yet this is the test, they used for HIV as well as Covid diagnosis. It would be the same as reading the entrails of an animal to determine the same thing or anything for that matter. This fact alone should have discredited Fauci. The stunning thing about this entire operation is the origins of it all, and it has been a plan for many hundreds of years. Malthus and his eugenics loving elites have played the long game in this diabolical mission. The book by Robert Ingraham, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire; Its Origins, Evolution, and Antihuman Outlook will make clear to all what where when why and who were and still are behind this global genocide. They manipulated world events in order to gain control of the entire global financial systems through the Rothchilds and various royal families because they knew that in order to steer nations into slavery, they needed control of the currency. The Rockefellers are agents of the British Empire, and they gained control of allopathic medicine early on, and calling any natural healing quacks. They also gained control of public schools to indoctrinate the public to think a certain way, and it worked verry well. This is an important book to read and one other I would suggest is Murder by injection. I will say that all the supposed fighter for freedom in the covid scam never mention the fact that Viruses do not exist or that some of the vaccines have Graphene oxide in them. So just how much truth are they actually stating? The Covid summit in Florida had all of them in attendance and they were bashing the agencies and the jabs as deadly but near the end of the video one of them stated that most vaccines were safe and effective and had a one in a million adverse event???????? He actually said this, and this is when I became suspicious about even them telling the entire truth. They all know as does Robert Kennedy Jr. that vaccines are not safe, so why did he make this false statement??? You tell me! smell a rat much?
Yep. Been sharing the Kary Mullis videos for 2+ years now. And many,many other sources that debunk the whole so-called C19 scam. No viruses = no pandemic.
A good summary of the Black Nobility (hidden elites that control the public ones) is Frances Leader's stack here >
Jan 20, 2022 - AGENDA 2030 - NO ESCAPE, NO OBJECTIONS PERMITTED - Agenda 2030 is important to every human alive today and even those unborn.
CK - There is no such thing as COVID however. Did you even watch Dr Bailey's video here??? Nor are there any kinds of viruses that make us sick. Ever. The COVID virus is nonexistent. The field of virology is bogus so your lengthy post here makes no sense.
In addition to Dr Sam Bailey's video here (and many stack posts) & Dr Mark Bailey's extensive "virology" report etc, you can also read up on virology hoax topics here too> Mike Stone's Viro LIE gy Exposing the lies of Germ Theory and virology using their own sources.
Once again, there's no probability of a true positive for COVID when COVID doesn't even EXIST!!! Please watch part 1 of The Viral Delusion that I posted above. Stunning. -
Indeed, well put.
Just discovered that my comment on a Steve K (H) irsch's stack article [Jul 26, 2022] was scrubbed so put it there again. hahaha What does K(H) irsch have to worry about if viruses *really exist", huh? Virus defenders are all lily-livered cowards as they say out west. Even docs like Dr Mercola.
Here's the comment that got deleted there (& that I just reposted there) for posterity.
Lucinda - 9 min ago
Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 6:37 AM - my comment here was liked by one of Steve's subscribers. Gone now?
So repetez s'il vous plait > Stefan Lanka, Ph.D. is a German micro-biologist and former virologist. Since the early 1990s he has been at the forefront speaking out about the pseudoscientific methods used to prove the existence of so-called viruses and challenging the medical theory stating that viruses are the cause of infectious diseases.
Dr. Stefan Lanka's 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception:- April 20, 2021 - The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus, because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda.
In a previous article on the nature of the virus, I have discussed the heroic efforts of German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, who won a landmark case in 2017 which went all the way to the German Supreme Court. Lanka proved in the highest court of the land that measles was not caused by a virus, and that there was in fact no such thing as a measles virus.
Lanka is still busy working, and he wrote this article earlier this year (translated into English here) entitled ““The Misconception called Virus”” in which he explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.
The Virus Misconception: The Killer Virus Story vs. Deficiency and Toxicity Lanka’s main point throughout the article is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus. Lanka writes: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are wrong and are based on easily recognizable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations …
All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells which were prepared in a special way. They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were infected by a virus. In reality, the infected cells and tissues were dying because they were starved and poisoned as a consequence of the experiments in the lab.”
Further: ” … the death of the tissue and cells takes place in the exact same manner when no “infected” genetic material is added at all. The virologists have apparently not noticed this fact. According to … scientific logic and the rules of scientific conduct, control experiments should have been carried out. In order to confirm the newly discovered method of so-called “virus propagation” … scientists would have had to perform additional experiments, called negative control experiments, in which they would add sterile substances … to the cell culture.”
“These control experiments > have never been carried out by the official “science” to this day <. During the measles virus trial, I commissioned an independent laboratory to perform this control experiment and the result was that the tissues and cells die due to the laboratory conditions in the exact same way as when they come into contact with alleged “infected” material.”
Also, please see Christine Massey's excellent FOI research that also proves these facts - that viruses do not exist as no one can provide laboratory proof of them & COVID was simply a world-wide BS psyop.
Massey has a substack as well as a website (& is best friends with Steve Hirsch!) so check her out. :-)
fyi > Dr Stefan Lanka: The Misconception Called Virus (2020) - Archive
The Misconception called Virus . Measles as an example . Dr Stefan Lanka . Contrary to what most people believe, there are no pathogenic viruses. The claims about the existence o fviruses and viral diseases are based on historic misinterpretations and not as i thought in the past - on fraud or deliberate deception.
The only reason I don't go around explaining this issue the way you have done here, which is Absolutely Right On, is because most Americans and some others as well simply won't read it all. This is what I've understood since early 2020, thanks to Dolores Cahill and others... What I DON'T understand is how Christine Massey is "best friends" with Steve HIRSCH? or KIRSCH? If that was a mistake, it blows my mind, and if it isn't, well-- oops. ;)
But EXCELLENT explanation, and I think Dr. Lanka should get a big PRIZE, and maybe someday, he will. I think Dr. Sam Bailey also explains a wide variety of things very well, too. She has that teaching ability that makes her really valuable in formats like 20-minute podcasts.
So CHEERS and KUDOS to you for your efforts! Do you have a SS page? If not, I'd like to have you as a guest on MY page, to come and do what you just did... Or I could copy & paste this comment you just wrote... ^_^ I'd imagine you'd be preaching to the choir on my page, but you never know, sometimes there's a visitor that appreciates these things... And I usually write in Doggish, so maybe not everyone gets the message... ;)
I'm definitely not friends with Steve, Kirsch or Hirsch! That was sarcasm from Lucinda, I'm pretty sure :)
hahaha It was satire <sarcasm> that clearly missed the mark. Anyone who follows either you, Christine, or K (H) irsch should know that but maybe not all Dr Sam's followers are aware of that K(H) irsch-pushed public nastiness to you & virus questioners a year ago?
He promised a public debate with those of you who wanted to share no virus evidence & then HE reneged on his promise. But, more than that, he told hateful lies when he refused to debate & also about all of you. But you had the actual emails which showed his lies, which you put on your website, (Went into detail for those unaware of this.)
I read Steve's page for about two minutes and then I got "that feeling" and had to scamper to the loo!!
Sorry, sometimes things just fly right over, but LOL, I'm okay now...
Thanks Lucinda :) Yes, it's all documented here:
The real reason I now refuse to debate Steve Kirsch (or engage with him, Richard Fleming or Kevin McCairn)
(hint: it’s not what Steve tells his readers)
Posted July 24, 2022:
My fate is restored... ;)
And for the record, Christine, I have MUCH faith in you, I recommend your page frequently, and I admire your diligence, your courage, and your GRACE under fire.
These boys, BOYS, NOT MEN, are shills, liars, and butt-clenching traitors-- the kind of people I classify FIRST under the category of COWARDS. Fie.
But I'm glad I was the cause of another place where we can SAY THIS, before the Nasties try to wipe all Truth from the chalkboard of Freedom...
I'm just a dog, but I'm a Good Dog, a Watch Dog, a Guard Dog...
and I have a very good sniffer. ;)
You're actually extremely articulate and well versed on the b.s. we're dealing with :)
Fangks. What happens when a working dog is made to "go lie down" for three fricken years... The under belly of the Nasties' Agenda is... enlightenment for dogs. ;)
And what does anyone "have to lose" about saying out in the open that viruses are not anything like what we've been told lo this past century and more?
This IS a psy-op. It's very difficult for most people to understand that psychopaths are trying to KILL A BUNCH OF US OFF. It sounds tooooo much like a "conspiracy theory." But sometimes CONSPIRACIES are real. There's copious evidence that this is the case, but if you think about it, and research it a bit, there have been numerous instances, WWII for one, in which people obeyed and did as they were told, because they couldn't believe that someone else would simply slaughter them. They were wrong.
Used <sarcasm> "best friend" to get Hirsch's followers to check out Christine"s stack. hahaha
And the descriptions are all Dr Lanka. He spells out the critical problems with the virus lab work & tests so clearly that even normies should readily understand it. Sorry for confusion - sometimes my satire misses. lol
If I knew you a bit better, and this helps, lol, I would have caught it, but now I'm attuned. ;)
I've been surprised a few times, and it's always very unsettling!! As in, RUNNING for the loo! LOLOL
FWIW My own self-description "belligerent thinker" is sarcasm, as both Bush2 & Obomber always used the term "belligerents" when they wanted to justify bombing or invading a (resistant/rebellious) country du jour for global/ imperialist reasons.
So "belligerent" is a rebellious term in my use of it.
A "Rebel Girl", as the US labor organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn used it to describe herself.
I most belligerently commend you on your belligerence. I'm a "Rebel Girl," too, and have been pretty much forever, including past lives... I will die with my sneakers on, and a squeak toy in my backpack.
Wooo Hooo! ^_^
And btw, I think the Nasties are planning something sort of Big... Perhaps once something Big happens, the sleepyheads will wake the hell UP. THREE YEARS of this, and still they wander around thinking things are "going back to normal." SMFH. I imagine it'll be about online ID's and probably BANKING.
Yep. That's the idea the evil-doers (tm) are "selling". It's in Agenda 2030, right? Demoralize us with a "plan-demic", kill millions, strip away our rights & then come in for the kill w/digital CBDC $ controls. Not confusing at all as they've been telling us this for a couple decades now. They (corp-govt "partnership") tell us & print up reports & plans to outline it.
ICYMI Good overview of Agenda 21/2030 & their dam plans for a so-called "Great Reset" of all of our freedoms & liberties here >
December 20th, 2020 - Computing Forever program interview: Rosa Koire (RIP Rosa) Explains Agenda 21 and The Great Reset (And also details how the Green New Deal is yet another devious component of the so-called sustainability movement to guilt-trip over carbon, drive electric cars & promote urban living over rural living. It wants to strip personal property rights & do land grabs around the country to move us into fascist "smart cities".) (interview length 40 minutes)
Report: Agenda 21 And Population Control.pdf (PDFy mirror) - Archive
They tell us what their plans are in reports & then try to deny it. Just like with the C19 fake health crisis/scam - they use it to promote authoritarianism in the guise of public health (when there was clearly NO crisis per the annual mortality stats) & then they deny it.
Yep, I'm aware of the plans.
But you left out the mass deaths. Remember the (Maine?) big rocks in Georgia that said "Let's cull those fuckers down to about 12 people and they can be slaves! Hey, yeah!!"
THAT is when I started barking without stopping. Well, okay, except for sleeping, but I don't sleep ALL night no mo. Sometimes I bark for no reason, and when I do, it's ALWAYS while shredding photos of Klown Schlob and Boil Grapes... I know they are minions of the Most Evil, but I like the feeling of chewing their bootox completely arf...
Thank you, Lucinda! If you are familiar with Dr Kerri Mullis the inventor of the PCR test and won, the Nobel Prize for this work. He has stated in videos before his death that #1 Fauci knows nothing and is just a bureaucrat and a Liar who would not debate him in three different offers at three different Universities about the use of the PCR test for HIV. Mullis knew that this test was never able to diagnose any illness and was never meant to do so but Fauci would not debate him. Mullis stated emphatically that the test would only show ancient miniscule particles of dead material that has been in the human body for thousands of years but was not active. He also stated that if it was cycled high enough it would appear to be something but was not actually anything active and yet this is the test, they used for HIV as well as Covid diagnosis. It would be the same as reading the entrails of an animal to determine the same thing or anything for that matter. This fact alone should have discredited Fauci. The stunning thing about this entire operation is the origins of it all, and it has been a plan for many hundreds of years. Malthus and his eugenics loving elites have played the long game in this diabolical mission. The book by Robert Ingraham, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire; Its Origins, Evolution, and Antihuman Outlook will make clear to all what where when why and who were and still are behind this global genocide. They manipulated world events in order to gain control of the entire global financial systems through the Rothchilds and various royal families because they knew that in order to steer nations into slavery, they needed control of the currency. The Rockefellers are agents of the British Empire, and they gained control of allopathic medicine early on, and calling any natural healing quacks. They also gained control of public schools to indoctrinate the public to think a certain way, and it worked verry well. This is an important book to read and one other I would suggest is Murder by injection. I will say that all the supposed fighter for freedom in the covid scam never mention the fact that Viruses do not exist or that some of the vaccines have Graphene oxide in them. So just how much truth are they actually stating? The Covid summit in Florida had all of them in attendance and they were bashing the agencies and the jabs as deadly but near the end of the video one of them stated that most vaccines were safe and effective and had a one in a million adverse event???????? He actually said this, and this is when I became suspicious about even them telling the entire truth. They all know as does Robert Kennedy Jr. that vaccines are not safe, so why did he make this false statement??? You tell me! smell a rat much?
Yep. Been sharing the Kary Mullis videos for 2+ years now. And many,many other sources that debunk the whole so-called C19 scam. No viruses = no pandemic.
A good summary of the Black Nobility (hidden elites that control the public ones) is Frances Leader's stack here >
Jan 20, 2022 - AGENDA 2030 - NO ESCAPE, NO OBJECTIONS PERMITTED - Agenda 2030 is important to every human alive today and even those unborn.
by Frances Leader
Also more here >
January 18, 2022 - WHO RULES THE WORLD? - They like to call themselves the BLACK NOBILITY -
Realize that many of you prob already know all of of this so posting for newbies.