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Used <sarcasm> "best friend" to get Hirsch's followers to check out Christine"s stack. hahaha

And the descriptions are all Dr Lanka. He spells out the critical problems with the virus lab work & tests so clearly that even normies should readily understand it. Sorry for confusion - sometimes my satire misses. lol

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If I knew you a bit better, and this helps, lol, I would have caught it, but now I'm attuned. ;)

I've been surprised a few times, and it's always very unsettling!! As in, RUNNING for the loo! LOLOL

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FWIW My own self-description "belligerent thinker" is sarcasm, as both Bush2 & Obomber always used the term "belligerents" when they wanted to justify bombing or invading a (resistant/rebellious) country du jour for global/ imperialist reasons.

So "belligerent" is a rebellious term in my use of it.

A "Rebel Girl", as the US labor organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn used it to describe herself.

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I most belligerently commend you on your belligerence. I'm a "Rebel Girl," too, and have been pretty much forever, including past lives... I will die with my sneakers on, and a squeak toy in my backpack.

Wooo Hooo! ^_^

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And btw, I think the Nasties are planning something sort of Big... Perhaps once something Big happens, the sleepyheads will wake the hell UP. THREE YEARS of this, and still they wander around thinking things are "going back to normal." SMFH. I imagine it'll be about online ID's and probably BANKING.

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Yep. That's the idea the evil-doers (tm) are "selling". It's in Agenda 2030, right? Demoralize us with a "plan-demic", kill millions, strip away our rights & then come in for the kill w/digital CBDC $ controls. Not confusing at all as they've been telling us this for a couple decades now. They (corp-govt "partnership") tell us & print up reports & plans to outline it.

ICYMI Good overview of Agenda 21/2030 & their dam plans for a so-called "Great Reset" of all of our freedoms & liberties here >

December 20th, 2020 - Computing Forever program interview: Rosa Koire (RIP Rosa) Explains Agenda 21 and The Great Reset (And also details how the Green New Deal is yet another devious component of the so-called sustainability movement to guilt-trip over carbon, drive electric cars & promote urban living over rural living. It wants to strip personal property rights & do land grabs around the country to move us into fascist "smart cities".) (interview length 40 minutes)


Report: Agenda 21 And Population Control.pdf (PDFy mirror) - Archive


They tell us what their plans are in reports & then try to deny it. Just like with the C19 fake health crisis/scam - they use it to promote authoritarianism in the guise of public health (when there was clearly NO crisis per the annual mortality stats) & then they deny it.

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Yep, I'm aware of the plans.

But you left out the mass deaths. Remember the (Maine?) big rocks in Georgia that said "Let's cull those fuckers down to about 12 people and they can be slaves! Hey, yeah!!"

THAT is when I started barking without stopping. Well, okay, except for sleeping, but I don't sleep ALL night no mo. Sometimes I bark for no reason, and when I do, it's ALWAYS while shredding photos of Klown Schlob and Boil Grapes... I know they are minions of the Most Evil, but I like the feeling of chewing their bootox completely arf...

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