hahaha It was satire <sarcasm> that clearly missed the mark. Anyone who follows either you, Christine, or K (H) irsch should know that but maybe not all Dr Sam's followers are aware of that K(H) irsch-pushed public nastiness to you & virus questioners a year ago?
He promised a public debate with those of you who wanted to share no virus evidence & then HE reneged on his promise. But, more than that, he told hateful lies when he refused to debate & also about all of you. But you had the actual emails which showed his lies, which you put on your website, (Went into detail for those unaware of this.)
And for the record, Christine, I have MUCH faith in you, I recommend your page frequently, and I admire your diligence, your courage, and your GRACE under fire.
These boys, BOYS, NOT MEN, are shills, liars, and butt-clenching traitors-- the kind of people I classify FIRST under the category of COWARDS. Fie.
But I'm glad I was the cause of another place where we can SAY THIS, before the Nasties try to wipe all Truth from the chalkboard of Freedom...
I'm just a dog, but I'm a Good Dog, a Watch Dog, a Guard Dog...
Fangks. What happens when a working dog is made to "go lie down" for three fricken years... The under belly of the Nasties' Agenda is... enlightenment for dogs. ;)
I'm definitely not friends with Steve, Kirsch or Hirsch! That was sarcasm from Lucinda, I'm pretty sure :)
hahaha It was satire <sarcasm> that clearly missed the mark. Anyone who follows either you, Christine, or K (H) irsch should know that but maybe not all Dr Sam's followers are aware of that K(H) irsch-pushed public nastiness to you & virus questioners a year ago?
He promised a public debate with those of you who wanted to share no virus evidence & then HE reneged on his promise. But, more than that, he told hateful lies when he refused to debate & also about all of you. But you had the actual emails which showed his lies, which you put on your website, (Went into detail for those unaware of this.)
I read Steve's page for about two minutes and then I got "that feeling" and had to scamper to the loo!!
Sorry, sometimes things just fly right over, but LOL, I'm okay now...
Thanks Lucinda :) Yes, it's all documented here:
The real reason I now refuse to debate Steve Kirsch (or engage with him, Richard Fleming or Kevin McCairn)
(hint: itтАЩs not what Steve tells his readers)
Posted July 24, 2022:
My fate is restored... ;)
And for the record, Christine, I have MUCH faith in you, I recommend your page frequently, and I admire your diligence, your courage, and your GRACE under fire.
These boys, BOYS, NOT MEN, are shills, liars, and butt-clenching traitors-- the kind of people I classify FIRST under the category of COWARDS. Fie.
But I'm glad I was the cause of another place where we can SAY THIS, before the Nasties try to wipe all Truth from the chalkboard of Freedom...
I'm just a dog, but I'm a Good Dog, a Watch Dog, a Guard Dog...
and I have a very good sniffer. ;)
You're actually extremely articulate and well versed on the b.s. we're dealing with :)
Fangks. What happens when a working dog is made to "go lie down" for three fricken years... The under belly of the Nasties' Agenda is... enlightenment for dogs. ;)