When it comes to the pandemic industry there are now so many aspects of the swindle that we have written several books about it. However, when it comes to the reason as to why the public buys into productions such as The COVID-19 Fraud we believe that the pivotal reason is the belief and fear of contagion.
In this video we go back to early 2020 at the time when the COVID-19 fairy story was coming out of Wuhan. Why did the 2011 film Contagion suddenly become popular again during this era and how did the plot, including the permitted “alternative” narrative, have so many similarities with events in recent years?
These days ‘contagion’ is taken to mean the transmission of illness via disease-causing germs but we have already exposed the fact that the scientific literature reveals that pathogens do not exist. It is also evident that the original meanings of ‘contagion’ and ‘infection’ have been changed in order to support the failed germ hypothesis. Is contagion relevant at all and why is Daniel Roytas’ new book so important in this regard?
👉👉 Show notes and related videos HERE
Viroliegists operate much like central bankers in their creation of 'money': they conjure viruses out of thin air, backed by nothing more than fancy terminology to provide the smoke-and-mirrors cover for the rawest of frauds.
The viroliegists' contagion myth is the biological equivalent of fractional reserve lending - imaginary numbers, or ‘viruses,‘ multiplying through the system, based on a big, fat nothing.
Thanks to massive injections of truth endowments into the market from the Baileys, Christine, Andy, Tom, Mike Stone, and others, the whole 'viral' Ponzi house of cards is starting to wobble, prior to collapse.
We may see a time when to test for a persons currency status is a scan of an implanted device. That scan result is of course manipulable, just like the 'virus' testing.
The Neo-Malthusians‘ say a daily prayer to help usher in the dystopia James rightly ponders....
Our Technocrat, who art in Cyberspace,
Hallowed be thy Blockchain,
Thy CBDC come,
Thy will be done,
In digital wallets and ATMS.
Give us this day our daily UBI tokens,
And ‘forgive‘ us our cash transactions,
As we 'forgive‘ those who use them.
Lead us not into financial freedom,
But deliver us from privacy.
For thine is the algorithm, the power, and the control,
Forever and ever,
This is brilliant!
What a chilling comparison of good and evil.
One should ponder on this to realize our true state of affairs.
"Implanting" any type of foreign object in the body is ill advised.
All will own nothing and yet be happy ::)
A powerful thing, that sign of nature...
Yup, the signature creates the value. 👌
Dear Sam, something that causes untold misery to very many farmers in UK is the government testing of cattle for bovine TB which results in thousands of cattle being slaughtered when they show a reaction to the test. ( "The standard method for detection of bovine tuberculosis is the tuberculin test, which involves the intradermal injection of bovine tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) and the subsequent detection of swelling (delayed hypersensitivity) at the site of injection 72 hours later. “) An apparently healthy cow injected with the skin test may develop a swelling that indicates it is a “reactor” meaning it must be slaughtered immediately, no ifs, no buts.
Hundreds of farmers have been ruined financially and emotionally and there is a general feeling of anger, outrage and despair in the farming fraternity especially here in Wales. Farmers have been told that the main cause of bovine TB is CONTAGION spread by infected badgers. This means that huge efforts are made to kill badgers and around quarter of a million have been culled in recent years. A few centuries ago it was witches who were the target and who were blamed when cattle suddenly died, today it’s badgers. Research online indicates that in NZ you have a similar situation with possums taking the blame for spreading bovine TB! This topic is back in the news in UK as Queen guitarist Brian May who is a wildlife enthusiast and badger champion has recently made a film suggesting that badgers do not infect cattle with bovine TB. This has gone down like a lead balloon and he is being vilified in the media especially in the farming press and social media. I am sure there is a lot that could be learnt from your work and also from research by people like Roman Bystrianyk which might give a clue to an alternative approach to addressing the issue of bovine TB. But how can this be taken forward?
I am sickened to hear about the scam being perpetrated on cattle and farmers and badgers because of phony "bovine TB." Here in the U.S., the authorities want to force another scam of electronic ID onto every animal that goes into the food supply, which benefits the mega-producers and hurts small farmers, plus leaves the animals subject to electronic surveillance at all times via an implant.
As we health- and food-freedom individuals shift our thinking away from "germ theory," we look at other reasons people and animals get sick.
Sally Fallon Morrell at the Weston A. Price Foundation — featuring Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts — has posted a super article about the "real cause" of tuberculosis: "iron oxide—a poison given off by iron that has been heated." Exposure increased during the Industrial Revolution.
Thank you for the link to the compelling Weston A Price article!
Jake - Another Sally Fallon Morell article which you may find of value is about what the root cause of anthrax. As we know from history, untold hundreds of thousands of livestock have been killed because they were thought to be infected with anthrax. What about if the cause of "anthrax" were really a poison used in huge volumes before and after 1900, and still in use in lesser amounts today? Arsenic.
This is the conclusion that I came to believe when looking deeper into this dis-ease. Another land grab opportunity!
Imagine if entire communities of people had to be put down because they have a bad reaction to routine testing.
Is that what's next?
Just another reason, IMO, the contagion farce needs to be exposed far and wide and is ultimately at the basis of so much injury and destruction in all areas of life, far beyond what just focusing on 5G would accomplish, for multiple reasons. Everything is planned and carried out to destroy not just human life but wildlife, crops, soil, etc. It seems like separate issues to many because of the way it's been carried out, but it's all integral to the final goal.
Badger: "Why do I try, Mole? Why do I try?" (Wind in the Willows)
It makes me sad that such glorious creatures as badgers and possums are murdered with impunity. As for cows, I was already sad. Possums can eat five-thousand ticks a day, and if we had a healthy culture here in Niagara, we would worship them as ghostly angels.
Possums are putting people out of work and taking profits away from big pharma by their sheer gluttony ;)
These parasites( the politicians) should be put somewhere safe, away from populations, and enclosed in their own 'bubbles'...it won't take too much for them to start attacking each other.
As you may know the little stamps we are getting on our mail is the results of a scientist using a computer math problem with no answer Then creating a design that would also per second go on forever with differing designs (well maybe) However why not use photons to create a microscope using light to see in microscopes better? Simulate in other words via the 10 trillion pictures per second camera making light look like a snail?
Just a thought however at a loss this may be ?
How sad. 😿
This is a link to the documentary:
Thank you, idk if I can watch it tho.
yeah, not gonna watch sad stuff. I don't need more info to be respectful to badgers or possums, but it's good that the link is offered.
The reaction being an indication the cattle are building a response to the foreign matter… go figure!
Another type of land grab! If the banks and politicians want your land they will put anything into the test to get it! The spreading of the truth needs to continue and the toxin truly identified which could well be 'applied' arsenic.
See, government spooks are everywhere and these people will do their best to maintain the status quo. The fires in Maui for instance 'could have been started by the very same firefighters that claimed to have extinguished them'...
Knowledge and making folk aware should eventually put an end to their evil.
AAaahhh- Chooo - Dustin Hoffman was much better in Last Chance Harvey and as for the movie CONTAGION - I reckon best supporting actor belonged to the monkey - it's amazing to look at those images of folk during the Scamdemic to witness how easily many were duped (thanks in large part to HOLLYWOOD) as you point out and how righteous it became to 'do our bit' for the greater good - how good were those nasal probes - 50cm into sinus cavity - thanks Team Bailey's
three stooges routine
woop woop woop, wise guy, eh?
Ha yep add the Marx brothers to join the Stooges' to argue the case for 'virus mob' and we might get a REAL conversation happening - Hey Mo - where'd ya get those new sunglasses
So they want us NOT to travel due to infection risk. On the other hand they want us to live in mega cities and 15 min Zones . It is not about contagion . It is about confusion .
Thankyou for your strength and fortitude in countering the narrative full of lies that bombards us daily. It is so important that voices like yours spread the relevant facts.
There’s a game you can play when you watch ’Contagion’. It’s like the ‘Roxanne’ drinking game, the one where you take a shot every time Sting sings “Roxanne!” When you see the CDC logo product placement on lap tops, coffee mugs, lab coats, lanyards, car doors and building windows, you take a shot. I was shit faced before Dustin Hofmann exclaims “…it’s airborne!”
Gotta stick to iced tea shots!!!
Sounds like a fun game!
I'm almost tempted to watch this now.
It actually involves 2 teams - ‘Roxanne’ (lovely name btw) and ‘Put on the red light’. It starts pretty slow, with plenty of recovery time. But ends up a bit messy towards the end!
The Elephant In The Room
Is The Question:
“ Dr. _______ , What Evidence Do You Need To Be Presented With In Order To Demonstrate To You Conclusively That Gain Of Function Experiments Have All Failed To Produce A Self-Replicating Pathogen That Can Be Aerosolized And That Can Be Harmfully Spread More Than Ten Feet? “
This presentation is very good.
The outtakes are very funny.
It's sad that so many people cannot share the fun. Poor folks.
Thanks again, Dr Sam Bailey.
Interesting point about histamines in people's discharges which others may also find to be irritants.
The notion of contagion sits on people's reasoning abilities like tons and tons of bricks. A couple of days ago, i was in my neighborhood park in Berkeley, California. And there was a group of around 15 college age women, having a meeting of some sort. All but 3 were masked. Fear is in the air, be it Mpox, avian flu, "COVID" resurgence, "polio," ....And there are many who are all too eager to pick it up, quite a few of whom are doing so in the belief that they are acting as knowledgeable ones in the midst of the ignorant masses who don;t realize the "threat." What a skewing of reality.
Thanks for doing so much to cast light in the midst of learned ignorance descending upon our species. 🙏🏼
The first casualty of "germ theory" is language.
Great vid& the out takes ate hilarious! Thanks for your continued hard work, I reference your work at every opportunity. All the best
Dear Sam (and Mark), thanks again for an enlightening video and yes you’re right: smiles are contagious, you brought a big one on my face with these outtakes ☺
Like yawning can be or the synchronication of women’s monthly cycles when being close to eachother. Which I have experienced over and over again with my own daughter and close friends.
Or what to think about how even non-living things like metronomes, with different movements, can sync together when put together in the same space.
I’ve experienced many things which typically goes under the misnomer „para-normal“. For me there is nothing „para“ about it; we emit energy & light, we are electro-magnetic beings. And that can be a reason we can „mirror“ or pick up for instance symptoms or even other people’s thoughts.
Traditional Chinese Medicine’s is based on energy too.
Next to the many failed „germ contagion“ experiments there have been other experiments done showing how „contagion“ works. Take a dive for instance into the Kaznacheyev experiments. Dr. Vladimir Kaznacheyev lived from 1924 to 2014. He was the director of the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novisibirsk, southern Russia. This is the transcript of Brendan D. Murphy’s video about it which he did for last years series „The end of covid“, which I find very helpful to help people understand that we do not need any germs.
With love.
They have been busy with the propaganda for the longest time .
An Illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at the time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. We will keep their lifespan short and their mind weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poison everywhere they turn. The soft metal will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouth, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poison will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breath and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our product being use in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine/poisons. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poisons. We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their mind will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use FEAR AS OUR WEAPON. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil. Our family will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves. We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s heart apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, and anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit. We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors. We will always hide the divine truth from them, that WE ARE ALL ONE. This they must never know!! They must never know that color is an illusion; they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us, we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons. We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plan, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Member of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth as they will turn against us. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know. The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late. Oh yes! So grand the illusion of freedom will be that they will never know they are OUR SLAVES. When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their own prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial. But! If they ever find out that they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came. This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.
It must never, ever be written or spoken of for it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME Creator upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of time of infinity itself.
What are you quoting?
I'm not the one who wrote this.
The elites did a couple centuries ago at least, if not more.
Apparently the Illuminati but cannot confirmed it for sure.
Thank you Dr. S. Bailey. Another great Video!
The real contagion is fear.
In ancient times people believed that major epidemics were caused by "Influenza", the 'influence' of the solar system upon the earth.
In the recent book 'The Invisible Rainbow' (2017) we learn that epidemics are caused by the affect of electricity on the human body, which itself is electrical.
With the advancing of electric technologies, along with the influence of the 11 year electromagnetic sunspot activity cycle, Influenza appears around the world in various locations where transportation did not exist to spread a contagion.
This gave rise to the idea of Germ Theory and the rise of the medical industry and vaccines (The diseases of the 19th century disappeared with improvements in sanitation along with refrigeration).
The Spanish Flu of 1918 began at a military base in Kansas, where wireless communications were introduced and quickly spread around the world, as the technology was installed by the various countries during WW l.
Epidemics appear routinely in the modern age with the advances in the electromagnetic technology in conjunction with the 11 year solar flare cycle.
The year 2019 began the rollout of 5G technology at the beginning of the 25th solar flare cycle welcoming Covid 19.
(Note that the data related to Flu deaths was no longer available), but media had much recent coverage of the aurora boorealis appearing below the arctic circle.
Still gonna get that Flu shot?
No one dies of the Flu, but only with "Flu like symptoms".
Nice presentation about The Truth of Contagion. Learned a lot. May it spread widely.
Thanks for the out-takes Sam.. I think I got adequately infected.. Quite eye-watering... I wonder how they would diagnose that nowadays? ha ha!
I'm reminded of a quote from from the great Swedish plasma physicist, Hannes Alfvén:
“We have to learn again that science without contact with experiments is an enterprise which is likely to go astray into imaginary conjecture.”
...one could modify that to say: "science without *proper,* or without *logical* experiments is likely to go astray into imaginary conjecture,” which it obviously has in the case of virology. Just as physics and cosmology "wandered off" (as stated by Tesla) into mathematics and has been mired there for 100+ years, medical science wandered off into the world of imaginary pathogens being the cause of disease. Thanks for all your efforts to right the ship!
When everything became mathematical models and inference through testing for the presence of certain molecules and proteins our entire world became detached from reality. And we're living through the consequences of that now. The Cult of the Flying Unicorns wants to convince us that they're real and we must remind them that they only exist in fairy tales...
Thank you Sam ❤️ for your GREAT information. I'm not a doctor or a medical anything but over the years I have read, researched and watched what has been happening in our world and the mind boggles. There are so many EVIL people pushing their agenda onto others and the sad story is they believe it. I have found there is a percentage that do stand up and fight against it and good on them but then the government as usual comes down on them. Reading comments of what farmers are going through and are being destroyed over indoctrinated bureaucrats telling farmers what to do when the farmer knows best but they won't listen. Keep pushing government's agenda. It's a very sad day for all. My heart goes out to Farmers and what they are going through. Thank you again Sam. Sending love ❤️ and gratitude 🦋
I got annoyed with my neighbour. She thought I made her sick. I had sun stroke.
My cousin is a teaching nurse, I lent her Can You Catch a Cold. Got it back, she said it was good but pretty technical. Not for my neighbour. I'll give her The Final Pandemic to read. When I find it, I had it in my hand yesterday.
Found it!
The deliberate changing of the meanings of words in a the fear narrative is all about mind programming(control).
"What is the root of the word "spelling" ? Spelling comes from spell, "to cast a spell on someone"
Fear submission control.
EgoMind conditioning.
Hellywood plays a big part in the media narrative( of fear)
The unenlightened state with past mind conditioning and totally body identified, would not dare to believe we have the power to heal ( or we make ourselves ill) . The big part of that false identity of self come from a victim ID.
In medicine we learn't a tiny bit about the power of mind( placebo nocebo) and yet dropped it like a hot potato, we threw that knowledge away. Can't have facts of how beliefs can harm or heal mainstream.
If people in a state of fear believe they are going to get suggested symptoms they will( and do)
Words themselves are just pointers that we have made into imprisoning concepts and dogmas.
Belief systems that keep us dis-empowered and in a state of fear
The unhealed mind is the cause of dis- ease.
I wonder how much disease is directly caused by Glyphosate (aka RoundUp + other trade names). It does not stay in the soil and it can be found in many plants and fruits that we normally eat. Being a systemic poison Glyphosate releases some metals and nutrients while sequestering others. Some of these nutrients are necessary for life and some, in concentrations, are poisonous to life. The fact that the required nutrients are sequestered and the poisonous ones are released is the reason it is so effective as an herbicide. Dr Don Huber has some excellent videos explaining the process from application to poisoning that can last in the soil for as much as 20 or more years, infecting every crop afterward with a known carcinogen. I have read some 'noise' that glyphosate is found in aerosol sprays used by Geoengineering, (aka SAI and Chemtrails) as well.
Talk about word manipulation, a book called "Word Magic" by Pao Chung tells us of how words have been changed in meaning to suit the parasites agendas, a goal they are pushing forward in much haste presently..
We need to bring these people back into reality as their delusion is being forced upon the common folk. Casting spells by the wrong use of words could put one in an irreversible downward spiral and especially when used without knowledge. Proverbs 18:13...
Thank you. Another great one.
For myself, I stopped using the C-word at some point in 2020, when I realized that those who have forced this word into our lexicon use occult magic and spellcasting in their assault against us. This is why language and etymology is so import to understand, as language is a primary carrier of occult "spells," to their thinking at least. Thank you for that focus.
Instead of the C-word, while I sometimes use jokey alternatives like FLUVID, I tend to simply say "the alleged virus" or "the alleged pandemic." I will not repeat their word, which I think of as a spell cast on the populations of the world. I will not pretend, in using that label, that it adheres to something real.
As always, keep on with your important work in helping to break their spells.
I was very lucky as living in France at the time where the movie Contagion never showed up on the French screens. Glad I missed it, au revoir Contagion LOL😅
I'm proud to share my review of "Contagion" (Soderbergh's film) from 2011.
For Soderbergh, creators of vaccines are new worldwide saviors!
Turfseer 4 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In his new pseudo-documentary, Contagion, Steven Soderbergh has endorsed the idea that modern medicine has taken the place of world religion and elevated the physicians and research scientists to the role of high priests. Soderbergh is in perfect sync with fear-mongering health organizations such as the CDC, who manufacture health epidemics in order to peddle vaccines to an unsuspecting public, who have gladly given up any sense of individual responsibility for taking care of their own health. The 'Contagion' is an event that government health bureaucrats probably unconsciously wish for; after all, such an event would confirm all their dire predictions and place them in a position of complete power and control. Victims in the 'Contagion' must undergo suffering akin to Christ on the cross. Their rite of 'baptism' is through the modern vaccine, where their 'demons' are exorcised and they end up owing a life-time debt to the medical and research establishment for supposedly saving their life.
Unfortunately for modern medicine, contagions as depicted in Soderbergh's film, are strictly a work of complete fiction. Invariably, every few years, the CDC, partnering with local health organizations, warn of crippling health pandemics, which can only be prevented by mass inoculations (leading to billions of dollars of profits by pharmaceutical companies). Take, for example, West Nile Virus, one of the latest health scares which was supposed to cause havoc throughout North America. Usually its small sample of victims turn out to be elderly people who already are suffering from a myriad of health problems. But of course the pundits of orthodox medicine conclude that all these peoples' problems stem from a single source: a mosquito bite.
In Soderbergh's perverse world, alternative practitioners are the 'heretics' who must be suppressed. Jude Law's blogger, Alan Krumweide, has the temerity to expose CDC head Ellis Cheever, who has given advance warning of the impending contagion crisis to family and friends so that they're able to flee Chicago before a quarantine has been imposed. Soderbergh's strategy is to temporarily have Krumweide take down the saintly Cheever a peg, in order to show that he's 'only human'. Later saintly Cheever, gives up his own precious vaccine to save the son of a janitor who works at CDC headquarters. The 'fallen' Cheever (also blamed for delays in the dissemination of an effective vaccine) is restored to the pantheon of saints after his self-sacrifice involving the janitor's son. Meanwhile, Krumweide is exposed as a fraud, after peddling a homeopathic remedy as a cure (which he's surreptitiously marketed to investors) and pretending as well that he's been infected with the virus. Homeland Security partners with modern medicine, just as the Catholic church found their own government allies in bygone days, to take down anyone who dared to question their dogmatic belief systems. Soderbergh is smugly satisfied as the 'evil' blogger is taken away in handcuffs by 'valiant' government security agents!
If the imperfect Dr. Cheever is 'canonized' at film's end, there's no need for Dr. Ally Hextall to have her reputation sullied at all. After all, it's Dr. Hextall who identifies the characteristics of the MEV-1 virus , linking it to a genetic mix of bat and pig viruses. Hextall's role here is way beyond a mere priest. She can be likened to a modern day Jesus, a veritable Savior, who miraculously discovers that elusive cure, a vaccine that immediately provides the immunity to the deadly contagion. At the conclusion of 'Contagion', we learn of the pseudo-science behind the MEV-1 virus' origins. It's simply a matter of a bat dropping part of an uneaten banana into a pig's trough. The pig who eats the infected banana ends up in the kitchen of a Macao casino; and because the chef merely forgets to wash his hands, he somehow transmits the virus to Beth (Gwyneth Paltrow). On the other hand, it's unclear why others, such as everyman Mitch Emhoff and his daughter Jory, are immune to the virus, despite close contact with initial victim Beth.
If alternative practitioners are directly linked to the work of the devil, bureaucrats who seek to stymie the 'godly' work of vaccine researchers, run a close second. Dr. Mears (Kate Winslet) an 'Epidemic Intelligence Officer' is rebuffed by local bureaucrats who are reluctant to commit resources to handle the impending crisis. Worse are the officials who send a ransom of placebos following World Health Organization epidemiologist Orantes's kidnapping by a Chinese epidemiologist after he attempts to save the remaining survivors in his own village who have no access to the 'precious' vaccines. Note more saintly self-sacrifice: Dr. Mears succumbs to the deadly contagion and Orantes nobly runs back to the village to warn them that the vaccines they've obtained, are bogus!
In the 1950s, orthodox medicine elevated their first 'miracle worker' to the pantheon of modern day world saviors. That man's name was Dr. Jonas Salk--creator of the polio vaccine. Now Soderbergh wants to outdo even Salk; his 'Contagion' can perhaps be seen as an allegory, likening the deadly plague to cancer itself. Soderbergh's vaccine is so powerful, that it prevents the eradication of the human race.
Ultimately, Soderbergh never questions the 'gospel truth' of modern orthodox medicine but always sticks to the 'company line'. Instead he would do well to listen to Edda West who cogently sets the record straight in regards to that earlier 'epidemic' in her article, 'Polio Perspectives': "That the polio virus is the sole cause of polio is accepted by most people as gospel, and that the Salk and Sabin vaccines eradicated polio in the western world is etched into our collective consciousness as the major medical miracle of our time. But the history of polio and its vaccines is shrouded in a murky mist of politico/scientific manipulation, altered statistics, redefinition and reclassification of the disease, increased cases of vaccine induced paralytic polio, and monkey viruses transmitted by contaminated vaccines to millions of people worldwide."
Thank you Dr. Sam for bringing this to light. Truth will always prevail, sometimes fast, other times slow so people can chew on the truth and absorb it into their psyche.
God bless you and your husband for such revealing information. As our God told us 365 times, “Do not fear!”
Probably one of the best observations by the Baileys.
Thank you both for your positive words and efforts on behalf of wisdom.
especially enjoyed the last comments!!! Good to laugh!!
I was done with worrying about germs and 'viruses' years ago.
I do maintain a few comical and somewhat necessary experiments like (the last few weeks) licking blue-jay poo.
But my new focus is poisons. At this stage I'm fascinated by the fact that there are so many of us alive and healthy, given the tens of thousands toxins clever chemists have offered for our licking, swallowing, and breathing pleasure. But my usual research method--licking--isn't going to work, because presumably I've already ingested a good round ten-thousand toxins. I'll get back to you as my work progresses.
I’ll try to remember to post a picture of me licking guano [man posts picture then dies, lol]. As for the allopaths, you’re quite right.
This is a one-woman wrecking crew. Contagion Demolition in 20 minutes!
Magnificent! Keep slamming them!
Dear Sam
Bless you for your work.
A contagious smile you have there Dr Sam! I followed one of the links presented, to the site Humanly and listened to the hour and a half discussion that yourself, Mark and Brendan Roytas discuss his new book out called "Can you catch a cold?" A great discussion had by the way and a book that I will be looking to purchase. I too( as you all admitted) felt an immense sense of freedom once I understood that no pathogens exist. Our Creator made everything just perfect!
Best wishes to you, Mark and family.
Thank you for this extremely informative video!
My experiments throughout 2021 and parts of 2022 suggest that the best defense against influenza is licking urinals. If you've licked a few urinals during a plague, you really do feel strong. And they say I'm not a real doctor!
con [with] + tag [touch] = contagion
Tag you're it.
Contact--same roots.
Contiguity--same roots.
I'm a linguist living with a witch. Neither of us fears germs, who are our friends. But in a witch's terms, there is, I guess, energy contagion.
I'm disgusted at the recent infighting between the Baileys and others who question the existence of viruses. Enough! Present your hypotheses and findings and let others alone.
They're being attacked because they don't push 5G 24/7 as the source of all our ills as some other pundits are doing. This is getting a little ridiculous. We would have to have as much evidence for these claims as we are gathering on the existence of viruses and contagion themselves. I'm aware of several books on the subject of EMF poisoning but this other group wants the conversation to be all about that instead of just pointing out that viral contagion is a myth and therefore we need not worry about the claims made by the CDC and the WHO. 5G needs to be dealt with separately by specialists that understand that side of things as well as Stefan Lanka understands his own field of virology.
Every single article or video about the alleged dangers of 5G/WiFi/EMF I have come across over the past 4 years always REEKS, absolutely REEKS of fear-porn. There are apparently too many factors involved in the subject for anyone to be able to present evidence acquired & interpreted according to a sensible, sane, any-10-year-old-can-understand-it SCIENTIFIC METHOD.
I don't understand the hard-on against 5G. How many of those who swear it is problematic have crappy diets & shitty lifestyles and receive yearly vaccinations and consume one or more pharma products on a chronic basis?
I don't know which corporation/industry would be against 5G and thus fund the hype about how bad it is...If no such corporation exists, then the people hawking the idea are victim-mentalities who don't look after their own health and are desperate to blame some outside cause for their bad health.
They make us believe that nature is easy at being sick and infect other species, REALLY??? If you are to listen to the so-call experts, doctors, professionals, scientist and so on (Of coarse not all of them are bad), I don't think this earth would still be alive today.
Nature doesn't get sick and stay alive, ever. If animals are born sick or too weak, they are left to die and they do die quickly, and seeds won't grow. Nothing can live in the wild if sick. Only human does that. They keep sickness (Created by them) around because you know... medical system and big pharma needs to make money off of our sick back isn't it? Who knows about the secret covenant that was written by them, the elites a couple centuries ago?
Loved it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰
It is worth noting that the words cure, cured, cures, and curing do not appear once in the Textbook of Influenza. At the same time, most cases of influenza are cured. In addition, if we were to track cures of specific cases, we would learn that most cases are mild, easily cured, fewer cases are moderate, lasting a longer time, and very few cases of influenza are severe - generally only occurring in patients having many other medical issues. The best cures for influenza are improvements in healthiness of diet, body, mind, spirits, communities, and environments. But these cures are not drugs, not patentable, therefore not eligible for approval.
"cured" is medically defined only for an infectious disease treated by an approved drug. This is by design. Cured is not medically defined for any non-infectious disease. Cured cannot be proven, much less the cause of the cure proven, for any non-infectious disease. In addition, cured is not defined medically no scientifically for any infectious disease that cannot be cured by an approved drug. Finally, for diseases that can be cured by an approved drug, cured is not medically defined and cannot be proven if the cure is brought about by other means, either by healthy actions or by any so-called alternative (not approved by the bureaucracy) product.
This is maintained by a total absence of statistics of CURED. No doctor, no medical clinic, no hospital, no medical system, and no insurance company counts CURED cases, even cases cured by approved medical products. Why not? Counting cured cases would raise questions about the cause of the cure. If the cause of the cure is (horror) NOT an approved drug, the entire drug paradigm is at risk. So cured must not be counted.
The cause of an illness can be a status, or a process of diet, body, mind, spirits, communities, or environments. The cure is to address the cause. Most causes of illness cannot possibly be addressed by drugs that attack infections.
However, most cases of illness are trivial, easily cured. Even most cases of COVID are trivial, easily cured, without drugs. There are over 600 million cases of RECOVERED from COVID. Not one of CURED.
You all are scintillating GEMS, while 'they' are germs and we APPRECIATE you.
If anyone has extra room, please offer it to these dear, brave people.
We have room but no hot water!! Or, we'd offer. Just state your area, if they had to travel, it could be better. Caring from BC, Canada.
Within Chinese Medicine, we use the term "pathogen" to refer to the ingress into a human body by Wind, Cold, Heat or Damp. Damp can condense once inside the body to Phlegm. Plus, long - term Cold can flip into Heat, and Wind can move the Cold around the body. It can lodge places where it gets stuck due to sluggish energy movement (Qi pathways) or poor circulation. Then, it can cause inflammation and pain. If things are not moved along, and eventually out of the body, then damage to tissues will possibly occur.
Maybe we need another word than pathogens because you are absolutely right - there are no pathogenic germs or viruses.
Thank you for all you do. 👏💞
All I need to know about contagion is the fact that they cannot find any "contagious viruses" or any viruses in masks which they want us to wear to prevent the spread of a virus. If there were viruses, they would show up in masks along with all the other garbage they seem to collect that is extremely harmful to humans. Masking is a far more deadly action than any fake virus attacking you.
Very long comment. Deleted.
A few years ago I wrote a screenplay about an epidemic of blindness caused by contaminated sperm, called VISION OF LUST. Somebody found a copy of it in a dumpster out in Brentwood.
Is it me but can you only find bacteria via culturing? I've taken samples of dental plaque from three days of none brushing, put it on a slide as the method describes to do, stained it to as the method sayss to, yet I don't find this mine field of bacteria like they say just a tonne of meaningless particlar, I've tried to the maximum magnification you can go to in light microscopy, but I see nothing meaningful, just crap, please help me Sam what am I doing wrong, or is the reason why they don't actually want you looking as there actually is nothing to see 🙈 😉😜
Nano tech still nonsense? I notice Karen does know that intentional introduction of foreign proteins into humans to cause disease is virology.
Fuckin' A. Time to let the SUN SHINE IN.
If you don't gloss life with cotton candy and understand Human Thinking We all can do this with passed information that makes sense to us But when society gives more liberal rights to certain sections of government we are naturally in trouble I'm in my 70s have stenosis and can't sit long at this However WE need to BE the Government ALSO Because Certain Things Must Be Response Able For Most People Unless this is done in Countries We can count on more Problems I've been through Wars after wars on Tv and LIst and Lists of young people dying in them Please take this EQUATION and Understand WE ARE IMPORTANT TO OUR GOV"S And again MUST have say in what Represents US Seriously ( Dr' Bailey could do this for certain!)
A relevant song: THE BALLAD OF TYPHOID MARY. Watch the music video about the first major victim of Medical Tyranny in the United States. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-ballad-of-typhoid-mary
The truth about pandemics was right under our very noses all along. Watch this video on Lagos in Nigeria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZrYwuxThFA&t=411s
Millions and millions of people living under squalid conditions for decades. And not once THE DREADED CONTAGION EVENT.
Dr. Sam et al, are you aware of Dr. Bryan Aldis and the research he has spoken about regarding snake venom being the cause of "Covid"? Also the use of nicotine patches (not encouraging smoking although that can have an effect it seems) hitting receptors in the body thus nullifying and reversing the effects of said poison? It would appear that this venom is being pumped into the water supply but even more perniciously in the so-called vaccines. Apparently there is nicotine in healthy fresh vegetables which helps but for those with symptoms from the jab evidence tells us nicotine patches are helping. Doses as small 1mg per day to start with then increased doses when the body becomes accustomed. It also seems that the nicotine is not addictive but the chemicalised muck that tobacco manufacturers stick in their products are addictive and in turn cause cancers. Apologies if you are familiar with all this. I recommend Dr Aldis' website and his appearances on Stew Peters.com which is best found on Rumble.
Mike (the "virology is a lie" guy) Stone debunked Brian Ardis some time ago; "I really didn’t want to write this article. I was hopeful that people would easily see right through the unsubstantiated claims of Dr. Bryan Ardis that snake venom is the cause of “Covid.” I was hopeful that people would take the time to research the information presented in support of the snake venom theory to see if it held any merit at all. I thought his whirlwind alternative media tour on the who’s who of questionable sources (including the likes of Stew Peters, Mike Adams, and Infowars) would have people questioning why this theory was allowed to be so heavily promoted so quickly. I thought that the fact that the man who created the “Covid” snake venom theory was actually selling his own anti-venom line of supplements would be enough grounds to be skeptical of his motive and his claims....." Read in full at the following link;
Also; https://viroliegy.com/?s=snake+venom
Didn't Ardis state that nicotine patches would work on the receptors in the body to reverse adverse effects of whatever it is causing ill-health in people which has been called "Covid"? He clearly stated that these would be sufficient in the vast majority of cases. Some people have commented on symptoms a little different from conventional 'flu and of course we know full well how pernicious the "vaccine "is regarding much worse symptoms or even death. Something is literally poisoning people. This is the best theory I've yet heard.
Did you read Mike Stones article?
I read some of it - it is exceptionally lengthy - but nonetheless something is causing people to feel unwell with symptoms a bit different from ordinary 'flu etc. If not snake venom then what? We are literally being poisoned via things we consume be it water, food, vaccines or whatever. I have no intention of ever smoking or indeed getting nicotine patches anytime soon although I don't rule out the latter absolutely. I live a physically healthy and active life with a good diet and exercise and haven't experienced anything along the lines of what we are told is "Covid" but there is no guarantee of course of what the future may hold.
I'll take that as a "no" then.
Ok, I've just finished reading the whole thing. My previous comment sounds a bit terse and mocking re-reading it although it wasn't meant to be. I have just genuinely found the time to finish reading the whole article and whilst it makes some good points I am not entirely convinced by what appears to be something of a hit job on Dr. Ardis. It seems to accuse him of bad intent or at least bringing suspicion on him. The fact remains that some people have described symptoms a little different from conventional 'flu or colds. Yes, of course there was no worldwide pandemic because it would appear that viruses don't exist at all but there does appear to be something causing relatively minor symptoms and I have spoken to a couple of people who have described them to me from their personal experience. So what is it? I am prepared to listen to Dr. Ardis on the nicotine patch thing although he may well be wrong in a wider context about "anti-venom".
I'm glad you persevered with the article, Mike Stone is a fantastic researcher & a mine of information, anyway on Sep 2nd you wrote; "something is causing people to feel unwell" & on Sep 5th ; you wrote; "there does appear to be something causing relatively minor symptoms"
"Some-thing" alludes to one thing, there is no "one thing", the con-trick is this; a patchwork quilt of symptoms, then inventing a story that states one cause (i.e."virus" or snake venom) for these symptoms, but there isn’t one cause & that's the trick, the sleight-of-hand & getting this through to folk is almost impossible, because…they demand THAT ONE CAUSE & they are always expecting it to be ONE CAUSE.
Try this, What is disease? By Tracey Northern https://northerntracey213875959.wordpress.com/2021/11/03/answer-from-a-dead-nurse-on-what-is-disease/
As I said I read some of it. It goes on forever. Maybe I'll get round to finishing the job some time