I love the clarity through reasoning that you give to the topics you cover - thank you so much!

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Thank you for another superb Intro...

Anti-biotics are literally “against life”: together with vaccines, they’re integral medical components of the PTB depopulation agenda and the (Rockefeller / Rothschild) politization of medicine:


The deadliest, IME? Fluoroquinolones:



More natural anti-microbial & anti-parasite ideas?


A late Walter Last courtesy.

ALSO Interesting:


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Beautifully explained!

I remember many times when doctors have progressively prescribed stronger broad spectrum antibiotics after the first round or two has no effect on an apparent "infection" of sorts. Nothing ever worked for me when it had to do with antibiotics. Things would usually clear up on their own over time.

Hospitals are the worst offenders here. Intravenous antibiotics for practically everything "just in case" and antibacterial lotions and potions in every corner now after Convid.

Local hospitals still mandating a mask for a consultation in one part of the hospital but not the rest!

The germ theory true believers are the ones who are still following all the protocols to a T even though the mandates were struck down earlier this year.

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I had pleurisy was treated with antibiotics and they didn’t work. I went back and complained and was given a much stronger antibiotic with an improvement within days! I know from practical experience that antibiotics do work. Although you do have to have the right antibiotic for the right bug

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All antibiotics just kill. They are anti-life.

As Dr Tom Cowan explains it (I'll do my best to paraphrase):

All bacteria are beneficial. Bacteria are there to remediate, to fix problems.

Bacteria, as living entities, produce waste. The waste is toxic to our bodies, but our bodies can process the daily waste just fine.

When our body has a more serious problem, the amount of bacteria increase; the type of bacteria depends on the issue. This increase means a lot more toxic waste from the bacteria which gets us "sick".

The reason antibiotics "work" is because they kill off bacteria, which in turn reduces the bacteria waste. However, antibiotics do not address the root cause of the problem inside our body which caused the huge increase in bacteria. Taking antibiotics may make us feel better in the short term but if the bacteria were not given the chance to fix the problem things could get worse or recur.

This is why most people will get well on their own eventually, without antibiotics. The bacteria do their job fixing the problem. But yes, it can get uncomfortable & painful with the increase in bacteria waste.

This is also why surgery can help in serious cases eg serious lung infection. The surgeon removes a chunk of tissue including the bacteria waste.

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What an excellent comment. I have taken the liberty of copying for reference.

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Thank you.

I wish I could find the talk(s) where Dr Tom explains this, but my paraphrasing will have to do. ;)

It makes so much sense, doesn't it?

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Yes indeed and 'paraphrasing' is what I am after! I seek to gather up the best phrases from the net and use them to craft the truth. As far as I can I give credit where I should. People need it!

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I've had pleurisy 4 times, and not taken antibiotics any time. Maybe your

'improvement within days' would have happened even if you hadn't taken antibiotics. :-)

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I had sepsis as a result of prostate problems and came within hours of dying. I was given pill versions of "antibiotics" when I was released. When these pills ran out I started to have incredible pain in my back, so bad I went screaming to the emergency room. They found infection in my spine that had eaten into my spinal chord. After an operation to repair and prevent the infection I was given intravenious antibiotics for several weeks. All went well and it is possible to lift weights and run. The previous pain I, attributed to the end of the antibiotic prescription. I cannot say that this was the cause but it seemed to be.

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I've invented a cure for gas gangrene called not attacking other nations with soldiers. In its history, the U.S. has attacked every nation in the world except Lichtenstein and one other one I can't remember, which proves my contention: If you want to not get attacked by the U.S., be hard to spell or very forgettable.

I'm Dr. David Thor, and I just cured gas gangrene.

As always, you heard it here first. Just after Sam said it.

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Israel and zionists rule the US; understand this and you will understand all of the fuckery. ZOG /US occured over 100 years ago.

America is a stupid beast with a parasite that has eaten into it's brain. It functions at the will of it's satanic masters.

Read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion.

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The Bolshevik Jews are determined to eliminate all Palestinian orthodox Christians and Islamic Palestinians then steal their land again make a smart city all the while while ushering in World War III

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St Paseos, Clairvoyant and Orthodox monk of Greece in 1980s prophesied the Third World war between the United States Vladimir Putin of Russia and Turkey among others. Erdogan of Turkey threatens war against Israel for their war crimes against the Palestinians as of today. I guess the old Monk was not drinking too much communion wine after all !

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I work among Palestinians and Arabs, both Muslim and Christian, most are nice, I enjoy them. The nightmare for the Arabs of all stripes has been the zionist takeover of Palestine and the US.

Who has pitted us against each other in one war after another without end? A little research done outside of the usual purveyors of propaganda gives a better understanding. We must stop this horror now!


On the Assyrian genocide:


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That was the greatest false flag I’ve ever seen there is no way James could’ve penetrated Israel without the help of Israel, the Mossad Parachutes coming down with hummus that’s interesting since Godzilla doesn’t have a working airport and they don’t have an airplanes. But even if they did those aircraft would’ve been spotted a long way away and either shot down the surface to air missiles or engaged by F-16 fighter jets. there is no way they would’ve been able to parachute into Israeli airspace without IDF knowing. those men jumped out of Jewish airplanes

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Anything coming from Israel is a lie, I turned them off a long time ago. Anyone in a mask is probably mossad.

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While The Bolsheviks party hearty in Tel Aviv well little Palestinian babies are being buried under rubble their unmarked graves will probably never be known

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“ by deception shalt thou do war” Mossad motto and the true face of Israel

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Treason runs deep, especially in the US governments, they are completely compromised perverts and agents of a foreign enemy.

US Department Of Defense bioweapon attack on the world.

See Katherine Watt



Best 4 hrs you will ever spend:



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They should stop but they won’t

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Now the Bolsheviks mean to starve the rest of the population to death! The Russian revolution all over

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So they kick all of these sick people out of the hospital and where do they expect him to go ??? I bet it’s something like we’re gonna give you a two minute Headstart and then we’re gonna start shooting at you so you better run !!

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Good job on the cure!!!! But getting past the military industrial complex will be a bit of a problem lol.

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"hard to spell or easy to forget" would have been a slightly more streamlined way of saying that. Just sayin. Not gonna edit it cuz people have given it likes in its current formation.

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My youngest daughter went to a doctor for an infection, against my wishes,and was prescribed a strong dose,damn near lethal dose of Antibiotics, she almost died. For 5 months she couldn't even keep water on her stomach. With 4 emergency room visits and 2 hospital stays, they damn near killed her. Finally, she ask me to take her home,and after 5 long months,I was able to nurse her back to health. All this was happening in the midst of my husband being terminally ill and dying. Needless to say, she doesn't take antibiotics or give them to her child. He is 4 years old,was not born in a hospital, was not circumcised, has had no vaccines and he is a healthy little boy.

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This answers a few questions for me, but not all. Dr Bailey has never covered the questions of (1) Sepsis, which is life-threatening (2) Bacterial toxins, some of which are very deadly (eg. shiga toxin-producing E. coli—STEC). And of course we have all heard about the harmful effects of certain resident gut bacteria. Yet Dr Bailey paints only a picture of all microbes as harmless and beneficial. She really needs to address—or at least acknowledge—the concerns of more enquiring minds before they will consider supporting her.

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She's a young woman with two children and a belief in life and health. Not sure how much time you think she has to address all diseases. She only addresses disease in the first place because humans in the west are so disease oriented rather than health oriented. Have you really watched every single Sam video and formed no sense of what she might say about sepsis?

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I posted this above. Hope this helps:

As Dr Tom Cowan explains it (I'll do my best to paraphrase):

All bacteria are beneficial. Bacteria are there to remediate, to fix problems. Bacteria, as living entities, produce waste. The waste is toxic to our bodies, but our bodies are designed to process the usual waste.

When our body has a more serious problem, the amount of bacteria increase; the type of bacteria depends on the issue. This increase means a lot more toxic waste from the bacteria which gets us "sick".

The reason antibiotics "work" is because they kill off bacteria, which in turn reduces the bacteria waste. However, antibiotics do not address the root cause of the problem inside our body which caused the huge increase in bacteria. Taking antibiotics may make us feel better in the short term but if the bacteria were not given the chance to fix the problem things could get worse or recur.

This is why most people will get well on their own eventually, without antibiotics. The bacteria do their job fixing the problem. But yes, it can get uncomfortable & painful with the increase in bacteria waste.

This is also why surgery can help in serious cases eg serious lung infection. The surgeon removes a chunk of tissue including the bacteria waste.

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Thank you for this video. Dr Sam. I am not a doctor, but have discovered the hard way, that modern pharmaceuticals do not work for me. I am a retired hypnotherapist, and have used hypnotic visualization on myself and other to discharge so-called colds from the system, and I ended up with the belief that colds are good natural detoxes as and when is needed, and the mind and imagination are powerful tools to deal with the symptoms (of detox, of course). Simple understanding of how detox works is useful for the visualization process.

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There are nuggets of truth here but the case against antibiotics is grossly overstated.

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First you have to have a case for antibiotics. A boatload of good quality trials would do, but it doesn’t appear they exist. So the case for is that everyone thinks they work because sometimes they appear to…..grossly overstated.

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Hmm... lemmesee... what other established "science" works with similar assumptions? Vaccines!

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anti-bio....against life What about pro-biotics or towards life products?

What is the "case" FOR antibiotics?

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If you caught syphilis you might want antibiotics instead of taking mercury, that was used before antibiotics were discovered. Untreated syphilis can maim and kill.

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Catch Syphilis? a bad bacterium that is detected through an antibody test? dont make me laugh!

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I dont think I would be laughing if I caught syphilis. Jon above asked for an example. Nothing to do with you.

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I apologise for writing: dont make laugh. Please provide evidence with the isolation paper of Syphilis so we can see in the Methods section if it was really isolated or not. Thank you.

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No need to apologize. We all need a good laugh right now.

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Here's one. There is an MP in the UK, a Elliot Haydn George Colburn in full. He is pro-vaccine and thinks they are safe with side effects very rare. An anagram of his name is, wait for it, wait for it.......

doolally incoherent bugger

One couldn't put it better!

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Thank you, Tsubion, for supporting me. I appreciate it. I agree that we need a good laugh.

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We do. You might like to see my comment to Tsubion above.

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Much deeper things going on here that are beyond current understanding clearly but nothing to do with contagion as we define It. Live and ancestral LifeWay, High intensity exercise raw food sunshine good sleep and you will live long and then drop dead! The way God called it to be

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Yes, they are massively over used but I would like to know if Sam sees any place for them.

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They might suppress the symptoms which could save your life I would imagine under certain conditions as detoxification under certain conditions can kill you as a heroin attic detoxifying. Once you’ve gotten down that path unfortunately you might have to take drugs but the real question is why did you get to that path in the first place that should’ve never happened

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Oct 24, 2023
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The best case is syphilis which still remains sensitive to penicillin, having almost been eradicated. Except among gays, syphilis is now very rare. As a doctor, I have never seen a gumma, a characteristic of tertiary syphilis. The original disease from which syphilis arose, yaws, still exists and is easily treated with penicillin too. Penicillin (like cephalosphorins and vancomycin) works by preventing the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, which is necessary to keep the hypertonic bacterium confined in its space. Unable to form a new cell wall, the bacteria literally herniate through the gaps and 'explode'.

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For my part, I really like Asimov and Heinlein, though Ray Bradbury is good in a pinch.

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Dr Lofts, Syphilis, a naughty bacterium which is detected by an antibody test? Are you serious? Please provide evidence of Syphilis by presenting us the isolation paper of Syphilis so we see the methods they used, and if the isolation paper fulfills Kochs postulates. Thank you.

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This material has long been accepted, as are the effects of syphilis, such as the narrowing of the entrance of coronary arteries from tertiary syphilis (which I have seen in a treated patient years after the treatment). The bacterium is a spirochaete, and there are old-fashioned tests (WR) and newer tests such as TPI (Treponema pallidum immobilization), and FTA-ABS tests which test for antibodies and usually remain positive for life, despite treatment of the illness. It is up to Sam Bailey, who makes these outrageous claims against the pathogenicity of certain well-characterized bacteria to show how, for example, the syphilis bacterium (Treponeman pallidum) is NOT the cause of the disease. Otherwise these are unsubstantiated assertions by her. If she can show that the isolation of Treponema pallidum is false science then she must demonstrate it.

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Here we go again. The burden of proof lies firmly with the indoctrinated fools who made the claim in the first place and continue to believe it. The claim is that a specific bacterium causes a specific set of symptoms. Where are the studies that prove this claim?

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This article is helpful to understand:


As I posted above, ALL bacteria are BENEFICIAL. The bacteria are there to Remediate, to Fix, problems in our bodies. The waste of bacteria is not good for us, however. Our bodies can usually process the daily waste, but when there is a more serious problem in our body we need a lot more bacteria to deal with it. As the amount of bacteria increase, we get "sick" from all that bacterial waste.

It's not the bacteria itself which harms us; bacteria are good for us.

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Doctor Lofts, I have a question. The story of the mechanism of action on the spirochete bacterium of the three antibiotics you mention is confirmed science or a conjecture?

Forgive my ignorance, but I fail to imagine how a bacterium that is supposed to look like a corkscrew has a cell wall. Wasn't the wall supposed to give rigidity and stability, as well as protection?

But a spiral-looking bug seems flexible and adaptable. A cell wall would impede this shape, and its movements. Maybe there is a good explanation for this difficulty I'm seeing.

Do you know a scientific study that proves that this bacterium is the causal agent of that disease?

Just a note, I'm not the kind of person who would argue that since germ theory is false, an antibiotic cannot possibly cure syphilis. I mean, if a disease is stopped in its progression and the person recovers by killing a bunch of stupid bacteria, I have nothing to say against that happy ending. But, stories about mechanism of action that sound too good to be true, make me feel very skeptical.

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The problem is syphilis has been called the great imitator and resembles many so-called diseases including leprosy. In the 1500s mercury was used to treat syphilis which resulted in the shedding and peeling of the skin So was it syphilis or mercury poisoning? Test for syphilis could include leprosy malaria and diabetes in the presence of that bacteria does not prove causation. Smallpox vaccinations often cause syphilis . So what is it cause is an Enigma, but not bacteria

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I understand and can see how terrain are the risk factors leading to disease and the microbes turn up to clear the damage- my experience that bacterial load can then overwhelm the patient: certainly in my many years experience as a dental surgeon in many settings there is a definite place for anti microbials?!not in place of debridement, pus evacuation , correct hydration etc but in some cases as an adjunct if it looks like despite these measures , without antibiotics the disease is threatening to overwhelm the patient.. maybe I’m missing something

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For abscessed teeth, penicillin VK 500mg tablets are worth their weight in gold!

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Could it be the antiinflammatory properties Sam mentioned?

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I had a large carbuncle on my leg and within a couple of days of treatment with antibiotics I received a huge improvement.

I know from years of practical experience that antibiotics do work.

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That doesn’t sound like a randomized double blind placebo control study.

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It's a randomized double bind personal anecdote. Almost as good....

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No one denies antibiotics suppress symptoms and make them disappear. This issue is >> what caused the death of the cells or tissue that spawned the janitorial bacteria whose excrement caused the inflammation & swelling? So yea, your antibiotics killed the janitors and interfered with the body's natural physiological processes, but at what cost? What does the body do when its actions are thwarted? If all symptoms are a form of detoxification, what were you originally detoxing when the swelling occurred? Why was the body detoxing through the form of carbuncle? Why did it not eliminate something through the urine or feces or sweat?

All unanswerable, of course. Health has always been tricky & mysterious, and life here as humans has always involved risks & gambles. Pain changes everything; pain can make you abandon your principles & promises; pain can make you reach for something that gives relief but can also cause a new problem --- it's a roll of the dice. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. And it all ends in tears here for most everyone. Most everyone seems to have a painful death usually caused by some sort of illness or disease that does not respond to any medication or treatments.

So the math is this >> Symptoms mean detox >> Detox means elimination of something the body does not want >> How did that something get into the body? What if sometimes that something was created by the body itself? >> So detox is natural, and suppressing the detox is unnatural -- it is INTERFERENCE & INTERRUPTION of a natural biological process >> Sometimes we seem to get away with suppressing a symptom and appear to cause no new problems >> Other times, our suppression seems to create havoc & chaos >> The rule of thumb therefore strongly suggests that we do not interfere with the body's symptoms and thus allow them to run their course unsuppressed >> The variable in this equation is PAIN. If the pain or discomfort cannot be tolerated or relieved by natural, non-interfering means, then we will roll the dice and reach for the synthetic poisons that will annihilate the symptoms and hope we don't create a new problem nor drive the original problem deep underground (so to speak).

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Everyoone swears by antibiotics.

Question: is there any anti-inflamatory medication, natural or not, that will give us the benefits of antibiotics without the damage they cause?

By benefits I mean the fact that people are in pain and they desire to suppress that pain in order to keep working, and to live normally. It seems that treating the symptom is what people like. They do not take into account the possibility of living a miserable life with years of recurring disabling symptoms, like obesity, migraines, lack of energy, pain in other areas. So, while antibiotics seem like a bad deal, people are not giving them up unless something better is provided.

The idea of restoring the terrain of the body may work, but it takes time and effort. Another point for the antibiotics against restoring actual health.

Attacking the idea of giving up quick and dirty solutions will not convince most people, unless they can get a better job that allows them time for a life change and time for the body to restore itself.

So, in the end, the problem is also economic.

And just like I see mainstream medicine and political power totally at war with nature, trying to enslave nature to enhance profits margin, I also see the alternative health people completely disregard economics.

Not only there is contempt for money in general, there is also contempt for investments and profits. I in particular, the banking business: the interest rate of loans, which was never free, and total cartelization of banks. No one ever says that banks should be local and small and free, just like every other business, including insurance, security, the court system or something much more simple, such as producing food or clothing.

Like in all wars, the participants are living under a great spell.

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You have a point that many of us live dysfunctional lives while working for fiat currency to fund our lives (pay bills for a place to live) and then try to cope with it by taking various pharmaceutical (and "alternative) potions (brief into to working class definition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd7cohTdRAo&t=458s) . Those on the other side of the Great Reset seem to ensure that they eat organic foods, grass fed beef, etc.

"is there any anti-inflammatory medication, natural or not, that will give us the benefits of antibiotics without the damage they cause?"

You have therapeutic grade 100% Essential Oils. Plai, Lavender, Tea Tree, Clove Oil, Eucalyptus, and several others. For a burn or small cut, Aloe Vera would be good. The plant grows just about anywhere and is somewhat related to cactus...so it needs very little water to survive.

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Yes, large doses of vitamin C, at least 5 grams--or as much as tolerated--in powder form, dissolved in a glass of water. If you search my Substack you will find an article mentioning its successful use against tuberculosis and (so-called) viral illness. I personally cured myself of chickenpox with this method, seeing results within 24 hours.

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I don’t think you can cure yourself of a detoxification only suppress it which is not a good thing

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Let it take its course, which of course is gonna suck , big time

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You cured your self of chickenpox which is caused by a non existent (VZV) varicella zoster virus? Wow! Can you please present us the isolation paper of Chickenpox so we can see in the Methods section if the virus was truly isolated? Thank you.

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No no chickenpox virus as you know just a right of passage of maturity, it sucks but you get through it if you’re reasonably healthy otherwise. No big thang! Be at peace, breathe softly through your nose only , Eat raw meat, workout Arthur Jones style sleep, magnesium, B pollen, cod liver oil, you’ll be fine despite all the zombies around you during world war three

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Garlic is one of many natural antibiotics. Can cut into pieces & take as a vitamin, add to foods, etc.

Eg, A friend who isnt into natural health tried this remedy for her child with an ear infection when the drs office was closed & was surprised how successful:

Cut a garlic clove into a few pcs & saute for a couple minutes in olive oil, then add a few drops of the oil into both ears, making sure it goes into the ear canal. Also helps with sore throats, colds etc... (ear, nose, throat connected)

Keep in mind that all bacteria are BENEFICIAL. They fix things gone wrong in our bodies. (See my other posts on this page)

Even with natural remedies we only use them if there is a lot of pain, so we can sleep or not be miserable. :)

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I wonder how many ear infections are actually ear infections.

If the ear is inflamed because the body is removing crap that a stupid doctor insisted on administering into the person by nasal spray, for example, maybe the parent should throw entire heads of garlic in the general direction of the medic.

We are using natural remedies badly!

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Cats Claw can be taken as tea or tincture or capsules, to eliminate pathogens like an antibiotic would, without the damage to your gut flora. Doesnt need a script and is totally natural.

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OK, now I need a pair of pliers and a cat an means to hold the little rascal down while I get its claws.

I'm joking, of course. I never torture astray cats, unless I'm on vacation.

I think you are talking about a plant. But that's no fun, because plants can't complain as I capitalistically exploit their material bodies for my own selfish gains. I need to hear the scream or I'm not taking any remedy.

That's also a joke, let me clarify that for the hyper-literal folks of the internets.

More seriously now, if there are remedies that have the benefits of antibiotics and lack their downsides, why no one has informed the pharmacologists? They would be making more money using that better remedy. Unless they prefer to earn money by making people sick. In which case, their profession is worse than that of thieves, politicians and journalists. Maybe there should be a law to deal with these people who make everyone worse?

Anyway, thank you for the information.

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Yes you are right that cats claw is a tropical jungle vine from south America. If I needed to treat syphilis that I had recently caught, I would probably use standard antibiotics, but if it was stage 2 syphilis I might need cats claw cos you can tolerate taking it for longer. Doctors dont all agree with each other.

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I use Oil Of Oregano. You only need a drop! No side effects!

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For what though? As an anti-bacterial?

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Anti fungal. Anti bacterial. Anti parasites. Go search on EarthClinic.Com. All kinds of all natural remedies. You can even search by ailments. Best wishes.

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What about treating syphilis ? What anti-bacterial would fix that ?

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Please provide evidence that Syphilis exists. Present us the isolation paper.

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It’s very interesting but it’s also undeniable that sometimes people can get sick or as we more properly say experience symptoms of detoxification after having intercourse with strange people but the fact of the matter is pure bacteria has been injected into people many many times in experiments and the outcome was, wait for it, nothing. Nothing happened, neutral Pure bacteria are simply janitors not germs . What is undeniable that there are men who have sex with unknown women or prostitutes and come down with swollen testicles bloody ejaculation and backache. What the hell causes that is unknown, But it ain’t bacteria and it certainly isn’t a virus because that thing does not exist

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Go and find your own syphilis dreamer.

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Thanks Sam <3

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What a beautiful positive spirit and optimistic outlook this lady always has !

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The hypodermic needle introduces foreign material under the skin and into the circulation. No organism evolved for this intrusion. Venom is injected. To doctors, the needle is like a carpenter with only a hammer...everything looks like a nail. Antibiotics share in this. Enough.

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More important Is what the hell they’re shooting into your bloodstream that matters

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Wonderfully presented & well researched. I am currently reading the book The Case Against the Nuclear Atom by Dewey B. Larson. Like the virus theory now is anything associated with the Atom theory also redundant for example atom bomds & nuclear power?

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Nuclear weapons are definitely under investigation. I believe nuclear power plants work as advertised but a rabid fear campaign has been run since their inception. And even if restrictions were lifted it would take the construction of thousands of new plants to replace what oil does for us today. Not sure how people would feel about that.

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Actually, there is real evidence that nuclear weapons succeed to not exist and this has been used as a controlling mechanism since Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were very obviously fire bombed. The fact that peoples in these two cities walk around in a healthy manner procreate children in a healthy manner levels of cancer are no greater than anywhere else proves that there were no atomic weapons used in these two cities The same can be said for Chernobyl

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Wasnt Chernobyl a nuclear power station that had a meltdown, and was liberating huge amounts of radiation, just like the one in Japan that exploded. They both run on uranium.

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This also concurs with my research. 😊

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Same thing with the Bikini Islands I hear tourism is thriving there. Not possible if what they did to those islands was true

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They weren't used in Korea or Vietnam or anywhere else and the testing of these bombs can be (and has been) easily faked. All to keep those fear levels high and the population controlled. Viruses, Nukes, Global Warming, Terror... a boogeyman around every corner.

The Chernobyl power plant core is still burning though and has had its containment covering replaced several times. Depleted uranium on the battle field appears to be very real as is the use of white phosphorous and other "banned" chemical warfare.

The spent fuel ponds located on site at nuclear plants are actually quite vulnerable and can release extremely toxic particles if not kept cool by complex systems and back up energy if things go south.

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How would Dr. Sam and Dr Mark treat symptoms of pneumonia in hospital when a patient cant breath and has fluid in lungs? what should family demand or ask for?

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