I love the clarity through reasoning that you give to the topics you cover - thank you so much!

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Beautifully explained!

I remember many times when doctors have progressively prescribed stronger broad spectrum antibiotics after the first round or two has no effect on an apparent "infection" of sorts. Nothing ever worked for me when it had to do with antibiotics. Things would usually clear up on their own over time.

Hospitals are the worst offenders here. Intravenous antibiotics for practically everything "just in case" and antibacterial lotions and potions in every corner now after Convid.

Local hospitals still mandating a mask for a consultation in one part of the hospital but not the rest!

The germ theory true believers are the ones who are still following all the protocols to a T even though the mandates were struck down earlier this year.

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I've invented a cure for gas gangrene called not attacking other nations with soldiers. In its history, the U.S. has attacked every nation in the world except Lichtenstein and one other one I can't remember, which proves my contention: If you want to not get attacked by the U.S., be hard to spell or very forgettable.

I'm Dr. David Thor, and I just cured gas gangrene.

As always, you heard it here first. Just after Sam said it.

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My youngest daughter went to a doctor for an infection, against my wishes,and was prescribed a strong dose,damn near lethal dose of Antibiotics, she almost died. For 5 months she couldn't even keep water on her stomach. With 4 emergency room visits and 2 hospital stays, they damn near killed her. Finally, she ask me to take her home,and after 5 long months,I was able to nurse her back to health. All this was happening in the midst of my husband being terminally ill and dying. Needless to say, she doesn't take antibiotics or give them to her child. He is 4 years old,was not born in a hospital, was not circumcised, has had no vaccines and he is a healthy little boy.

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Thank you for this video. Dr Sam. I am not a doctor, but have discovered the hard way, that modern pharmaceuticals do not work for me. I am a retired hypnotherapist, and have used hypnotic visualization on myself and other to discharge so-called colds from the system, and I ended up with the belief that colds are good natural detoxes as and when is needed, and the mind and imagination are powerful tools to deal with the symptoms (of detox, of course). Simple understanding of how detox works is useful for the visualization process.

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I understand and can see how terrain are the risk factors leading to disease and the microbes turn up to clear the damage- my experience that bacterial load can then overwhelm the patient: certainly in my many years experience as a dental surgeon in many settings there is a definite place for anti microbials?!not in place of debridement, pus evacuation , correct hydration etc but in some cases as an adjunct if it looks like despite these measures , without antibiotics the disease is threatening to overwhelm the patient.. maybe I’m missing something

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This answers a few questions for me, but not all. Dr Bailey has never covered the questions of (1) Sepsis, which is life-threatening (2) Bacterial toxins, some of which are very deadly (eg. shiga toxin-producing E. coli—STEC). And of course we have all heard about the harmful effects of certain resident gut bacteria. Yet Dr Bailey paints only a picture of all microbes as harmless and beneficial. She really needs to address—or at least acknowledge—the concerns of more enquiring minds before they will consider supporting her.

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There are nuggets of truth here but the case against antibiotics is grossly overstated.

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Everyoone swears by antibiotics.

Question: is there any anti-inflamatory medication, natural or not, that will give us the benefits of antibiotics without the damage they cause?

By benefits I mean the fact that people are in pain and they desire to suppress that pain in order to keep working, and to live normally. It seems that treating the symptom is what people like. They do not take into account the possibility of living a miserable life with years of recurring disabling symptoms, like obesity, migraines, lack of energy, pain in other areas. So, while antibiotics seem like a bad deal, people are not giving them up unless something better is provided.

The idea of restoring the terrain of the body may work, but it takes time and effort. Another point for the antibiotics against restoring actual health.

Attacking the idea of giving up quick and dirty solutions will not convince most people, unless they can get a better job that allows them time for a life change and time for the body to restore itself.

So, in the end, the problem is also economic.

And just like I see mainstream medicine and political power totally at war with nature, trying to enslave nature to enhance profits margin, I also see the alternative health people completely disregard economics.

Not only there is contempt for money in general, there is also contempt for investments and profits. I in particular, the banking business: the interest rate of loans, which was never free, and total cartelization of banks. No one ever says that banks should be local and small and free, just like every other business, including insurance, security, the court system or something much more simple, such as producing food or clothing.

Like in all wars, the participants are living under a great spell.

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I use Oil Of Oregano. You only need a drop! No side effects!

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Thanks Sam <3

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What a beautiful positive spirit and optimistic outlook this lady always has !

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I had a large carbuncle on my leg and within a couple of days of treatment with antibiotics I received a huge improvement.

I know from years of practical experience that antibiotics do work.

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The hypodermic needle introduces foreign material under the skin and into the circulation. No organism evolved for this intrusion. Venom is injected. To doctors, the needle is like a carpenter with only a hammer...everything looks like a nail. Antibiotics share in this. Enough.

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Wonderfully presented & well researched. I am currently reading the book The Case Against the Nuclear Atom by Dewey B. Larson. Like the virus theory now is anything associated with the Atom theory also redundant for example atom bomds & nuclear power?

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I’ve been waiting for this one. I’ve always had my doubts about penicillin. When I was about 8 (early 1960’s), my dad got an industrial injury to his hand. After treatment he got a septic infection which was “treated” with penicillin. He had a massive allergic reaction which nearly killed him if it hadn’t been for the swift action of his old fashioned GP (not sure what he did). Anyway a week later another doctor re-administered penicillin because he thought the infection wasn’t clearing up fast enough, with exactly the same results. Saved again by old fashioned GP. 60 years later I had minor surgery which necessitated a catheter that was incompetently done by 2 useless agency nurses causing internal injuries which resulted in a septic infection. I was given weapons-grade antibiotics to deal with the oncoming sepsis which was what they claimed saved me as I gradually got better. This video opens my eyes to the truth. Thanks Dr Sam.

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