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There are nuggets of truth here but the case against antibiotics is grossly overstated.

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First you have to have a case for antibiotics. A boatload of good quality trials would do, but it doesn’t appear they exist. So the case for is that everyone thinks they work because sometimes they appear to…..grossly overstated.

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Hmm... lemmesee... what other established "science" works with similar assumptions? Vaccines!

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anti-bio....against life What about pro-biotics or towards life products?

What is the "case" FOR antibiotics?

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If you caught syphilis you might want antibiotics instead of taking mercury, that was used before antibiotics were discovered. Untreated syphilis can maim and kill.

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Catch Syphilis? a bad bacterium that is detected through an antibody test? dont make me laugh!

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I dont think I would be laughing if I caught syphilis. Jon above asked for an example. Nothing to do with you.

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I apologise for writing: dont make laugh. Please provide evidence with the isolation paper of Syphilis so we can see in the Methods section if it was really isolated or not. Thank you.

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No need to apologize. We all need a good laugh right now.

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Here's one. There is an MP in the UK, a Elliot Haydn George Colburn in full. He is pro-vaccine and thinks they are safe with side effects very rare. An anagram of his name is, wait for it, wait for it.......

doolally incoherent bugger

One couldn't put it better!

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Thank you, Tsubion, for supporting me. I appreciate it. I agree that we need a good laugh.

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We do. You might like to see my comment to Tsubion above.

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Much deeper things going on here that are beyond current understanding clearly but nothing to do with contagion as we define It. Live and ancestral LifeWay, High intensity exercise raw food sunshine good sleep and you will live long and then drop dead! The way God called it to be

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Yes, they are massively over used but I would like to know if Sam sees any place for them.

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They might suppress the symptoms which could save your life I would imagine under certain conditions as detoxification under certain conditions can kill you as a heroin attic detoxifying. Once you’ve gotten down that path unfortunately you might have to take drugs but the real question is why did you get to that path in the first place that should’ve never happened

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Oct 24, 2023
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The best case is syphilis which still remains sensitive to penicillin, having almost been eradicated. Except among gays, syphilis is now very rare. As a doctor, I have never seen a gumma, a characteristic of tertiary syphilis. The original disease from which syphilis arose, yaws, still exists and is easily treated with penicillin too. Penicillin (like cephalosphorins and vancomycin) works by preventing the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, which is necessary to keep the hypertonic bacterium confined in its space. Unable to form a new cell wall, the bacteria literally herniate through the gaps and 'explode'.

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For my part, I really like Asimov and Heinlein, though Ray Bradbury is good in a pinch.

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Dr Lofts, Syphilis, a naughty bacterium which is detected by an antibody test? Are you serious? Please provide evidence of Syphilis by presenting us the isolation paper of Syphilis so we see the methods they used, and if the isolation paper fulfills Kochs postulates. Thank you.

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This material has long been accepted, as are the effects of syphilis, such as the narrowing of the entrance of coronary arteries from tertiary syphilis (which I have seen in a treated patient years after the treatment). The bacterium is a spirochaete, and there are old-fashioned tests (WR) and newer tests such as TPI (Treponema pallidum immobilization), and FTA-ABS tests which test for antibodies and usually remain positive for life, despite treatment of the illness. It is up to Sam Bailey, who makes these outrageous claims against the pathogenicity of certain well-characterized bacteria to show how, for example, the syphilis bacterium (Treponeman pallidum) is NOT the cause of the disease. Otherwise these are unsubstantiated assertions by her. If she can show that the isolation of Treponema pallidum is false science then she must demonstrate it.

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Here we go again. The burden of proof lies firmly with the indoctrinated fools who made the claim in the first place and continue to believe it. The claim is that a specific bacterium causes a specific set of symptoms. Where are the studies that prove this claim?

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This article is helpful to understand:


As I posted above, ALL bacteria are BENEFICIAL. The bacteria are there to Remediate, to Fix, problems in our bodies. The waste of bacteria is not good for us, however. Our bodies can usually process the daily waste, but when there is a more serious problem in our body we need a lot more bacteria to deal with it. As the amount of bacteria increase, we get "sick" from all that bacterial waste.

It's not the bacteria itself which harms us; bacteria are good for us.

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Doctor Lofts, I have a question. The story of the mechanism of action on the spirochete bacterium of the three antibiotics you mention is confirmed science or a conjecture?

Forgive my ignorance, but I fail to imagine how a bacterium that is supposed to look like a corkscrew has a cell wall. Wasn't the wall supposed to give rigidity and stability, as well as protection?

But a spiral-looking bug seems flexible and adaptable. A cell wall would impede this shape, and its movements. Maybe there is a good explanation for this difficulty I'm seeing.

Do you know a scientific study that proves that this bacterium is the causal agent of that disease?

Just a note, I'm not the kind of person who would argue that since germ theory is false, an antibiotic cannot possibly cure syphilis. I mean, if a disease is stopped in its progression and the person recovers by killing a bunch of stupid bacteria, I have nothing to say against that happy ending. But, stories about mechanism of action that sound too good to be true, make me feel very skeptical.

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The problem is syphilis has been called the great imitator and resembles many so-called diseases including leprosy. In the 1500s mercury was used to treat syphilis which resulted in the shedding and peeling of the skin So was it syphilis or mercury poisoning? Test for syphilis could include leprosy malaria and diabetes in the presence of that bacteria does not prove causation. Smallpox vaccinations often cause syphilis . So what is it cause is an Enigma, but not bacteria

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