Yes you are right that cats claw is a tropical jungle vine from south America. If I needed to treat syphilis that I had recently caught, I would probably use standard antibiotics, but if it was stage 2 syphilis I might need cats claw cos you can tolerate taking it for longer. Doctors dont all agree with each other.
Yes you are right that cats claw is a tropical jungle vine from south America. If I needed to treat syphilis that I had recently caught, I would probably use standard antibiotics, but if it was stage 2 syphilis I might need cats claw cos you can tolerate taking it for longer. Doctors dont all agree with each other.
Yes you are right that cats claw is a tropical jungle vine from south America. If I needed to treat syphilis that I had recently caught, I would probably use standard antibiotics, but if it was stage 2 syphilis I might need cats claw cos you can tolerate taking it for longer. Doctors dont all agree with each other.