We need to start questioning the science not Following it!

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Science is all about questioning everything, including science, especially science!

Problem is that few people understand logic or philosophy any more.

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"The problem with science is that it's not scientific"

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Science is scientific

People, not so much

Most people don't understand science, logic or philosophy.

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Science and Philosophy have shifting truths due to fashions of the time, vested interests, limited quantification and nebulous qualification .

Science is devised for quantitative means, and has little capability in regards the qualitive nature of our actual lives.

People who claim to understand the science invariably have a limited/truncated comprehension of psychology, corporate convivences and academic conceit/hubris Frank, and often are crippled by overt smarminess, don't you find?

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Anyone who understands philosophy understands that truth doesn't shift.

Apparently Charles Forte is one of those people.

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Poor Frank-

here you are being rather simple minded and proving how invalid your indoctrination is.

Philosophy is about QUESTIONING existence, it is not Gnosticism Frank.

When you were young your favourite foods would most probably be different from what they are now , that is an example of a TRUTH changing.

What was the truth of the Hillsborough disaster ? That certainly changed when more information was made available.

What is the truth of the distance of the sun or speed of light - both tend to change annually and also with the fashions of the times.

Truth mutates for a variety of reasons- only poorly conditioned children claim it doesn't. So, I'm guessing you are still a child , at least mentally ?

Charles Forte was an amazing man who had much of great validity to say and write about, even becoming a term in the dictionaries, FORTEAN. It seems your knowledge base is as crippled as your cognitive faculties ? Maybe the academy can devise a term for your cliched forms of conceit and ignorance... and call unfounded assertions getting FRANKED ?

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too true- just look at what dribble passes for 'facts & truth' these days... and here's Frank to prove it beyond any doubt.... 😂

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Well what we see before us is cult-like scientism, not science...because pharma buys everyone off.

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What about all these chicken farms in the USA mysteriously catching fire?

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Yeah... what about them? You know what, and so do I.

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Thanks for calling out Project Veritas and anyone who promotes the idea that these horrible viruses exist and can be tweaked in labs to be more "virulent."

We need to go back to living life without fear.

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Hear, hear.

Kill the towers!

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Thank you for another great and informative video Dr. Sam. Another story I read... 100s of seabirds were found dead on an island - avian flu was blamed, but a new radio mast for a shipping line with improved radio signals (EMFs) had been not long erected near the island. I remember reading this, but unfortunately cannot find the article now... Well hidden in the search engines no doubt!

Also on the subject of EMFs, I have noticed here in the UK bees and insects in the summer are in much lower numbers over the last 5 years. We used to get lots of spiders in the house in Autumn, but that is not the case any more - not one this year! Lots of new phone masts to bring in smart metres gradually been erected where before we could hardly get a mobile signal. I am EMF sensitive, but no, I do not wear a tin-foil hat!

Anyway, IMO, needless slaughter of birds is part of the scare-mongering too. They certainly love needlessly killing things don’t they? As a (retired) psychotherapist, I have known the power of suggestion, and the use of placebos has proven just how powerful the mind is in a positive or negative way. Our so-called experts obviously know this too, so just look what they have done and are continuing to do with such scaremongering.

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Good instincts! You might enjoy this article by independent scientist and author, Arthur Firstenberg, explaining the relationship of Electromagnetic Radiation to Avian flu: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Birds-on-Texel-Island.pdf

World-leading electromagnetic scientist, Dr. Olle Johansson, recently shared that many gas stations in Europe have stopped offering free windshield squeegees because there are no longer enough insects on windshields.

Published Science demonstrating adverse effects on birds and bees:



Infographic: https://reclaimedwellness.substack.com/p/how-wireless-technology-makes-it

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Thank you. for articles you've shared. That first article was the one I read and was looking for.. I shall save the URLs for further reference. I have Arthur Fiestenburg's book and read it some time ago and believed every word of it, because I have actually experienced some of the symptoms he has described, not as bad as him, but with CFS and ear-swishing, what they called tinnitus, but I am not so sure as I never experienced it before the phone masts were ereccted. I wonder if I am 'hearing' it.

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I've read that tinnitus is not really an "ear" thing, but a "brain" thing... I have it too.

I am a huge fan of Firstenberg's book, "The Invisible Rainbow"-- finally reading it, now.

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Yes! It's fascinating. From that last link regarding Allan Frey, "The “hearing,” however, didn’t happen via normal sound waves perceived through the ear. It apparently occurred somewhere in the brain itself, as microwaves interacted with the brain’s cells, which generate tiny electrical fields. Frey proved also that many deaf people and animals could hear microwave radiation. This phenomenon came to be known as the Frey effect, or simply “microwave hearing.”

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And I long for the day when that "hearing" stops. Cheers!

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Thanks for responding. Yes, tinnitus is a sadly common symptom of RF Radiation over-exposure. I minimized my exposures to Wireless Radiation and was able to get my tinnitus to nearly disappear, but as soon as I use my cell phone or run an errand, it's back. Sad times for those of us trying to be well. It is an added drain for CFS and MCS as well.

The Healthy Tech at Home project has some great resources for minimizing our exposures within our homes/offices. Sometimes, that's the most we can do: healthytechhome.org

Here is some fascinating research dating back to the 1960s about humans and animals being able to hear microwave radiation: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/the-work-of-allan-h-frey 60+ years later, and most of us seem to have some degree of tinnitus.

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Thx for these links!

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I think birds and insects are about to become a major problem for the wireless industry. It's getting so blatant now (as is the cover up/ deafening silence on the issue). The general public don't really care about EHS people (or they can't understand it), but most people care a lot about wildlife. When it becomes obvious that nature is being fried (microwaved) it's going to get interesting. Decades of (fake) environmentalism has made nature sacred, and this is about to give 'anti wireless' people the moral high ground.

There's only so long the experts can pretend to be 'baffled' about what is causing the carnage. Here's one I found recently... vultures dropping dead within sight of a water tower. The experts are baffled (of course). They suggest deliberate poisoning or avian flu. Same old, same old ..... But hang on. What was that? .... Was that ... a cell tower? ..... Yep. Next to the water tower is an old style cell tower with new looking black electrical cabling and new looking 'sheds' at the bottom, which suggest a recent upgrade. The plot thickens...

Now the story is vultures dropping dead out the sky within 100 yards of a cell tower (with possible recent upgrade). That's pretty conclusive I'd say. The tower is at 1min 14 secs. Blink and you miss it.


Also thanks for all those links, Reclaimed Wellness!

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Those EMF's are... (drumroll) ... COVID.

Killing us softly. Kill the towers!

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I see nobody seems to "get this," at least on this page...

Has anyone else read "The Invisible Rainbow"? TONS of citation, excellent book/research/writing, by Arthur Firstenberg. I HIGHLY recommend it.

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Very timely Dr Sam! This is an example of how ineffective the "health freedom movement" will be in the long term. They attack just one type of vaccine (when all are toxic and useless) and they continue perpetrating the germ theory (ignoring the lack of evidence for contagion and viruses). And here we are - vulnerable to further plandemics based on fairytales. Thanks Mercola, Bigtree, McCullough, Malone, Otto and the reliable list of usual suspects. I almost typed useful idiots...

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You just did! And quite rightly of course. They might be called controlled opposition too.


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Excellent video, thanks! I worked in a usda small family business for decades. I went looking on the usda/aphis website for any evidence behind their claims. They mention death rates of 60%, and then some other website said the "real" death rate is more like 15-30%. But I couldn't find any data on how they came to this ridiculous conclusion, seems like they made it up or their "calculation" includes when they killed the birds themselves. As a federally inspected plant we weren't given any resources to check up on their claims, and even if we did the usda would shut us down if we disobeyed. The small ranchers doing it right are hamstrung at every step of the process, making it prohibitively expensive to sell to the public in compliance with all the regulations. All of government is a scam to benefit the powerful at the expense of regular people.

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Another fine presentation Dr. Bailey and another good example of why a half century of US FDA approved food poisoning (going/gone global with the so-called "Western Diet") with added soy and MSG, minimally, resulting in some 30 million premature unsuspecting American deaths in a "silent American genocide" (or should I write "invisible" American genocide?) just since 1980 should be thoroughly investigated and reported on. Just knowing what I know spared this senior (now age 79) lay American male from fearing Covid-19 and/or being scared by the official stories of a "pandemic" that never was.

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The demonstrable unsustainability of evil.

We need to cease circling the drain and take steps to exeat this orchestrated insanity.

Network with your community of like-minded souls.

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We have experienced fake pandemics for over 60 years. These medical terrorists are just getting the hang of it. If there really was an Avian Flu, don't you think big pharma would be inoculating millions of chickens and making huge profits? They have pretend vaccines for everything else.

Over 100 food manufacturing/storage facilities in the US have been burned down in the last 1 1/2 years. That is not normal...it's more like "burned suddenly". I guess I need to raise a few chickens on my own...but I doubt the apartment managers will approve.

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And now this horrendous "accident" in Ohio, a state that has very fertile lands...

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Keep your poultry outside and make sure that their coops are not airtight. Poultry need fresh air and a "well built" coop will make the air too damp and stale. This is a recipe for sick birds.

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Great debunking Dr Sam, the more you look into it, the more farcical it is. Lately they're trying to revive the Marburg "virus" in New Guinea. They never stop lying and killing people with their injections.

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Why was this guy looking through a microscope wearing spectacles? I have never ever had to do this since any dioptre correction is usually made when you focus on the object!

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"Why was this guy looking through a microscope wearing spectacles?"

To make a spectacle of himself? :)

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Citing Mike Adams is a slippery slope. I have subscribed to him for many years. He and Del Bigtree and many, many others (Mikki Willis, David Martin, Robert Malone, etc) are birds of a feather so to speak. Adams interviewed Drs. Cowan (twice) and Kaufman and acknowledged the fallacy of germ theory 18 months ago. Bigtree interviewed Kaufman and expressed the same response. Neither Adams nor Bigtree has ever delved into the topic since. They are intentional limited hangout deceivers. Their job is to protect the fraud of germ theory and to spread fear. I read their content virtually every day just to keep up with theirfraudulent narratives, and fear mongering around germ theory horseshit is always the order of the day.

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Don't be insulted but your accent is adorable. Yeh, I no longer buy the virus thing. Did Pasteur (sp) really admit on his deathbed that terrain theory was correct or is that just a story?

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Just a story, some people have looked into it (one being Dawn Lester) and couldn't find any proof of this.

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Well, these psycho Nasties are going to continue to do horrible things UNTIL WE STOP THEM.

Resistance is not futile. The Nasties MUST GO.

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Oh isn't this a coincidence:

EGGS are protective of spike proteins from the vax.

Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2:


Here is an article stating that egg yolk is somewhat in the realm of IVM and Hydroxychloroquine because it is protective against spike proteins.

"Egg shortage and inflation strangely timed with revelation that yolks naturally mitigate covid “vaccine” spike proteins:"


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