Very timely Dr Sam! This is an example of how ineffective the "health freedom movement" will be in the long term. They attack just one type of vaccine (when all are toxic and useless) and they continue perpetrating the germ theory (ignoring the lack of evidence for contagion and viruses). And here we are - vulnerable to further plandemi…
Very timely Dr Sam! This is an example of how ineffective the "health freedom movement" will be in the long term. They attack just one type of vaccine (when all are toxic and useless) and they continue perpetrating the germ theory (ignoring the lack of evidence for contagion and viruses). And here we are - vulnerable to further plandemics based on fairytales. Thanks Mercola, Bigtree, McCullough, Malone, Otto and the reliable list of usual suspects. I almost typed useful idiots...
Very timely Dr Sam! This is an example of how ineffective the "health freedom movement" will be in the long term. They attack just one type of vaccine (when all are toxic and useless) and they continue perpetrating the germ theory (ignoring the lack of evidence for contagion and viruses). And here we are - vulnerable to further plandemics based on fairytales. Thanks Mercola, Bigtree, McCullough, Malone, Otto and the reliable list of usual suspects. I almost typed useful idiots...
You just did! And quite rightly of course. They might be called controlled opposition too.