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Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Dr Sam Bailey

Drs Bailey Q&A 14 October 2024


In this episode we address the following:

  • Terrain Therapy: Toenail fungus treatment (09:21)

  • Shedding & "Replicon" vaccine in Japan (12:36)

  • Placebo effect (19:21)

  • How mRNA vaccines effect the body? Snake venom (26:30)

  • Opinion on Andreas Kalcker and Chlorine Dioxide (34:25)

  • Did better hygiene eradicate smallpox and cholera? (40:36)

  • Treatment of 1st degree to 3rd…

This post is for paid subscribers

Dr Sam Bailey
Dr Sam Bailey
Dr Sam Bailey is a medically trained doctor who makes health podcasts on questions from her viewers.
She is the co-author of "The Final Pandemic, "Terrain Therapy" and "Virus Mania."