Considering the chain of events and the way they unfolded makes me believe that was completely planned from start to finish. The derailment, the lack of any Federal response, the refusal of the rail company to work with the response team and the blatant criminality of lighting the fire and the lack of any response of the administration to those crimes, and the failure of any federal agencies to visit the site for 22 days seems to be the modus operandi for government agencies when criminally involved in disasters.

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It's worse. The US Feds can not only cause the largest dioxin plume in history, but the EPA can forcibly clean your property, charge YOU for the cleanup, and if you refuse to pay, slap a lien on you and legally reclaim a portion of your property equal to the cost of their cleanup. THAT is corruption.


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And as the land is now worthless you are now in hock to the government for the rest of your life.

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Time for we the people to clean up these athorities

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Do. Not. Comply.

Just because they wrote some law down and got a rubber stamp on it doesn't mean We The People agreed to it. They've broken the social contract and it's time to let them know that fact.

Who in the world are we, to allow ourselves to be "ruled over" by such immoral, petty tyrants?

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JP- what's worse is that you believe the SPECTACLE ... and now the hype.

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You have no ability to read and comprehend apparently. He's on our side, he's saying the EPA is going to F everyone over.

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I know what he wrote. I concur that they are trying to fuck us over - that is nothing new, and their standard M.O....

AMERICA is a land built on HORROR.

I was pointing out that he was BELIEVING the HYPE which is a CONSTRUCTED SPECTACLE, which I consider an error to do.

He can believe what he likes, but I think the FEAR MONGERING is just as evil and insidious as the ALLEGED EVENT.

We probably have a lot of common ground , and he is highly emotive about this topic. That is the sadness of the age, where we all end up arguing and being at loggerheads due to petty differences, or varying degrees of GULLIBILITY ?

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"CONSTRUCTED SPECTACLE" is one of what is called 'signs and wonders'.

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Go drink some pure dioxin then if it is mere "spectacle" and "hype". Won't be joining ya in the chloracne ward. Cheers.

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keep FELTCHING yourself dumbo.

You missed the 'i' in the middle of your name by the looks of it.

I said nothing about the effects of DIOXIN- but a lot that any decent person would think useful about FALSE FLAGS, INTEL jokes on cretins like you who are gullible fear-addicts, and pointed you towards the SPECTACLE , of which you are dangerously inept to contemplate....

start with GUY DEBORD or Jean Baudelaires work on HYPER-REALITY , then come back and apologies when you're not a conceited twat.

Now, tROT ON little pony, Thanatos is calling you !

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You made too many false assumptions. I didn't endure 3 years of unvaxxed hell during the COVID psyop for some snarky asshat like you to tell me I'm living in fear. A pox on your house and your children.

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I mentioned that you had taken the HYPE at face value and believed it. You had a tiny tantrum and suggested I drink poison-

I've probably done more to inform and liberate folk from stupidity the past 35 years (not just the past 3) than yourself, and this is you attitude...

The oppressors really don't need all the troll-bots, 77B but-wits and psycho-clowns on the web/net do they?

You fail to notice the skill of insults I use, how articulate & erudite I am, and respond as if I was just heckling you, when all I mentioned originally is you BELIEVE the SPECTACLE, and that set you off !

~You can believe what the heck you like , and go ahead and try and curse me - it will just bounce straight back at you - I've been dealing with this for decades, and as far as I'm aware you are just another poseur trying to stir-shit and induce more fear than thought about a topic that is OVERTLY FAKE.

The fact that you wish to curse my children as well as myself really proves what your actual NATURE is - a terrified malicious hypocrite.

Maybe develop a sense of humor and recognise the spectrum of opinions we have, just because you disagree doesn't make someone your instant enemy.

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Spreading the fear.

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And yet, as you say, entirely legal.

Given legislation is described as a fiction of Law, make-believe in other words, or yet again- a corruption of Law, one wonders why we insist on bowing to it as if it came from God himself....perhaps I should ask an expert....

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* There are 260 different dioxins (benzene rings bonded by oxygen).

* Exposure can be mitigated with Vitamin C & NAC.. Chlorella for acute exposure will remove it from the digestive tract.

* Dioxins are present across the entire planet - air, food, water soil - *everywhere*

* Chlorine has been in the world's water systems for 115 years

* Every single fire produces them

* Furans, their counterpart, are also ubiquitous and can be found in baby food, coffee made in espresso machines or those plastic cup things (dioxins probably in the latter as well)

* My old man grew up across from train tracks where they killed the rail-side foliage with DDT & AO.. he and his 9 siblings ate the berries over there all the time. They all had kids, intelligent and non-deformed.

* I made 50 PVC archery bows in my kitchen w/a heat gun 15 years ago.. this released a lot of dioxin & other junk... I'm healthier & in better shape now than I was then

* I accidentally made furans last week by combining turmeric & molasses.. dumped it out after I figured out what I had done... no harm.

* They can use a hoaxy over-sensitive test to remove people from any land they want now.

* They can use this to prevent the growing & trade of food from small farms & gardens!

And, for the grand finale.. if we do not take the fear bait... then they can simply release one of the few super toxic dioxins wherever they want in a controlled fashion to kill a bunch of people and say "see, we told you.. better evacuate the whole Midwest!" And then...evacuate X.. and then Y.. until we're all in their little megacities.

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I am the Bailey's primary source on dioxin and take full responsibility for the content and factual accuracy of my statements. They have vetted my work on "covid" and other issues going back nearly two years and you can be sure that I work to their standards.


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Thank you for responding Eric,

Could you address the points raised in Snarky Guys comment above, it may save a lot of problems in the future if you would?

Also, why did you not mention the colour of smoke VC emits, and infer the Dark Cloud contained it.

It seems that you believe the MSM and imagine the footage is genuine on this, why do you think that is so, when everything else they force upon the public is full of lies, deceit and GCI ?

I appreciate that you must be a busy man at the moment so LINKS or basic overviews are fine. thanks.

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Incredible , fascinating points , well worth considering.

I haven't had time to check their validity yet, but was familiar with a few already.

I'm very interested in the DDT situation.

Why do you think it didnt harm your Dad and his kin ?

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Dunno, they were dirt poor w/little access to any real medical care.. but they ate all organic whole foods from the garden and such, with plenty of sunshine... so since they themselves didn't get sprayed on every day like those in Vietnam... just detoxed itself I suppose.

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Plenty of sunshine, plenty of vitamin D if you do the right thing. Berries full of vit C as you indicate. C for Cure, D for defense. Cure for Covid 19, a.k.a. the 'flu before re-branding.


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Agree with you Roger, clearly a false flag .

Why would Eric F. Cop be leading people down a rabbit hole and spinning it I wonder?/s

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I have covered dioxins since the summer of 1983 and am well familiar with their entire history, from the corporate side and from the regulatory side. I am the Bailey's primary source on dioxin and take full responsibility for the content and factual accuracy of my statements. They have vetted my work on "covid" and other issues going back nearly two years and you can be sure that I work to their standards.


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You weren't working to any standards when you accused me of being a "polite troll" with no evidence.

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I was exercising my editorial judgment.

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Well if your "new standard of journalism" and "editorial judgment" is making false assumptions with no evidence, hurling elephants, red herrings, and strawmen, then refusing to apologise when its all exposed as incorrect, then I ain't reading no more of your garbage. This is why you can't trust MSM or the "truth" movement. Ya'll lie equally.

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This kind of conduct is not trolling?

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I very much doubt that he is. Just because there is a movie with similar scenes in it does not mean that what we have seen on the ground now is only from the movie. They have been making eerily accurate predictive movies for many decades now, and they have used footage from some of those movies to portray and enhance current day events in an effort to drive the fear. The CIA has for decades dictated what movies should be made and how they should be made right down to specific scenes. They actively seek to blur the lines between fiction and reality and they are reasonably successful at it.

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He seems really really legit tho! lol

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yes Roger - the footage is outtakes from the film WHITE NOISE (derailed train carridges/tankers and the BLACK CLOUD , which would be white if it was VC -(see film from 25mins to 33 min) .

the character interviewed above gave me the creeps straight away.

Trust your instincts, Believe nothing.

We either know , or we don't.

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Feb 28, 2023
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Seems to me that greed is behind most problems in this world. Also that so called authorities and governments are behind and supporting and hiding this greed and its consequences.

That is why I am an anarchist . No more rulers . No executive power for any leaders. Decentralise .

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Greed is certainly a big part of it - yet so is CONFORMITY , CONSOLIDATION and COMPROMISE.

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Calling Eric Francis Coppolino an agent is *despicable*, given the amount of work he has done exposing the "COVID" scam.


Was the Netflix movie 'White Noise' predictive programming? Last August, a film was released depicting a train wreck and a toxic release in Ohio. This is exciting for those who believe that this kind of coincidence is a clue to a grand plan. Eric Francis Coppolino, 2/78/23.

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The footage of this pseudo event in the news is from the film WHITE NOISE taken from slightly different angles (I watched it last week) .

Anyone who hasn't bothered to check that and believes the HYPE isn't really qualified to comment fully or consider themselves an adequate researcher about this.

The film highlights much about FALSE FLAGS, FABRICATED HISTORY and sources of MISINFORMATRION - it is worth seeing , yet is quite irritating in places, while funny in others. The Don Cheedle professor is straight out of a JG BALLRD novel- Vaughan/TRAVIS etc, and is hilarious.l

This event is a INTEL joke on the public.

Eric is playing along with their game.

He is either a not very observant, too smarmy to realise his error, or controlled opposition selling you all the fear we've come to expect from such treacherous, oppressive clowns.

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Eric has 40 years of experience dealing with dioxin. And he posts using his actual name, instead of hiding behind pseudonyms, like web trolls.

Anyone reading this who is not a jerk is encouraged to listen to Eric's interview with East Palestine resident Zsuzsa Gyenes The interview has its own audio file, or you can go to the file for the entire program, where it starts at 51:30. Tell us that she is fabricated, please.

Tonight on Planet Waves FM — Who decides what is an 'acceptable' risk? On tonight's program, I will grapple notions of 'risk' and 'acceptable risk' — the two most important issues in what's called political science: the claim of science driven by government policy. Eric Francis Coppolino, 3/3/23.


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Blah blah blah, crisis actor this, planted opposition that. they plant him into the deepest health truther corner and then roll him out via Mike Adams for his big 15 minutes to further their agenda.

Rather than being surprised this whack job was a plant, you should be slapping yourself in the head for not seeing Health Ranger as the perfect tool for this job.

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Is Sam a plant, a tool?

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Two questions, same answer. Had no reason to suspect before... but now, we do. I wouldn't say a plant so much as... disappointing.

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No I do not believe Sam is a plant. This is the first post from her thats a false flag and about fear( *Eric the poo is behind it I bet you a dollar to a knob of goat sh*t).

She has just been temporarily deceived by the charismatic Eric Francis C . Give credit to the experts as the intel operation to infiltrate, control and twist the opposing narrative was and is inten$ive. They want to control the narrative and bring into it fear, ego, division, confusion and other mind controlling memes .

Eric Francis C has a few of the leading opposition experts in awe eating out of his hands , they like many, are convinced hes who his CIA Wikipedia +GOOGLE CV says he is ( and not controlled op infiltrating and redirecting the movement to write about false flags, distract and fearmonger with DIEoxin).

Sam( and Mark) are both smart and good people, and in time they will see .

I am not surprised this has happened as the same people unfamiliar with the decepticon ways of intel couldn't believe the charismatic RFK jr is a controlled opposition agent.

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Jeffery, are you calling me a web-troll ?

If so, how uncanny it is that you IGNORE ALL the points I mentioned, and use my name RAM (an Aries and my initials !) as justification for belittlement and a claim of HIDING !

It seems to me that your actions here are web-troll/shill behaviour BEYOND DOUBT !!!

The fact you are also so keen to spread the FEAR and the creepy liar Eric cements the fact.

tROT ON little pony- and keep chasing carrots.

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Eric...Eric...Eric...oh dear,

You claim I am a bad writer (which may be true), yet if so then you are a despicably terrible one!

I've just read that 'review' you posted about WHITE NOISE, and seen what a WHITE WASH your 'overview' really is!

You go out of your way to evade all the important elements within it , seem to miss the underlying themes and have no affinity with the medium of film, the dynamics of this mediums symbolism or psychic resonances, and you also claim to be an astrologer !

Really, you have just 'outed' yourself in such an obvious way I feel almost sorry for you.

The first comment I saw your 'fans' make was that this film proves the DEEP STATE WAS NOT INVOLVED...

I need say no more-

Your work is aimed at the ignorant and gullible. It is adolescent and mired in platitudes, assumption and an insidious type of salesmanship. Conceit masked as 'consensus conformity and 'reason'. Yet , you have a shallow perspective and fanciful foundations.

Your 'review' begins with a deceit. You quote the lyrics from ELVIS COSTELLO (and we should all know who the COSTELLOS were !) which you assign to ELVIS (inferring PRESLEY as he is also mentioned later and intrinsic to the film).

Some folk have realised that Elvis P was in fact TWINS and this is GEMINI a very important sign for ESPIONAGE AGENCIES, but if you choose to ignore that FACT then the next part you write just confirms your limited scope and lack of insight & proper research.

You use the China Syndrome (what a topical title!) as proof of Nuclear meltdowns and media synchronicity. You obviously have no real scientific aptitude if you imagine Nuclear power is the great Leitmotif of the past century as claimed- nor was even possible at the time it was meant to be implemented.

The Nuclear Industry is one of the biggest scams ever invented , a massive FEAR and MONEY machine, second to the money wasted on it is NASA, and we should all know what load of utter crud they generate by now!

I could go on, but won't here.

I need read nothing more from you because you don't have anything valid to contribute. You claim to be an astrologer ( the great bastion of bullshitters and confidence tricksters- though a discipline with certain validity in the right hands) and also a deep researcher. You instead appear to be neither, or inept,

However , if you surround yourself with gullible and ill-informed people it is possible that the naive may consider you some guru or sage.

To my eyes you are just another pied piper and compulsive fear-monger, both of which are rapidly going out of fashion and becoming increasingly redundant and repulsive.

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The best plants are deep plants.

Watch who leads this charge against dioxin... our most beloved truthers. And they will lead us to slaughter, apparently. Fun times.


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a great link (as is you previous heads up before it ). No wonder its been ignored !!!!

Here we see what happens when any of us mention pertinent matters- we are ignored or abused. If we are lucky only distraction is used -

''you have a fake name, you don't publish your address & phone number, you can't read and are a terrible writer of fiction' etc... sad, yet also quite hilarious.

At no time will anything be addressed from our comments unless it is misrepresented.

We will be called the trolls and shills, for pointing out the covert trolls and shills (& the quite overt ones as well).

It is so BLATENT how the Langley, 77B, and other creatures from the arsehole of '(anti) intelligence operate it makes me wonder why they even bother ?

Demoralisation maybe?

Hopefully there are some genuine HUMAN BEINGS still left among all the machinery and flatulence they live in, and they are as disgusted at the abuse of Mankind their colleagues indulge in, that they can usurp the present tyranny.

When I witness the lame tactics of Eric here , I imagine Intel are equally unimpressed and mildly revolted by his ineptitude as well... if they aren't , and this is their standard now, then they have already lost the fight, and should take a long walk on the moors to find solace and release from the misery of their hell-spawn existence.

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That item is the biggest piece of trash ever posted on the Web. Hey, maybe Sam is a plant too, eh?

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We'll have to see how she handles this. If she plays into the "evacuate everybody, move them into 15 minute cities and let Bill Gates put all this land into conservatorship" .. then we'll know. I had 0 suspicion until now, I'm hoping she just swam out of her lane accidentally and gets back into it.

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I could say shame on you, given how much Sam has done to undo the ruling narrative. But you're probably just doing your paid troll job, so why bother. Over and out.

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Jeffery - you doth protest too much !!!

Please consider the CONTENT of the comment and cease projecting your own insecurities .. you may actually learn something ?

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Your ability to comprehend people's writing is like... 5th grade.

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The WHO should be renamed The World Sickness Organisation.

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I would prefer the World Harm Organisatan as this retains the initials.

Of of course if you are in the States then the z is used rather than the 's' in organisation.

This would then make it the World Harm Organazion. As they pro,mote big p-harm-a drugs including the vaccines this seems fair to me.


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@Dr. Sam,

I absolutely love, love, LOVE you and your work and that of your husband as well. I have literally zero criticism of either of you, which is exceedingly rare because I am hyper-critical of my information sources.

That being said... PLEASE. Be careful with this issue. This is going to fast become "Covid 2.0"... but even worse!

Dioxins are present *literally* everywhere on the planet. Even in the most remote forests. It's in every form of precipitation.

This guy was introduced via the "no-virus" camp (of which I am 100% a part of), and is now suddenly thrust to the fore by Mike Adams. Sadly, it seems Mike is being positioned to lead the charge on this new narrative. The perfect choice.

This is going to lead to a whole new cycle of fear, death, testing and control systems. With a fake test that is easy to dial up & down and use as a way to remove people from their land and prevent them from growing food.

The test will be set with ridiculously low tolerances, such that no place on Earth will be able to pass. They will blame everything under the sun, from train wrecks to BBQ grills, campfires, etc.

My dad, and his 9 siblings, ate agent orange / DDT sprayed berries along the rail track near their home in the 60s. They all had healthy, normal children... of which I am one.

I used to heat PVC in my kitchen to a point, I've know learned, that released dioxins and furans. That was 15 years ago, and I'm healthier now than I was then. In tip top athletic shape, actually.

Furans are in baby food, they are created when you make coffee in an espresso machine or any of those little plastic cup quick makers (which probably also produce dioxins).

They do not test for dioxins, anywhere.... ever... because they are everywhere.. forever.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not buy into this new pysop!!

Thank you for listening, much love & respect.

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I'm considerably out of my lane too, living as I do in western Europe. My questions about the derailment are based on zero evidence, one way or the other, just a feeling that may be enhanced by my memories of Spielberg's Close Encounters movie. It featured a similar scam organised by the government in order to evacuate an area of its population. But I honestly don't know if the Ohio derailment is in this category.

My concern is mainly for Dr Sam who was one of the few 'truthers' I follow to see instantly that the Project Veritas "interview" with a Pfizer executive was a hoax. In the case of the Ohio story I hope she or her interviewee at least addresses the possibility of a scam in the latest video.

I agree though about the fear factor. This is how they manipulate people and it works, especially if bodily health is the issue.

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I am the Bailey's primary source on dioxin and take full responsibility for the content and factual accuracy of my statements. They have vetted my work on "covid" and other issues going back nearly two years and you can be sure that I work to their standards.


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"Dioxins are present *literally* everywhere on the planet. Even in the most remote forests. It's in every form of precipitation."

You are saying this as if that's supposed to be comforting to know. Ever been to Love Canal, or Times Beach? Or talked to Vietnam Vets exposed to Agent Orange? You now sound like you're working for Monsatan and the rest of the petrochemicals industry. Show us your data.

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The ones working for Monsanto & the rest... are the ones pushing for evacuation.

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When did Monsatan admit that dioxin is dangerous, with no safe level, not even one part in a trillion? Data, please. And show us where Monsatan and the industry as a whole and Norfolk Southern have called for evacuation, or indeed stated anything except "all safe."

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There are 260 types of dioxin, only a couple are that toxic. You need to go do some research before you go jumping into arguments you do not belong in.

Eric has been calling for evacuating the entire eastern half of the US, are you in support of this because you're scared of yet another invisible and undefeatable enemy?

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"Eric has been calling for evacuating the entire eastern half of the US"

Source? And can you show us a list of articles and research papers you have authored about dioxin?

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I don't need to author any, why don't you quit defending a shill and go find some of your own. There's like a gazillion.

Watch his interview with Mike Adams. And read my lengthy and clear first comment to Sam on this post. I will not be replying to you any further as you are just making uninformed comments... repeatedly.

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I am the Bailey's primary source on dioxin and take full responsibility for the content and factual accuracy of my statements. They have vetted my work on "covid" and other issues going back nearly two years and you can be sure that I work to their standards.


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You are grossly mistaken if you think this is a psyop. Have you interviewed any eyewitnesses or people who were displaced?

I am the Bailey's primary source on dioxin and take full responsibility for the content and factual accuracy of my statements. They have vetted my work on "covid" and other issues going back nearly two years and you can be sure that I work to their standards.


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BTW, the detox protocol is simple! Vitamin C & NAC. Chlorella for 7 days immediately after acute exposure.

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I am the Bailey's primary source on dioxin and take full responsibility for the content and factual accuracy of my statements. They have vetted my work on "covid" and other issues going back nearly two years and you can be sure that I work to their standards.


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Only problem with this story is the gratuitous Eric Francis Coppolino promotion ( same story as Google - you havent fully investigated him or known him for long). EFC did not expose covid19- he popped up later befriending key popular de bunkers AFTER convid was debunked. Its called controlled opposition.

Distracting with dioxin ( die oxin). Dioxins in everything. Volcanoes and forest fires will also emit it, animals will store in in their flesh. No need to make it into a new thing to fear . Or distract people with false flags. Inner pollution leads to outer pollution.

The East Palestine event was a false flag( I imagine Eric C the controlled opposition agent would be on it haha) . It got many on board the idea of biometric chips, MyID, lets local residents purchase " unique QR codes that hold their personal medical information."

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I had not heard of Eric Coppolino until I encountered him on Regis Tremblay’s channel.

• Investigating Poornima Wagh - Eric Coppolino with Regis Tremblay


(and see the series of videos featuring Poornima Wagh that culminated in this)

Without attempting to acknowledge or debate any of the points Poornima Wagh made about the fake ‘virus’, Coppolino went all out to character assassinate Poornima, PhD or not.

Only a controlled opposition would do this.

Investigative reporting should be about questioning the credentials of Gates, Tedros et al, about the integrity of the disgraced fearmonger Neil Ferguson and questioning why ‘highly credentialled’ Fauci says one thing and then the complete opposite about masks and the severity of the very ‘covid’ symptoms themselves, and why Bourla claims his inoculation to be 100 effective but after two doses says the complete opposite and that more injections and boosters are required.

Coppolino does none of this.

Hosting Eric Coppolino with such messianic enthusiasm makes me question Dr Sam Bailey herself.

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I think we're going to be shocked at how many of our favorite people get revealed by this. :(

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I think you missed a lot of the Poornima Wagh story, which puts your comments out of context.

Eric Coppolino never questioned Wagh about her claims or her multiple degrees until others started to. Then he gave her plenty of opportunity to clarify and prove her credentials, but she couldn't or wouldn't.

It turns out that Wagh was the mirage, who couldn't demonstrate her claims of working on thousands of vaxx samples in a lab. Perhaps she was sincere in her desire to help the "no virus" position, and she certainly appeared knowledgeable. But her inability to show proof of her over-inflated credentials (which, by the way, no one demanded her to have to join some non-existent movement of authoritative voices) made those taking the same position as she appeared to take look bad by association. And that's the definition of false (or controlled) opposition.

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My investigators tracked her for about six weeks before I spoke up. I just know how to construct the investigation and coordinate the findings of different reporters to get the result. I also write the narrative; that has to be solid and compelling. My Wagh article is a prime example if a soft-lead investigative feature.

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Thanks for piping up here, Eric.

You handled the Wagh situation respectfully and meticulously. You gave her every opportunity to defend herself, until she gave up trying because there was nothing to defend.

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I love his answer about why we don't know his name, address and phone number. And if people think I am some kind of spy, that's hilarious.

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I do not question Dr Bailey.

EFC has come in after the convid exposure and has been skillfully charming them and gaining their trust . Now being admired by a few of the most popular key experts the original exposers of the convid fraud.

They had the actor Poornima assassinated and by alleging she somehow represented the movement and Eric was " exposing" her /it . Essentially his "expose" was aiming to discredit the movement by discrediting poo as a representative/symbol of it.

With his Robert francis K jr "expose" ( after RFC jr was outed on the web as controlled opposition) Eric francis C subtly spun it pointing the finger assassinating the science advisor as RFK jr damage control.

At the top level of intel's infiltration of opposition movements it is more subtle. As people know about the convid and that there is no virus they cant change the facts. Its all about using emotive drama(EFC expose) to confuse, create divisiveness, spread hopelessness, and put ideas and thoughts out there ... essentially spying on them and handling them.

You see this a lot in comments sections.

The lessons for this is ...

No "team" owns the truth, it is for all.

Many people are still in fear and mistaken is all, they are "team" humanity, in error they just need to correct their perception from wrong to right thinking , move out of the fear paradym .

Follow your inner Self(spirit not the ego) and do not be lead by or be in or in awe of person.

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nice one- too true.

This 'event' is the film outtakes of film WHITE NOISE 2022 (see 25mins to 33 mins)

The film is worth a watch (part funny, insightful, trite and annoying !) as it deals with FALSE FLAGS, FAKE HISTORY and MISINFORMATION.

The character interviewed above doesn't know that VC emits WHITE smoke.

Why would we trust anything else he bleats after he misses that , and admits his mentor was a BERKLEY hippy activist (100% psy-op / cointel)

Liars lie, and now there is an epidemic of it all over the front pages every day.

Most folk are seduced by the SPECTACLE , yet have no clue what 'THE Spectacle' is.

Controlled opposition seems more predominant now than any real opposition- just look at Flat Earth with the Christian Right (who were the great threat back in the Reagan/Thatcher era !!!

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I made no comment about her character whatsoever. I do not get personal and strive to remain on speaking terms with everyone. I did not say one word about Wagh publicly until my investigation was completed, repeatedly verified and published. If you think that critiquing the false claim of doctoral degrees from Virus University is "character assassination" then you've never read a tabloid newspaper.


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I made no comment about her character whatsoever. I do not get personal and strive to remain on speaking terms with everyone. I did not say one word about Wagh publicly until my investigation was completed, repeatedly verified and published. If you think that critiquing the false claim of doctoral degrees from Virus University is "character assassination" then you've never read a tabloid newspaper.


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Fauci could be controlled opposition, Bourla may be controlled opposition. They are subjecting the human race to the Covid Olympics to see who will run it and finish the race, and those who will be left behind as they can't be bothered.

Anybody who can't see through Fauci and Bourla has to be terminally dim. But we do. :)

Perhaps Eric Coppolino is feeding the masses during the movie of East-Palenstine, Ohio train derailment.

"cio lie popcorn" is an anagram of Eric Coppolino , so my theory has some basis.

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That is a disgusting thing to say about one of the only truly independent investigative journalists remaining today. Go back to Robert Malone’s stack and take a booster in your way out.

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LOL. I can't decide which line is funnier, but they're both pretty good!

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Bono's Mullet ( a well know sycophant for wielders of authority) has spoken !

Well, actually typed its indignant opinion...

Who could argue with a typing mullet ?

''In your way out'' will be a new slogan for the New Breed - hybrid Mullet Ponies who trot about all day chasing carrots and making mounds of fertiliser that is almost completely carbon free!

Bono's Mullet is on the boosters, and on the go,it can not be silenced... it is a nanoVax miracle.

There is no stopping its indignant onslaught of righteousness. Soon it will migrate to Erics receding hairline, and sing the siren song of Armageddon, chirping away like a merry Gremlin about to be submerged in a trough of water ...

Such are the wonders of the age.

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Oooooh, I’ve been outed...

For a fecking typo.

At least we seem to agree about Bono being an insufferable shill for the Davos crowd.

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Well, at least you've got a sense of humor so maybe your humanity will prevail among the maelstrom of lies in this 'progressive age' (progressing to the pit by the looks of it ).

Maybe a change of name is in order , as you're doing yourself no favours using the prime symbol of an 'insufferable shill ' ?

Remember to In your way out, while you out your way in!

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My user name is just fine, thanks. A lot of people have told me they find it amusing.

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Turns out I live less than 2km from Australia's largest dioxin polluters: 50+ years of Timbrol & Union Carbide chemical manufacturing at Rhodes, Sydney, including Agent Orange for the US military, the waste from which was unceremoniously backfilled straight into Homebush Bay so the companies could reclaim land and expand their industrial site. They say it was remediated between 1997-2005, but the NO FISHING signs remain in Homebush Bay to this very day.


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Thanks and sorry we are all in the same bad boat, so to speak. I would be ok with not having many or most of the products I was raised with, the plastic toys, the cars, the electronics, really, just to have the ability to breath and live out even a shorter life in relative health than the plastic laden life that the 'manufacturers' insist we are demanding. Nobody who understands the levels of modern toxicity wants such a sad life, right? Such a tricky maze we have made for ouselves. Thanks JP will check your page. Best from Oregon

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I watched the first 4/5 minutes of this video and then stopped. I have two questions and perhaps they are addressed later in the interview. Maybe someone who has watched it all could tell me if this is so and I will then resume watching.

My questions are these:

1. What is Mr. Coppollino's source for his assertion that the event he describes actually occurred?

2. If it is not first hand, i.e. he did not witness the derailment himself and investigate the contents of the train personally, what evidence does he have for his various assertions?

I like Sam Bailey and I find it hard to believe that she would be taken in if this event is fake. But I am open-minded enough to consider all possibilities, including one that says Mr Coppolinio is legit and another that suggests the whole thing is a scam.

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JP, my track record as a reporter covering dioxins goes back to when I was 19 years old. My document collection is on file with Columbia University's ToxicDocs online library as well as in Document Cloud.

Here is my first article on the issue.


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Thanks you for engaging with the skeptics!

Perhaps the best way to settle the question, especially for anyone interested outside the USA, would be for you to provide links or references to one or two reliable sources that explain what actually happened in East Palestine. After that common sense and good judgement are all we can rely on if we want to ascertain the truth about anything.

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Why don't you go there yourself? Also there's a dairy farm five miles away...maybe drink a quart of that milk.

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PS -- I am relying on official sources and eyewitness accounts for what occurred. While it's impossible to verify every fact, it's necessary to work with 1. What the government and the railroad admit and 2. To confirm salient facts by eyewitness accounts as closely as possible. I am old-school, from the gumshoe approach to investigative reporting. I would go there but I've already taken too much dioxin in the course of my reporting.

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But Eric- when have those sources ever been honest ?

Are you one of the few investigative reporters on the planet that imagines the Media-Gov-Corp can be trusted in any way with a scam this big ?

You do realise that actors act, and liars lie ?

Also, many locals were employed as extras in the film White Noise.

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She isn't anywhere on the continent, she's out of her lane.

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JP, my track record as a reporter covering dioxins goes back to when I was 19 years old. My document collection is on file with Columbia University's ToxicDocs online library as well as in Document Cloud.

Here is my first article on the issue.


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Monsanto HAS TO GO!!

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Anybody have more information on the two companies (names begin with letter "I") / Blackrock-owned who are seeking to pull up the tracks in EPalestine to get at the cobalt? Seems this goes deeper than the dioxin contamination...

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Agenda 2030 land grabs... anywhere, anytime.

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If you don't bother watching the film WHITE NOISE (from 25 to 33 minutes in) that was filmed a few months prior to this CONSTRUCTED NEWS EVENT, at the same location, then you will possibly be fooled that this is a real crisis. It certainly isn't . As any adult should be aware , administration does not work in the manner portrayed.

I am not wasting any more time on this topic, as I've already posted a lot about it on SAMs Odyssey page, where 95% of her viewers have proven themselves cretins so far. Which is really disappointing considering the field of her interests and work.

Either do some actual research , or it's best to keep quite about it until you've something valid to say.

SAMs had a week to confront this matter , yet seems too busy, aloof or confused by fear mongering propagandists to bother to do so yet. I hope she wakes up to what is really going on and how the creepy character being interviewed above (from BERKLEY intel !) is either unobservant, some Zionist controlled opposition, or too busy pushing his fear mongering wagon to care.

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Here is my review. Furthermore, the film was made in 2021 and premiered in 2022 in Europe. The events in the film bear only circumstantial resemblance to what happened: a toxic spill in Ohio. No other facts match up, including sustained toxic release. By the end of the movie, everything is back to normal. There is no hint of permanent problems, multigenerational effects, or any of that.


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wait I am Berkeley Zionist Controlled Oppo? You are a fiction writer, and a bad one. Good fiction is rooted in fact and plausibility. And I can assure you that you will never ever once find me making a pro-Zionist statement anywhere, at any time. Every word I've broadcast or written the past two decades is archived. Go for it.

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I am indeed a fiction writer, and my fiction contains more facts than most news reports Eric. You live in a world dictated by FICTIONS- Though you probably like to imagine they have solid foundations- they don't

such as

the monetary system

Most written History

Many scientific assertions (from the ATOM to ELECTRICITY and 'gravity')

The landscape around you involves gigantic fictions on advertising hoardings to tv screens and cell phones.

I find those that belittle fiction usually haven't got a very good grasp on what many call 'reality', and tend to wrongly assume one is more valid than the other. They also tend to be incapable of comprehending ALLEGORY, MYTH & METAPHOR- the most potent forms of communication via SYMBOLISM.

After all, humanity reveals its inner nature via its fictions and seeming fantasy.

The works of J.G.Ballard, Salvador DALI, PK DICK, RD Liang, and the Esoteric teaching/ Perennial Wisdom all back my feelings & thoughts on this.

Which touches on my BERKLEY CLIAM about narks and plants, as PK DICK was a Berkley man who had been consolidated by the CIA, as was William Burroughs, another cultural 'hero' and massive influence on modern culture. Maybe you've never become aware of the Berkley infiltration of the late 1950's & 60's , but to pretend it never occurred is childish and willfully ignorant.

Langley must have very limited reach in your world view, while those of us who are genuine RESEARCHERS know it represents may tentacles of the octopus.

You may not have made any overt Zionist statements - yet your opinions and propaganda are almost entirely in-line with their apparent larger agenda of controlled oppression and fear mongering.

I will do some more research and apologies, retract my assumptions here and clarify any new outlook on this - if I find I've made an error. At the moment though you've acted in such an underhand way, and made too many errors about this for me to trust you.

The Positions of the trains on the track is impossible under normal circumstances, and IS the same as from the film, taken from a different angle - some have tried to show this and manipulated it to seem less alike. I've seen the film and they are so similar as to be beyond coincidence.

Anyways, thank you for responding and making your case.

I find you quite a tedious, untrustworthy and smarmy person so doubt I will waste much time on your other work, as many others will no-doubt be busy uncovering how duplicitous you really are in the coming weeks. Instead I will concentrate presenting information on the Berkley Narks, which Im already well aware of from over 35 years of study.

If you are a sincere person with genuine integrity I hope you can navigate your interests and opinions in a more benign manner, and refrain from appearing a gloom & doom troll, chipping away at any hope and joy among peoples increasingly oppressed lives.

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Reinforces my belief that there are no safe amounts of chemicals or drugs that can be absorbed by the body without some type of damage. I trust nothing the government or medical mainstream experts say.

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I have been watching this episode and the lack of action from government. Like all who are interested what made railroad athourities burn the carrages? I did find chlorella on line to be a chelator of existing dioxins in the body and therefore may help in this case. But "to get the hell out of there as far away as possible" is great advise. What concerns me the most is the mighty Mississipi river that goes the length of America and I can see it on the map pretty close to this region .

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Also, vitamin C & NAC for detoxing.. chlorella is best for post-acute exposure.

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you are clueless about detoxing dioxin.

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Mmmk, so let's do nothing about that then and take your suggestion and evacuate the whole eastern half of the United States. lol

You don't seem to have any suggestions, I have data.

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