I come at this subject as a former US Counter intel professional. I agree 1000% with Dr Sam Bailey. I was in South America and observing the Covid op growing from Sept of 2019 with the banking REPO program. Then Oct 18th both Event 2O1 and the Wuhan military games were rolled out together. My confusion was eliminated when in the early sp…
I come at this subject as a former US Counter intel professional. I agree 1000% with Dr Sam Bailey. I was in South America and observing the Covid op growing from Sept of 2019 with the banking REPO program. Then Oct 18th both Event 2O1 and the Wuhan military games were rolled out together. My confusion was eliminated when in the early spring I finally was able to identify Covid as a category black op which is always 95% disinformation. But who's operation was it? On 3-20-20, Mike Pompeo the former CIA director announced that the operation was now a live exercise. Live exercise is defined by NATO as: a live exercise (LIVEX) in which forces actually participate... It told me instantly that it was our own US DOD black op exercise. We were trained to detect and counter such operations to protect the US. The key to success for a black op is control and protection of the false narrative. The key part of this false narrative is the release and existence of a deadly biological virus from a Wuhan lab. All of which is disinformation and created decades prior to the actual rollout of the op. The threat of biological warfare is always better than the actual execution. Why use some weapon that is costly and impossible to control, that can kill your own people, when you can safely simulate the same thing. The key to ending similar future operations is to end the false narrative in which they are based upon. Godspeed to Dr Sam Bailey and the rest of those fighting to spread the light of truth and put an end to future medical black, grey and white psyops against our families, friends and loved ones around the world.
I come at this subject as a former US Counter intel professional. I agree 1000% with Dr Sam Bailey. I was in South America and observing the Covid op growing from Sept of 2019 with the banking REPO program. Then Oct 18th both Event 2O1 and the Wuhan military games were rolled out together. My confusion was eliminated when in the early spring I finally was able to identify Covid as a category black op which is always 95% disinformation. But who's operation was it? On 3-20-20, Mike Pompeo the former CIA director announced that the operation was now a live exercise. Live exercise is defined by NATO as: a live exercise (LIVEX) in which forces actually participate... It told me instantly that it was our own US DOD black op exercise. We were trained to detect and counter such operations to protect the US. The key to success for a black op is control and protection of the false narrative. The key part of this false narrative is the release and existence of a deadly biological virus from a Wuhan lab. All of which is disinformation and created decades prior to the actual rollout of the op. The threat of biological warfare is always better than the actual execution. Why use some weapon that is costly and impossible to control, that can kill your own people, when you can safely simulate the same thing. The key to ending similar future operations is to end the false narrative in which they are based upon. Godspeed to Dr Sam Bailey and the rest of those fighting to spread the light of truth and put an end to future medical black, grey and white psyops against our families, friends and loved ones around the world.