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So, the game is the same as always: Instead of claiming responsibility and talk about, who killed the native populations, the perpetrators makes it into a what. Isn't that the game with modern medicine, which is more population control than actually health care? A bunch of corrupt criminal billionaires and the even more corrupt organization, that they created and still fund, WHO, see the population rate as big treat and they release weapons of mass destruction and blame it all on an invisible germ. Don't even stop at all the COVID 19 nonsense: What about the entire cancer industry today, which is simply and purely a hugely lucrative way of killing people every year in millions, and strangely especially targeting the already elderly or otherwise weak, who are called out as "the elder burden". My great weak up were House of Numbers and also a double agenda debunk in the fun fact, that the Vikings from Norway and Denmark (I am a Dane) settled on the Southeast of Greenland a millennia ago, build a for the time huge settlement counting at least 6000 people, and build houses and churches in stone, which still can visited. Their main products were food and fur, so they build a thriving farming settlement, were farming is hardly a thing even today, at the peak of global warming and man made climate change. It was a warm period on the Northern hemisphere then, that's why they could. Did reindeer farts create a warmer climate? They also exported their produce to the growing cities in Europe, but that entire society fell apart, coincidentally at the little ice age period, when also the plaque occurred all over Europe. The plaque were not a virus either, but widespread famine all over Europe, paired with very dense cities with no sanitation, poor water ressources. Basically, malnutrition in a very toxic environment.

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