Q A Person gets on an airplane for short flight and is in good health, however by the time that person arrives at their destination they are no longer in perfectly good health but is coughing has a runny nose and the works.
So what happened to suddenly develop this condition?
Q A Person gets on an airplane for short flight and is in good health, however by the time that person arrives at their destination they are no longer in perfectly good health but is coughing has a runny nose and the works.
So what happened to suddenly develop this condition?
This has happened to me several times since I flew quite a lot at one point in my life. The person gets on the plane, they are exposed to a change in air pressure imposed by the cabin pressure, a massive increase in air dryness and quite a significant drop in temparature. The nose responds to the pressure + temparature changes and dryness by producing more mucous and the lungs respond similarly, exactly as they would when air pressure and temparature changes due to a change in season (the nose and lungs produce mucous as a response to changes in air quality since gases can only cross cell membranes when they are dissolved in water or an aqueous solution, thus the lung surface must be moist). Voilà, you get a seasonal 'cold', since the temparature and pressure changes are identical to those caused by seasonal changes. For neither of these mechanisms do you need a pathogen and for neither did you need to be 'infected' beforehand by anything.
Don’t forget that on aeroplanes, there is filtered air, or to put it bluntly, denatured air in the form of oxygen which is air with the water stripped away, this denatured air dries out the lining of the nose and lungs and from there your body fights to re-saturate = body stress and detoxification
AND, when you fly you spend a lot of time in airport buildings, some of the most EMF-polluted, unnatural light, artificial everything. That could be just as harmful as the actual airplane.
I never had Covid injections, I never had Covid . I worked in the nursing home where many get flu symptoms . I still never got Covid. I worked as a cleaner and have been in public places and cleaning homes of other people, holiday houses and holiday parks. I still didn’t get Covid. The only time I have flu symptoms is when my young son come home from day care with flu symptoms then would share the symptoms with us. But very rarely I get flu symptoms. If I do I recover quickly.
I’m 47 now and I don’t take any regular medications. I don’t have any major health issues.
I have come to decide that I don’t believe in virus theory.
Make your mind up. On the one hand you say you shared flu symptoms with your son. Then you end by saying you don't believe the virus theory. Which is it ?
Derek Curtis & Anen Allidnab , RE: Derek's "Which is it ?" We have an issue of language, where 'flu' as a word is captured by big pharma. I grew up with a Scot-British grandmother who used the word 'flu' related to 'Flues', air ducts or 'drafts', are critical in systems where toxic fumes are generated during heating or cooling. These gases are vented outdoors through the ducts, ensuring safety and proper air quality. If your HVAC system does not recycle returned air, it may utilize a flue to expel air outside.
i.e. My grandmother or mother would say, "Don't sit by the flue or in an air 'draft' or you will get sick."
So flu or viruses as entities are unidentified, inappropriately tested & improperly posed as 'medical-physiology' & may not even exist in any sense, but have become part of a pharma profit driven industry-induced popular lexicon. So to even speak about these concepts of sickness from unidentified or multiple environmental & internal-body factors, we still use these words. Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey aren't saying that the sickness we experience doesn't exist, but that we haven't identified the cause in any replicable scientific sense. Thanks to Drs. Sam, Mark & such as Dr. Tom Cowan for being true to scientific process. HOLISTIC SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/6-holistic-science UNDOING FALSE-SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/9-undoing-false-science
No issue of language with Anen and myself. When we used the word flu, we both obviously used it as short for influenza. I find it hard to believe that you couldn't see that.
Derek A pleasure to read your thoughts. Thanks for your definition clarification, as well as what you believe Anen's interpretation is of 'flu' as in to 'catch the flu'. What will Anen's definition be?
Because of Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan & such as Kerry Mullis PhD (PCR) on the fake HIV, with the network, they've put together, I've been able to understand the fakery in 'Virus' & 'Virology' as well as 'flu' & 'influenza'. Over the past 39 years, working with folks having various kinds of Autism, Children's Health Defence & Robert F Kennedy Jr. (JFKJr's Zionist insults against Palestinians are unbearable) have helped me understand the fakery of Vaccine.
Early this year on a bus journey, I got chills from an open window draft. This, the following day, had manifested into flu like symptoms. Avoid a drafty environment, this can include air conditioning, which I have felt whilst flying.
I find it hard to believe that the same person would also have become ill if they had stayed at home, somehow I'm convinced that it has to be related to the journey on an airplane.
Haven't used public transport in years.
Didn't buy into the Covid fear campaign however I did get seriously i'll but blamed that on being forced to wear a scientifically meaningless mask.
I stayed at home by myself for the first 3 weeks of Covid lockdown. My house is located in a relatively clean air part of Ireland. It is detached and the garden is large. No one came into the house or even close to the house. My shopping was dropped at the doorstep. At the start of week 3, I became quite unwell with a temp and flu like symptoms. I was ill for a week. How does one explain that??? After that, I gave up on the 'measures' and decided we were being had! Then, I found the Baileys on germ theory...and voilà! I had my explanation.
Flying by plane is an awful way to travel, e.g. recycled air, cramped conditions, etc. But sometimes it's necessary so make sure you're in good healh to begin with.
Exactly, radiation, recycled and compressed air, not also to mention the awful perfumes and pesticides, that they spray in airplanes: It is the same thing again, as always, we don't really need the germ theory at all to explain, why people get sick in those conditions. And they absolutely do spray airplane cabins with pesticides, by the way. I know, because I have traveled in India with layovers, were we did not have to leave the airplane and they sprayed the airplane, while we were even onboard, and they told us, that they always do, not to spread unwanted bugs, as for instance toxic spiders from one location to another
Yeah, and people in Ireland should be walking to Poland. It's not that far. Matt Hengst just walked five- or six-thousand kilometers from Delaware to Utah (Mormon territory) and the biggest problem was having to explain to people that Delaware is a real place. Lol. Alright J.P., we gotta get our butts in gear. My plan is if I lose twenty pounds by August I'll start walking from Niagara Falls and see how far I get. That was funny that Finn-ish guy being mystified by getting sick on an airplane. My simple hope for world peace is that everyone who flies gets sick. Certain exclusions apply, like if you're visiting your old mother in Tennessee.
It's not only that the air is processed and dry and who-knows-what, air pressure changes, etc... Those things could probably cause respiratory effects on their own.
But another (apparently not well known?) dirty secret about air travel is that modern jet airliners are designed to bleed off air from the engines into the cabin. You can look up the 'why' of this, but needless to say this air is toxic with various burned petroleum fuel and lubricant fumes and residue....
I mean, it would be more surprising to me if you DON'T feel bad after an airline flight...
This can easily be explained by German New Medicine (GNM), where most symptoms are the result of resolving a biological conflict in the psyche. GNM was established in the 1980s and 90s, but has been suppressed due its brilliance as it would pull the rug from under western medicine if it was more widely know. The man who researched and developed this medicine was called Dr. Hamer. He was a western medical doctor who started to suspect that western medicine was off after a tragedy where he lost his teenage son and developed symptoms that didn’t make sense to him.
The short version of GNM is that for every standard anatomical wiring from brain to organ there is a biological conflict in the psyche. This creates a threefold axis of psyche-brain-organ. A disease starts in the psyche with a cold and mostly symptom less phase or conflict active psyche. When the conflict is resolved, a hot phase with symptoms starts and microbes are carefully guided by the brain to either degrade or build up tissue.
Changing location with a short flight, can easily become a resolution to a conflict. The conflict for runny nose is called: "stink conflict", so leaving a figuratively or literally stinky situation, resolves the conflict.
Yes, it has to do with the heart relay from the brain and could definitively play part in the situations described in the video above. There are many interesting conflicts that could have played their part, because western medicine has such an upside-down view on disease.
To be clear, I do not know but this may be a reason:
"Many people assume they get sick after a flight due to viruses or bacteria picked up from fellow passengers, but there’s another factor that often goes unnoticed—pesticides sprayed inside aircraft cabins. This procedure, known as "disinsection," is an international practice that involves applying insecticides either before or during a flight to protect public health by controlling insects that spread diseases. Unfortunately, these chemicals can have adverse effects on human health, and their residues can linger long after they’ve been sprayed."
The spraying of ''insecticides'' on passengers is another example where the so called authorities violate our bodies considering no consent was ever provided.
Flight attendants are warned to shut the window shades to minimize radiation exposure at altitude. Not sure if this has any validity but it's what a flight attendant said.
massive radiation doses, emf/emr exposure , breathing foul air through circulation system, disconnection with earth frequencies., Bio rhythm disruption, uncomfortable sitting position Chi flow disruption, circulation blockages, terrible food and dead water or soft drinks. Q. how do you know they were in "good health" first as well ? Just not showing the symptoms does not mean good health. I see people tested frequently before I do my Cymatic sonic treatment protocol, who think they are healthy and not showing specific symptoms with terrible low scores on EAV Electro dermal acupuncture testing.
Thanks I'm aware X ray's can do a lot of harm so I'm furious that prior to boarding we continue to be exposed horrid devices [standing in a perspex cage at an airport for what appears to be far too long when a simple metal detector would suffice and be less alarming.
In good health as opposed to the terrible condition of that person after the flight
I had no idea my off topic question would provoke so many responses perhaps there's something in these that takes us back to the topic of this article.
What killed native populations?
Worsening living conditions imposed on the native populations by the colonialist, slavers etc.
Q A Person gets on an airplane for short flight and is in good health, however by the time that person arrives at their destination they are no longer in perfectly good health but is coughing has a runny nose and the works.
So what happened to suddenly develop this condition?
This has happened to me several times since I flew quite a lot at one point in my life. The person gets on the plane, they are exposed to a change in air pressure imposed by the cabin pressure, a massive increase in air dryness and quite a significant drop in temparature. The nose responds to the pressure + temparature changes and dryness by producing more mucous and the lungs respond similarly, exactly as they would when air pressure and temparature changes due to a change in season (the nose and lungs produce mucous as a response to changes in air quality since gases can only cross cell membranes when they are dissolved in water or an aqueous solution, thus the lung surface must be moist). Voilà, you get a seasonal 'cold', since the temparature and pressure changes are identical to those caused by seasonal changes. For neither of these mechanisms do you need a pathogen and for neither did you need to be 'infected' beforehand by anything.
That makes a lot of sense thank you.
see my reply above
Don’t forget that on aeroplanes, there is filtered air, or to put it bluntly, denatured air in the form of oxygen which is air with the water stripped away, this denatured air dries out the lining of the nose and lungs and from there your body fights to re-saturate = body stress and detoxification
AND, when you fly you spend a lot of time in airport buildings, some of the most EMF-polluted, unnatural light, artificial everything. That could be just as harmful as the actual airplane.
The same thing as if that person had stayed at home... a seasonal detox.
Or... that person maybe has a sensitivity to environmental chemicals present along the route.
Answer this question?
Why doesn't everyone using public transport get sick from all the sneezers and coughers that 'pollute' these environments?
Why didn't everyone get sick from COVID when everyone was still supposedly lacking immunity to this 'rapidly spreading dangerous pathogen?'
I never had Covid injections, I never had Covid . I worked in the nursing home where many get flu symptoms . I still never got Covid. I worked as a cleaner and have been in public places and cleaning homes of other people, holiday houses and holiday parks. I still didn’t get Covid. The only time I have flu symptoms is when my young son come home from day care with flu symptoms then would share the symptoms with us. But very rarely I get flu symptoms. If I do I recover quickly.
I’m 47 now and I don’t take any regular medications. I don’t have any major health issues.
I have come to decide that I don’t believe in virus theory.
Make your mind up. On the one hand you say you shared flu symptoms with your son. Then you end by saying you don't believe the virus theory. Which is it ?
Derek Curtis & Anen Allidnab , RE: Derek's "Which is it ?" We have an issue of language, where 'flu' as a word is captured by big pharma. I grew up with a Scot-British grandmother who used the word 'flu' related to 'Flues', air ducts or 'drafts', are critical in systems where toxic fumes are generated during heating or cooling. These gases are vented outdoors through the ducts, ensuring safety and proper air quality. If your HVAC system does not recycle returned air, it may utilize a flue to expel air outside.
i.e. My grandmother or mother would say, "Don't sit by the flue or in an air 'draft' or you will get sick."
So flu or viruses as entities are unidentified, inappropriately tested & improperly posed as 'medical-physiology' & may not even exist in any sense, but have become part of a pharma profit driven industry-induced popular lexicon. So to even speak about these concepts of sickness from unidentified or multiple environmental & internal-body factors, we still use these words. Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey aren't saying that the sickness we experience doesn't exist, but that we haven't identified the cause in any replicable scientific sense. Thanks to Drs. Sam, Mark & such as Dr. Tom Cowan for being true to scientific process. HOLISTIC SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/6-holistic-science UNDOING FALSE-SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/9-undoing-false-science
No issue of language with Anen and myself. When we used the word flu, we both obviously used it as short for influenza. I find it hard to believe that you couldn't see that.
Derek A pleasure to read your thoughts. Thanks for your definition clarification, as well as what you believe Anen's interpretation is of 'flu' as in to 'catch the flu'. What will Anen's definition be?
Because of Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan & such as Kerry Mullis PhD (PCR) on the fake HIV, with the network, they've put together, I've been able to understand the fakery in 'Virus' & 'Virology' as well as 'flu' & 'influenza'. Over the past 39 years, working with folks having various kinds of Autism, Children's Health Defence & Robert F Kennedy Jr. (JFKJr's Zionist insults against Palestinians are unbearable) have helped me understand the fakery of Vaccine.
Early this year on a bus journey, I got chills from an open window draft. This, the following day, had manifested into flu like symptoms. Avoid a drafty environment, this can include air conditioning, which I have felt whilst flying.
I find it hard to believe that the same person would also have become ill if they had stayed at home, somehow I'm convinced that it has to be related to the journey on an airplane.
Haven't used public transport in years.
Didn't buy into the Covid fear campaign however I did get seriously i'll but blamed that on being forced to wear a scientifically meaningless mask.
I stayed at home by myself for the first 3 weeks of Covid lockdown. My house is located in a relatively clean air part of Ireland. It is detached and the garden is large. No one came into the house or even close to the house. My shopping was dropped at the doorstep. At the start of week 3, I became quite unwell with a temp and flu like symptoms. I was ill for a week. How does one explain that??? After that, I gave up on the 'measures' and decided we were being had! Then, I found the Baileys on germ theory...and voilà! I had my explanation.
Flying by plane is an awful way to travel, e.g. recycled air, cramped conditions, etc. But sometimes it's necessary so make sure you're in good healh to begin with.
Exactly, radiation, recycled and compressed air, not also to mention the awful perfumes and pesticides, that they spray in airplanes: It is the same thing again, as always, we don't really need the germ theory at all to explain, why people get sick in those conditions. And they absolutely do spray airplane cabins with pesticides, by the way. I know, because I have traveled in India with layovers, were we did not have to leave the airplane and they sprayed the airplane, while we were even onboard, and they told us, that they always do, not to spread unwanted bugs, as for instance toxic spiders from one location to another
Yeah, and people in Ireland should be walking to Poland. It's not that far. Matt Hengst just walked five- or six-thousand kilometers from Delaware to Utah (Mormon territory) and the biggest problem was having to explain to people that Delaware is a real place. Lol. Alright J.P., we gotta get our butts in gear. My plan is if I lose twenty pounds by August I'll start walking from Niagara Falls and see how far I get. That was funny that Finn-ish guy being mystified by getting sick on an airplane. My simple hope for world peace is that everyone who flies gets sick. Certain exclusions apply, like if you're visiting your old mother in Tennessee.
I agree. But I may have to compromise for the sake of my companion.
So next time it could be a train journey across Europe. Not Ideal but better than a plane.
I haven't abandoned the idea of a long walk though.
Agree, flights are awful, specially the way that people are treated like cattle and discriminated but that's another matter.
Helen's theory makes a lot of sense.
It's not only that the air is processed and dry and who-knows-what, air pressure changes, etc... Those things could probably cause respiratory effects on their own.
But another (apparently not well known?) dirty secret about air travel is that modern jet airliners are designed to bleed off air from the engines into the cabin. You can look up the 'why' of this, but needless to say this air is toxic with various burned petroleum fuel and lubricant fumes and residue....
I mean, it would be more surprising to me if you DON'T feel bad after an airline flight...
This can easily be explained by German New Medicine (GNM), where most symptoms are the result of resolving a biological conflict in the psyche. GNM was established in the 1980s and 90s, but has been suppressed due its brilliance as it would pull the rug from under western medicine if it was more widely know. The man who researched and developed this medicine was called Dr. Hamer. He was a western medical doctor who started to suspect that western medicine was off after a tragedy where he lost his teenage son and developed symptoms that didn’t make sense to him.
The short version of GNM is that for every standard anatomical wiring from brain to organ there is a biological conflict in the psyche. This creates a threefold axis of psyche-brain-organ. A disease starts in the psyche with a cold and mostly symptom less phase or conflict active psyche. When the conflict is resolved, a hot phase with symptoms starts and microbes are carefully guided by the brain to either degrade or build up tissue.
Changing location with a short flight, can easily become a resolution to a conflict. The conflict for runny nose is called: "stink conflict", so leaving a figuratively or literally stinky situation, resolves the conflict.
For more information, see: https://gnmonlineseminars.com.
For Dr. Hamer's story, see: https://en.germanische-heilkunde-dr-hamer.com/entdecker/dr-hamer.
Thank you. I was thinking about this as well. The "Loss of territory" conflict on such a large scale is bound to produce symptoms.
Yes, it has to do with the heart relay from the brain and could definitively play part in the situations described in the video above. There are many interesting conflicts that could have played their part, because western medicine has such an upside-down view on disease.
To be clear, I do not know but this may be a reason:
"Many people assume they get sick after a flight due to viruses or bacteria picked up from fellow passengers, but there’s another factor that often goes unnoticed—pesticides sprayed inside aircraft cabins. This procedure, known as "disinsection," is an international practice that involves applying insecticides either before or during a flight to protect public health by controlling insects that spread diseases. Unfortunately, these chemicals can have adverse effects on human health, and their residues can linger long after they’ve been sprayed."
The spraying of ''insecticides'' on passengers is another example where the so called authorities violate our bodies considering no consent was ever provided.
Flight attendants are warned to shut the window shades to minimize radiation exposure at altitude. Not sure if this has any validity but it's what a flight attendant said.
Flight attendants are not known for their logic.
massive radiation doses, emf/emr exposure , breathing foul air through circulation system, disconnection with earth frequencies., Bio rhythm disruption, uncomfortable sitting position Chi flow disruption, circulation blockages, terrible food and dead water or soft drinks. Q. how do you know they were in "good health" first as well ? Just not showing the symptoms does not mean good health. I see people tested frequently before I do my Cymatic sonic treatment protocol, who think they are healthy and not showing specific symptoms with terrible low scores on EAV Electro dermal acupuncture testing.
Thanks I'm aware X ray's can do a lot of harm so I'm furious that prior to boarding we continue to be exposed horrid devices [standing in a perspex cage at an airport for what appears to be far too long when a simple metal detector would suffice and be less alarming.
In good health as opposed to the terrible condition of that person after the flight
I had no idea my off topic question would provoke so many responses perhaps there's something in these that takes us back to the topic of this article.
What killed native populations?
Worsening living conditions imposed on the native populations by the colonialist, slavers etc.