As a registered nurse who lost two separate jobs for refusing to vaccinate or otherwise speaking out against the harmful nature of vaccines, I appreciate your videos. I'm glad that you brought one to the table about the Biblical perspective and how the Bible told us the right way to live (not only for God, but for our bodies that He gave us).

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Sounds like you have two separate lawsuits, as well. A woman in Michigan was just awarded 12.69 million over being fired from BCBS for refusing the slab jab.

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I didn’t know you were a Christian? Wow.

I agree, the bible does not teach germs etc.

it also does not teach a globe.

Yes the rabbit hole gets deeper and those on the narrow path will continue to grow in Gods light.

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The Bible is actually a flat earth book.

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Only Because Gods creation is not a globe :) the truth truly does set you free

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The word ‘flat’ was used in the Bible, but nowhere is it used to describe the shape of the Earth.

Leviticus 21:18 — For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous.

Numbers 22:31 — Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.

Joshua 6:5 — And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat.

Biblical scripture can be interpreted in many ways but it certainly can never be held as proof of the Earth's shape or size. Neither can we rely on images that NASA produces. Since all the objects in space that we can see are circular or spherical in dimension, it stands to reason that the Earth should be no different.

The Bible isn't a science textbook. At the same time, nothing in the Bible contradicts proved science. “The four corners of the earth” is a figure of speech that could refer to the entire surface of the Earth, just as the four points of the compass do in a similar way.​

The word translated “corners,” as in the phrase above, can be translated in a variety of ways, though in modern divisions it generally means extremities or quadrants. It is customary to divide a map into quadrants as shown by the four directions.

It is translated “borders” in Numbers 15:38. In Ezekiel 7:2 it is translated “four corners” and again in Isaiah 11:12 “four corners.” Job 37:3 and 38:13 as “ends.”

Some could argue that scripture makes it quite clear the Earth is a sphere.

"It is he that sits on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in." (Isaiah 40:22).

This passage can reasonably be interpreted as referring to a spherically-shaped celestial body with the heavens forming a dome-like cover above it. Ancient astronomers could determine that the Earth was round by observing its circular shadow move across the moon during lunar eclipses. If the Earth was flat, the shadow it would cast across the moon would be flat-shaped as well.



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(Pssst. Rowan is a flat-earther, beware).

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Yeah, and you are a globe tard, beware!

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KMA. hahahhahaha

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No thanks! There is another guy is this line of comments, that brag about licking urinals and dogs. Maybe he will be a taker.

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Nah. Sounds much more like you.

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If you can find some "germs" that are pathogenic and contagious, please let us know.

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It’s impossible for a germ to be a pathogenic microbe;

germ (n.)

mid-15c., "bud, sprout;" 1640s, "rudiment of a new organism in an existing one," from French germe "germ (of egg); bud, seed, fruit; offering," from Latin germen (genitive germinis) "spring, offshoot; sprout, bud," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

The older sense is preserved in wheat germ and germ of an idea

germinal (adj.)

"in the early stages of development," 1808, from Modern Latin germinalis "in the germ," from Latin germen (genitive germinis) "a sprout, bud, sprig, offshoot"

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Yes, I am aware of this definition, which has indeed been around for a long time, but we've been taught other definitions, too.

It's the latter-day definition, of the Medical Industrial Complex, that has been recently shown to be quite flawed. And that has been VERY recently. In fact, a whole lot of things medical have been shown, very recently, to be flawed and unproveable. We live in Interesting Times, no question.

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Based on Jack Nicoll’s quote

"The Great Anglo-Vocabulary Heist: How England Stole the World's Words"

Ah, English - the language that's been mugging foreigners for centuries! As I once quipped, "[O]n occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary." Well, folks, it seems those days are far from over!

The Art of Anglification

You see, dear reader, this delightful practice of pilfering words is called... (dramatic pause) ...anglicizing! That's right, it's like a linguistic game of "Finders Keepers" where English gets to keep everything it finds.

But what exactly does it mean to anglicize? Well, according to some stuffy old dictionaries, it means to adapt something to conform to English standards, customs, or forms of expression. But let's be real, it's just a fancy way of saying "steal words and make them sound posh."

Case Studies in Word Larceny

1. "Café": Originally a French word meaning "coffee shop." Now it's everywhere in England, because who needs to say "coffee shop" when you can say "café"?

2. "Château": From French to English, because who doesn't want to talk about fancy castles?

3. "Rendezvous": Because "let's meet at the appointed time" was too long to say.

The Great English Vocabulary Robbery

It turns out, English isn't just content with borrowing words; oh no, it wants to change them too! Take the poor word "restaurant," for example. In its native France, it meant "restorative hermitage." But in England? Suddenly it's just a place where you go to eat. Talk about cultural appropriation!

The Endless Pursuit of New Words

So the next time you hear someone say "I'm going to the café to have a rendezvous with a château owner," don't worry - they're just practicing their anglicized English. After all, as we say in England, "There's nothing quite like a good cuppa to make you feel proper posh!"

And remember, if you ever find yourself being beaten up by English in an alleyway, just hand over your vocabulary and call it a day. Trust me, it's easier that way.

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Love it! As we say in Doggish, "Fangks!" ;)

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The churches chose fear over faith they all got incentives. All about the money.

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". . . churches chose fear over faith . . ." Strongly Agree! Fear is used to Control!

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They're not ALL that way. But that's how cults work, if that's the goal!

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How about people just not inserting their hands in birthing women, that would be great. Traditional midwives never did that and still do not do that, there is no conceivable reason to do so whatsoever and it has been determined even in these days to cause more harm than any good. An actual midwife can tell from 1000 indicators how close a woman is to giving birth without having to touch her or invade her space in any way.

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Just a good NURSE can tell that. I had birth without interventions in the hospital setting (nervous daddy) and no one had to check me for my nurse to know I was transitioning. She just quietly walked in with the baby’s bed and got the room ready while I worked through the much more intense pain of transition then baby came with zero pushing, zero episiotomy, zero hands where they didn’t belong, and zero distress for other of us

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I'm so pleased you had such a great experience! Yes I totally understand the nervous daddy = hospital situation and it's really great that even in that setting things went positively for you. Indeed, some nurses with their heads screwed on do exist, experience and intuition are more valuable than mindless training to follow a certain protocol anytime! Also by 'midwife' I meant an independet/unlicensed midwife, sadly that term has been conscripted by people who just enact medical protocols in your home (where it's arguably even more invasive and traumatic) and many will perform checks even if they promise they won't, to keep their licensing.

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Either of us*

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They do so, because it is their business strategy to make all things a disease. Birth, youth, mid life changes in hormones and old ages is today seen as disease or driving diseases. First our independence is under attack and when we cave to that, our life entirely. Modern allopathic medicine cures NOTHING, by design!

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The emergency response is pretty good, tho!

But yeah, I agree with your assessment of "allopathic" -- I can't even call it "medicine."

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Behold, Sam‘s sermons have struck down the golden calf of germ theory, nailing the devil of deceit to the cross so it may not rise again.

Yet, the fear-mongering occultists toil to ressurect this dead beast, herding the frightened to take of the ‘holy‘ water from vials marked 666.

But Sam, like a modern-day Christ, restores the temple of truth, overturning the tables of ‘health‘ priests who peddle deadly lies. “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid,“ she declares, scattering the merchants of fear with her light.

Through her fiery truth, the scales fall from the eyes of the masses. No longer kneeling at the alter of false science, they stand firm in bodily sovereignty. The vials shatter, their dark spells powerless against the light. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind“ she proclaims, as the beast of germ theory remains slain.

Let it be known, no vial, no lie, no beast shall sway those led by Sam‘s truth.

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Germ Theory was struck down nearly 200 years ago, but the MONEY got in the way...

Read about Antoine Bechamp, he was brilliant.

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apparently having a dog will imptove your microbiome and improve your health as a result... if you watch a dog it is constantly sniffing and licking and chwing everything including themselves... all parts from anus to whatever.... and if well fed they never seem to get sick

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I lick dogs, especially after they've had a walk. It's part of my overall moderate licking strategy, as my longterm readers will know.

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Because it's not JUST about the physical. That's what the Nasties who run allopathic medicine don't understand-- There are other factors, such as happiness (or lack thereof), and attitude, and whether your job is horrible or good... It's like flat Earth is just rocks with some grass on it, vs. a big inter-connected SYSTEM that is more than just a ball of stuff... METAphysical and physical, yeah...

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But I'm not going to start licking my anus, LOL.

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Thank you for the video(s!), great clarification. Sadly the "churches" mostly complied and did not follow(and still not follow) the ever-true word of Peter:

Acts 5,29: "... We ought to obey God rather than men."

I´m delighted to hear that you love the truth not only in medicine/virology(which is a great blessing for many).......but that you also love the truth in the word of God(which shall become a much greater blessing for the many!).

Be aware that in the realm of "faith" there are also many deceptions, as Jesus warned us of:

Mt 24,4 „And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.“

You may be very right with the mention of a „ anarchist church“ or „independent (house) church“....where the word of God is searched in honesty and love for the truth, above all human theories and philosophies:

Kol 2,8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Much blessings and encouragements from german soil


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Jesus refused to wash his hands before eating and offended the doctors of the day because of this.... apparently he recommended that to all and rather told people to purify themselves internally by their thoughts and the words and deeds they performed.... he didn't fear germs obviously

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There's a difference between Jesus speaking about hand washing and refusing to wash His hands. Please do not conflate the idea that He never washed His hands before eating by taking a passage out of context.

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Germs are not the same thing as Spooge. Florence Nightengale had it right... Keep things CLEAN and you'll be well on the way to healthy. But it does seem to be the case that CONTAGION has never been proven, and GERMS and/or pathogens are questionable. Still, there IS, definitely, FILTH. Best not to eat it, drink it, or horribly, INJECT it. I'll never willingly have anything injected, it's anathema to Nature.

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I meant to say, too, YES, right on. Hand washing is GOOD.

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as I recall he ddn't wash his hands before eating..... how would you interpret my comment to mean he never washed his hands? he refused to obey the directionsof the sort of leader like those in israel doing genocide currently

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There was/is a lot of mythology around what is "clean."

People STILL don't understand how all that works. Back in Jesus day, they were really clueless. It's good we've got beyond superstition, at least! ;)

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but then again we might be in superstitions times as Pasteur said germs caused disease but then we are told jerecanted that on his deathbed and said it wasthe terrain not the germs thatmattered.

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And that is not confirmed. He was such a git, he probably never said that, but if he had ANY little smidgeon of integrity, he maybe did. ;)

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It's looking very very unlikely (no proof as yet) that there are "germs" or even contagion. We must never NEVER underestimate the power of GREED. That is what has kept us all in the clutches of the unscrupulous slime such as those who run and work for the Medical Industrial Complex! Pasteur was on the forefront of that change, from SCIENCE to PROFITS... And I agree, it's Terrain, not "germs."

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a dog is proverbial for the healing power of their tongues.... and they are not bashful about licking everything under the sun including the unmentionable parts of theirs and other animals bodies

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there are bacteria and fungi but probably virus are non-infective and are merely building blocks of protein. agreed when people are properly nourish and not poisoned by so many possible things, its hard to get sick. I've been studying the German New Medicine which shows that disease is the result of a shock or trauma rather than any microbe. check out German New Medicine....

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Nov 22Edited

That was a ceremonial type hand washing that was not the same as ordinary hand washing for hygiene. It was a lengthy ritual that involved washing up to the elbow, something God never required. Jesus did not follow their ritual because he was condemning their hypocrisy of bypassing God’s laws to follow human traditions.

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was there an ordinary handwashing at that time? what was that? I imagine water was not as available as today so I doubt it occurred frequnetly.... clearly he was not concenred about germs

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Nov 22Edited

Actually, if you read the Law Covenant given to the Israelites, quite a bit of washing with water took place. One such example is Leviticus 15:4-27. So, I don’t think a shortage of water was an issue. But the Israelites were quite a clean and hygienic people. Jesus was raised following this Law, and he no doubt followed its requirements. He just did not follow the requirements of men when they went against God’s Law; or when they burdened the people with unreasonableness by adding their own requirements to God’s.

He also washed his disciples’ feet. That was a very common and hospitable act performed at that time before eating a meal. They customarily wore open sandals and walked on dusty roads, so it was a very welcome thing that hosts oftened provided for their guests. Feet were also washed before going to bed. Jesus’ example of washing feet was for a lesson in humility, because it was a task considered low and menial that often a servant would do in a richer household.

Supporting hygiene and physical cleanliness is very different to being afraid of germs though. Cleanliness supports the idea of terrain. Even the washing after being exposed to discharge indicates a respect of the terrain. A discharge is removing uncleanness from a person so you would not want that unclean matter on you, which is something decaying really. But no, Jesus was not afraid of germs. He healed many people with fevers and with leprosy. If he was afraid of catching something, I don’t think he would have done that. But at the same time, because he was a perfect man and God’s Son, some may argue he didn’t have fear because of those reasons. So, looking at the examples of his disciples who were ordinary people and also healed people with illnesses and diseases may be more acceptable to some.

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he didn'tbuy into the superstition of the day as we know today germs don; cause disease but disease is the result of sick body.... sohis thinking was very advanced and wouldn't be bullied into conforming to the thoughts of mentally diseased people

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It was not the doctors, that He offended, but the Pharisees: A cult of scribes and elders, who were to be the teachers of the scriptures, but who also had almost fully turned from obeying God's laws to follow their own man made traditions, of which handwashing before meals were one.

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Ain't no germs, it now seems clear.

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believe there are bcteria and fungus but virus as a cause of disease is not confirmed ...CV19 for example has never been isolated but its seemsmerely a computer model

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Of course there are bacteria -- good and bad, as far as allowing it into our bodies, and fungi, lots of that, and it's what it is, good, bad, depending on the situation and what KIND of fungus, etc. There is just no such thing as a "VIRUS." That was a mistake and was propagated anyway because money. And yes, those "pictures" of viruses are computer-generated. Pure fiction.

We've been told SO MANY LIES, it will take a while to straighten it all out...

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Amen Dr Sam, Amen. My favourite video yet, God bless you.

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I was incredibly disappointed at the response of many Christians to the Covid crap. I couldnt work out why people were not seeing red flags everywhere, or even asking "what is a virus"? as I did...which led me down the path to Sam and Mark and others. It knocked me for a bit why people "led by the Spirit" could be so naïve. Part of it is our historical respect for government and authorities even when they are corrupt, as the Roman authorities were in Jesus day. I think this is another area often incorrectly interpreted. My husband and I (me, a detail-investigation, pick it to pieces nerd, and him a "it just doesn't feel right, spare me the details" kind of guy) went to a church gathering once in covid mandates and sat by ourselves in the hall while the rest of the vxxd congregation met in the church building...do you think we felt at one with them? It showed how many of them went with the mandates. Little kids in face masks, people sitting metres from each other. Totally ridiculous. Im straight out now with what I think about vxxs and vrrs and many that have now seen injuries will listen, most just can't take it in, exp the virus/contageon stuff.

I dived into Leviticus when pondering mould, as it was the one thing I really wasn't sure about. Again, Sam you've nailed it. I'm so impressed you have boldly given us a sermon from Leviticus and interrelated parts of the Bible on the germ/contagion theme. The passage on mould in the house in Leviticus 14:33-57 must also be read in the same way as the passages surrounding it. Ceremonial cleansing is the emphasis. Even with some literal aspects, the mould in the house should not be read as "if you've got mould in your house, move out and burn the place down." Instead, the mould shows that there is deterioration in the structure of the house (deterioration in our own souls) and this can be inspected, cleaned and rectified. If the mould comes back, there is still unsound structure so the mould re-establishes. (we are born sinners compared to our perfect creator). If the mould persists, it will overtake and ruin the house because the structure of the house is allowing the conditions conducive to the mould to do its work. We need cleansing each day because our human condition is sinful or unclean. If we persist though with poor foundations, wrong conditions, wrong thinking, wrong living, apposing Gods restructure of our hearts and minds, rejecting his offer of Grace, forgiveness, healing, hope, joy, peace; rejecting his offer to let Him be God and US be humans (not gods) - then sin and its consequences grows and it is eventually destructive. God does allow ultimate destruction of our "house" (our body). In a literal sense, the mould may be a problem for those living in the house, although I doubt it so much, because walking through a rainforest with mould spores everywhere does not generally make people sick. Mould which breaks down modern materials like fire retardants and plastics can make people sick though. I'm not sure of the mould on food...its still an area I need to explore more...Id really like Sam and Mark to address this again more clearly eg: fermented food and mouldy food - where is the line drawn and what is the difference? I don't fully understand this. Anyway, even if mould in a house were itself a problem, this is not the emphasis of the passage. In the same way a woman's period does not mean a woman should be condemned or burned, it simply points to the cleansing of her body so that she may continue in her 'new", clean, fit for purpose body.

Blood and water are constant themes throughout the Bible. A woman's period puts her in an 'unclean' state in Leviticus. In that time and culture she probably would have had to spend a little more time changing clothing and washing, not putting in a tampon, taking a pill and getting to the office. With the shedding of unwanted cells, not fit for purpose anymore, the woman's uterus is cleansed. This is a physical reality, but also points to the shedding of Jesus' blood once and for all on the cross (as recorded in the Bible and non-biblical historical accounts) in our place. The Leviticus passage emphasises the spiritual aspect of the woman shedding that unwanted, "unclean", bloodied part of her body. There is a physical, scientific and spiritual aspect of these passages, with the emphasis on the spiritual. The shedding of Jesus blood is what cleanses our diseased spiritual state and gives us back a relationship with our perfect God-creator, saviour.

We must be soo careful of reading into passages things that just are not there, simply because of "science" That is using human wisdom and putting it above God. In the same way, gullible, politically-correct Christians have decided to slot evolution into their reading of scripture, elevating evolution to God-like status and disregarding the historical reading of Genesis. Evolution is both completely unscientific (we were not there to observe evolution, and don't confuse evolving with natural selection). The fossile record testifies AGAINST it. The belief in evolution has been responsible for racism, atheism, and the deaths of millions - just as the Germ hypothesis and theory of contageon. Thanks again Sam and Mark for the VERY timely teaching. Its an absolute joy to watch you grow, gently share your faith, and share God's word now and again throughout you videos.

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Great stuff. Mould is interesting. I was a building surveyor so had to report on condensation issues. It is normally a sign of excess moisture, possibly indicating a water leak or damp in the walls.

Mould spores in the open will be different to an enclosed space where it may be an irritant to sensitive lungs.

As regards fungal growths, it was common practice to burn dry rot affected timbers, but dry rot does not spread unless the conditions are right. This is an argument for the terrain aspect.

The fire retardant and plastics issues is a major concern. Sunshine on plastics may release toxins into the atmosphere.

I would have though re mouldy food the issue might be the possible toxins released by bacterial/fungal breakdown.

You mention foundations so if I may this might interest you.


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Thanks, interesting stuff!

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My pleasure. By the way, I think Musely is a great name!

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Musely is a play on words, I'm a muse, a muso and very occasional consumer of muesly

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Thank you Sam, so grateful for your work.

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I noticed that the picture of masked Jesus (not my Jesus) is doing the 666 sign from freemasonry /satanism and such.

well I see it like this : we all get infected because we ALL ARE OF DUBIOUS TERRAIN. Obese, stressed, indoors, untrained, addicted and lonely bunch of sad replicas . NOT the image of God.

Don¨t blame the car for the crash . Even if it was broken and the brakes were worn down. Fix it . Change the oil OR give it the last ditto.

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Yes, I think one could say if the walls of a city are broken down the enemy can easily get in, we are vulnerable to any attack.

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Good points, all.

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Have you read" The Gift of Pain" by Phillip Yancy? He tells the story of the British physician Dr. Paul Brand, who treated leprosy in India. Fascinating to think that leprosy is a nerve disfunction and not "contagious".

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I have heard of Paul Brand and had been thinking I must get whatever books he wrote on leprosy, so thank you for reminding me of this book, which I will get. Leprosy, or rather skin diseases generally, as spoken of in the bible, is something I have tried to study in the recent past (i.e. since The Nonsense started) but not got very far. I shall try again now!

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The bible mentions many times that fasting heals the sick. I believe it.

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Maybe... That's very simplistic. But mostly, fasting is something one needs to be very careful with, as clearly, we NEED food. And water. Regularly, and fairly often.

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Thanks Sam, you have answered some questions we had about our churches response to the lockdowns etc. Still puzzled by how many people got it wrong.

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I sympathise. I warned my small fellowship when at last I got my head round what was going on in June 2020. Only one couple actually listened to me and that might be because they continued working throughout the lockdowns.

I think it exposed where many people's allegiance truly lay. It grieves me greatly.

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I sent you an email Sam but you have just spoken the words I have been feeling about my faith, I refused to follow the COVID rules as they went against my faith, but I saw most of my church family bow to them and reject Christ in the process, your work has brought me closer to Christ than ever before, may God bless you Sam for this

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