> Novel Vaccine Technologies in Veterinary Medicine: A Herald to Human Medicine Vaccines - Explosion of Genetic Vaccines in Animals Gets Human Attention
And jabbing poor critters (or humans) is VILE. "Anathema!" Mother Earth cries.
As for Peckerhead Pete, he's a psychotard, too. ALL these greedy, murderous hippo scrota, lining up to get famous and rich and getting behind GEN-O-CIDE, well, we know who they are, don't we! And we can FIND 'em when it's time for force-feeding them goat guano...
Badge of honor, truly. Word. hahaha
I unsubcribed (free) from Pete the Complicit in recent weeks & so glad of it. Lookee here.
He's fawning over this issue so much I wonder if he's sunk mucho investment $ into pet vaxx?
(Run, Fluffy, Run!! Dr Pete's coming.)
> Veterinary Replicon Vaccines - Massive Genetic Effort in Veterinary Medicine Described as "Elegant" - Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ - Apr 17
> Novel Vaccine Technologies in Veterinary Medicine: A Herald to Human Medicine Vaccines - Explosion of Genetic Vaccines in Animals Gets Human Attention
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ - Apr 16
Wonder why he's trade-marked his own name w/his credentials? Just noticed that. Weird.
He's VILE.
And jabbing poor critters (or humans) is VILE. "Anathema!" Mother Earth cries.
As for Peckerhead Pete, he's a psychotard, too. ALL these greedy, murderous hippo scrota, lining up to get famous and rich and getting behind GEN-O-CIDE, well, we know who they are, don't we! And we can FIND 'em when it's time for force-feeding them goat guano...