Unless "Covid" is actually EMF poisoning... Or something else. And I agree with Lucinda and Dr's Bailey and Cowan, et al-- The "isolation" of viruses is a giant crock of laughably unscientific nonsense. Wow, even DOCTORS fall for the idiotic "science."
Unless "Covid" is actually EMF poisoning... Or something else. And I agree with Lucinda and Dr's Bailey and Cowan, et al-- The "isolation" of viruses is a giant crock of laughably unscientific nonsense. Wow, even DOCTORS fall for the idiotic "science."
As even Dr Stefan Lanka has said repeatedly (and so have Drs Sam Bailey & Mark et al) most scientists & doctors have taken virology on faith & never researched its early beginnings, findings & manipulated or covered-up studies. :/
Once honest researchers have done this, they are astonished by the obvious fraud & dissembling & cover-ups. Early-day 19th century "germ" docs & scientists knew virology was based on shaky science & so were either hushed up or trashed or worse as many documents, research articles & comprehensive virus exposes have revealed.
Virology is a sham-built house of cards. Yes, modern day docs all need to "wake up" to no-viruses but how will that happen w/ongoing censorship & fear-mongering around it? There's also the very profitable "germ industry" products out there for sale. "Hand sanitizer" anyone? (What's in that hand shit that was shipped all over the US & mandated by the guvmint, huh?)
Yes, I've read about these things, too. One of the first guys working on vaccines experimented on his own (disabled) child!! We're talking about some seriously adorable muffos, and that's MY sarcasm. Real doctors with real ethics knew very early on about how despicable the whole thing was, but MONEY. And that "hand sanitizer" is full of yucky chemicals, that's what's in it!
I'll watch for posterity (posteriority?) and save it for those who need an elbow in the eye... ha ha harf! Thanks. Oh my dog, it's TWO HOURS, lol. I will TRY. But I will SAVE it at least... ;)
Unless "Covid" is actually EMF poisoning... Or something else. And I agree with Lucinda and Dr's Bailey and Cowan, et al-- The "isolation" of viruses is a giant crock of laughably unscientific nonsense. Wow, even DOCTORS fall for the idiotic "science."
As even Dr Stefan Lanka has said repeatedly (and so have Drs Sam Bailey & Mark et al) most scientists & doctors have taken virology on faith & never researched its early beginnings, findings & manipulated or covered-up studies. :/
Once honest researchers have done this, they are astonished by the obvious fraud & dissembling & cover-ups. Early-day 19th century "germ" docs & scientists knew virology was based on shaky science & so were either hushed up or trashed or worse as many documents, research articles & comprehensive virus exposes have revealed.
Virology is a sham-built house of cards. Yes, modern day docs all need to "wake up" to no-viruses but how will that happen w/ongoing censorship & fear-mongering around it? There's also the very profitable "germ industry" products out there for sale. "Hand sanitizer" anyone? (What's in that hand shit that was shipped all over the US & mandated by the guvmint, huh?)
Yes, I've read about these things, too. One of the first guys working on vaccines experimented on his own (disabled) child!! We're talking about some seriously adorable muffos, and that's MY sarcasm. Real doctors with real ethics knew very early on about how despicable the whole thing was, but MONEY. And that "hand sanitizer" is full of yucky chemicals, that's what's in it!
So pleased to find another of my tribe!! xo
Giant crock is exactly right. "The Viral Delusion" outlines the shape of the "crock".
> March 21, 2022 > The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 - Watch Part 1
https://www.bitchute.com/video/lSSlS7acUhXa/ (length 2+ hours but worth it)
Summary of historical evidence you won't find put together so well anywhere else. :-)
Okay, even though I don't need convincing, lol.
I'll watch for posterity (posteriority?) and save it for those who need an elbow in the eye... ha ha harf! Thanks. Oh my dog, it's TWO HOURS, lol. I will TRY. But I will SAVE it at least... ;)
Perhaps especially doctors fall for it. So many not very bright after all.
Trust me, I'm not a doctor. :)