This extends so far beyond virology. Almost everything we learn in our training is a belief system that corroborates the idea that the body is a ticking time bomb. There is so little peace and kindness, and, frankly, so little wellbeing in how we are allowed to practice medicine. As doctors, we owe 100s of 1000s of dollars in student debt which force so many of us to simply go along so we can keep our jobs and pay off our most unreasonable debt load. Then, we have to deal with the regulating bodies that impose gag orders and limit our scope of practice -- impossible to have true and honest relationships with patients who so much need guidance, sincerity, and kindness. Best to practice outside the system.

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Hi Sam,

Thank you for covering this topic. After the events of the last four years, I wouldn't go near a doctor or hospital, unless I was unconscious, and the decision was out of my hands.

Some 15 years ago now, I had a problem with gallstones. My doctor told me, I absolutely had to have surgery to have my gallbladder removed. However, I was quite apprehensive about having surgery, and wanted to try a liver/gallbladder cleansing I had read about online. I said as much when I went to the hospital for an appointment regarding this.

The person I spoke to said he would reschedule the surgery for 3 months in the future, and if I didn't require it, I could cancel the appointment. So, I did the cleanse which was basically an apple juice fast, but you could eat green apples if you really couldn't go the week without eating. Also, one glass of epsom salts was to be consumed each morning. On the last day, a glass of olive oil with lemon juice squeezed into ino needed to be consumed. I couldn't stomach the oil and promptly threw it up again.

However, the pains in my back that had initiated the doctors visit were completely gone, and did not return. My diet underwent a change, eliminating processed foods, and concentrating on whole foods etc. I did forget to cancel the surgery, and the hospital must have notified by doctor. The next time I went to see him he asked me about it, and I told him what I did, and that I didn't need the surgery any more.

I don't think he believed me, and for months afterwards was saying to me, if I had a problem; 'it could be that gall bladder playing up again'. I ignored this, and eventually he stopped saying it. I found out afterwards, that this procedure usually results in IBS, so felt I had truly dodged a bullet.

How many people are having surgeries they don't need, that are also risking their future health, and in some cases creating a further need for pharmaceutical drugs?

It is criminal how much public money is poured into an industry, that in reality delivers ill health for the majority of its clients.

I truly appreciate yours and Mark's efforts to bring this fraud to light.



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If the gallbladder is gone, then the accumulation of so-called stones (hardened gobs of cholesterol or in some cases, bilirubin) will gather in the liver. These accumulations have to stay somewhere.

It's like stupid women having their non-cancerous breasts removed so they don't get breast cancer. LOL. How stupid can you get; the cancer will simply go elsewhere, like, maybe the lungs , stomach, liver, etc.

Great that you cured yourself. Congratulations. You maybe should consider doing this once a year.

Puking up the oil mixture is quite common (it happened to me, too, once, but in future I was able to keep it down) but, as you experienced, the procedure still worked. Andreas Moritz explained this in his book about the liver/gallbladder cleanout procedure.

I would rather take my chances with the Mafia than the medical industry.

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The medical industry IS THE MAFIA.

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Keep the stress levels high and you'll have plenty of sympathetic neural discharge leading to all sorts of physical transgressions leading to disease. Perish the thought that some worthless bleatings regarding maintenance of parasympathetic governance is even a distant possibility. Keep 'em worried and you'll generate lots of nice medical business.

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How do we maintain our parasympathetic system?

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Just try to live the way everybody in the non-western world lives.

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As far as gallstones go, the Asians are notable for getting the pigment kind. We ain't all the same, I guess!

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Which Orientals? I'm in Cambodia, and *everybody* seems to be in phenomenal mental health. I suspect Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong are different.

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I should not have said "Asians". I believe the writer who pointed this out was referring to the Chinese, but I don't recall for sure. Thanks.

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Use search engines and ye shall find answers.......

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I'll take a crack at it!

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I still see people stating loudly and proudly that they're up to date with all their shots. They also like to talk about doctors and the medical system as if they are gods or angels here to work miracles among the mere mortals.

The brainwashing is extremely strong and unbreakable with the majority of normies. In general, most newborns are getting the full vaccine schedule as recommended by pediatricians and the infant wellness program. Maybe some have cut back only taking what they deem to be essential vaccines but it's frowned upon and the pressure to follow the herd is extreme.

The incoming establishment in the US appeared to make all the right noises to get the vote but it's clear or should be clear to everyone by now that these politicians are heavily invested in the pharmaceutical industry and will back all of these public health money making scams in the same way that they have to push product and investment for the military industry. They are bribed blackmailed and in some cases probably literally have a gun pointed to the back of their heads.

It's going to be a long generational process as this information continues to bleed out into the environment until the point where new doctors of all types accept that mistakes were made in the past and shun vaccines once and for all while providing the kind of care that should have been the focus all along before allopathic medicine became the established system of fraud that it is today.

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On day two the new admin unveiled a new vaccine push, using mRNA shots to supposedly fight cancer. Forget the noises made. Though to be fair, Trump quite clearly told voters he was proud of Operation Warp Speed, Track and Trace, and ventilators. Voters should have listened.

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Of course the alternative to trump that was offered wasn't any better. Just proving that no one is going to save us except ourselves.

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Two sides of the same shit pie.

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The question is who will believe vaccines work and will they be forced. If it is a choice then only the Stupid will take them .

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One wonders how many MAGA people will do them because they would feel obligated to take one for the Donald. :-)

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I have six grandchildren aged between 8 yrs and 4 yrs and three have diagnosed autism....so damn sad. To see what these families go thru is heartbreaking to say the least. Do not vaccinated your children. Not safe or effective!

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The medical cabal's not entirely made up of neo-Malthusians - some are just profit-hungry enough to see that culling the herd is bad business. Why go for broke with iatrogenesis climbing the rankings when you can squeeze more out of the living? The real moneymaker is keeping people teetering on the edge - just sick enough, long enough, to keep them endlessly cycling through the "solutions" to problems the Medical Mafia's so-called "health measures" conveniently created.

The perfect target? Keep people alive, but in a state of chronic misery that stretches out as close to their current life expectancy as possible. Meanwhile, dream up new ways to degrade their health even further so you can dangle expensive "remedies" in front of them like a carrot on a string. After all, in sales, it's all about repeat business. Death? That's just bad for the quarterly report.

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Truth can be so elegant. Right on!

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That seems to sum it up. "Health care" is not so much about prevention, or curing a condition, but managing ongoing conditions.

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The clearest evidence of terrain theory is provided by B Gates . You see , yersinia pestis is still around but no plague . However Gates is doing his outmost to block the sun out and recreate the conditions for a plague like in the middle ages . He knows .

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A great vid. Will share this with as many people as I can!

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Logically and reasonably everything you say is true. But how many people who need to see and hear this message are able to? I don't mean in the sense of having access to the web or to a device on which to watch this video.

If you or your child is sick and in pain it is very hard to think straight, let alone read a paper or watch a video. You just want relief from the symptoms as soon as possible. In our society we have these sage-like medics who tell us that, if we want to get better, we should do what they advise. They are backed up by a relentless profusion of mainstream propaganda, usually echoed by relatives, friends, neighbours, etc., that urges us to see a doctor or go to A&E if we get sick.

I have had to watch as people close to me continue to regard the medical system as an essential part of society that must be supported both morally and financially. No amount of logic and reason can sway them, especially if they become ill themselves.

Thankfully things are changing now. The covid fraud has opened a lot of people's eyes. And the Baileys have made a tremendous contribution to global sanity. I am in my early-seventies and I think I will see a huge transformation in people's thinking in my lifetime. I hope so.

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Great video! Based on our few experiences in childhood we believed we could trust the health care system when needed. But after more than seventy very healthy years with few contacts other than occasional checkups, found my wife one night with trouble breathing and very low SpO2. Pulmonologists in hospital ICU used OLE therapy on her - destroyed her weak lungs - died within hours. Biggest mistake I ever made was to take her to the hospital. Thanks for all you and your husband are doing to expose the problems in a broken system!

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John, I'm sorry you no longer have your sweetheart by your side. Stay free!

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Now , that’s a funny name you got there .

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Honorary title given by my grand-daughter. ❤️ You?

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Born that way

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The 30,000 ft view proves its profits over people in every instance. None of it could happen without the help of the world’s governments. The Guv wants to kill you to get you off the pension rolls but not before the medical / pharmaceutical industry profit as much as they can off your numerous ills that are man made. Get it?

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Yes, so once 65 and off the tax tread mill, you're sentenced to a slow profitable death, some how ?

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God be with you and yours, Dr. Samantha. God bless you and keep you, always.

Keep the faith.

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I was a medical student from 1974 to 1977. The two biggest killers then and now are heart attacks and cancer. They taught me NOTHING about the true causes of these important diseases. They taught me NOTHING about nutrition, lifestyle and supplements. I decided to withdraw from medical school on the day when my attending physician and another student were having a heated argument. The student contended that he could indeed accurately diagnose a heart attack while the attending contended that he did not have enough experience. I wanted to go into the hall and throw them both against the wall and say, "WHO CARES IF THE STUDENT CAN DIAGNOSE A HEART ATTACK, ALL YOU CAN DO FOR THE PATIENT IS PUT HIM TO BED AND HOPE HE DOESN'T DIE ON YOUR SHIFT." You and Mark are two of the extremely few people telling the world about the hoax of allopathic medicine.

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The oath taken by doctors "First, do no harm" hasn't been practiced in a long time.

Big Pharma owns a lot of them and they are happy to toe the line for personal rewards.

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It's all about the money, period.

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Eustace Mullins exposed the fraudalent Rockefeller medical model in Murder By Injection.

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Thank you Dr. Sam ...! <3

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