Soooo much hard work Sam thank you . I will look forward to reading it. Given that I live in Australia that may require me to be quite resourceful .

I think I can manage that...........

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Please tell me how?? I cant even get it on my kindle. Am i being suspicious or is there a genuine problem. I to am in Australia, Victoria the land of the longest lockdown. Jc

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Extra copies sent to Australia, the now land of tyranny, c' mon Ozzie's, kick that un sanctioned beaurocratic Rhodes machine out!

It's been stealing your lives, land and future.

For goodness sake , put the beer down, pick up this book!

Many have lost everything to bring you these messages of hope.

Australia is the planned NWO HQ , and the nationals scheduled to be replaced, and That IS a fact!

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Where can I get a copy in Victoria Australia?

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Yes I know but............. I want the hard copy book .

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Hi Kaylene, a few ideas....

If not available in your country, I suggest using a TOR browser and sign up in another country that it is available.Then have it shipped "as a gift" to your home location. Another option is to have a friend from another country ship it to you, you can wirelessly send them the costs. Or perhaps bulk buy through a private vendor or the actual publisher, then distribute to those that are interested.I hope this helps.

I'm expecting demand to be high, so before possible bans, get in early.

And spread the Good News...........the age of controlled disease is over, the truth will set us free.


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Thank you soooo much.

I am computer intimidated so it has taken me ages to find you.

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As soon as I know more I will let you know. That should be sometime tomorrow. Meanwhile let’s remember that when a book is blocked , it’s great for for the book…in the long run.

Blessings to you and those you love.

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If you use a VPN (virtual private network) you can log on with an IP Address from a neutral country and bypass any censorship.

I'm in South Africa and had no difficulty getting the Kindle version.

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I can get Kindle in Aus but what happens when the computer goes down ? Its kinda odd that they offer that option but NOT the hard copy which of course will keep....

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Kindle allows you to store your books on multiple devices.

I have them on my laptop, iPad and mobile.

Always available.

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I want this book in hard copy. Not the slightest interest in Kindle. Then of course there is the principle…..

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Try amazon.co.uk I am in South Africa and Lulul and amazon.com did not work but UK did on kindle

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Hi, Looks like I am only 'allowed' to buy from the Amazon AU website, but Baie dankie for the help. Jc (ex Cape Town).

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I think there is a web-based kindle where you can view it online. Or via mobile app for android/iOS

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Feb 27, 2024
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Censorship never went anywhere I reckon.

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Amazon .com.uk has the book in stock, takes approx a week for delivery . I received yesterday

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Thank you Peter.

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Pseudo events would include the Holocaust. That pseudo event has been used to manipulate our emotions for years via the media, Hollywood, and numerous museums. According to E. Michael Jones, author of The Holocaust Narrative, the Holocaust has been leveraged into "Jewish privilege."

It is illegal to question the Holocaust in 19 countries. Truth does not fear investigation. https://holocausthandbooks.com/

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The H0L0CAUST fraud is a doozy! Making it illegal to talk about speaks volumes as to its validity.

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So what about the photos and the buildings and the hundreds of thousands of testimonies are the all a figment of our imagination. Have you read the diary of Anne Frank’s or the hiding place by Corrie ten Boom or Victor Frankle the search for meaning?

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Lol Anne Frank - thats all fake, and I'm from Amsterdam and people still buy that crap

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Sorry, follow the link I provided to educate yourself on the fraud. Your questions are all answered there.

That is, if you really are interested.

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A respected historian speaks on the issue of the Holocaust.


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Interesting but there is not enough evidence for me to change my mind it needs much more work. His book would be an interesting read

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Irving's is but one book Margaret. Here is a link to many on the topic. https://holocausthandbooks.com/

There is absolutely zero forensic evidence for the Holocaust. And eyewitness testimony is the least reliable evidence there is. If the stories were true, there would be ample forensic evidence for them. Autopsies would prove the Holocaust. Forensic evidence for gas chambers would be evidence enough.

Extermination expert Fred Leuchter visited Auschwitz for the purpose of gathering forensic evidence for the existence of gas chambers. Here is his report. https://archive.org/details/leuchter-fred-and-faurisson-robert-and-rudolf-germar-the-leuchter

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I think we should keep an open mind about The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. Other books such as God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew, The Cross and The Switchblade by Rev. David Wilkerson, and Run Baby Run by Rev. Nicky Cruz were written by ghostwriters. Source: an online article written by the late Dr. Texe Marrs, The Scandal of Christian Ghostwriters - An Update. Billy Graham and a host of other famous Evangelists are also mentioned.

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I happen to have met a close relative of hers. She may not have actually written the book but that doesn’t nullify her story

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Before you claim the Nuremburg Trials proved anything, here is a book for you to read on that.


‘The trials served both to illuminate and to falsify history. In the hand of the experienced historian, their documentation is a good guide; in the hand of a demagogue it is a dangerous knobkerry.’

- Naval judge advocate Captain otto Kranzbuhler, lecturing at the University of Gottingen in September 1949

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David Cole, a Jew, tours Auschwitz. Here are his unpopular findings. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bb8pUStmvh7r/

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That’s an excellent documentary that David Cole put together. I bought a copy of it when it first came out.

He’s had an interesting life since then. I love that he never recanted what he found to be true about his research.


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That's as may be. I'm asking that you keep an open mind because many of us have been deceived.

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Dr Sherry Tenpenny MD; “Vaccines are the backbone of the Pharmaceutical Industry. They keep people sick.”


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Feb 27, 2024
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Yes, they still are.

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Let's hope that it becomes a classic Sam & Mark.

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the mistake they made with convid; was to push it too hard & for too long; many have realised it was all a con. this is why they have dropped it & moved onto another fiction like climate change lol; will they ever learn hahaha!

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They were very successfull thought looking at the money transferred, testing 'medication', traumatizing people, etc.

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money is just part of the fiction

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Mar 2, 2024
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war is the ultimate way to get people to kill each other (patriotism for imaginary lines and rags with paint on), but only if they allow themselves to be fooled by tools like religion, politics, law or any doctrine., or anyone else's idea, but not your own. i don't allow anyone to define me.

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people are still wearing the Burka masks in NY in stores and hospitals and even visiting nurse agencies back to forcing masks on employees and patients. im handing masked souls mini flyers from www.VirusTruth.net and im taping to gas pumps, putting on cars everyday during my travels. we need more to get active, the Baileys cant do it alone.

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the baileys are far from alone. have you looked into the universal community trust UCT?

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not clear how people can avoid property taxes unless like minded all move to the same town and take it over. i only use cash and do without if I cant buy in person. I had to get another person to buy Sams new book for me. credit cards and amazon make the rulers richer... I dont believe in borders or controlling anyones movement on the planet but you cant get on a plane without a passport if you want to cross an ocean ..I like the slogan be ungovernable....

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the way i see it is - people moving to a different mindset; where they let go of the fear which is the lie they have been living; deception of the system; bank fraud, convid & climate change for example.

i commend you for your steadfastness, well done!

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AWESOME Sam and Mark et al. I'm so looking forward to getting my hands on your new book. I read your "Virus Mania" last year and so did my parents (Nearly 80 years young!). Looking at the science you remind us to focus on makes 100% sense and you shine a bright light on the TRUTHS behind the hoax pandemics, inc a closer look at AIDS, & 'Foot & Mouth' dis-ease. Here's the thing. I can now see so much more clearly through the MSM lies, deceit, misinformation and malinformation promulgated daily. My focus is then onto the solutions and how I can grow and thrive from the ‘silliness’ (I’m being polite!) being constantly broadcasted, which seems to reduce people’s ability to See, Hear, Feel, etc clearly.

I was once reminded what ‘Covid’ can do.

1. It can temporarily remove one’s olfactory ability.

2. It can temporarily remove one’s gustatory ability.

3. It definitely removes COMMON SENSE!

Another moment to wake up from the ‘Daymare’ being presented by our wannabie controllers! It’s like, can people not see through the constant ‘poly-crisis’s’? There never was a fuel shortage in the UK, or an electric or a gas one either. So far, zero accountability and NOW the ONS people (GOV controlled) have changed the statistical correlation – 5 year average, so that Excess Deaths are drastically reduced, when previously in ’22 & ’23 they were over 101,000 in the UK alone.

Solution: I take radical responsibility for my physical health. Get to know your local farmers or pay your Drs more later! We receive organic fruit and veg each week.

Q. How do I receive a signed hard copy from you both? Are you able to send me to a link (Not Amazon, I do not support Bezos) where I can pay? I live in the NW of England. Thank you so much for the outstanding work you guys do. Much love and many blessings, Magnus

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I know that Mark does autophagy but I'm not sure if he does autography.

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I’m very much looking forward to reading “The Final Pandemic” after having purchased “Virus Mania” back in 2021. Thanks to the authors for their research and their work.

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Good on ya, Dr Sam! Can’t wait to read this. Especially with Tim Noakes on board. So happy to see him waking up to the vaccine scam.

As far as Ebola goes, I suggest these two resources. That was also a lab leak from a Fauci funded lab in Africa.


Strange Parallels Between Ebola Outbreak, the COVID Pandemic, & mRNA | Truth Over News


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I don't think they do lab leaks on this channel. I forget where that is.

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The things that come from a lab are the "genomes" of "viruses" that are cobbled together by computer software, using bits of genetic material as inputs. Please read the paper that announced the "genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus," before they had even settled on that name: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2008-3

You'll see that at no time did they have a complete entity of any type, but only the genetic material extracted from the lung washings of ONE man in Wuhan, who had pneumonia.

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Can you tell me how much information there is in the book on HIV Sam

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HIV already covered -- Dr's. Sam and Mark Bailey have posted more than 200 Videos complete with references. Most of them explain why diseases are not caused by so-called "viruses" - http://tinyurl.com/myx57tvr

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Thank you very much for your kind reply, I will check the link out x

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Short answer is if it's got a V it's pseudo.

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What is interesting about changa paracite is it makes the cell produces exosomes to.proliferate themselves . I believe that is what the call viral load. So remove the paracite remove the so called viral load, that's my thought anyway. Would we use an anti paracite drug for that?

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The half century of indoctrination in viral belief the average Westerner has had is unlikely to be dislodged by one or two Dr. Sam videos. I recommend at least ten videos for starters, and a full order of magnitude higher than that if you still find yourself feeling as if you or your loved ones could ever get sick from viruses. Otherwise you'll just kind of keep three-quarter believing in viruses despite lack of evidence. As I always say, if you or anyone ever finds any evidence of any virus ever, I'd sure like to hear about it. I know there aren't viruses from research I did that's unrelated to that of the Baileys. But on this issue I am a fellow traveler with them. Obviously my challenge--show me the virus proof--doesn't mean I want to once again wade through endless links that demonstrate no such thing. Been there. Done that. My challenge would be what, specifically, proves it. Not a bunch of scientists whose careers are invested in believing in viruses affirming the belief. I've never had anyone last more than a couple of rounds with me, but I'm always open to the possibility. I used to teach at the same university in New Jersey as Einstein and in the same century, so I'm not that impressed by scientists and their badly written prose.

I believe in diaper load. Viral load? Nope.

As for parasites, I remain fascinated by our riders from say about 500 nanometers in size on up, and though I only allow myself three minutes per week on health now at my Substack as opposed to up to a hundred minutes on health per week in the old days, there's a chance that my article on my "tropical ulcer" parasite, 1980, may make the three-minute cut next Thursday. I reinterpret that jungle thing on my ankle in light of new information. It was a big worm in a localized area, but I was given general antibiotics. I was in the mountains and this was arranged by radio, so who knows what was going on.

We are hosts not to millions or billions of parasites, as we used to think, but trillions. What I call my consciousness is a statistically insignificant blip in a vast sea of desire. Without our riders, we are nothing. Our essence is host. And kind, hospitable hosts at that. Medical science is so scared of everything. It sees monsters where there is a beautiful universe.

As for exosomes and ectosomes (both words mean out-of-body), I find them lovely. I doubt we have legit movies of their activities at my sub-thousand-nanometer plausibility barrier, but the wee ones remain fascinating to me. --Thor

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Yes I hear you very clearly x

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Here’s an excellent documentary on the HlV=AlDS hoax...


...and the Perth Group’s website with a plethora of information on the topic...


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Thank you Eva. I am starting to wonder if the whole hiv issue is a paracite disease rather than a non existing viral disease.

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Short answer: HIV is not a disease at all. It's a "medical test" to make you think you're in danger and therefore need to take lifelong medication to avoid "HIV" turning into "AIDS."

And the original "AIDS" had nothing to do with gay men per se, but was the cluster of illnesses afflicting a subculture of gay men who used an inhaled recreational drug called "poppers," among other drugs, and who were malnourished and sleep deprived due to the party lifestyle.

The earliest AIDS drugs were extremely toxic and killed those who took them, whether or not they were part of the drug lifestyle. When "AIDS" was diagnosed in Africa, it was based on observing endemic diseases like malaria, TB and others, and the toxic drugs prescribed on that basis. Pregnancy was (maybe still is) one condition that can cause a positive result on the tests they use, hence babies born that had "AIDS" from the mother (really drug toxicity from the AIDS drugs the mother took).

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www.VirusTruth.net has some info

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You’re welcome.

My understanding of the whole germ hypothesis tells me that there’s no such thing as ‘parasitic disease’, meaning they aren’t harmful to us. Parasites, along with bacteria and fungi, have a symbiotic relationship with the human body and all other species. They exist for the purposes of cleaning up the body of toxins.

Certain parasites actually bind with heavy metals to clear them from the body. Other types have other helpful functions. If we do a parasite cleanse, we not only create dead debris by killing them, but we then cause the heavy metals to remain in the body. Now, we need other germs to come clean up the dead debris, and the heavy metals still need to be dealt with.

Another way of putting it is parasites only come in to eat the impurities/poisons in us. If we stop poisoning our body, then the parasites automatically go away. They recycle dead and dying tissue along with the help of other germs.

Parasites and all the other germs can be likened to flies on garbage. Just because the flies are present doesn’t mean they caused the garbage. The flies are there to break down the garbage. Same with vultures. They didn’t kill the animal; they just showed up to dispose of the dead carcass.

They are blamed because that is what is abundantly seen being present, but they’re just doing their job of cleaning up. The more damage there is, the more germs will show up to the job. Just like firemen - the larger the area of fire, the more firemen show up on the scene. Firemen are there to help; germs are there to help.

Even cholesterol is still being demonized to this day. It always shows up wherever repairs need to be made. If it didn’t, we’d bleed out and die instantly. Because it’s found in abundance at the scene of the crime, it’s blamed for heart disease, when in fact, it’s calcified deposits and inflammation causing the damage.

I hope this helps give you a better way of looking at parasites.

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An excellent summary, Eva. The cleanup crew getting villified, it's an old story.

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Much obliged. I consider germs to be my best friends; they’re the only friends I can rely on 100% of the time to look out for my best interests.

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A few months ago I stopped spitting out the coconut oil when I did oil pulling. Stopping flew in the face of thousands of years of Indian wisdom, but I realized that I wasn't against the germs around my teeth. I suspected that a half hour of tryptophan and coconut oil was probably producing a rich slurry of good microbes for the gutbiome downstairs. Down the hatch!

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HIV is a chapter in Virus Mania. Really opened my eyes. I have the old version, without Sam's input, so there might be even more in the most recent edition.

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Great, thank you, I will check that out

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Another book for my bookshelf. Will get it here in the UK now available on Amazon UK. Thank you for all you do Dr Sam & Mark..

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"Now that's how it's done! "

Brilliant and creative,

focusing on rapid information deployment to busy people,

needing answers.....


Your work WILL change the world, and save us all from a pre planned despotic future.

Imagine.......no more..

A disease free future awaits ,

all we have to do ,

is reflect, refrain,

And support and spread this book!

God bless and protect you all.

Deepest thanks and salutations.

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we on the ground need to help ! we cant just sit with the info and pray.

im putting mini flyers/tickets from www.VirusTruth.net on cars and tape to gas pump screens, slip into convid test and mask boxes at stores, i aim for hospital parking lots too. at least 30 per day,

or make your own linking to dr bailey site.. www.VirusTruth.net is counting visitors and see the tickets work to getting people to the info.

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I agree! Prayers ain't worth spit, without leg work !

It's On!

Great work Toni, and all involved.

I'll download a few tonight, and get 'erm flying. LOL.

All hands on deck,

Posted photos of flyers around the social media in the best locations sounds like a great idea to me. Meme makers, another opportunity to shine!

A familiar song has just come to mind.......if I may.......

"I woke up this morning,

I can't believe what I saw,

A hundred million Flyers,

Truth upon the doors.

It seems I'm not the only one, being alone,

A hundred million castaways,

Looking for a home.

I'll send an SOS to the world,

I'll send an SOS to the world,

I hope that someone gets my...... x3

Message in a bottle,..........oh yeah."

Let's police the "Consensus Medical Police".

A very large excited Cheers

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exactly ! lets all send an SOS To the world !🤗

i also call them my FU Fauci tickets !

ive gotten a few masked souls to take off the masks after handing them a ticket

not all masked peeps have gotten shots Ive learned ! I say, hey how come your still afraid of covid? after they reply I tell them if they study the site they wont be afraid ever again..

many told me too afraid of the shots, so wear mask to not get covid... i reply, see smart enough to not get the shots, ...read this bec nothing to fear....

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Disease X and the pseudo Pandemic are coming Sam; don't let your guard down. Take care.

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Bought this, look forward to reading it. Virus Mania was also very good, making a summary of the key points for others. The chapter on AIDs is especially revealing - same playbook as the Rona....I love the term 'virus hunter'. Indeed. Alien-hunter, sasquatch-hunter, unicorn-hunter, Atlantis-hunter....Keep up the great work. Truth will win in the end. Faith, family and reality.

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this planet and people seems to have an incredible ability to cleanse itself of the manmade toxins.

the pollution from cars seems to disperse. you are not murdering anyone. society is collectively abusing itself and nature, but man is no match for nature correcting itself. trees are beautiful, sorry you dont see them, look harder, they protect us 😉 and hope Trump is on your retarded list ..ps ...I stopped voting too.

I know Walden Woods, Walden Pond....maybe next time i pass there ill leave your essay at the cabin !

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Ha, found it. Yeah, I grew up an hour's skate from Walden along the Concord River, just over the line in Bedford. If we drove to Walden we'd park on the town side of Route 2 and then dodge high-speed traffic to get across the highway. Good times.

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Just bought the kindle version and I am reading the Foreword by Tim Noakes.

For those who don't know him, he is an 'A Listed' scientist (the highest research level).

This is a truly fantastic development in the Bailey's courageous struggle against a corrupt medical-industrial complex. I also have Virus Mania, which put me on the path to truth over dogma.

I'm in awe of the fantastic work you are doing.

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Thank you for all your hard work! I just got the book and can’t wait to start reading!

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