Agree on the three mentioned, however…

the issue of privacy is not as straightforward as you present.

There are very good reasons to preserve your personal privacy including those who wish to share their experiences as victims of the synthetic biology who have been dismissed, ridiculed by the medical profession for over thirty years.

Unfortunately some things can’t be fixed by “working on yourself.”

Another group would be those that have been persecuted for their religious beliefs, for instance.

And TI’s (Targeted Individuals), enough said.

Off the cuff I can think of a number of completely UNtrustworthy individuals I have encountered who are transparent about their true identities but have cleverly cloaked their backgrounds, affiliations, objectives and true motives so I don’t consider an avatar as a litmus test.

On the other hand I have learned quite a bit from a number of gentle souls who have been through the meat grinder and simply wish to live in anonymity.

Privacy should always be an option, one of the reasons Digital ID is repulsive.

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She didn't paint ALL avatars with the same brush. I saw this as her pointing out the pitfalls. Her point about working on oneself was aimed at what can happen to someone who's not acting authentically. As in "what CAN happen," not what happens no matter what. There are always other sides to everything. This video didn't treat in absolutes, as far as I can see.

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What CAN happen is the sky can fall. Or so said Chicken Little. There are an almost limitless number of possibilities of what CAN happen. So...casting aspersions on something then couching it in the stance, "I'm not saying it's true, I'm just saying...", position does cast doubts in people's minds. In this instance in regards to anonymity as well as a litany of other issues.

I agree we all need to cultivate discernment as a vital skill in these times, but to say one group or group of actions by anyone indicates nefarious intentions CAN be misleading as well.

Of, course, I would say this as I choose to remain anonymous for very good reasons of my own.

There is much to say Shakespeare was a fabricated identity to protect those who were writing plays that exposed the elite of those times. It's a time honored strategy.

Joe Biden uses his real name as far as I know yet is a far from transparent persona. There are endless examples.

AND when I read the author's article, I notice more than anonymity being cast as suspect, but also bioweapons. Lumped with viruses and other things.

The injections are bioweapons. They meet the definition. To list this as suspicious frames the thought of the injections as bioweapons in the same category as poseurs with fake identities. Hmmmm...Yes, I am casting shade back to illustrate how easily shade can be cast. And cleverly.

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I'm one-quarter anonymous.

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You should start your own tribe. Made me laugh. HA!

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Can you please explain how the jabs meet the definition of "bioweapons"?

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Bioweapon - Cambridge Dictionary - a living substance, such as bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, fungi, toxins, or other biological agents ... used to intentionally cause damage or death to people, animals, or crops.

Millions have been killed by the injections. Millions more made ill by the injections.

The ingredients of the injections and their potentiality for causing death and illnesses were known prior to release and confirmed post-injection and were continued to be administered after this confirmation with full knowledge of real harm.

Laboratory studies of blood samples post-injection confirm there are biosynthetic (genetically engineered) self-assembling lifeforms in the injections that are living as they consume, reproduce and grow.

The injections meet the criteria of bioweapon.

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These days, when someone uses an avatar online they are concealing their identity from the general public, but never from the authorities. By design, encryption and VPN accounts, etc, cannot block surveillance by three-letter agencies.

Concealment from the public can be for justifiable reasons as Dr Bailey points out. However, I object to using avatars to attract large followings in order to launch attacks on people whose identities are entirely transparent. I've been troubled for some time now by the growing number of such avatars who have claimed to be in the no virus camp, attracted large followings from our movement, and of late begun casting aspersions on no contagion leaders such as Christine Massey, Dr Volmer, Dr Cowan, and Dr Kaufman. These are the heroes who sacrificed their reputations, licenses and careers to take a public stand against medical deception and tyranny. A recent example is the popular Tim Truth avatar who just a few days ago posted an entirely non researched video rant against Tom Cowan and Amandha Volmer because of their interest in the benefits of urine therapy. He claimed that there was no scientific evidence for such therapy (not true at all) and said that they were hypocrites for insisting that germ theorists provide evidence even though Cowan and Volmer themselves are promoting unscientific therapies. He ridiculed them and anyone who would engage in such disgusting behavior and he encouraged his listeners (you can only listen because he never shows his face) to ridicule them as well. Interestingly, he received more dislikes than likes and was initially severely ratioed in the comments, but he managed his numbers by deleting all comments critical of him and all that provided links to scientific evidence for the benefits of the therapy he irrationally finds so disgusting.

As Dr Bailey points out infiltration and subversion of grass roots movements are tried and true methods used by the predator class and their intelligence agencies. Whether this particular avatar is an intell agent or merely a child actor may not be knowable. What can be observed is the function of his behavior, which is to divide the no contagion camp from within. Use your God given discernment at all times online. And please don't go asking avatars for advice on your personal health.

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I agree. Anything can and is abused by abusive individuals and groups.

That abuse has nothing to do with my personal motivation in using an avatar.

I agree to the time tested method of using God-given discernment. We need this skill more than ever as was stated by Jesus when He said a great delusion will fall upon the world that is so tricky it comes close to deceiving His followers. My paraphrase.

I agree in regards to Tim Truth. I saw too many deceptions and a definite agenda, so I stopped paying attention to him a couple of years ago.

All becomes dicier by the second. I pray everyone asks God for discernment and then gains the skills to use it. It takes continual practice and I'm far from perfect at it's use myself.

God Bless.

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"A" for: "use you God-given discernment"! The truth is...

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If "I" were ("really me") I'd propose the use of all relevant terms: ie. "bio" =life + "weapon"+ any implement of war combat etc. (read: 20th/21st Century"democide" numbers (for starters !-)

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May 7Edited

You nailed it! I especially appreciate "Unfortunately some things can't be fixed by "working on yourself."" Take all the poor kids with Type 1... no matter how hard they try, how well they eat, or what supplements or detox protocols they engage in, it's not getting fixed ~ NO MATTER HOW THEY ENDED UP THERE, they're little ones. It was not their fault. Blame game isn't helpful.

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Thank you, Kitten. The aspect I found disturbing is the listing of bioweapons as an equally suspect idea. I find this assertion questionable and unnecessary. So why make a case of suspicion when it comes to anonymity and then lump the fact that the injections are a bioweapon in the same coal heap? Hmmm.....

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Sam has done several videos on alleged "bioweapons" and explained why they do belong in the same category as "viruses", which is no way implies that the jabs aren't harmful.

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The biosynthetic organisms in the injections have been isolated and confirmed many multiples of times. They are not viruses and should not be categorized with viruses.

Bioweapons are not alleged. They exist. And have been deployed. Agent Orange used by the US in the Vietnam War being one such bioweapon. The SARS CV19 injections being another.

A bioweapon is called a bioweapon because of how something is used and the intentions of the use.

A virus is called a virus because of how it's biologically constructed.

They are not the same in any way.

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Can you please cite a study showing isolation?

A virus is supposed to be a genome surrounded b a protein shell, with or without an envelope, that invades cell, replicates, causes disease and is contagious. None have ever been shown to exist.

A bioweapon is a weapon with a biological component, not just anything that harms biology.

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I am not going to debate the existence of viruses in this thread as it's about bioweapons which can be composed of many forms of biological or biosynthetic life. Such as bacteria, fungi, parasite, etc. As defined above.

Please read the definition I went to the trouble of finding and posting for you in response to your question addressing the definition of a bioweapon.

I did NOT say a bioweapon is anything that harms biology. A car wreck can harm biology. A fire. A tsunami can harm biology. A volcano....

Please read the definition in my response to you above.

I tire of the misframing of information in order to be "right". It's a drag.

I don't know of any virus that has been successfully isolated so I doubt they exist. That is my view on viruses.

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I asked you to please cite a study showing isolation because you had written: "The biosynthetic organisms in the injections have been isolated and confirmed many multiples of times". If this is true, I'd like to see the evidence.

I explained what a "virus" is claimed to be b/c you had written: "A virus is called a virus because of how it's biologically constructed." If you know of valid evidence showing that a virus actually exists, I'd like to see that too.

If you know of valid scientific evidence that bacteria, fungi or parasites can act as weapons, I'd appreciate you sharing that with me too because a definition isn't valid evidence that those things can actually be harmful.

I explained that a "bioweapon" isn't simply anything that harms biology b/c you had claimed that: "A bioweapon is called a bioweapon because of how something is used and the intentions of the use." I guess you've changed your mind since then.

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things that make you go hmmm

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Excellent message. In the early covid years, I was absorbing so much content and was completely overloaded. It was a journey that ultimately led me to the inner peace and the natural healing intelligence of the body.. I am selective of content, Dr. Sam and her husband Mark seem genuine to me.

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Dr. Sam Bailey: a genuine Health Angel radiating from her Heart & Soul true HEALTH...

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An excellent presentation, which highlights the existence of some very peculiar individuals on social media. Their objectives are unclear. Is it self-promotion, sanctimony, subversion or something else? In any case, I agree with your conclusions. In this connection I should like to mention that apart from you, your husband, Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Dr. Lanka and, of course, Christine Massey and The End of Covid team none of the so-called critics of the vaccines mentions the fact that no pathogenic virus has ever been found or identified in human history. They go on ad nauseam about the horrific attributes of the vaccines but never mention the fact that viruses do not exist. I find this most peculiar considering that the non-existence of viruses should automatically spell the end of virology. Why this illogical silence? There could be more to it. In an article on page 17 of today's (May 7, 2024) The Times (UK paper) scientists from the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Caltech (California) state that they are working on "proactive vaccinology" to create vaccines that recognise parts of eight coronaviruses, including several that are circulating in bats and could one day infect humans. They state: "We have created a vaccine that provides protection against a broad range of different coronaviruses, including ONES WE DO NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT YET."

This is insanity in my opinion, but obviously regarded as science by certain other people.

What is your view on this?

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I think the strategy behind the use/increase in avatars is to capture the newly awakened who are not sure whose information to trust or are unaware of the people, with faces, who have been supplying researched info. since the beginning. I have also noticed the use on these sites of an old, well respected name as click bait. Some of these sites just seem to want to spread fear and confusion, which is difficult to spot if you are a newcomer. The advertising of ivermectin is also a give away. This is why I think your repeating of older info. in newer formats is a great idea.

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There’s definitely an aspect of “we wrestle not against flesh and blood” to this. Allopathic medicine is a principality. It’s a power. It has priests. It has the host: take this into your body, remember the power of the priests, etc. Allopathic medicine works because the people believe. That’s not necessarily bad by itself, but the way allopathy is connected to principalities and powers is definitely creepy.

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Jikkyleaks on Twitter/X is definitely a good example of a C19 "Avatar account"...


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Once again, Sam and Mark put together a cogent and well researched and presented case for those who choose hard earned critical thought over herd approved memes. The lies and liars grow ever more desperate. Thank you!

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May 7Edited

Amazing Polly - PHONY COVID DISSIDENTS - BEWARE THE DREAM TEAM NARRATIVE POLICE (wellness company) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/xoSrBiGyhrP4/

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Take everything at farce value.

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It is all a pantomime after all. 'Oh no it isn't!', Oh yes it is!, etc.etc.etc.

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It’s a pantomime alright! Anyone who has any doubts that the Plandemic was a long time in the making should go and watch the 2012 London Olympics because it is all there, especially the automaton doctors and nurses.


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Like button won't respond for me so thanks instead.

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Take everything at face value and use common sense when it comes to content that is put out on the internet! My theory on this is that if someone is over the target of the truth, they WILL get censored on big platforms like YouTube and X and the like. If they belong to a large coalition of so-called experts, you can bet they are making it a business on the tragedies of individuals! Follow the Money!

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Important timely topic. One can imagine various reasons for anonymity: some benign.

But if X controls money, weaponry and its users, weather events, the illusion of democracy and voting, media/propaganda, etc., why not content and comments in a spot like Substack?

It recently became clear that some were not human or had resources that allowed them to read, watch, consume troves of info _ such as an agency.

“Turn off the screen; go out and live your best life.”

Best advice ever, Doctor. Thank you.

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I have no clue what avatar accounts are and couldn't care less. I have never seen any Avatar movies. Truth tellers? That list has dwindled down to virtually a few handfuls.

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Well, it's been nice to have met all you fellow prisoners in this open air usury concentration camp.

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Shh, the guards are trying to concentrate.

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Dang, that's a good one, Dave.

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Somehow you’ve managed to take the cudgel to everyone I’ve clashed with. I think Dr Arcane Said is Rebekah Barnett’s brother (this is a complete hunch). As for Rebekah well she’s fallen under the umbrella of Brownstone Institute. I think you’ll find their list of authors pretty interesting.


̶J̶o̶n̶ ̶R̶a̶p̶p̶o̶p̶o̶r̶t̶ Denis Rancourt is there amongst those charlatans btw.

I’m told that Vigilant Fox is working for the Robert F. Kennedy campaign (that might have been Michael Ginsburg who told me that, not sure). 2nd Smartest guy, midwestern doctor - agree 100%.

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Yes, Brownstone is an interesting one...is allowed to post freely on LinkedIn....hmmm..why would that be? They only discuss what is allowed in the overton window. They also promote fear.

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I had known of a few writers like Rebekah who were writing on it. Didn’t give it much time otherwise. But on a second look they look like a WEF for Wuhan virus believing bat fans. This is about war I suspect, not about viruses.


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I don't see Jon on the Brownstone list. Alphabetical by first name? Maybe I'm overlooking

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I suspect that I got mixed up with Denis Rancourt.

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May 7
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I was honest above. Acknowledged my error. But just for your benefit I’ve struck through my mistake and updated who it was.

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I appreciate this video and would like to see some expansion of the topics discussion by Dr Sam beyond virology and germ theory. How about a look at the politics and beliefs of those pushing false narratives. What is their end-game and what is motivating them? Surely this is equally as important as exposing the lies they tell as these are a means to an end.

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The network of cohorts who feed off each other and promote each other – 2nd Smartest Guy, Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Makis et al eventually expose themselves and their network of controlled opposition collaborators.

The “Dr Paul Alexander” avatar group was one of the first to scream the usual Hate canards of 40 murdered/beheaded babies and calling for the massacre of Palestinian women and children.

• BREAKING!!! Israel under attack goes to war, Israel must defend itself; HAMAS SURPRISE ATTACK AT LEAST 40 KILLED, 700 WOUNDED; World reacts to surprise attack by Hamas on Israel - DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

• The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas launched the biggest attack on Israel in years on Saturday; The White House National Security spokesperson said the U.S. "unequivocally condemns" the attacks


They then doubled down and tripled down multiple times. Not very becoming of a ‘doctor’!!

• 30 dead Americans, 130 or so still being held hostage by HAMAS; what are you going to do Mr. President? President Biden, over to you, your move! I notice you still can't say Iran did this; I will say - DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

• it for you then..."Iran did this, Iran is behind this 100%'...there, see how easy that was! I know you and Obama did all you could to arm Iran, get it to a nuclear bomb, give it US military secrets


and many more

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