I trust no-one anymore.

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Love many, trust few. Always paddle your own canoe.

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Verify . . .

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Another man you shouldn't have trusted.

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Trust that all humans are fallible. That way nobody can ever con you.

The idea that some humans are 'super human' and that we should put them on a pedestal and rally behind them with 'trust' is a form of mental illness. The world is not 'run' by psychopathic maniacs. It's just that our habit of 'trusting' so called 'authority figures' puts psychopaths into those positions. They are the symptoms of OUR disease. The disease of seeking 'authority' figures and demanding they make decisions on our behalf.

People like Yeadon (mentioned below) come across as having integrity because he expresses doubts and uncertainties, and a desire to figure out what the truth it. This is the opposite approach to the Faucis, Bourlas and Gates of this world who are always certain and confident they are right (because they are maniacs). That certainty and confidence is comforting to most people which is why most people ADORE psychopaths, tyrants and fraudsters.

This is the main lesson of 'covid' I feel.

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Spot on IMHO.

Your last two sentences sums it all up perfectly.

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It's called psychopathy.

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"The disease of seeking 'authority' figures and demanding they make decisions on our behalf."

Absolutely! Add in a lack of both curiosity and, most importantly, OBSERVATIONAL bents. Now THAT's an "epidemic"...from the decades of social and other programming, and being taught NOT to think for yourself. Horrifyingly, I'm surrounded by such blithering fools!

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I need to comment about the SCOTUS ruling on the case known as










THis is one of the worst SCOTUS opinions in our nation's history and must be ignored and opposed

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We can trust Dr. Mike Yeadon.

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Can we really? I mean - I hope so. I really hope so. But these days I prefer to place my trust in people I know personally off-line.

The trouble with on-line personalities is that it is so easy for intelligence agencies to prop them up. Obviously not everyone works for an intelligence agency, but my guess is 90% of the people that we stumble across online in the "alternative movement" are agents.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I share that thought, although as mentioned below, more likely these actors are assets rather than agents.

Fantastic read on how this all works: https://archive.org/details/OperationGladioTheUnholyAllianceBetweenTheVaticanTheCIAAndTheMafia

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More likely assets than agents, works better when people believe in their stance and think it's their own idea. Agents have to act the part which is much more likely to be picked up on subtle levels. Assets however are manipulated and used beyond their perception. Again one who believes it's their own idea thinks themselves sharing a profound truth sell it better, ask an advertiser and of course those who think themselves immune to hypnosis, manipulation or personal bias etc, make great assets. Just thoughts on your particular comment here not related to the Bailey's or guest

Debra LaMarre ms dlamarre@gmail.com signed in as Daniel

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Exactly, that's the concept of controlled opposition. Most controlled opposition actually doesn't know it's controlled. And then there are the gatekeepers, trained in a role as actor.

Great read on concepts like these, and more:


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Yes. I wasn't aware of the correct language here. Both types exist I think.

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Try to reclaim your trust if you can . Loosing it or falling into the no trust mind set is their poison . It can only take effect with our consent.

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I trust my own instincts, my own judgement.

Is someone else's instinct or judgement so much better than mine that I should trust theirs instead?

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Never ever ever give up .

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Very well said.

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Some people I know proved they were not trust-worthy, literally not worthy of my trust.

I trusted blindly for years, until I got tired of being deceived and taken advantage of.

Now I start at neutral when meeting someone new, or hearing something new. Every interaction or bit/byte of information moves the scale toward trust, or away from it. Trust is not static.

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And it's relative there are people one might trust to fix your car or give you a hot investment tip but you wouldn't trust alone with your teenager daughter, for example.

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Yep Fox Mulder was right all along

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I so understand your position, Ed, but I'm trying to live like Sarah describes below 👇

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Oh come on, I don't believe it's all that bad.

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I don't think they understood your joke, Dave.

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Great post, will buy Pierre's book. Germ theory has always been fraudulent. Many areas of supposed science are likewise frauds and theories, based on worldviews, with zero proof. Einstein is an example. People aka the sheeple have no idea how deep the rabbit of lies goes. Science is simply a business posing as a divine church of salvation.

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"The science of psychological manipulation and brainwashing is the only science that is truly settled..." Jason Christoff

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"Science is simply a business posing as a divine church of salvation."

You nailed it with that description!

And Einstein, yeah. He's the one who took aether out of the scientific lexicon by claiming that it didn't exist. His proof... well, there wasn't any! Yet, the mind control worked. All those other scientists deferred to the 'authority' claimed to be the smartest scientist ever.

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There was some proof for relativity. The Michelson-Morley experiment did suggest that light moved at the same speed in orthogonal directions - which suggested, at a minimum, that the aether was not moving relative to the earth.

These days I tend to think relativity is nonsense myself, but there was at least some reason to believe it.

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The need for four dimensions is superfluous. As a hobby I wrote an article about the calculations needed to get the time-dilation and so on. I am not qualified in physics. It all seems to be about relative change in numbers involved as a consequence measuring distance of a moving object from some point of view. Empty space does not exist, it is an assumption to get things straight in the calculations. Anyhow, I am interested in the book of Chaillot. These graphs must be known to people working for governments or else among academics, as it does not require deep math.

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More on the church: https://archive.org/details/OperationGladioTheUnholyAllianceBetweenTheVaticanTheCIAAndTheMafia.

Btw.: always look for a Nobel prize in the field that you are studying. If there is one, it's guaranteed to be at least partially a fraud. Think of Obama's peace prize.

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'The Science' mafia does love to rewards its devoted members :)

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Amazing data here Sam. Thanks for sharing.

Maybe we CAN figure out why influenza dropped to near extinction levels during COVID pandemic? Maybe those COVID cases were ALL actually influenza?

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No need to put a question mark at the end the comment, sir.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Why influenza dropped to near extinction levels during COVID was because every case they would have labeled influenza in past years they called COVID.

"Maybe those COVID cases were ALL actually influenza?"

No. Not that many people get influenza. It was all a fraudulent scam. Here's a large part of how they got all those 'cases'.

Many of what they labelled COVID cases were people who weren't even sick who got a positive on the fraudulent PCR test which had a 94-97% false positive rate. That's why they pushed the testing so hard. The more people you can get that are willing to let you shove a swab up their nose to their brain, with a 94-97% false positive rate you'll be able to really jack up those 'case' statistics... with a metric that is meaningless. Remember 'asymptomatic spreaders'? A new term they made up to assist their narrative and try to explain away all these grossly inaccurate PCR so-called 'tests'.

Hospitals were putting COVID on every death certificate when people clearly died of something else, and most were not showing any of the COVID symptoms. People were dying from fatal car accidents, fatal shootings/stabbings, naturally because they had dementia for 12 years (most of these people stop eating and waste away) and were at the end of their life. They all had COVID put on their death certificate by the hospitals because the hospitals were being monetarily incentivized to do so. To the tune of 100K+ in many/most states. There is one woman who got all the information and broke it down state by state what government incentives the hospitals were getting for diagnosing people with COVID (even with no symptoms) and for the various treatments. The highest payout was if they had someone die and put COVID on the death certificate. People came in DOA, no test, no symptoms and had COVID put on their death certificate. Dr Deborah Birx, who was Fauci's right-hand woman in Trump's pandemic response team admitted in a press conference that they were putting COVID on the death certificate of everyone who was 'suspected' of having had COVID, even if they clearly died from another cause and there was no differentiation being made in the statistics that the NIH was collecting. In other words, it was just to skew the data to raise their numbers in order to help the MSM scare the public more.

All the information is out there. You just need to keep looking.

How do you even know influenza exists as described? Are those symptoms diagnosed as influenza caused by some 'germ' or is it just the body detoxing? Look through Sam's videos for the one of influenza, if it's not here it will be on Odysee.com.

You may be newish here, if so, good on you mate for being willing to question and break out of the programmed narrative. I would recommend going back through all of Sam's videos, and reading her books, and Mark's papers and books.

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Probably a mix of influenza and acute radiation syndrome from 5G. There was no (viral) pandemic but people did get sick from 5G and previous exposure to toxic jabs. If you're exposed to 5G your cells produce exosomes similar to what they call "coronaviruses" and you'll probably get a positive result for the bogus covid pcr test.

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This 5G hypothesis could well be a smokescreen:

- in late 2019 5G cell towers were barely deployed in most countries

- worldwide, we don't see any excess death epidemic per se. That is the real info.

- "Covid" is a name game, an aggregator of already existing diseases, devoid of any objective definition whatsoever - only he said, she said, I said, my doctor said, the fake test said, etc.

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Smokescreen for what? It's clear that the areas with the largest "outbreaks" were the areas that were piloting 5G networks, Wuhan being the biggest.

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The smokecreen in Wuhan was the appalling industrial pollution which cleared when the city was locked down. Pollution is a main driver of respiratory disease.


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Interesting how many people always try to find a single root cause for something. Certainly is Wuhan extremely polluted and yes, that did pose a major cause of the respiratory problems. Yet, that does not rule out 5G as an also contributing factor. Heck, I'm pretty sure most people in Wuhan don't live very healthy from food and stress persective, that too will contribute, and so will their previous vaccinations.

Stop trying to find THE cause, as usually there are almost always multiple contributing factors to what is called "disease".

If you haven't seen it yet: https://odysee.com/@dharmabear:2/Dr-Thomas-Cowan-What-Makes-You-Sick-WAPF-Oct-22-2022:6.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Smokescreen for what the Baileys, Pierre Chaillot, and so many others have come to understand: viruses and contagion are myths.

It is simple to grasp.

It means that virology is fear-mongering pseudo-science on par with climatology.

It means that sci-fi movies about "pandemics" were mental programming.

It means the two worked like a charm. Even the internet people looking for alternative theories are addicted to sci-fi.

That's why the covid psyop also included a number of "mainstream alternative narratives" such as the "lab leak" theory and 5G.

Four years that the peasants have been made to wait for "the final evidence" that won't come.

If you want to blame 5G or a lab leak in Wuhan, first make sure there was an outbreak in Wuhan in the first place. The BBC archives from Jan 3, 2020 are very telling: 44 "cases" (in winter, in a metro area of 11 million), 0 deaths (yes, zero), but the BBC already plants the narrative that it's worrying and that it's a VIRUS! source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-50984025

Not one of the alternative "saviors" will touch on the fact that viruses are not proven to exist. Except here.

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You're missing my point, see above comment. Of course there was no "outbreak". Yet, EMF radiation can certainly cause respiratory problems especially in the very high frequency range like 60GHz, as that damages oxygen metabolism. I am fully aware of most of the psyops you mention, especially the controlled ops and gatekeepers in the "alt media".

I'm not saying 5G was THE cause, I am just saying it surely was a contributing factor.

Btw.: a great book on how intel services work is https://archive.org/details/OperationGladioTheUnholyAllianceBetweenTheVaticanTheCIAAndTheMafia.

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Absolutely true. I. was from the firsts hit. COVID CON, was just 5G radiation. It perforate my intestine. 2 nights at the hospital and voila.

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Do you live in an area with a lot of 5G cell towers ? Is it still affecting you ?

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I really don't know if there is many in my area as they are hidden as you know. There is a big one and l think suffisant to do the harm. As for my health l am OK. I think l have morgelons. My legs mostly twinkle at night when they give more, let's say EMF juices. The area l am talking about is hambourg /Germany. All in they are

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With the big port in Hamburg there is almost certainly a large 5G covering, see for example https://www.telekom.com/en/media/media-information/archive/port-of-hamburg-5g-applications-pass-field-test-551178 (mid-2018 - coincidence?). Just query non-googol search engine for "hamburg germany 5g". Was there an "outbreak", or a so-called "cluster" in Hamburg?

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Influenza is another mythical viral illness.

It's basically normal human periodic (seasonal) detoxing.

There is zero science behind the theory of contagion, and zero proof of contagion despite at least 100 unsuccessful well controlled clinical trial attempts to infect humans and animals with supposed microbial pathogens.


I appreciate the cognitive dissonance is strong on this one. We have been conditioned to believe in the concept of contagion from birth, and trained to see patterns in society and assign them to specific 'causes', despite the fact these 'causes' are false assumption that have never been shown to be valid by proper controlled observation.

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They were

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It was a big clue to the deceit. Mind you mots people do not understand what the 'flu is.


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"influenza" doesn't exist either.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

But "influenza" is posed as another 'virus,' linked to germ THEORY. The phrase now rolls off the tongue as if it's one word, yet most think nothing of the word THEORY, i.e. an IDEA or BELIEF = not proven fact.

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Once we had access to annual cold/flu death statistics from 2017, I think a lot of us drew the same conclusion. More recently, it seems that "infectious diseases" were in fact reactions to DDT, malnutrituon, food and environmental toxins, medical interventions (especially a particulalry dangerous one known as vaccines); EMFs, and radiation of verious kinds. I long ago learned to avoid towns and doctors.

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Yep that's wise. The pharmaceutical/medical model has completely lost trust. Mine was pretty low for it to begin with. Non-existent now. If you want to stay healthy, stay away from Docs or Hospitals, they don't deal in Health, only in sickness and death. I think Chemtrails are also a cause for illness!

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Ask your doctor if chemtrails are right for you.

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My doctor said "What is a chemtrail?"

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Like what is a vitamin supplement?

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Can you provide another link for Tom Cowan/Reluctant Mystic interview?

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LOL, that's a good one. Thanks for making me laugh. Laughter is the only medicine I take on a regular basis.

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Damn, boy. I'm supposed to be the funny one round here. You're gettin up into the big leagues. Respect. --dave

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hahah, well in this bizarre world we are currently living in, they might just say it is "safe and effective"!

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HA! Or what they DO say - "no such thing!"

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Young people are refusing to be jabbed, so they start wars, introduce conscription and, because of"feminist demand", apply conscription to girls, then they all have to be jabbed. All worked out before 2014.

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There HAS been a huge erosion of trust Helen. I heard a mainstream medical podcast about 1 year ago where the Doc was complaining about how before the pandemic he had about 1% of patients question him all about the need for flu (and other) vaccines and avoided vaccination. He says, "Nowadays, it's like a third of my patients pepper me with these kind of questions."

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I believe it, but I wish it was more than a third! This is an important step to getting a better system, but these are tough times.

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You'd THINK he'd get a clue by now...

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Agree. Doctors are a deathknell generally speaking. People get roped into the sickness trap when they go to doctors. Drugs, vaccines.

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And the testing trap.

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Exactly. BS “screening “ tests. All fear mongering to keep people sick and generate revenue.

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Here is some information that may improve your chances of survival. A key to disease resistance is Vitamin K2 and the richest source is ghee.. Dump your vegetable oils, seed oils, low fat products, and margerines, and cook in Ghee.

Not because I said so, but I am suggesting that if you research this subject you will draw the same conclusion. It is an amazing story.

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Can you list some sources, please? I love ghee, and know it's very good for (at the very least!) kidney dis-ease.

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It is probably best to read generalised data first, then branch out from there. I recommnd Ty Bolinger's "CANCER: Step outside the box", available in hardcover or online, because he provides a history of medical research going back two centuries and what happened to the genius doctors who discovered cures for many conditions, and what happened to them. Most were imprisoned and/or killed.. He provides links to other evidence and other conditions. Context is everything. But just to whet your appetite, I am now aware of 25 cures for cancer. I have used one some 45 times on skin cancers in 12 years, successfully. I am currently using another, and my vision has gone from 3% to 85% in six weeks. Doctors are amazed. I ain't telling them nothin'.

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Good decision. Best not to engage at all with representatives of officialdom. As well as this strategy being good for your wellbeing, it really frustrates the hell out of Establishment types. They hate being ignored!

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You've got it!

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AND weather geoengineering toxins everywhere, globally for decades and decades. And possibly deliberate VENOMS put in everything as well. (see Dr. Brian Ardis's findings)

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Here's a handy hint. Don't use any cosmetic not used by your great grandmother.

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yeah, and MP3s

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I was much like Pierre, I was never against vaccines and was always open to them, I was awakened vioently over the Covid 19 insanity, now I doubt I will get another vaccine , I can take one positive from a horrendous past 4 years , my realisation that the health system, governments, MSM are all corrupted and the world I knew and trusted for 50 years was no longer, yes its quite sad and frightening in some ways but I am thankful I am now aware .

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Whatever you do, don't read Turtles All The Way Down or Virus Mania - those will also change how you see medicine and vaccines for the rest of your life.

Actually... do read them 🙂.

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And What Really Makes You Ill by Lester and Parker.

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Hmm. I'm feeling like that last line kind of wrecked the sarcasm.

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He's butchering the sarcasm, this is unacceptable.

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Yes, there are certain lines that oughtn't to be crossed. There have to be rules, or else we're just animals.

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I wasn't "open" anymore to those shots for about 40 yrs now, when my beloved pets CLEARLY had bad, DIRECT (not "side" effects) reactions to annual vax's &/or antihistamines. That's when I said "never again!" and started LEARNING what a con job this has all been. Have been alone in that journey for a long, long time now (labeled as a 'nutcase' for the most part), and have become thoroughly exhausted by how people's beliefs in this 'medical' nonsense has grown, rather than diminished.

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Noted. Not side effects but front effects on pets. Luckily you had animal experiments.

You were ahead of me on the vaccines. In the late 90s all I had was an old copy of Mother Jones that raised suspicions about vaccines. It seems dumb for me to plead ignorance when in the 90s I also had full access to all of Harvard and Princeton libraries, which taken together amounted, now that I think of it, to the largest library in the world. Oopsie. Man has access to largest library in world, claims only source of knowledge in known world is Mother Jones.

What I did with my children was a sort of middle course. Still extremely bad, but at least I slowed down most of the vaccines, had them do it later, and I wrangled with Illinois school boards to slow the process. Another thing I feel bad about was allowing them to blast my fetuses with sonic crap so they could give us a cute picture. Sigh. You're probably right that the total number of people who believe in vaccines has increased. I hope that as a percentage, however, maybe there are more people who are skeptical? Not sure.

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But don't you also feel empowered? Now YOU control you, they don't.

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You "doubt"? So you still believe there are vaccines that can do any good? Why, if viruses don't exist?


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Pierre's English is very good.

I did a similar analysis with official ONS England and Wales mortality data for 2020 and also came to the conclusion that there was no pandemic.

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The same. We never exceeded the excess deaths of the 2017 “flu” outbreak year. 65,000 or thereabouts. Not even epidemic. Around 1% of the population die off each year, year in year out as a matter of course. Smoke and mirrors.

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For England and Wales the age adjusted mortality rate for 2020 was lower than the rate for 2008 and every year before 2008 (based on ONS data starting in 1942).

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Indeed it was.

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If you haven't seen it yet, make sure to check Christine's work on FOIs related to getting institutions to provide proof that viruses exist:


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I absolutely love this. Pierre is a perfect example of how so many people are coming around to no-virus, simply on observation; in his case, observation of statistics. Dr Tom Cowan would be very impressed I imagine. I’m not a statistician nor a scientist, but when I didn’t observe people dropping dead in the streets in early 2020, in my small rural town in southwest Victoria, I kinda figured there wasn’t a pandemic haha. Mid-year 2020, I came across Dr Tom and the rest is (excruciatingly painful) history. But the tide is definitely turning. When Pierre says he needs ‘an editor’, I guess he means a publisher? Just that me and hubby do self-publishing if that’s any help. Love ya work Dr Sam ♥️🙏♥️

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Never ever believe for one second it was not more than a disgusting piece of lying bs...thank you so much for you work on exposing this murderous corruption

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Me either!!

Literally knew from day one. Could never believe everyone didn’t know. Still can’t!!

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Same here, and I'm right there with you.

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Two weeks in, and I was "cured" of all the bs that made zero sense any way you looked at it. Kept waiting for others to clue in, but, sigh, that didn't happen.

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It was mind control. A certain percentage of the population just is not susceptible to it. The majority are. I also think we can have traits (e.g. high levels of pattern recognition) or life experiences (e.g. exposed to someone gaslighting us where we figured it out and recognize the signs, or former knowledge about the dangers of vaccines) that make us more immune to the mind control and psyop. Jason Christoff explains how it works and points to examples by a famous British mentalist named Derren Brown. Lots of interviews of Jason Christoff on Odysee where he explains it all. His shorter videos I found not as useful, but I learned a lot watching interviews with him.

Derren Brown is a famous mentalist that has conducted a lot of interesting experiments in the form of 'shows' for entertainment. But they are extremely useful in understanding human nature and how it was leveraged in this, and I think all other psyops. The example Jason Christoff talks about over and over is one of Derren's shows called The Push. I highly recommend watching it, and you will be able to see through HOW they did this on a whole different level. You can watch the whole thing for free here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gxbf6

After watching it I was so interested I searched Daily Motion for more of Derren's shows and there are others that are very interesting and informative too.

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Maybe all those "influenza" cases were really cases of radiation poisoning. Why don't we see much conversation about EMF's? 5G is causing a helluva lot of sickness... It's too much.

I keep wondering why so many people are unaware of the incredible danger we're in with radiation... And that it reacts with graphene, and that graphene and other metals are not just in the jabs, but are sprayed over us regularly via geo-engineering... We're breathing it, it's in our food, in our water, in everything. And now "millions" of satellites in space that can zap us, too? What were they doing those first two weeks in 2020, when we were told to stay home, don't go outside, blah blah... They were setting up 5G everywhere-- at least here in the US... Look at the symptoms of "flu" and compare to the symptoms of EMF overload...

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Well, Melbourne was locked down forever and I’d go up for rallies most weekends over late 2020 through 2021. The CBD was a hive of infrastructure installation; 5G, cameras, 15-minute city roadworks. I watched it all in real-time. It was so in your face if you didn’t live there. Most of those who lived there complied to the gills so didn’t notice a thing 😔

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We SHALL NOT comply. We can sing this to the tune of “We Shall Overcome,” and then sing that, too.

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Yes, In NZ we came out of one of the lockdowns and were greeted by 30 km/hour speed limit signs in most of our local shopping areas in the various suburbs. when prior to the lockdown the speed limit was 50km/hr. (as well as multiple new 5G tower installations )

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All the so-called "epidemics" and "pandemics" of the last 2 centuries were in fact induced by new technologies, artificial EMF or sudden changes in the earth's electromagnetic field:


5G is a versatile military weapons system that is perfect to induce localized outbreaks of disease that can be used to make it look like there's a (viral) epidemic because the cells in the body produce exosomes and then with a fake PCR test that tests for a toxin that resembles these exosomes you can create the illusion of a pandemic. But really it's just the symptoms of acute radiation syndrome, not a virus, not a pathogen.

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Yes, I’ve actually looked into this in light of other ‘resets’ throughout history. It’s almost like clockwork: war (usually); increase in radiation; epidemic or pandemic; mass genocide of young able men (though this time it’s everyone and anyone), hence it’s the ‘Great Reset’.

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That's their game plan in a nutshell.

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COMPLETE CONTROL, us mostly all dead, few left, enslaved, chipped, etc.


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You got it. I agree.

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It's invisible... out of sight, out of mind. 'Viruses' are invisible too, and look how much time, money, effort they have had to put into the propaganda and mind control to get the public to believe that lie.

We just need to keep spreading the word and spreading the real science on all the forms of manmade radiation. More people are waking up to it. The tactics that the 'authorities' and their controlled media use to be effective in their mind control is repetition. Just keep spreading the truth, informing. Try not to be confrontational. At some point it will get through to some people.

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Indeed, I totally agree. But, but, but, IT’S FASTER GAMING!!! Cell phones gotta go, sez the dog. But we CAN have better ways of having the Internet and such-like, by putting our best minds to work finding those better ways… We ARE capable of this, but we need the Nasties out of our way first.

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oh yeah, faster gaming... well in that case it's worth it [sarcasm] LOL...

I'm not an engineer who could figure these things out but I have heard that 5G is not going to be faster actually, it's a lie. Would they lie to us? Nah...

I agree, I'm absolutely sure we can have better ways to do internet, cell service, and electricity. It's all the frequency... and they have chosen harmful frequencies. They could be healing instead... but that wouldn't suit their agenda. So I agree with your assessment. We need to get the Nasties out of the way and put our best minds to the task of coming up with something better.

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The tricks and general fuckery… These people are so damn EVIL I can’t even get my head around it.

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I stopped using Bluetooth headphones a while ago for that reason.

I reckon kids should not be given wireless headsets for the reason that we don't have any long term studies of their protracted use.

I also put my phone in airplane mode when driving with it in my pocket so that I don't get zapped by the signal boost as I move between cells.

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Not good enough, I’d say. Put it in a small tin or something like that, NOT in pocket. My advice, b/c I remember reading somewhere that “airplane mode” is LESS radiation, but not NO radiation. You probably donut want that thing next to your body. xo

Oh, and there ARE studies, but they’re CENSORED. I’ve seen a few things here and there that tell us we’re cooking like fricken frogs. :(

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Good that you are taking those steps Guy, but I would agree with The Word Herder, go even further.

I have mine in airplane mode AND in a faraday bag if it's anywhere close to my body, like in a waist pack or shoulder bag. I turn it completely off, while in airplane mode and put it into a faraday bag in another room when I'm sleeping. And funny enough, even though I turned it off, there have been many times I go to get it out the next day and the phone is on!

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Good point about the faraday bag! I used to use tins, like cookie tins, y’know, but then I let the phone die, and I’m going to do a ritualistic killing of it soon… I think Fourth of July.

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In Sweden the medicine used was Oxascand. Same same. Use skyrocketed during this period . Murder. DECENTRALISE. Question everything .

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Question everything?

What's that mean?

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All information you come across . Not sure I get

Your question

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David is joking as usual. You said 'Question everything' so he did, he questioned your statement. This is lateral thinking for you, taken to the logical extreme.

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So he should have replied “why?”

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You just keep hitting that ball out of the park Sam . Much love and appreciation to you and this very “ logical “ Frenchman.

Blessings from Aus.

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The plandemic has brought forth so many super heroes like Sam and Pierre, who have fundamentally changed the perceptions of so many. Thank you guys- we appreciate you!

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I agree. And not only brought them forth, now we know the people we can actually trust to tell us the truth in these fields that, like medicine and science are designed to obscure meaning and not all of us have the skills to decode that.

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I am of the opinion it is not either/or, but perhaps both. A healthy, well fed body is seldom ill, yet we do see waves of particular illnesses sweep through a population. As a child my schoolmates and I lived through measles and chickenpox. During “big C” something swept through. I had a fever for a week and did loose my sense of smell for a couple of weeks. I’m elderly and did fine with it, so I’m inclined to believe the entire affair was greatly exaggerated. My point is we do see illnesses with common symptoms sweeping through populations. The problem I have with the virus model is its complete discounting of the health of the individual and natural immunity. It’s too pat, too convenient. It’s tailor made to produce exactly what we just lived through the last four years and and alone makes me suspicious.

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One issue this highlights is that the real experts are openly revealing the errors made by the powers behind the scam, so that the next time it will not be so easy (relatively) to prove such claims?

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I like to think so.

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I actually meant the ther way round. It won't so easy to find the information to prove them wrong?

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SARS- CoV-2 …

Is Still Only “Poised” For Human Emergence.

Show Me A Single Respiratory Poison

That Is Self-Replicating.

There Is No There - THERE.

Gain Of Function Is

Gain Of Failure.

“Poised”. Only “Poised”. Still Poised To Fail.

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My bio on Twitter: (@paramaniac9)

“UK healthcare for 22 years. The ONLY person on planet earth to diagnose Covid 19 correctly, on DAY ONE, as Mass Hysteria over an imaginary illness.”

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