Nice one Sam. I think the Kellogg's boxes would have more nutrition than what is inside them. Thanks to you I have been off that stuff in those and similar boxes for over 4 years now.

As for the book you quote, I have not read it but it seems to have my values.

I'll just stay listening to you to compare notes in the future.

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Ah, but what about the plastic toys inside one used to get. :)

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That pseudo science clip from Bill Gates made me want to vomit

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Agreed. His assertion that C02 needs to be at zero is a lie. C02 levels are not high enough which is why commercial tomato growers run C02 generators in their glasshouses.

His assertion that C02 levels need to be at zero is more aligned with his own eugenicist ideology and in fact at zero C02 all life on earth ceases to exist.

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Today I purchased a new e-Reader and I had the opportunity to pay an extra 2 Swiss Francs to offset the CO2. I laughed. I never pay this tax, it is an abomination, worse than the plaque .. it is Anti-Human. Not that I'm perfect but I refuse to pay for this tax. Of course one wonders 'where will my money go to?' The device has been created and if it has created CO2 then that is already released into the atmosphere, the pollution has already entered the air, water, etc., etc., and now my 2 Francs will ???? stop that.. how ??

I'd love it if the earth warmed up. It has been terribly cold here in Switzerland and in some areas, the skiers complain, there is less snow but the plants are growing back... wow.. how good is that...

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True that!

Carbon tax is one of the mechanisms to bring us to subjugation.

What is happening in the US is showcasing their objectives. The following link highlights carbon tax and digital ID.


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Thanks. sounds like a total horror...

What I find interesting with all this digital stuff is that it is pushed here in Switzerland.. pushed onto Citizens while the government itself is not changed to digital and I know that how? My application for residency is all on paper!!!! So it is a control of citizens and not of businesses...

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I hope you did vomit and yet all that yucky goo out of your body... just hearing him is enough...

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Agreed. Why a bank balance gives credibility to influence and direct world affairs beggars belief.

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CO2 on the left needs to be zero, so one of the factors muct be zero. The first one is the people...

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zero people is anti human of course... the Soviet Union killed millions to make their system look good... its called Murder for starters...

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Excellent and thank you Dr. Bailey.

One of the greatest lessons I LEARNED about the so called perfect diet, came from Dr. Derrick Lonsdale.

Lonsdale is famous in several ways such as, doing all the pioneering work and science studies on the huge importance of vitamin B1 Thiamine.

His book HIGH CALORIE malnutrition is a super eye opening read.

Dr. Lonsdale a few years ago was inducted into theOrthomolecularr Hall of Fame, along side giants like Dr. Linus Pauling.

But asked about fad or superior diets he had a most remarkable observation.

He stated IF you want to know what to eat , - simply look at your teeth, which works for humans and pretty much all living species.

Lonsdale stated if you look at a cow, they have only molars, to chew grass. Wolves have canines and thus are meat and carnivorous based.

But humans have the most diversified teeth of all living creatures, such as molars, cuspids, incisors, canine etc.

Lonsdale pointed out that just like our ancestors, WE NEED TO EAT EVERYTHING and fad or elimination diets simply can put your health at grave risk.

In essence, Lonsdale called this - the best diet is called ancestral, as you need to eat all the food groups your ancestors did.

I found this a SIMPLE but truly brilliant and strong argument.

Best in health.

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Gorillas don't have huge canines so they can eat meat. Elephants don't have enlarged tusks so they can eat meat.

Do you see how easy it is to mess with these 'theories.'

Nonsense breeds more nonsense.

Our digestive system is also not well adapted to eating raw meat but we were able to overcome that obstacle by cooking it. These are workarounds to cope with famine not optimal dietary intake.

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An excellent video. I would note that God rejected Cain’s offering because of the spirit in which it was made rather than because he was displeased with the material offering itself.

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So true. Iniquity is the root cause of Satan’s downfall. Cains iniquity was offering what pleased him and not what pleased God. Deciding for ourselves what’s right or what’s wrong rather than following God’s implicit instructions is clearly highlighted in Cains ignominious record in scripture. Abel’s testimonial in contrast ‘bears fruit’ to a life of obedience to God’s instruction.

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oh. good point

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I write as a non-Christian vegan who supports the messages in this video.

I believe there is no such thing as one perfect diet for all, whether that is vegetarian/carnivore/fruitarian, etc.

There may well be a perfect diet for YOU personally. But that is entirely up to you to find out. Each of us already has the means to establish what is best for us. Listen to your body and you won't go wrong.

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I’ll note that if one looks at a factually sourced (leaked and published in a book called ‘America’s Secret Establisment’ by historian Antony Sutton) list of membership over many decades of the Skull and Bones secret society, the name Kellogg appears multiple times.

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Sutton has some interesting things to say and one can search on YouTube.

Prof. Antony C. Sutton

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His books are stunning. Especially 'America's Secret Establishment' and 'The Wall Street Trilogy'. Immensely well documented, immensely eye-opening.

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Ok. thanks for the lead. I watched:

Antony C. Sutton Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution;

Antony C. Sutton Best Enemies Money Can Buy: An Interview with Prof. Antony C. Sutton (1980);

It's good to hear another side, as horror as it is and yet makes sense.. especially when it is to do with the Bolshevik Revolution...

Interestingly, I think Lenin was here in Switzerland, Zürich.. for a while !! how can that be so? and then leaves to conduct a Revolution!!!??.. "oh darling, I'm going to the opera tonight, I will be back when we have destroyed million people and changed a country..."

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The rabbit hole is pretty deep - documentary evidence that Wall St was funding the Bolsheviks, and that (presumably prior to passing through Switzerland) Lenin was living very well in New York, and President Woodrow Wilson personally arranged his passport and safe passage through Europe to Russia just before the start of the revolution.

If you want to let me have an email address, I can send you some more information. You may also want to take a look at my own Substack, called 'World in Transition': michaelwarden.substack.com

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Thank you Michael for your reply. I wasn't really wanting to go down that rabbit hole but more to give some quasi information and a link just in case people didn't know.

In German there is a word: schlitzohr which can mean: rascal, crook, chiseler, wheeler-dealer and that was Woodrow Wilson...

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Viruses are as real as corn flakes are actually nutritious. Two massive crimes perpetrated upon mankind. Virology and concentrated processed poisonous carbs. Thank God for heroes like Sam and Mark.

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Huge thanks to Sam for shining a light on the machinations of the global occult. We reject their models of scarcity. We reject their rituals of fear and control. Instead of honoring life, they peddle sickness and death, instead of truth, they sell deception. Their faith is tyranny, their sacraments are toxic jabs, and their promised land a digital prison. But we see through their lies.

We reject their twisted version of the Lord’s Prayer - the one they whisper in their temples of technocracy, the one they dream of imposing on the world.

The Globalist’s Prayer

Our father, who art in Davos,

Hallowed be thy eugenics.

Thy 15 minute cities come,

Thy limits to growth shall be done,

On Earth as they are in net zero models.

Give us this day our daily GMO cornflakes,

Laced with seed oils and discontent.

Cull the herd as it is written,

For too many tresspass against the carrying capacity.

And lead us not into critical thinking,

But deliver us from health.

Foe thine is the data, the patents, and the toxic jabs,

Forever and ever - Ahh maim!!

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always interesting and informative Sam...Im not a vego but still feel not killing animals is probably a more compassionate way of living...I can see breatharianism becoming a new way of living...but I have no judgement either way...everyone is at a different point in their consciousness...more important how our food is grown and treated...

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Not sure how breatharianism would work but I'm with you on the sentiment towards animals in general. I would suggest that we all take a trip to factory farms and abattoirs to see if we really are okay with the treatment of animals and the production of meat products. Either that or people grow their own and slaughter their own. See how many takers. Not many I suspect.

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Plants have feelings too and they are able to communicate with each other..



We humans had better lie down and starve to death...

NO, we have a right to be on this planet and eat what keeps us healthy and well, just like any other of G_d's creatures.


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Except that half the things that Kellogg was saying are factually true. The resources required to grow cows for beef and dairy and pigs for pork products are outpacing our ability to provide these as part of a staple diet for billions of people. That's why cultures in the past would opt for seafood, dried fruits and some dairy as a more accessible and equally healthy option.

The comparison with walnuts is fair because we're talking about the essential fatty acids and protein requirements.

Not everyone looks at a raw piece of meat and thinks Yum! that looks delicious. Obviously, when it's cooked that's a different matter. And if someone is starving they'll eat absolutely anything to keep going.

People need to listen to their own body and their own needs while making sure that nutritional levels are adequately met. But no, meat is not an absolute must in our diet and millions of very healthy vegetarians have proven that all throughout history.

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The sad thing about meat like beef and chicken nowadays is that they are getting injected with mrna vaccines. What if the nanotechnology from these vaccines get into us because we eat the meat?

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They have long been injected with all manner of drugs and hormone treatments. Antibiotics, growth hormone, and now mRNA.

It's easy to recommend that meat eaters switch to organically grown animals but not everyone has that luxury. Another reason to consume less factory farm meat and more vegetable alternatives.

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Need to look into how plant based foods are typically produced, plenty of nasty stuff gets in there even organic

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Like the graphene oxide found in covid shots making the meat and people psuedo magnetic

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Great thanks very well put and worth sharing :-)

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Whilst I do not trust the current food agenda promoted by tptb, many people choose not to eat animal products for purely ethical reasons, myself included. A personal side effect of this diet has been improved G.I. health. I do not follow any man made religion, so the words of the bible have no influence over how I choose to eat. However, it does seem that specieism is promoted within it...... certain breeds of animal are deemed superior/inferior to others. Is this not similar to racism in humans? I live with animals (cats) & it's unthinkable to me to treat a cow, sheep, pig etc any differently. These animals are sentient creatures just as our pets. As an aside, I noticed John Kellogg & Ellen White both lived to ripe old ages. Their vegan/vegetarian diets didn't seem to do them any harm. Maybe they weren't vaccinated either 😉

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Why do you believe John Kellogg and Ellen White were vegan/vegetarian ? The illuminati, almost without exception, lie constantly. A belief in Eugenics is common amongst them.

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While I certainly agree that "Germ Theory" is complete nonsense and I do not subscribe to any religious belief systems, which are nothing less than a form of trauma based mind control for the masses, I also think it is important to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak.

If we understand the nature of our "reality" from a higher perspective, humanity is, and has actually been living in a collective nightmare, whereby predators are imprisoning, torturing and dispatching human beings from this plane of conscious existence. When we fail to realize, on a collective level, is that what we do to other sentient life forms (engaging as their predators and captors), we do to each other. There is only ONE Consciousness, in many forms. If we want to change our existence, we need to learn what "food" really is, in terms of vital energy, and what is really necessary to be truly healthy in Spirit, Mind and Body. Supporting the stealing of energy from other sentient life forms who have an obvious modicum of conscious awareness and emotional feeling, is not one of them, in my opinion. Much to say, however, I gave up supporting the industry involved in the imprisonment, exploitation and torture of other sentient life forms over twenty years ago, for this very reason. While I do not consume any government sanctioned "vegetarian diet", I have been a natural, organic raw food Vegan for over 20 years, watching myself turn from being unhealthy, overweight, etc., to having abundant energy and feeling great.

To each their own. I have no judgement. My "Heaven on Earth" includes all sentient, conscious life forms, coexistence and peace among them all.

Cheers and much love to everyone!

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Sam you are on fire...................

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I once visited Battle Creek, Michigan. There was a big billboard with Tony the Tiger of health-destroying Frosted Flakes fame, saying, "Welcome to Cereal City USA." The entire city smelled like Fruit Loops. I drove past the headquarters of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which I hadn't known ahead of time was there. I had no idea the church and junk food company were linked until now.

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