We don't have an immune system that works like war.

We have a garbage collection system that works like a city.

If your garbage collection and disposal gets delayed, you get a city that is deteriorating, which is called "infection".

The truth is that there was no intruder, but normal cellular processes that left waste that wasn't able to be picked up.

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Wonderful analogy. It is amazing that when we drink smoothies with cleansing foods such as raw cabbage, parsley, dandelion, and celery that our so called immune system suddenly comes alive. As Dr Joel Wallach points out, we do not have a deficiency in big pharma's toxic chemicals, but rather nature's minerals. And in my humble opinion, it is part of the Rockefeller corporate model. The same fluoride chemicals bind up the minerals in the soil that bind up the minerals in the human body. A false narrative controls widespread discovery of the truth, and they maintain a system of illness for profit and population control.

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one ring to bind them

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And bacteria are the janitors

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If you took the bio-weapon you have a collection system like San Francisco.

<link to shit map that everyone has already seen goes here/>

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Exactly. I have been saying myself that what is called a virus is 'via us', arising out of us, waste to be disposed of. It applies on various levels as houses and factories can get clogged up by rubbish which causes disfunction of the use of the building.

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I remember my teacher , Bernardini telling me that Wall in medical school the class that dealt with immunity was referred to as “Black magic” as they had no evidence to support their claims. Pure logic dictates if there’s nothing to be immune from there would not be an immune system . One cannot become immune from poison, think not just try drinking small amounts of liquid Drano to build up a tolerance to it ! No contagions therefore no immune system quite simple really

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Well said.

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Santropolis. [healthy city--Thor translation]

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Right on

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I was diagnosed with Arthritis after a bout with PMR arthritis. Was put on prednisone for a time . Then figured out that Vit D was a steroid more than a Vitamin. So I sat outside more and went to an all animal food diet. Hand strength is coming back

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Keto healed me, too.Carnivore is helping me to lose a few stubborn kgs. xx

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Keto works to help me lose weight. Of course carnivore would too.

Bad carbs, BAD! (but tasty)

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Yes I lost 80 lbs at first , everyone thought I had cancer lol. I was eating mostly chicken at first without much fat . Now I eat cheap hamburger seasoned with smoked Seasalt and half a stick of butter distilled water. I ordered some Avocado Mayo. That I use for tuna fish.

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Eat lots of clean saturated fat and layoff the salt. The value of salt is highly debatable. remember what the Romans did to all their enemies Fields?! Nothing grows or has life with salt.

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Salt is good for you. Too little salt is magnitudes worse than too much.

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Salt will interfere with normal digestion because when it is present in the stomach only half as much pepsin is produced this resolved an incomplete in slow protein digestion . Also salt is harmful because the changes Osmotic potential in and around cells.

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Sorry, no it is not if you want osteoporosis, high blood pressure and lack of weight loss continue to eat salt. Animals to need sodium and chloride but not in concentrated forms as they are salt. This is a fallacy Hold a teaspoon of salt into your mouth and see how it feels salt is irritating not only your mouth but your to your intestinal tract and nerves

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80 lbs, wow. I guess I lost 70 once. I spent a winter in Cape Breton with nothing to do but bake bread, got up to 290.

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Louise Hay says pain, arthritis comes from guilt or shame ....it seeks punishment. Go back to your childhood and recall when you were made to feel badly.

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Read Dr. Sarno regarding back pain which really applies to a lot of pain situationS

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Dr. Sarno is one of a few that have contributed valuable information. Unrecognized by the ms med system.

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I got a long-ish Sarno comment up there somewhere.

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or down there

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Yeah I pulled a full-on Sarno back in I think the eighties. The eighties of the century, not my eighties. Consult my circle portrait for details of how old I'm not.

Back in the day, back in the day. Where was I?

Anyway, yeah, I pulled a Sarno. Which for people who don't care about typos looks like Samo with an 'm'. In the edition I had the cover was like: you can read this book and stop having back pain cuz it's in your head. Or you can just read the cover and believe.

And I believed. I judged the heck out of that cover. And yeah, I got rid of debilitating sciatica. The pain in my ass was in my head. I was doing a lot of yoga so maybe I stuck my head in the wrong place. To say it more in the incarnational spiritual mode: I was a pain in the ass. I later read the book for corroboration of what I already knew. Fun thing I remember from Sarno that I've been quoting for years is basically you go to the doctor with pain and they take a picture of your discs and tell you a pain-causation tale but, BUT, they don't tell you that MOST people over thirty have twisted sisters for discs and most people DON'T have back pain. Riddle me that, M.D. man. [sorry about CAPS but we can't do italics here in this century like we could in the last, cuz technology]

A more believable causal narrative would be an actual blunt trauma and there's a 2 X 4 stickin out of your back. If someone with a two-by stickin out of their back says they have back pain, I'm always sympathetic. Heck, they don't even need to get it looked at--cuz I'm lookin at it right now. [like that] For more comical versions of this, Jesus, that joker, was like: why are you worried about that speck in someone else's eye when you've got a 2 X 4 in your own eyeball? [Thor translation]

Some grumpy scribe in like the year 900 deleted the "Jesus joked" verse in the Bible and quilled in "Jesus wept." But a storyteller dude, son of a carpenter, talking about a big ole piece of cedar in someone's eyeball is a good one.

So yeah, 2 X 4's are causal and such. But otherwise, doctors talking backs are talking through their hats cuz they refuse to contextualize your pain narrative by giving you a flip-book with a thousand randomized x-rays of random adult spines and in bold on each one the simple saying of whether the person is in pain. Let's say half of back surgeries "work" it's cuz that's the half of patients who believe in the God-like powers of Dr. Grey the surgeon on Grey's Anatomy. Only believe, as the hymn says, all things are possible, only believe.

Somewhere in here we might want to mention Tom Cowan, post-M.D. extraordinaire, saying he no longer treats people, he treats stories.

Somewhere in here [2] would be to have the word Sarno on the spine of the book by Sarno.

Somewhere in here [3]: asymptomatic spines remind me of my joke last week in Sam's basement when the Fauci gang were talking about asymptomatic disease: "asymptomatic disease" [or as I call it, healthy]

You'd think that if I could head-zap my haunch pain like that, that I could go around zapping all the suffering of the world. Why I have any health problems at all when I have such latent powers is a bit of a mystery. Even when we master belief, it has a way of slipping off again. I mean, I used to be able to do italics, but look at me now. Gratitude for the situation is always a good start on any road to recovery.

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Yes he is ! I remember 10 years ago when I went to a lawsuit with a former partner I was sitting in my car minding my own beeswax and suddenly my neck cervical spine went into complete spasm I hadn’t done any physical causes complete technological stress brought on by dirtbag attorneys trying to put me on the street begging for food🤪

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Unfounded fear is a huge part of human suffering that is completely unnecessary and the world economic forum is very aware of this

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Psychological stress

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Sarno strikes again!

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this is nonsense. simple dehydration effects joints. book, Your Not Sick, Your Thirsty, the bodies many cries for water. Lets stop blaming childhood and normal human experience and existence. People dont need psych fixing. easy no nonsense site about viruses, www.VirusTruth.NET

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While it's true that factors such as dehydration, lack of sleep, poor eating can contribute to anxiety and symptoms, when these are addressed and the pain is chronic, then there is something else that needs to be uncovered. True that not everyone has childhood experiences that are filled with trauma. But as children, we had our own interpretations of a situation that later becomes an almost automatic response. Two people can interpret a similar situation in entirely different ways. This is from past experiences. A person may feel devalued and have no clue why or, may not want to uncover why. So they experience pain. There's more to it, but this is a small piece of information.

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My wife is reading Louise Hay and suffers from arthritis as indeed do her sister and brother. She is undergoing talking therapy.

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Have her check out and try EFT. It's incredibly more comprehensive and much quicker and more effective than talk therapy ever could be. Lots of science behind it, too, if that's important to you. Vets with PTSD years ago did a test with EFT and the results were totally miraculous.

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Many thanks. EFT is I assume Emotionally focused therapy ? To be honest my wife's issues go back to early childhood but it is very complicated. She is now in her early 70's and really started sorting through things when she was 68. It took the COVID nonsense to trigger the process.

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no one needs talk therapy for dehydration or poisoning...another big pharma pysch war...great documentaries... Medicating Normal and Selling Sickness

plus www.VirusTruth.net to help get out of fear of viruses and contagion

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One thing that may help in that is many drink alcohol to ease the pain , but that aggravates Arthritis so if your in some kind of therapy and it lessens the drinking , less pain

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Thanks Keith. We drink little alcohol in any event. The arthritis is not severe like some suffer.

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she doesnt need fixing. or talk therapy . lets stop telling people they need a mental fix. Your not Sick, Your Thirsty, the bodies many cries for water and also documentary, Medicating Normal

and www.VirusTruth.Net

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Thanks toni, I am aware of the body's need for water. I did a post regarding paracetamol and the fact that people take it with water and don't ever think ti question if it is the water they need not the pill.

As regards my wife, she is not having talking therapy for the arthritis but for her childhood traumas. She has held bitterness inside herself since she was very young and only started delving deep once she retired and reached 68 in 2020 during the COVID nonsense. In fact if COVID hadn't occurred she might not have started the healing process.

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Oh that LA woman . No impressed with her , but thanks for making me follow that rabbit to this Doors song .


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Giving up all forms of soap and shampoo a la Sam Bailey has an additional benefit, I guess, cuz we can sit out in the sun a little longer without washing off all the good sun-receptor stuff so we can get more of the actual Vitamin D instead of the poison D in bottles.

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I think the Vit D we make in our skin is a natural sun block . Cats and dogs licking their fur is them ingesting it

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Oh. Well I guess I better start licking the cat. She shouldn’t hog all the sunlight.

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Apple cider vinegar. Cod liver oil, heavy raw Cream as “ lubricant “ to those joints. Not too much water remember water is the solvent not a lubricant ! High intensity strength training particularly grip exercises but whole body workout twice a week to muscle failure. Your situation Will get better!😁

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drinking more water , cured my stiff joints. water is both lubricant and solvent. essential. Your Not Sick, You Are Thirsty, the bodies many cries for water Dr Batmangelish on Youtube

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And stay away from all nightshades

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That was the first thing I tried

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Human immune system as "they" are selling it to us is a joke! It is the -human body electric charge- which is the barrier for "diseases" and illness! If there is enough voltage in our bodies, our aura is acting as a "shield".

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How do we get 'enough voltage'?

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I'm guessing home-made sauerkraut would be a good start if you can figure out how to spell it.

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You spelled it right. I make sauerkraut, easy peasy.

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Would Kimchi work too? Easier to get around here.

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Yup. Got some of that store-bought red stuff in the fridge right now. Although I gotta say: what’s stopping me from making my own sauerkraut? I did it a few years back and it was easy. Just chuck some cabbage and water in a jar and let it rot a bit. Delicious.

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With some salt. ;)

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Where’s “here”? San Francisco? Hmm, no, San Francisco’s got everything. South Asia maybe?

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'Here' is Cambodia.

But I think there are many Koreans that own textile companies here, because there are plenty of Korean products.

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Cambodia begins and ends like Canada.

My YouTube thing sometimes has pictures telling me to move to Cambodia, but I bet the language is really hard. Instead, I’m slowly cracking away at Indonesian, which is said to be the easiest south Asian language.

I bet Cambodia’s beautiful, however. Especially now that the Americans don’t seem to want to drop anything on it, heh heh.

I don’t listen to the news but somehow I found out that North Koreans are supposedly disposing of their trash by putting it in balloons and sending it over South Korea. I suppose there could be a typhoon and North Korean trash balloons could end up in Cambodia. —dave

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That is a million dollar question eh? :)

Read my stack on “Fermented food-Microbiome-Aura” and you will get the idea.

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Sunshine, grounding, fresh live foods, pure structured water, (much of which should come from fresh fruits and veggies), movement.

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Yes, I do and try and get all my water needs fulfilled by eating fruit, namely watermelon.

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sea salt. its why you can light a bulb with it in chemistry class

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Plus we're basically a big tub of sea salt, which is why we light up when we stick our fingers in a socket.

Um, lol.

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Since he was mentioned in this fine report, here's more from Fauci who has finally admitted that 6 ft apart and masking up were not supported by science - COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo - https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-select-subcommittee-releases-dr-faucis-transcript-highlights-key-takeaways-in-new-memo/ -

In a just world he would be arrested for crimes against humanity.

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Dr FAUSTi and his sold soul are lynch pins in all these frauds. One of the greatest murderers in the world with an apparently unblemished un-bloodstained white coat! SHOULD BE HUNG BY DAWN! Oh, if your are gonna firing squad him, then you'll need to use a small matchstick cannon to fit him in and maybe he can find the moon and feck off there for good! Treasonous Genocidal LITTLE bastard that he sadly "remains" for now!

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Jun 4Edited

After all that he has done I'm amazed that he's been allowed to continue experimenting on people and this appears to be a reoccurring scenario where anyone in high office is never held accountable for their wrongs instead they are rewarded and promoted. - Edit speak of the devil since I wrote that Dan Andrews was awarded the order of Australia award !

On that note I do not believe that Mr Kari Mullis died a natural death - it was far too convenient for the likes of Fauci and what he represents.

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He might not even be dead, many reported to be aren't.

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His wife is head of HUMAN ETHICAL EXPERIMENTS Dept. or some such! Yeah no joke, you can't make this shite up!

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the only justice is to help take down germ theory. easy mini flyers at www.VirusTruth.net get busy putting on cars, hand to people, leave on trains buses, tape to gas pump screens. post the site

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He married 4 times so which one? Probably the last one - without a name it's tricky to verify - I'll have to put it on a backburner for now - but it would be the first time - Scott Ritters wife played a double game by informing on her husband to a alphabet soup agency.

Likes not working.

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You had me at "Dr. Faust."

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Wait till you hear a few years back XMAS CLASSIC theme of "FAUSTi the CON MAN", MediaBear never ceased to amuse during all this most obvious utter BS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW_8CBQY12Q&ab_channel=Mediabear

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help take down germ theory. print easy mini flyers from www.VirusTruth.NET i use the one LuckyDay . i ca!l them my FU fauci tickets. i put hundreds on cars per week, tape to gas pump screens, stuff diaper boxes, slip into mask and convid test kits, hand to moms with babies. fight back !!

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When people are more than 6 feet apart, apparently, we can no longer feel each other's auras and there fore establish connection. They know all about human behavior. That is how they were able to pull off this scam in '20.

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For the vast majority It is also impossible to shake hands with someone else. If one is vast then ones arms may be in proportion and therefore shaking hands may be feasible. :)

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Since none of what happened can be validated with proper science I'm interested to find out and uncover the power structure behind it all - who gives orders to whom and why did they go along with the obvious fraud.

The stage was set with the last trade agreements which included certain provisions which enabled corporations to challenge existing health and safety regulations whenever a corporation imagined that these would stand in the way of their own and imagined financial agenda, or a government can avoid all this and simply go along.

It's a long story perhaps I should write a post about it all.

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Try Denis Rancourt’s substack - cooling the mark out.

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forget the fraudci, next one on stage is the same. spend time help

expose lie of germs causing disease. easy mini flyers to put on cars, tape to gas pump screens, hand to moms with babies. we need activists !! under flyers at www.VirusTruth.NET

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SCIENCE of SAFETY MASKS!! Yeah no joke! This is SIRIUS business! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONfvD8hbofo&ab_channel=Mediabear "Safety Mask" - MediaBear :)

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No one demands immunity from lawsuits unless it's already clear to them that they are going to need it.

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Like a kid, hiding. Never grows up.

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I outlined the fraudulent non-specificity of polio "antibodies" in my latest article: https://aldhissla.substack.com/p/the-flawed-non-specificity-of-polio

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With each passing week I grow more incredulous that I ever believed the germ theory gibberish that I took for granted for the first 50 years of my life. It really fits the paradigm of being born into a multi-generational cult that includes virtually everyone you know.

I recently watched a lecture by an MD who is well respected in the traditional Lyme disease community (where I once aligned). Virtually everything he discussed was patently ridiculous without the delusional veil of germ theory. The only useful info he shared was basic advice on good nutrition, daily detox strategies and exercise.

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It's sort of like being hypnotized and then suddenly the guy snaps his fingers and you wake up. Too many people didn't hear the fingers snap.

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As ever Sam , your work is truly amazing and inspirational to all who value health and life .

Blessings to you and yours from you know where .

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I like all your videos but some of them are bombs to the medical establishment, like this one. What an explosive video. Bravo Drs. Bailey. I am going to re-watch this, like, a lot. :)

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They have been getting better IMO. The information is condensed in a manner rarely seen in other places. It constantly refers back to earlier arguments and demostrations and thus it cannot be attacked with integrity only strawmanned. But there have been 'crickets' in this area. Ususally when you are over the target it lights up. Here it goes uncharactistically 'dark'.

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Wonderfully put as ever Dr Baileys. We are asymptomatic apparent carriers of all sorts of potentially fraudulently sold pharma garbage cures, for naturally present, symbiotic relationships, perhaps with external, yet for sure internal, relationships with nature. No way we could survive otherwise. As is posited, we are, each cell so called of us, perhaps pluripotent, like a stem cell is claimed to be and pleomorphic. Nothing is external per say and all is within, yet responds to the external cycles of things and what we foolishly ingest by choices. My only question of any so religiously minded however, is like Steve Falconers NONE OF MY BUSINESS, would be to turn your own razor minds, to Occams, of why all religions appear to have a comparative basis in an As Above, So Below basis, which is partially explained ABOVE as Astrotheology and in Cell Salts, would at least make basic so called biochemical sense below, in fixing most issues in people, which may manifest in various ways per person time, excess or deficiency and in star sign perhaps. However, that now leaves Jesus kicking up some dust on Pharmas doorstep too, as he cant sell any snake oil anymore from Ophiuchus they excluded for convenient maths of the ancients as Randolph Carlson put such, which proves a simultaneous culture of flat earthers, that had precise maths (such as 153 fish on the shores of Tiberius as a Vesica Pisces) that the Earth was not only a globe, but also that pyramids were a perfect math model to prove that "fact" and the precise distance "unchanging apparently in an expanding ever universe" of all known Celestial Bodies. None of my business of course. Seems like two crossed industries, looking more confused than the Indian Prime Minister last year, watching 1980s retro video game GFX of a Moon Landing, as his Countries apparent only success since Ghandi salt marched, and taking it, with a pinch of stolen salt by The Serum Institute, since Gates got back in, after crippling 496k kids with fake Polio (DDT shots....which DO SHED....as it's clearly not "Polio", as that is DDT..so what's in the shots?), grinning away thinking "WTAF is this crap I am supposed to pass off as a moon landing?!?" If you have never seen it live, please look at minute 29 of the famous Chandrahasa landing!

Anyway, such Razor minds, should also perhaps look as Falconer has done, as Comparative Religion. Sadly it seems that Alvin Boyd Khun, Thomas Harper and myriad others were or maybe correct. We are looking at a midrash here. It is a syncretic euphemerised/evemerised composite of multi faith thinking, over millenia, within the allegory of powerful myth as its conveyance tool. This does not diminish its power one iota, it strengthens it, as Harpur and Prof Robert Beckford was getting to, in his own journey Harpur had arrived at. Alvin Boyd Khun got there earlier per say and stated "Ancient Man was wise enough to veil in Allegory, that which modern man is dumb enough to take literally!". Thomas Paine stated "Christ is an allegory of the SUN, in which the central figure of the Sun is replaced by a man, upon whom the adorations to the sun, are now bestowed". Beckford made "The Hidden Story of Christ" on YT and remains a staunch Christian. Harpur was a prolific Christian author until death, after his "The Pagan Christ" book. Boyd Kuhn far earlier. Massey, Campbell, Champolian, many many others. Comparative Religion does not EXCLUDE the idea of a GOD, it instead tries to figure it out. Acharya S/DM Murdoch did her best when she could too, dead of breast cancer sadly. Lovely lady back in the day. No one is trying to lock anything but it would be nice, if religious people would drop the dogma sometimes and allow discussion outside "their text". Like virology if you step outside the "accepted norm" of such thinking, you will and have found, that it is not what you think. Religion is the same. Myth has become a vile word as though it means DUST CART of old ideas. NO NO NO it is a powerful vehicle to propel ideas in near childlike form to ever EARS TO HEAR, EYES TO SEE peoples. As it seems perhaps it always was. Now which came first the chicken or the 153 fish headed godhead Christ of Akkadia? Well that's none of my business. I can sure you though that clearly Pythagorus was being alluded to on the shores of Tiberius in whomever wrote that reworking of Pagan Astrotheology for the age of Pisces to perhaps shush a few messianic ones rebel rousing and in need of a pacifist figurehead.

Anyway, none of my business.

Oh, its apparently full moon with Sumer Solstice on 21st. So have a happy Cross Over and Steve knows the salts, whilst also knew the ancient Irish influence on the Vatican and Jesuits and so forth. Or so seemed to....but...thats none of my FAREWELL and ADIEU to you fare Spanish Caravan Carry me Away ladies and all the CIA for my fathers you do lately aways! For we've received MK ULTRAS orders to return back to anti-SHEMitism today! Or Ne'er More will Steve every claim to put my suggestions his films to some other up coming day!

See...like Virology, there is a MASSIVE stinker in the Abrahamic Faith well. It's real simple. Prove Abraham? Well he was son of Shem! Yeah and who is Shem? Well Son of Noah! Okay so who is Noah? Well this dude with a boat from a deluge! Okay which deluge? Well ...... OH SHIT the only Ice Core Data is from 7000 years PRIOR to the AKKADIAN version of a deluge Myth of a dude with boat called Atra-Hasis and its the same freaking story to the T. Okay well brush over that one then...well..their is Unapishtim of Summeria....he was a little while after such and his story is the same....except a demi god called Gilgamesh had to visit him as an immortal human to beg for a snake in a lake to give him a flower for eternal life too, yeah a lotus flower of a lily and not a SNAKE on a tree with an Apple! Oh shit...that still too sounds a little too close to the Noah story.....anything else to reference? Yeah but I will leave you with the Tale of Deucalion Husband of Pandoras Daughter Phrrya, whom both sailed to avoid Zeus Deluge flood, both in retribution of Prometheus warning his Brother to not marry Pandora as Zeus' trick. She was the adorned first born woman as gift TO mankind, bestowed of 12 gifts of perfection. Zeus was pissed off with Prometheus though, so he gave Pandora a box of tricks and let curiosity kill the cat. Prometheus had gifted foresight and saw the uncoming of man. He stole fire from Titans and was chained to rock for Boris Johnsons mRNA nanobots smaller than a re corpsucle to swim his veins and repair him like a silent butler, opening the fridge to yet more pate foi gras of vacum sucked babies for a stanic orgy in downing street. No, I am joking, except he pretty much did go there in his famous Robot Chicken Speech of UN 2019 where he railed upon Anti-Vaxxers as the very spore of ruination of plans of "SCIENCE" like pretend vaccine science of Smallpox, Polio and Measles being cured and straight onto nano bots and smart cities in one pig headed grin of not selling us all down the swanney to a future Alexa, that reads your mind like a neural implant of smart dust even in your sewer!

Anyway, Pandora (EVE and LILLITH in one), as both 1st woman and ultimate gift to man and curiosity blamed by such for fall of man and Eden, evokes Zeus wrath (atop his adventures of testing mankind like at Lots house in the bible, by pretending to be soldiers not wanting LGBTQ bum fun from some strangers and rather giving over the kids and THE WIFE for such, before she perishes in a pillar of salt. Are all from ZEUS stories), which leads to Zeus flooding the world.

Pandora is aware of this coming thanks to Prometheus now chained to a rock and her daughter Phyrra is warned of the coming FLOOD/DELUGE and she and husband sail away on a pre made cubit size ark and with lots of animals (a zodiac hint like a manger), land and repopulate the Earth by casting STONES or CLAY over their shoulders, which respectively become MAN and WOMAN. This is later used in the bible as BORN OF THE EARTH and ADAM (ATUM of Egyptian Mythos) and (Lilith but she was not subservient) EVE (a patriarchal take over of feminine godheads appeared here) to make the Judaic version of a Greco-Roman and Indo-persian and Egyptian Mythos make sense of simpler astrotheology, along with perhaps earlier Irish and far later Norse. Yet, that's none of my business. Even Occam surely needs no Razor to escape this Cave of Shadows of Platos though? All religion is based clearly it seems, on something other than their literal meanings of their texts. Instead they are a combined force of good, especially potentially for inner health, when you grasp the missing link of such to outer "world" balance of such.

Anyway namaste & inlak'ech as some would say and apply those glorious minds towards religions, as you two are onto something on virology and its WAY deeper than that!

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I'm giving this one a like for best all round stream of consciousness. Pretty sure there are lots of gems in that stream.

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You may find some gems but then even a turd like virology can apparently be polished enough to try to pass off as one. Apologies for the long meander on such things but, well, I was bored.

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Jesus is invented name, I think 1132?, after KJV came out. Hebrew is Yehoshua which explains all of it. Lilith is invented, fantasy.

We certainly live on a flat, stationary earth. Look at those STARS 🌟. In a flat earth, you have up, and down, and stable. Beautiful examples with lasers,

and with crystal clear waters with mountains and trees perfectly mirrored

on the flat earth.

Wonderfully, God or Elohim, put enmity between her, all she represented,

and satan, the serpent, the symbol of China, seeking to be man-god.

But each to their understanding.

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I think you missed something but I'm not sure what. Um, lol.

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Well I missed that Lilith is referred to as the Night Owl or Screech owl only, in the biblical Book of Isaiah in 34:14. I left out the parts about ATUM, as ADAM, as then I have to explain to Christians what Adams spare rib was, and its not his spare rib. It stems from Atums story of creation of two goddesses via an act that most would think "unpleasant" shall we say. Or not to most folks taste as it were. It is however the story of Tefnut and Shu as Air and Moisture, in a Creation story, which explains two female counterparts to the "thought into existence" original God, or so we are led to believe. By unweaving both stories, we can see the parallels more clearly. Some do not like such unwrapping of Santas Presents down the chimney from Gologtha, to the Sun Plexus and back from a rest atop Jacobs sacrum stone, back up the ladder of 33, of the river, to the land of Milk and Honey, in the brains Eye of Horus/RA as the 4th Ventricle and the Pituitary and Pineal gland secretions as Godhead of Christos reunited, via the Crucifixion of the optic chiasma, above the cribiform plate. Not that such matters.

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I do plan to get back to this. Ding me if I don’t. Cuz I read Lilith by, hmm, George MacDonald, when I was very young.

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There's a decent 2 part delve into Lillith here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1EKccz4fS0&ab_channel=ESOTERICA a very well established figure that far predates Abrahamic faiths, yet whom did indeed become Adams 1st wife. Far from a fiction as suggested above. Shes a complex midrash weaving of various figures, before she occurs as her appearance with Adam. One of the earliest claimed God / Demi Gods and in dualistic fashion, is both good and bad at different times. Akin to Isis and Osiris descent to become Anubis, mirrored with Hades and Persephone. Isis being a forerunner for Mary Christs mother. making Mary also interchangeable with Persephone as Queen of Underworld, or Isis wife of Sun God, yet underworld ruler Anubis once Horus took the Sun God role etc. Had not heard of George MacDonalds fiction work but very interesting that C.S Lewis was inspired to create the White Witch as a descendant of Lillith after her fall from wife of Adam. Thanks for that, shall search his book out.

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watching it right now. I’m one minute in where the rabbi says Lilith is a well-developed figure and I’m like: she sure is.

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Incredible Dr. Sam...thank you. It's amazing how knowledge on human health is actually so intuitive and you, and others like you, know this. We needed to take a step back and observe. Eating with intention, exercising, meditating, and having a spiritual connection are key. The body is the largest part of the subconscious mind. Address the emotions, guilt, shame, resentment, anger...have love for yourself and others. If we can do this, we could have very healthy societies. Live to 150? Maybe?

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Another great video (thanks Dr Sam) except for the very last part about god’s laws. If as you always say that only true science will lead to understanding then you need to forget about a deity. There simply are no such things. I think Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion” is of equal importance to Virus Mania. We don’t need a deity to explain the complexities of life nor to live life by altruistic humanist values.

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I disagree, no doubt in my mind that this amazing world and its inhabitants is the work of a Creator / God. All aspects of science have been corrupted for many years including astronomy and cosmology.

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It is the delusion that there is no God, no author of history, no designer of the universe that got us to this sorry state of mutating germs and viruses. 'The Dawkins Delusion' would be a far better title for Richard's book.

The problem is that people have been misrepresenting God for ages, and He is seriously pissed with the human race so sent COVID 19 to test everybody.


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For pity’s sake, how can you follow this channel and still think that viruses exist?

I have faith in real science not fairy stories.

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How can you follow this substack and not realise that Sam Bailey has said things before about God's laws or similar?

As to viruses I used to vaguely think that viruses existed and caused disease because we were told so by doctors etc. As I was generally in good health and avoided pharmaceuticals it didn't trouble me though. I avoided 'flu vaxxes because I heard of people falling ill anyway after they had them, so what was the point.

When the COVID nonsense started in 2020 I thought it all rather OTT and on furlough spent 2 months intense research trying to work out what the hell was going on and why were people being rather silly.

By the 1st June 2020 I found out about exosomes and realised the whole of virology was a fraud as regards disease causing agent. The whole house of cards re viruses and the supposed need for vaccines came crashing down. I have learnt since then just how fraudulent big pharma is.

I set up my Wordpress site in June 2020 to help expose the lies and deceit and came to substack on the 1st April 2023 as well. I have written extensively on COVID 19, big pharma and many other things.

Now, I would have liked to assume you took the trouble to check my substack page before making your reply (I have a pinned article on COVID 19 and vaccines at the top), but it seems you did not do that. So perhaps you may like to review your reply and come back to me with a more considered and reasoned response.

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I'm pretty sure Baldmichael does not believe in viruses but was referring to COVID 19 the scandemic ordeal.

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Yes, thank you for that. Just to be clear I consider viruses to be cellular debris/the exosome, stuff arising from house keeping of the body, and/or disease to be cleared out, but not the cause of disease.

I think the comment of Rob (c137) currently at the top of the comments says it nicely.

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Ah the humanist religion. Dirt just made itself smart . No ether , just grit .

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I follow Yehoshua, Hebrew for the invented 'Jesus' which means nothing.

Following His 'commands' sure has been 'the answer' for me.

Just say 'I DON'T need, not the royal WE', since I see evidence everywhere that

we DO. It's likely not for you.

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I don't say that the values espoused by the biblical Jesus, whether he existed or not, are bad. Indeed they are excellent values to live by and if belief in him works for you then great. I believe they are human values which don't need a deity to enforce or validate them. Peace to you.

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Ode to Immunology

In the halls of immunology, so grand and austere,

Where truth should be noble, objective, and clear.

There sits the “great“ Fauci, “wise and renowned,“

With data to twist, and models to confound.

AIDS absorbed many conditions under its umbrella,

Convenient for Fauci‘s, AZT best seller.

The temptation to earn heaps, too much to resist,

He didn't care, if no virus exist.

The HIV lie, he peddled that WHOPPA,

He knew that Scamdemic, came from sniffing POPPER.

His AZT trials left many forlorn,

On the backs of its dead, a lucrative industry was born.

To have, or not have antibodies, a confusing affair,

Sometimes good, sometimes despair.

HIVs antibodies, the positive hypothesis failed,

Enter the spin doctors, to stop immunology getting nailed.

“Normally antibodies, don't go wrong“

“Just the HIV ones, don't last that long.“

“To combat the “virus,“ they just come too late,

This HIV “bug“ger, too quick to mutate.“

“HIVs antibodies, its “virus“perplex,

Can't work out its surface, far too complex.

HIV cheeky, not afraid to give a peak,

Cos it knows its antibodies, are simply too weak.“

Immunology‘s logic, flipped on its head,

HIVs antibodies, we must now dread.

With this “virus,“ they offer no protection from it,

I detect the whiff, of more Viroliegy HORSE SHIT!!

Immunologists claim, antibodies are terrific!!

To diseases, their response be specific.

Until the HIV ones come along,

Now your world, has all gone wrong.

Such inconsistencies don't, cause immunologists to wobble,

They just twist data, to fit their model.

For the evisceration of their scam,

Our profound thanks, must now go to Sam.

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I've noticed that some scientists and public speakers try to make a complicated argument: without ever acknowledging that the Immune system is a wrong concept, they pretend that bacteria (as in gut microbiome) is the real immune system, which takes care of all the pathogenic germs that attack us all the time, as well as the millimeter waves of 5g and all the other spooks that conspire to exterminate us all the time.

In other words, the try to move from a falsified scientific model to a (hopefully) less wrong scientific model, and not removing the wrong concepts, hoping that no one notices the problem.

I guess there is a huge financial barrier to overcome. It seems to be very "painful" to annihilate so many buisnesses that have flourished on falsified models and wrong concepts.

Anything but the truth!!!

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Thanks, it is one of the many mysterious ideas in medical science. Improving your immune system is a modern way of getting profit from people's naivety. Just like strengthening your immunity by getting vaxxed. In my youth my mother used the word resistance as the doctor used that way of expressing for 'don't know'. It is also just like, your body has energy. What has my body, should be the question. In math it is quite common to use complete induction to prove some statement/proposition, we called it a proof by complete intimidation. That is what medical science seems to be at the moment w.r.t. viruses and related subjects.

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Haha! Immune from what?

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