There you go again, Sam, claiming falsely that there are no organisms infecting numbers of people. So, once again, I have to prove it to you and your audience that there are in fact frighteningly infectious organisms causing awful harm to millions--even billions--of innocent people. Here's your proof: The governments of the USA, Canada, and many other countries have, on numerous occasions, infected great numbers of people around the earth with their fear-porn and propaganda. Therefore, these governments, and also Rockefeller-Big Pharma Medicine proponents, (and others) are, indeed, highly infectious organisms that have wrought terrible harm worldwide ever since injectable "vaccines" were invented. So there, smarty pants! Thank you, Sam and Mark, from the bottom of my heart. You are at the forefront of medicine in the world. You are "servant-heroes". Blessings to you.

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Good point, but if you came to my party I'd probably warn people ahead of time about your sense of humor. "He has a good heart. Just play along."

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Funny that’s exactly what people say about you Dr. DDT😂🤗

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My Dave jokes are above my Dad jokes. Sometimes they're so high that they get hidden behind the Dad jokes.

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They're parasites, of the highest order.

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I love the comment section almost as much as the article.

Thanks Drs. Bailey for all that you do to reveal just how corrupt modern medical research and practice really are and freeing us from the toxic paradigm of health only being accessible at the end of a vaccine needle.

I am 1 of 7 women diagnosed with breast cancer in my family, and the only one who declined chemo/radiation - because I saw what it did to my older sister who's still disabled from her therapy - and I'm now the only healthy female in my family at 65 years old. I'm intimately familiar with the cancer industrial complex. Meanwhile, my younger sister, who was coerced into doing conventional cancer treatment by her employer or she would be denied disability income - died from her treatment. We were both diagnosed at the same time but my diagnosis was more serious.

I'm truly appalled at what I've seen doctors do to their patients and how my first young hotshot oncologist treated me when I stated I would only have the surgery and not the chemo/radiation. He looked at me like I had 3 heads. That was 11 years ago and 4 years after the covid fiasco began. I'm MUCH wiser now and tell my story everywhere I can.

I'm so grateful for all I've learned but heartbroken for all the suffering the medical system has caused my family and all humanity. Keep telling the truth Dr Sam. People deserve better from the health care system. Patients are not just cash crops for big pharma.

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Can you please interview Dr Thomas Seyfried, he has done loads of interviews on youtube and claims that all kinds of cancer are actually a metabolic disease and not genetic, and that cancers live off glucose and glutamine. He says the glucose can be cut off using diet (cutting out carbs and processed foods) and the glutamine food supply can be cut off using certain repurposed cheap and available drugs. Once the glucose and glutamine are cut off the cancer cells die. If you interview him, medical practitioners might be willing to begin experimenting with this approach in New Zealand.

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Cancer is a symptom. It's the body trying to correct a problem and hopefully saving the organism, you. Metabolic conditions certainly cause issues and at the core of symptoms are usually multiple inputs but stem from toxins. Whether mental, emotional, physical, chemical, frequency based, and the like, these disrupt the normal functions and will eventually produce noticeable symptoms. Cancer is one. It is certainly not genetic and drugs are just adding another toxin to the mix. You cannot poison yourself to good health. Good, healthy living, with sunlight, grounding, movement, good live foods, pure water, good thoughts, help to create the basis for a healthy physical body. PH and voltage is crucial. Cancer cells have a different voltage than healthy tissues.

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There is no doubt good healthy living is the foundation, but we have to go further than that when it comes to treating someone who has a cancer diagnosis. That's why Dr Thomas Seyfried's work is so important because he has scientifically proven what cancer lives off and how to cut off its food supply.

Lets hypothetically assume you are following all the things above that you mention, but then you get a melanoma and the oncologist wants to operate and cut it out, what would you do?

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I would not have surgery. I would not take drugs. I would up my game. Figure out what more is at play in the melanoma. Because cancers almost always take years and more often decades to form, it's entirely possible that the corrections needed have already been made and by continuing it will resolve itself. That would not be my advice to another person, however, since I would have nothing to base that on. It would be clear to me that in that hypothetical case that I had more work to do, probably a combination of areas but almost certainly in the emotional/mental area and then likely a more stringent approach to harmful EMF exposures. People need to remember that you don't treat cancer, you treat the person and their mental/emotional states, their lifestyle and their environment. The cancer, again, is not the problem, it's just the symptom.

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Your using a shot gun approach and even if by chance one of the many approaches you are using worked, you'd never know which one actually did it. As I said in my original post, there is plenty of evidence (in the work of Dr Thomas Seyfried) that if the food of cancer cells (glucose and glutamine) is controlled and limited, the cancer cells die.

I wouldn't have surgery, chemo or radiation either, but I'm trying to support my friend in navigating this path, as she has a 4 year old daughter to take care of and we can't afford to mess around and get things wrong and the Oncologists make their money from doing surgery, chemo and radiation and I'm sure they are over treating, but I'm finding it hard to find the evidence to prove it.

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Not at all. All of the things I would do would be things that should have been done anyway and the melanoma was just the signal that I needed to start. If you want to call mental and emotional health, EMF protections and balancing, and the like a "shotgun approach" so be it. There is more to healthy living than just food and sunshine. It will vary somewhat person to person and location to location and past experiences, so forth and so on. You will find in many cases that starving a cancer does not keep it from returning. I'm not saying Seyfried hasn't done good work and has good results, but what I am saying is that like other treatments this "kills" cancer cells but that still does not address the reasons it formed in the first place, and that is the key to real health.

I'm incredibly sympathetic to the situation with your friend, her daughter, and yourself in trying to sort this out. I do understand. I have a family of cancer "victims" with aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. And all but one died young and they all went the conventional ways. It IS expensive, time consuming, and oncologists are not trained to actually heal people, sadly. Many THINK they are, some know better, and many would never use the treatments they advise their patients to have. There is a lot of evidence against radiation, chemo and surgery. But all of that can and will be dismissed by the white coats and many, if not most, of the individuals that are under the care of them.

Red light therapy, harmonizing with tuning forks, microcurrent, lots of sunshine and grounding, and certainly emotional techniques such as EFT which will address any underlying thoughts, emotions, even generational, that can keep a person from true healing. I don't consider this a shotgun approach because there is never just one cause for an illness and therefore a complete understanding of all things that can, do, and have contributed must be undertaken and all things corrected. You don't have to know which "one" was the "cure" because it's never just one that's important and you're not looking to cure just the current condition even though that's the most pressing. Health is a complete package and one or two adjustments might make short term improvement but it takes the whole enchilada to have long lasting health and the things I mention are not just for treating a cancer (or other symptoms) but should be part of one's every day life, as much as possible.

I do wish you clear guidance in your search for the answers. Please remember there isn't just one as there isn't just one cause.

EDIT: An remember, that all of these things I mention will not only address the current symptoms of cancer, but also any thing that is brewing in the near future. It's all for current AND long term health. Historically, all of these things were just naturally a part of life.....being outside, going barefoot, growing/raising and eating your own foods, gazing into a fire, families living together or nearby, lots of exercise, and little EMF's and other toxins, (with a few exceptions).

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Voltage? Or frequency?

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Voltage. But frequency/vibration/voltage/ph etc are all connected, for sure. Have you studied Dr Jerry Tenant's work on the voltage of cells? Connect that with Dr Pollack's work with water, (among other historical greats), and you get a better understanding of how important charge, voltage, frequencies, quality of water is to health. Dr Robert O. Becker discovered a lot about electricity in the body, as well. Dr Cowan talks a lot about this as well but most of his is scattered throughout various weekly videos while answering questions.

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Thankyou, no I haven’t read on anything more than electron level charges. something I will need to do asap.

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Agree completely!

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At the beginning of 2020 I was diagnosed with a melanoma in my parotid gland in my neck associated with a facial palsy which occurred in the middle of 2018 and which I still have.

After immuno-therapy for 9 sessions in 2020 I stopped as I worked out (no thanks to the NHS) what was really wrong. This explains some of what I found out and the original cause and potential route to healing.


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Can you please investigate the melanoma industry in New Zealand. I have a friend who was diagnosed with melanoma, then they operated straight away without telling her exactly which of the four kinds of melanoma it is, then said they didn't get it all and need to do another operation and this time will see which kind it is. I smell a massive rat already. About 3,000 people get diagnosed with melanoma each year in NZ and roughly 300 (10%) apparently die from it. Yet we know chemo and radiation just kills people, so I wonder how they are coming up with their figures. I am concerned that my friend may not have needed it cut out at all. Lots of moles have deep routes, so what defines a dangerous melanoma and a cancer that is going to kill someone.

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Glandular fever, Epstein Barr, Pfeiffer's Dis-ease, tonsillitis, and.... Mumps. They all present with similar systems. Or rather, certain symptoms can be attributed to any of these conditions, depending on the experience of the doctor.

My 2y older brother got his tonsils out a few years before I got the mumps. I don't recall his symptoms as I was too young. I recall mine being my groin hurt and my neck was as swollen as a buck in rut. My treatment? I stayed home from school for over a week, and my mom made me intentional do nothing but lay around. Perhaps my tonsils are intact because I wasn't taken to the doctor? I often got a hand-me-down medical diagnosis from my mother, with my brother being the test dummy. (I say that now because I said it to him once. Then he thumped me good).

Around age 15 a girl in my class disappeared. She was pretty and overly developed for her age, so her absence was noted by most everyone. We found out she had mono. She was out for over 6 months. Because word got around that she had the kissing disease, she wasn't very popular when she returned. And it just now dawned on me that maybe she had a different type of infection that she got from her boyfriend, the kind that causes stomach distention, nausea and vomiting in the morning. Kissing disease indeed.

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Over 30yrs ago most of my class and I developed the symptoms of GF. I was told it was GF by a GP and a blood test “ confirmed “ I had anti-bodies. I never recovered my health. It was only in the last 4yrs after thinking about the events surrounding this and with my new knowledge “ no viruses “. I remembered that I and most of my class had taken a sugar cube containing a polio serum, standard childhood schedule in the U.K. sometime before. The children were 8 and I was in my early 40’s so no teenagers involved.

Were these symptoms a detox from the serum? Are these symptoms only referred to as GF if a teenager is involved? Perhaps an adult with symptoms is told they have a un-named “ virus “ because it does not fit the narrative. A few children were suspected of having GF but not the majority. Again a repeat of a situation with nothing but an unreliable antibody test and an unsubstantiated backstory which did not fit the usual situation of teenagers. Approximately 46 out of 70 children took ill to varying degrees and 2 teachers. We were all in the same environment but did not eat or drink the same food stuff and only these two medicated classes became ill.

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In the interests of science, I offer myself as a guinea pig and will be willing to French kiss infected women in the 18-24 age group to see if I have developed resistance. I suppose that would entail my Frenching a control group as well. It's a sacrifice, but one I am willing to make.

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It boggles the mind why people still believe in unproven bullshit.

"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.

To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."

(From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )

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Saturday night fever, Michelle Pfeiffer glandular response, cramming for exams, "developing" countries. So much to love in this week's video.

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Thank you once again Dr Sam for your insight and diligence. I find myself shouting at the phone or computer screen when some so called experts talk about the C19 virus, letting them know there was never a virus. I am not a doctor or medical professional, only doing a 3 year nurse training back in the late 80's when i left because i could see how fixated the NHS was about getting 'em in to hospital and then pumping 'em full of drugs. I am buying your latest book for my collection. I enjoyed Terrain Therapy and tell people about it often. Thank you again for being the voice(s) of sanity, both.

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Even though Sam and Mark are doctors and not scientists, they have done remarkable things in researching virus theory. But there’s the rub. Doctors exist to help people. It’s not helpful to tell sick people that it’s not a virus if you can’t offer clinical advice and care. You didn’t offer an analysis of Mark’s “mono” and how he recovered.

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It is helpful. As long as people believe a virus causes symptoms they will never look elsewhere and improve their health, but rather, continue almost certainly down the path of more sickness, more pharmaceuticals, and even surgeries. Doctors SHOULD help people, but of course that hasn't been the usual situation for many, many decades. Doctors are not free to offer medical advice and must be very careful on what they say and do and how. That said, I believe both Mark and Sam gave up their licenses. Still, because everyone's situation is unique to them and their lifestyle, only generalities can be stated, and this is done throughout various videos and articles. Dr Cowan is probably the best known for stating the basics of healthy living, but it's certainly not a requirement in order to shine the light on what does NOT cause symptoms.

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Very well said. Too well said--I'd be surprised if Michael came back.

In my own life, I keep experimenting and I keep discovering more symptoms that are essentially mental. It's fricken mental how many things are mind related. I'm not there yet, but I'm on my way.

As for my MD, we have an understanding. I meet with her for a social visit every couple of years. She never offers me medical advice. Occasionally in her company I offer myself medical advice, but basically we just hang out. It was funny last year because we both wore masks but she knows they're bullshit. Because I could only see her eyes, I noticed very fine lines around her eyes, for the first time. Without getting ourselves clear away from our small town, we can never really be fully open with each other. But we're like people living in East Germany back in the day. We communicate a lot with silences and nods.

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Scientists are as scientists do. Drs. Sam and Mark are scientists, in contrast to "Scientists" who recite irrational State-Science talking points, with (as it appears to me) not a tremor of concern for the scientific method and reason.

Actually, there's no rub there.

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"Cramming for exams."

Is that what we call French kissing now?

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Really? No one is going to give my "cramming for exams" joke a like? Too soon? Y'all did watch the video, right? Geez, even if you didn't, it's mono. You know, high school? Hello? French kissing? Geez, tough crowd.

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The French must be the most educated country on Earth.

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Really, no likes for this joke? It follows the "cramming for exams" French kissing joke. Don't make me come out there and explain all my jokes.

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They're overdeveloped.

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Okay, not giving my French-people-are-overdeveloped joke a like? That's just rude. Or maybe people didn't actually watch the video.

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Do virus cartoons look like pincushions to you? Possibly a subliminal hint about jabs.

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I think it's just you, Dave. Virus cartoons don't look like pincushions. You're the only one who thinks that in the whole world. So no, virus cartoons must not be a subliminal reference to jabs and using people as pincushions.

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Well, you know the old joke:

Why do Baptists not approve of premarital sex? Because it might lead to dancing.

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Wait, what? People don't like this Baptist joke? It's not even my joke. I said it was someone else's material.

The people in Sam's basement are a seriously tough crowd.

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I'm seeing the Epstein-Barr-Cheechanchong portrait triptych as a kissing triptych. Funny how the 'chong part is lost to history.

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I feel like lymphoblasts might be having more fun than the rest of us.

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