Outstanding. In just twenty-one minutes the issue is throughly examined and explained as just another error-prone medico-pharmaceutical mess. There is no 'spare' editorialising either - the Baileys (et al) cut straight through highlighting the fallacious thinking of modern-day 'science'.

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Wow, I hope this video reaches lots of women!!

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Yes, tampons are the culprit and when I studied biomedical sciences (15 years ago) the tutors lectures on TSS always brought the connection, which confirmed my personal experience with that product. To be honest, I have never heard of a GP or a knowledgeable medical scientist to recommend its use, on the contrary- when asked, they would recommend to stay away of sport participation, esp swimming, during the time of period and the use of natural material liners. However, we do live in a highly unnatural consumer society, where advertisers and products are aggressively marketed regardless of any health consequences for the mindless buyer. The proper and important education of menstruation starts with every mother to her daughter, thank you for bringing attention to this so important issue.

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Even more important is the education of parents to children that viruses don't exist and that "germs" don't make you sick.

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Wow that is crucial information that needs sharing. Thankyou so much. I always had misgivings about tampons.

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Thank you so much. I wish I had had access to this information when I was young –– I am 59 now ;)

How can we eliminate those toxins after menopause?

Gratitude and love from your fan Frid in Germany

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Fasting is always a good start for detoxification.

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Yes, and also a diet which is conducive to eliminating toxins. Of course, that is a properly combined vegan diet. (The documentary Forks Over Knives is available for free viewing here: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/) Chlorella and spirulina algae are also good for detox, as well as being very nutritious.

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While I agree that a vegan diet will improve health of most people in the short term, on the long run it is very detrimental to our health, as it lacks a lot of nutritients that can only be found in animal-based food.

See what happens to long-term vegans in the compilations on https://odysee.com/@Sv3rige:7. Note that many of the people featuring in these have since died.

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Thanks for the link. Yeah, I've heard that before - It's great short term, BUT.... I made several comments on your (?) page, almost all looked like this:

You can eat cake and drink vodka and call yourself a vegan. How come the vegans you have pictured look so different than these people? https://www.greatveganathletes.com/athletes/sport/bodybuilders/

I have been a vegan for about 40 years, and can do physical labor all day. I also eat a variety of foods, including 'superfoods,' and usually only eat one meal a day. Of course, I support everyone's right to eat whatever they want. (Except people. I have to draw the line somewhere.) Please note that I did not "evolve," I was created in Adam. 2001: A Space Odyssey is just a fictional movie (I saw it again just the other day; satanic brilliance), and most of biology is just a fictional "science."

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LOL, you really still believe the vegan bodybuilders? :)

Show me a third generation vegan if it is so healthy. Pretty much all children they beget are infertile.

I hope one day you will realize the spell you have been put under, take care.

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I show you the proof, and you say they're lying. So, I have to wonder who is under a spell. You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts. I apologize that there are healthy vegans, and I also apologize that I am healthy, as well as really, really old, and I apologize on God's behalf that he made all creatures to eat plants (Genesis 1:30); I didn't mean for your brain to have a meltdown.

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A few times over the years I tried to use them when I was younger and I just could not tolerated that inside of me at all. It felt very painful so I never used them after all there after. My own conclusion about our societies we live in...

Every times I'm told that it's good for me, I now assume that it's probably not actually good for me.

Thank you greatly Dr. Sam for all your hard work to help humanity. You're an amazing woman with an amazing man by your side. Love

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I had never heard of TSS, very interesting and informative!

Thanks for sharing!

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It was a huge & troubling scandal in the USA in the 1980s. If I had been a girl, I would have avoided them forevermore simply based on the horrifying news reports & documentaries at the time. There were also bad reports about the Pill back then.

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Very well done Sam! I notice aluminium was not on the list of metals tested for in hygiene products in 2024. With at least 37 diseases highly and moderately correlated with this poisonous metal, I have to wonder…

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Here's the full paper on Toxic Shock Syndrome, for free: https://www.wellesu.com/10.1016/j.ccc.2013.03.012.

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Thanks sam, another interesting and far reaching load of data, I don't use these myself but I'll pass it on to the wife and daughter.

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The phrase "I don't use these myself" and the word "Steven" suggest a certain potential correlation, which I think is a relief for comments readers, if any.

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Plus it made me laugh.

We still need to laugh every once in a while in this upside down world to stay sane.

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As they say , " Good humour makes all things bearable" . Lets hope so. 🫠

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Well, this is 2024, so you have to add that disclaimer. :)

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From David Coory, Stay Healthy 11th Edition: " "It turns out that iron, not oestrogen, explains the low risk of coronary heart disease among women in their child bearing years." Iron overload is rarely found in women of child bearing age, due to menstrual blood loss.

Iron overload is however found in women over 50 suffering from breast cancer... iron in the tissue of cancerous breasts to be five times higher than normal... cancer susceptible mice fed on a high iron diet developed four more times tumours than on a low iron diet.

...adding iron to food has now been banned by France, Germany and other European nations."

"Iron overload is mostly due to cheap, inorganic forms of iron found in most pharmaceutical iron supplements and fortified foods like breakfast cereals."

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It's amazing that people believe that eating ground up rocks can 'cure' their deficiencies.

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I think most people haven’t even asked the question as to what the sources of iron fortified are.

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Very good. Also got me thinking that endometriosis is also possibly tampon-related. It was virtually unheard of before the 80s wasn't it? If tampon is full then the tissue might be forced to escape via fallopian tubes?

Possibly fallopian tube "infections" also. I had an apparently rare hydrosalpinx (4.5cm diameter) that was identified and removed when I was about 50 but expect I'd had it for up to 30 years by then! Caused havoc for decades but went undiagnosed. No endometriosis with me though, just adhesions...

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Many thanks for this, Sam. I knew someone who died in 1996 from Toxic Shock Syndrome. She worked at the natural foods store i go to twice a week. How ironic that she avoided chemicals in her food but succumbed to them because she introduced them into her body in other ways. And of course i know the frequent problems women experience around menstrual bleeding, Got to know a lot about it via a long term relationship.

Very interesting regarding how the menstrual bleeding elimination process plays a role in lowering the risk of cardio vascular problems for women. This is a HIGHLY informative video. Not that this is unusual for your videos. :-)

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As always, this is important information and Dr Bailey is an amazing communicator. I stopped using tampons a few years ago intuitively but wish I had never started in the first place.

I realize that the dogma of germ theory and the effects it has on our everyday lives are vast but lately I have been wondering about the many incidences of food recalls, mostly due to "listeria". Food is obviously a separate issue from illness because the organisms are no longer growing and thriving but in the early (hopefully) stages of natural decay. Still, I suspect that pesticides and preservatives are behind many, if not all, of these food poisoning events.

My sincerest gratitude for all that you do.

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About 36 years ago a lady told me never use tampons. She said they made her infertile. I did listen to her .....thank God!

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OK but without going into too much detail, are there actually women on the planet that the 'magic panties' (aka THINX) actually work for? I have tried them (with a vast degree of optimism), however bleeding through them to the point that I stained my chair after just less than an hour made me realize that whatever I have going on, they are no match for! This is definitely not a practical option for many people. When it comes to our periods, I've discovered only recently to my shock that there is a VAST degree of different experiences out there, the range of normal is very wide (and no, I don't identify my situation as a pathology, just part of that range). There is no one-size-fits-all solution for our very different bodies (not to mention lifestyles), unfortunately!

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