Great timing for this interview. HIV was clearly to get the people used to deadly and transmittable spooky viruses, tests, and treatments. HIV was also to get African countries in debt that they had to pay off by giving central banks their natural resources. Covid is also contributing to the steal of world resources once society falls from the polycrises.

Some caveats Rebecca should really know about:

-Duesberg was into the unprovable dormant virus theory which doesn't debunk the virus fear really. Kinda like "asymptomatic cases". Why Dr. Dues didn't go the full 9 yards....you can make your guesses.

-RFK won't deny Sars-CoV-2. Says he doesn't know. Well, any inquisitive high-school student could read the (non)discovery papers and with some easy coaching see no virus was found. Multimillionaire RFK doesn't have the $ for a biology coach I guess? Dr. Sam has a good vid on RFK.

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There's a video of Fauci on youtube from the late 80s where he talks about AZT being 'safe and effective'. Where have we heard that before?

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Indeed. I haven't read anywhere wherein Anthony "Angel of Death" Fauci volunteered the information that his concoction had been REJECTED by the US Patent Office as a vaccine.

In 2001 Fauci & Co sought a Patent for their mRNA concoction which they claim that it was a vaccine . The USPTO REJECTED their application because in order to be a vaccine under US Law it must provide PROTECTION from a disease. USPTO Application 09/869,003 12/09/2003.


Since they were unable to obtain a patent Fauci and Company forced the FDA to provide it EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION . Both Pfizer and Moderna raked in bazillion$$$ using the FRAUD. And since Moderna and Fauci's NIH co-own the Patent Fauci received substantial amount in royalties. Ain't that some shiite ?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The Moral of the story ? TRUST NO ONE .


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Yes, but Dr. F is part of a larger organization orchestrating all the moves-much larger than just Pharma. Getting caught up with Dr. F is exactly what they want.

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No politician will ever deny Covid because he would be looked at as a nut bag . We can forget politicians they are all 100% scumbags that we need that vote for any new Masters

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More likely, RFK Jr DOES have a biology coach: donors from the industry, who warn him not to get too close to exposing them and their windfall!

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Thank you so much, the both of you. The evil of the control over medical ("medical") professions is nothing less than Satanic.

As for the police having access to blood samples taken at birth, I wouldn't have a problem with that but for the fact that our governments have been hopelessly and thoroughly corrupted.

As for testing and regular checkups... I don't bother with it. I'm just not up for having false diagnoses in order to be harvested financially on a permanent basis.

Rebecca, if "mainstream media" ever offere you a spot... I'd be really really suspicious. The only reason they would do that is to ambush you. And given their dwindling viewer numbers, I don't think they would be worth your time. And anyone who is STILL using them as a resource is likely a truly hopeless case anyway.

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Once you establish your basis for evaluating a situation on the words narrated by your “hero” or someone you automatically defer to -you uncritically accept these words as truths regardless of the substance of the claims- you are operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction.

You will no longer be capable of perceiving concepts or evaluating ideas as you have outsourced your critical thinking skills to this cult-like leader.

We see this phenomenon in the "Covid dissent movement" where so-called alt-health leaders perpetuate various quack theories and their fans or followers accept these hypotheses simply based on the fact that their "hero" made a claim- no concrete evidence needed.

The followers of RFK Jr. are the worst of the batch.

The entirety of the lab leak/GoF pandemic narrative and the adjuncts that come with this "theory" such as "early treatment" fit this description.

"Early treatment" for a demonstrably fictional phantom illness is a form of cultural conditioning catapulted by various allopathic practitioners who are tethered to a career built on a foundation of lies.

All alleged Phantom Menace microscopic pathogens rise on a sea of public-health related manufactured hysteria.

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Perhaps, what people are in danger of is the diagnosis... in a psychological war on humans.

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Once you have the HIV diagnosis, every problem you have medically is because of HIV, and when you know the truth and you choose NOT to go along with their medical bullshit, then they really blame HIV because then say, "we don't know your viral load, it MUST be the out of control HIV", a total myth or belief, not science at all... Then the real problem is avoided completely because they think I'm a nut job for not "treating the obvious" in their eyes, and they'll never look further for any other cause. This is from personal experience. It's totally up to me to be my own physician.

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Every complex number can be written as z=a+bi, where a,b∈R (real numbers). The number a is called the real part of z, and the number b is the imaginary part of z.

If the real part is zero, then we call z=bi a pure imaginary complex number.

Virology is always working on and modeling, starting with the imaginary domain of unicorns. No virus was ever proven to exist. Why insist on using an independent variable that is part of the imagination but has no real part? Time to let go of the virology domain...

God bless you all,

Misha from gamzuletova.org

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Well , let's discuss the FIRST FAKE EPIDEMIC and Drugs

The True Story of the 1918 “So-called Viral Influenza” Pandemic

By Gary G. Kohls, MD

The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed 50-100 million people

For over a century, various entities that are involved in the propaganda machinery that has been tasked by the powers-that-be to advance American patriotism and corporate profiteering have covered-up the truth about what actually started the epidemic of what became known as the “Spanish Flu”, successfully obscuring what was actually ******a shameful experiment perpetrated by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research***** – the uber-wealthy entity that started the American Medical Association and the School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.

For over a century, Americans have been led to believe that what was the true epicenter of the pandemic – US Army military bases – ******was actually the result of a Rockefeller Instutute vaccine experiment gone awry. The culprit vaccine, nicely documented by author Kevin Barry was perpetrated upon hapless military recruits at a variety of bases in the US. Spain had nothing to do with the epidemic, except for actually allowing its journalists to write about it.*******



AIn't that some shiite?

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This is more than criminal, it is pure evil. One day these people will be held to account.

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They won't

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Crazy. I was reading Rebecca's lewrockwell article and there was mention of crime scene police using PCR to test. Makes me wonder if cops ever use blinded controls? And if defense attorneys know enough to question the testing?

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Rebecca has a recent post on her substack that has descriptions of people injured by 'HIV' PrEP and it's quite scary. Peoples' bones are literally rotting inside their bodies. Terrifying.

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My cousin's grandkid Melody popped off yesterday of meningitis. Dead at 7.

Got a cold, got meningitis, died yesterday.

And here's me who suddenly stopped having colds a few years back when I suddenly stopped believing in them.

As Sam has probably said somewhere, meningitis is a symptom, not a disease. So I guess the kid died of brain fever as the proximate cause, but doctors have no idea of what actually happened.

My PhD advisor at Harvard/Princeton, Walter Hughes, died of HIV, supposedly. Gorgeous weightlifter, was Walter. 1996 that was. HIV? Hmm. I see a "V" these days and I'm like: hmm.

Then there's Ma, who died at a hundred of a thing called "covid" back in 2020. I couldn't even get to Tennessee cuz of a thing called covid.

Real deaths. Comic diagnoses. Divine comedy. I'm thinking back through a lifetime of my dead, looking for the comic substrate. My friend Laura Heisler, in high school, told me how happy she was that Jesus was calling her home, and she was to be buried in her wedding dress. I was a gravedigger there in Bedford, Massachusetts, and used to walk over her in her wedding dress as part of my duties, on my way to dig holes. Comic substrate. We had to dig the holes by hand because it was an historic graveyard. Funny old world. What did Laura really die of? What does anyone die of?

This comment's dedicated to Melody.

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Jan 30, 2024
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straight up, every bit of it

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Christine Maggiore… was a “loose end”?


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Well put

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This is really fantastic & opens up such a plethora of new perspectives on exactly what was really transpiring behind the “Robert Gallo” scene as I traversed through the AIDS epidemic fiction of the 80’s. This question forever comes up in auto regurgitating modalities in any “there are truly no viruses” conversation. I’m about 50% thru into the mass marketing section of these prep drugs for children in Africa & why that’s just such a wonderful idea😑.

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Sam I am a big fan. I save your videos as I don't use Wi-Fi. This video does not allow be to download it - have you changed anything?

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Try going to Sam's Odysee channel - I usually control speed and download from there.


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"You expressly waive any rights you may have..." [buried in point 14 of what you agree to if you sign up for Odysee]

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So sorry to read about Melody (rhetorical - what was she injected with previously?) - but what is your point / alternative... jootube?

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oh. People can see these comments. Okay. Um, my cousin was too shook up to talk last night. Melody's her grandkid but with the divorce scenario she had Melody at her house a lot so Melody was like her kid. I'm very curious about Melody's jab history and general medical history but I'm too discreet to ask. I'll see if that info sort of drifts out...

As for my point here, I'm not sure. I'm not even sure where "here" is. I make points on my arrows, shoot them, and then half the time I can't find the arrows, so who knows where those things are.

Is this the comment where I talked about Melody dying yesterday of meningitis and Walter dying thirty years ago of HIV/AIDS? Then I guess one point is that my own experience four years ago of going from four colds a year to zero in four years by not believing in colds might be of some value, given that Melody's deathpath was a "cold" leading to meningitis and then death. If I had to narrow it down, I'd say don't bother having a cold.

Or if my comment was the one about Odysee, I'm sure I have no advice about alternatives to media sites. Their form probably always degrades the content. You and I aren't exactly having a physical chat down at the corner cafe.

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I agree - I'm sure Odysee is targeted - as are Rumble and Bitchute ... and have you seen who is out to silence substack? - Yes, the same Hate group that perpetrated 911 while blaming 19 Arabs with boxcutters, and who conceived, designed and are orchestrating the genocide of humanity using 'anti-viral' pharmaceuticals - including, tragically. , your Melody. Never forget, and never forgive.

I get one cold (I mean - my body detoxes itself) once in about every 20 years.

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Ah, I see that you're ahead of me in the cold department.

As for Rumble and Bitchute, such places are mere rumor for a man like me. I think of alternative sites as a bit like wilderness: I hope they exist, even if I can't figure out how to get there.

As for the Arabs with boxcutters, I note the comic element. The visuals for me are 19 Arabs stabbing a tall building.

As for Jews, I read a thing called The Tablet, and am very grateful for their low typo rate. I don't keep up on politics, but I did notice they were annoyed by something that happened last fall. The Tablet isn't exactly rabbinical, but they're pretty good in the no-typo department. Clean copy seems a bit Jewy, and I'm grateful. I do keep a weather eye out for Jews with boxcutters, as one had a go at me when I was eight. I mean eight days old. Anesthetic was administered--to the Jew, who got a nice glass of Mogen David.

Here's a circumcision slash David slash colds joke: achew.


That's the whole joke. But it's pronounced "a Jew" and you say: everyone loves achew. Cough cough.

Does Bitchute sound like achew? Bless you.

Hmm, I guess there's a phlegm joke in there with "chew." I suppose it's supposed to be achoo.

As for silencing Substack, if I got more silenced on Substack, I'd have minus subscribers and be in subscriber debt, and at this rate I'll need a million subscribers just to get to zero readers. I do my best to ridicule my subscribers but they're usually too nice to delete me.

As for Melody getting murdered yesterday, I wish I could tell you that didn't happen. As for not forgiving murderers, heck, I've put in a good day's job of work just discovering the bastards. I'll do my best to not forgive them, but that's overtime and unpaid, so we'll see how it goes.


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Oh wait, weird idea about Melody's death: she died of having a hot head brought about from having a cold.

Funny old world.

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oh, I pushed the "return to thread" thingie, which usually drops me off in the middle of the interstate, and this time it did what it said.

Oh, and lookee up there, a thingie saying you liked my comment.

Alrighty then.

I'll just climb out this window and be off.

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Oh of course - cheers

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The most important thing I drew from this is that our response to covid could not have happened without prior practice.

With all military operations/exercises, there are several practice runs leading up to the actual event.

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And, we really need to learn from these two operations, so we're not bamboozled by the next one! They're not even hiding the fact that they're planning a next one!

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It is very difficult to understand for someone for who english is not the native tonque! Speak slower and more clear!

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