In 2020 I was one of the first doctors in the world to be fired for blowing the whistle on the COVID-19 fraud. Soon afterwards I received an ultimatum from the network TV show I fronted: pull your COVID publications or you'll be cancelled. At the same time the Medical Council of New Zealand "invited" me to sign a gag order that prevented me from speaking about all. I turned down these "offers" and since that time have published hundreds of
Quite a revelation Dr Sam. Unbelievable actually, how extensive and pervasive the corruption, criminality, graft and totalitarian power mongering goes. God bless you and your family. So many people have had 'accidents' when confronting these fascist tyrants. I always viewed the Corona Plandemic as Medical Nazism. Your voice and example is just more proof of this. Viruses as you say, don't exist. If they do or did, it would be easy enough to prove - peacefully, honestly, transparently.....
The Baileys are truly incredible human beings, the World is a better place because of them and their many colleagues who have the courage to tell the truth in the face of powerful tyrants.
You clown! "take the virus sample from a patient who has coronavirus". You start off asserting you have a 'virus' without EVER isolating and purifying the 'virus', nor proving that it causes any illness. How do you know you have a 'virus'?
This is pseudoscience at its worst. This is how dishonest scientists fool laypersons with their lies, leading to claims of 'asymptomatic infections'! Either there is a virus that ALWAYS causes the illness, or the illness is not caused by the imaginary 'virus'. Also there are never controls in your experiments.
Brilliantly put ..thanks so much..this person was harassing me ..I just had to block him on tg..I think it could have been a bot ..but just guessing seeing that they wouldn't give their name..anyway thank you 😊
When there is a LOT of money involved with a fraud, there will always be those who insist that *whatever* is indeed the case, when they won't or can't give any PROOF of it, without pretending. You were right to come here. There is a LOT of information now about "viruses," and there was a lot a LONG time ago, but Big Money got in the way. When something is TRUE, there is always strong evidence to support that.
OF COURSE the people who are making incredible amounts of money by preying upon the ignorant and unsuspecting are going to try and keep their blood money rolling in.
There's a great page on Substack, a page by Biostatician Christine Massey, a Canadian professional who has sent out HUNDREDS of FOIA Requests to various labs and agencies, including the CDC, requesting data showing the evidence of the isolation of ANY virus... NEVER has any of these medical entities EVER been able to produce ANY evidence of ANY so-called "virus."
Thank you Dr Sam & Mark Bailey for showing all the way to healthy realignment with our own body Natural Immunity as well as collectively as the humanity we are.
Jon, Thank you for standing up against the submissive trolls of Oligarch empire, who have crushed killed & genocided so many in their monologue thinking & unilateral violence. The one sided fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') tarnishing of those who lost WW2 of the word, must be understood for us to resolve the Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX which commands & controls western humanity.
For the past 7000 years, 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') Oligarchy since Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC) & Phoenician Empire (aka Kingdom of Israel & City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut from 4000 - 0 BC have terrorized, invaded, pillaged, genocided & destroyed the once productive, peaceful indigenous Amazigh, Imazighen, Kabylie indigenous peoples & their vast tree productivity for enormous food, materials, energy & water-cycle abundance along with vast flowing rivers, lakes & wildlife, all in harmony with nature, now reduced to many 1000s of kilometres of Negev, Egyptian, Sahara, Sahel & other lifeless deserts of North Africa & all indigenous peoples on every shore of the Mediterranean & Black Seas. Peace & abundant Productivity are a function of all indigenous humanity's worldwide 3-D Polyculture Orchards.
The Torah, Old Testament, Talmud are propaganda tools for subjugating captured peoples under their control. The immense fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') power of Oligarchy stems from this destruction & imposition of fake wealth. The US Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England & Bank-of-International-Settlements have hidden triangulated minority shareholders across all three, which gives these individuals the power to issue all western colonial moneys as forgivable loans to friends, family & colleague mega-failing-projects such as Nuclear Bombs (>80% of scientists & technicians were Jewish), millions of years of toxic waste from Nuclear Power isotopes, Gain-of-Function COVID-19 attempts, mRNA, Pesticides, etc.
BLACK ACADEMICS ON JEWISH CAPITALISM & WEALTH BASED IN SLAVERY OVER 6 MILLENNIA SINCE KEY ROLE IN PHOENICIAN COLONIAL CONQUEST. 13 Sugar Jewish Plantation Colonies, Sephardic, Ashkenazi Jews(some of my family in 3 branches) as core of Slave Trade Christopher Columbus (Hebrew journals) as Morano Portuguese Jew starts Slave Trade, in 1498 5 ship expedition brought 600 Indians to Spain as slaves, previously as slave trader, Gold dealer in Africa Ghana, Gold Coast, Queen Isabella’s 3 Court Jewish Financiers Luis de Santangel, Abraham Zacuto, Don Isaac Abravanel. Curacao, Surinam Jodensavanne Zionist (Jew village Sugar Trade) Jan Pieterszoon Coen Chief Shareholder of the Dutch East & West Indian Companies centred in Netherlands, Oliver Cromwell & Menasseh Ben Israel Financier /c Dr Leonard Jeffries (NY City College) 100 million African Slaves stolen, Dr Tony Martin, Dr Aviva Ben-Ur, Stanley Mirviz, Cary Silverstein, Minister Louis Farrakhan (Jews Selling Blacks), Khallid Muhammad, Nation of Islam, Truth Terrorist 600 million Blacks slaved over 6000 years compared /c supposed 6 million Jews over 10 years, Reparations, Lehman Brothers, 75% of Jews were Slave Owners & prominent in Slave Trade Rothschild (Mississippi Cotton Trade to English mills) Secret Relationship between Blacks & jews Vol 1&2 by Rabbi Jacob Levin published by Nation of Islam, Rabbi Historian Dr Bertram W. Korn (75% of Slave Owners were Jews), Dr Abraham J. Peck, John Henrik Clarke, Jewish Academic Mafia, Dr. Harold Brackman 1600’s Slave Trading was Jewish Mercantile specialty, History of the Jews by Soloman Grayzel Principal Slave Traders in Europe, Middle-Ages, Dr Leonard E Barrett Sr Temple Univ. on Jews & Slavery, Brazil 19Nov’21 2h56m47s
The 50 AXIS governments all had laws or constitutions requiring all Corporations over 30 employees to facilitate multi-stakeholder Employee, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople etc investment, ownership & board-representation. Hence the phenomenal engineering & production capacities including war proficiency of the AXIS nations were built upon collective intelligence, referred to as Economic Democracy. Unfortunately for Huddleston, Petain & 99.99% of western people today, this knowledge of our indigenous heritage is suppressed. Https://
As western Oligarch subjects continue to kill people worldwide in Xenophobia at a rate of well over millions per year (>150 million since WW2), we are not even aware of the 7000 years of Oligarch empire control over the issue of our fake: Finance, money, capital, Media, Religion, Education Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX.
All humanity's ancient 10s of 1000s of years old 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors, cultivated COUNCIL PROCESS or Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues in order to bring mind to mind for many 10s of 1000s of years. all humanity's ancient 10s of 1000s of years old 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors, for creating understanding, Constructive Agreements, Contract delineation & for Conflict Resolution. Https://
George Begg, Three branches of my family are Ashkenazi Jew, so I grew up with the propaganda indoctrination, yet in every practical way, the propaganda is distorted in every facet of health, life & all humanity's existence is jeopardized if not already crushed. The Bio-weapons of fake COVID-19 & mRNA shots which have killed some 20 million people are just one small example. Oligarchs & those who submit to this false power & privilege have a debilitating disease, threatening to wipe out all life. Coordinated, diaspora Jewish denial stands in the face of murder complicity, sending regular checks to Israel for such as the Gazan, Palestinian, Lebanese & Syrian Genocide over the past 100 years. It is time for those at the bottom of this pyramid, to take back a loving 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture'). Here's what a dozen Multihomes & neighbourhoods are doing in Canada, USA, Brazil & Kenya.
70% of people today live in Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village clustered housing) within an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 (50-150) persons. The Domestic Economy is equal to the Industrial & Commercial Economies combined & plays an integral role. The voice of primarily women accounting-recognized, celebrated & empowered for their work at this intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale enable appropriate personal goods, services & real-'education' (L 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within'). Most institutional goods & services are inappropriately scaled & cruel. Recycling, Repair, Reduction, Reuse of goods & materials are stimulated with specialists at these economies-of-scale among every other facet of the true 'economy'. Start-up industry & commerce within these committed extended-family Multihome bodies are the most successful, innovative & lasting in the face of economic pressures. 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration, contributing 2 trillion $/year of the most individually most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing & caring/year.
APPROPRIATE-SCALE CULTURAL ECONOMY FOUNDATION All indigenous humanity kept intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale in the Multihome (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). Multihomes should be the 1st Line of nutritional, preventative & restorative Medical intervention by specialists already amongst us treating people proactively & positively in harmony with nature. Here's an indigenous model of software to regenerate community care & health. Https:// Here's what a dozen communities are reaching for across Canada, USA, Brazil, Kenya. Come join.
As long as everyone gets plenty of privacy, I'm totally cool with communal living. Private shitter and shower and small kitchen but big communal baths and baking ovens. Cluster for thermal mass and joyous interaction and such. Looks like I could fellow-travel with you lot.
Well said man,it's great to see others aware of the propaganda,how can one make 'nazi' out of nationalist socialist deutschland workers party, it is probably derived from the 'ashkaNAZI jews', who populated an area in germany. Time magazine man of the year Adolf Hitler 1938 front cover.
Sam and Mark, how beautifully you are true to your surnames. Protectors from wandering evil, keeping them beyond the pail, emphasizing our humanity and immunizing us from them who desire to poison us with their lies and fearmongering. I cannot think of a nobler calling.
Middle English baylle, "wall enclosing an outer court" of a castle, fortified city, etc. (c. 1200 in Anglo-Latin, late 13c. in place-names), a variant of bail, from Old French bail "stake, palisade, brace," which is of unknown origin, perhaps ultimately connected to Latin bacula "sticks," on notion of "stakes, palisade fence."
Yup, I've been doing motte-and-bailey jokes since I first heard of Sam back in what's now the day.
The Baileys as bulwark.
The Baileys showing us what's at stake.
And all the things you've nicely pointed out here.
A couple of thugs who arrested me once in Illinois for environmentalism or whatever, well, in the place for the name of the cop the guy wrote "Bailey" like it was his father-name. Perhaps it was. In the intervening decades I've often had occasion to muse on that name Bailey.
An example of what is possible is one of the most powerful mind and reality altering forces in life.. Sam and Mark's courageous example of fearless truth seeking proves my point.
In 2015, after four years of severe health issues I at the time thought were attributed to chronic Lyme disease (a germ theory illusion i have sincecshed), I came to a clear conclusion about the true nature of the worldwide allopathic medical cabal. I reached this conclusion by an intense study of the history of the founding and development of this industrial monopoly spawned out of the petrochemical industry, the promotion of germ theory, and the complete takeover of the medical education and licensure system.
In April of that year. I left my old life behind. After selling my home and most of my possessions and leaving my career, I began something I called my Trek For Truth. I created a website and YouTube channel with that name, and at age 55 began walking solo across the United States from the Atlantic Ocean headed west. It was my Quixotic attempt to draw some attention to this crime against humanity. After switching to a bicycle after my first 1,000 miles, I reached the Pacific Ocean south of San Francisco in October of 2015 after covering over 4,100 miles.
In the ensuing years I had all but lost hope that a large awakening to medical truth would happen in my lifetime. And then I came across the examples of The Baileys, Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman. Stephan Lanka, Christine Massey, Mike Stone and so many other fellow truth seekers. Examples set, hope restored, reality forever altered. Cheers!
I have had the nick names of "rust"' and it could be applied to you and Mark. Rust never sleeps.
Your ethic for work and research is epic. You have always responded to questions with views based on the Bailey research and for me I have no doubt as to the truth of your well founded advice. You not not lecture but point to citations and research and books to read for me to make up my mind on. Based on that you have done so much to save my life and become med free starting 4 or 5 years ago so this now 77 year old frame is in a much improved healthy and happy system.
To love your enemies is a wonderful trait. I hope I do not disappoint if things get bad but I've seen too many bad actors in my life to turn the other cheek. I'm a believer in UTU.
Though all need to make a living, a real healer might be better off out of this system.
Unmedicated, unvaccinated and with all my body parts (except for the end of my penis, removed by some lunatic back in 1949), I recently saw two doctors over a severe mystery rash, seemingly contracted in the bush outside my home.
There may have been a time a country doctor had some familiarity with such things, but I could hardly get a modern local doctor even to look at my rash. The emphasis was on antibiotics for an infection I did not have, medication for blood pressure despite two readings of normal...well, you all know the rest. I didn't wait to be warned against cholesterol needed by my seventy-five year old brain and viruses that don't exist.
The system's corrupt past a critical point. Worse, it's slack, lazy and indifferent. You Baileys have my admiration. You are doing the only right thing.
The fact that Jacinta Ardern and most of the NZ health dept., never had the vax is worth fighting for. A Doctor here in Australia took this to the supreme court and won against the TGA. The truth of this must be made public. All the best to you and your husband.
FUN FACT: Fauci proudly took the jab in his LEFT shoulder on camera at a press event after explaining how important it was for everyone to get it .....
..... the next day during a TV interview he patted his RIGHT shoulder when describing the slight soreness he felt at the injection site.
(the backdrop on each video was the right way round, proving neither videos was flipped)
In many countries it would seem. How a clue like that wasn't a "full stop" to the entire populace is a wonder. Of course, it wasn't widely advertised but the info was readily available to anyone who had the slightest interest.
In addition, various politicians referring to the roll out as a trial were all purposely done to warn those that had eyes to see. But telling and showing the brianwashed masses showed to me how much of a spell they were under and ultimately they were sleepwalking into they own demise, some sooner than was coordinated and pre- meditated , just the logistics of manufacturing and distribution alone did not add up given the respective timeframes back in 2021.
My question to you would be "where do you get your news?" Personally, haven't watched TEEVEE in 20+yrs and certainly adsorb only enough MSM to know what the empire is "up to". The sources I've relied on, which could be termed "alternative", reported on the "exemptions" repeatedly. (so multiple sources) If you never came across this information that tells me you weren't paying attention, at least to what counted.
SAM BAILIE ,Im from SOUTH AFRICA and ive watched and listened to you SINCE 2020 and read id say AT LEAST 60 % of your work (i make a point of following someone like you in depth so i can ascertain validity) i have seen consistency after consistency where you are right and the beloved "establishment"-(government and their cronies are grossly wrong) The only reason they cancel and ban and censor is :simply put is because you are RIGHT and they dont want their little apple cart , sponsors and financial backers to come under scrutiny for fear of funds drying up !! - follow the money - and 75% of the truth is told. These people are EVIL YOU ARE NOT, THESE PEOPLE ARE CORRUPT , YOU ARE NOT, THESE PEOPLE ARE PSHYCOPATHS , YOU ARE NOT, THESE PEOPLE ARE MURDERERS, YOU ARE NOT ,these PEOPLE ARE IN THE POCKETS OF BIG PHARMA , YOU ARE NOT. Heroes like you and Mark and Lizz Gunn and Barry Young have been noted by us the public - your efforts are WORTH A MILLION TONS OF GOLD to put it mildly. PLEASE PRESS DOWN, HARDER EVEN HARDER - PUT YOUR FOOT FLAT DOWN DO NOT RELENT , BRUSH AWAY THE EVIL CRUSH IT AS YOU ARE EFFECTIVELY DOING - WE SEE IT WE FEEL IT WE KNOW IT . GO DR SAM BAILE YOU HAVE THE SUPPORT OF MILLIONS AND MILLIONS - WE LOVE YOU SO !!! Finaly i feel compelled to pray for those evil people - heres my prayer -for them - MAY DEATH SEIZE YOU SUDDENLY , MAY YOU GO DOWN LIVE INTO SHEOL BECAUSE EVIL DWELLS IN YOU AND AMONGST YOU. - AMEN
Dr Guilaine Lanctot, in Canada, wrote " The Medical Mafia" almost 20 years ago, and abandoned her 4 clinics and was of course delicenced, it has been going on for a while and some doctors have stood up to the tyranny. Thank you for being among them. I don't believe they can carry on with their outrageous fine project as there is no lawful basis, I believe its just threats... we'll see. Good luck to you both and keep on being you. Much Love and gratitude. Marie
You're a tough cookie Sam and I am sure that you and Mark will come out of this affront to your integrity very well in the end. You have highlighted issues that the rest of us non medical folks never dreamed existed and for that you have my great thanks and the little I have been able to assist is small potatoes in what you've both achieved. By the way your video editing abilities have improved out of sight since your early efforts - well done to both of you.
If there was justice in the world, we'd have double winners for the Nobel Peace prize, you and Mark. Yes, the prize is bogus, witness the one given to the legendary crook Obama prior to anything he did for the benefit of the world. Imagine being given a prize for something that you "might do" in the future, not what you've done prior. Keep up the great work, you are inspirational people, we are so indebted to you and your pluck.
As an unvaccinated registered nurse who lost their job twice (once outright due to being unvaccinated and the second time because I answered family questions truthfully about turbo cancers), I appreciate you, Dr. Sam Bailey, and your work. You are not alone.
You have saved more lives & made more people healthy on line than you ever could as local GPs. I look forward to the blockbuster movie about the good Bailey's fight against the forces of evil.
It's always interesting to look at the flags of the most oppressed countries like Australia and New Zealand and notice big brother JACK in the top left corner, as we see in this Dear Jacinda snippet. Is this because they are former (foremost!) colonies? Also look at the 3 colours of the Stars and Stripes. The Canadian Red Ensign and the flags of Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia all feature big brother Jack. An interesting book is the latest by historian Richard Poe about the real evil empire. You can see a recent interview here.
Do typical doctors actually believe what they are saying about viruses and contagion etc? Having 7 doctors in my family and 5 doctors in my neighbourhood the answer is mostly “yes”.
If you discuss the evidence to someone who has been indoctrinated with lies (and since been lying to themselves) their response can vary from “no, you must be kidding” to very angry and almost violent. The more truth you point out, the more angry they become - or they resort to “I don’t think we should talk about this" which happened when I was at a doctor's golf tournament 3 years ago. It’s important to note that during their medical training there is no discussion of the scientific method and much of the training involves fraudulent history (like Pasteur & Salk the heroes) and "missing-information” (no mention of the Common Cold Research Unit in the UK).
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
An incredible story of defiance in the face of systematic tyranny. Imagine if we all joined forces with just a fraction of the fight the Baileys have shown - the medical mafia would be toast faster than a bagel in a blowtorch.
If I had the cash and Sam and Mark couldn’t find a way out of this ridiculous $163, 000 con, I’d pay in a heartbeat - that's a bargain for the lifesaving work the Baileys do every single day.
Quite a revelation Dr Sam. Unbelievable actually, how extensive and pervasive the corruption, criminality, graft and totalitarian power mongering goes. God bless you and your family. So many people have had 'accidents' when confronting these fascist tyrants. I always viewed the Corona Plandemic as Medical Nazism. Your voice and example is just more proof of this. Viruses as you say, don't exist. If they do or did, it would be easy enough to prove - peacefully, honestly, transparently.....
I couldn't have said it better!
The Baileys are truly incredible human beings, the World is a better place because of them and their many colleagues who have the courage to tell the truth in the face of powerful tyrants.
Dr Sam have you ever seen this ?someone shared this to me on tg to prove the existence of viruses from “experts” !
Totally false! Here was my response to this man:
You clown! "take the virus sample from a patient who has coronavirus". You start off asserting you have a 'virus' without EVER isolating and purifying the 'virus', nor proving that it causes any illness. How do you know you have a 'virus'?
This is pseudoscience at its worst. This is how dishonest scientists fool laypersons with their lies, leading to claims of 'asymptomatic infections'! Either there is a virus that ALWAYS causes the illness, or the illness is not caused by the imaginary 'virus'. Also there are never controls in your experiments.
Brilliantly put ..thanks so much..this person was harassing me ..I just had to block him on tg..I think it could have been a bot ..but just guessing seeing that they wouldn't give their name..anyway thank you 😊
When there is a LOT of money involved with a fraud, there will always be those who insist that *whatever* is indeed the case, when they won't or can't give any PROOF of it, without pretending. You were right to come here. There is a LOT of information now about "viruses," and there was a lot a LONG time ago, but Big Money got in the way. When something is TRUE, there is always strong evidence to support that.
Ralph is right.
OF COURSE the people who are making incredible amounts of money by preying upon the ignorant and unsuspecting are going to try and keep their blood money rolling in.
There's a great page on Substack, a page by Biostatician Christine Massey, a Canadian professional who has sent out HUNDREDS of FOIA Requests to various labs and agencies, including the CDC, requesting data showing the evidence of the isolation of ANY virus... NEVER has any of these medical entities EVER been able to produce ANY evidence of ANY so-called "virus."
Not one.
fully agreed Dr SANTOS III
Well said! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Dr. Sam is incredible.
Thank you Dr Sam & Mark Bailey for showing all the way to healthy realignment with our own body Natural Immunity as well as collectively as the humanity we are.
Jon, Thank you for standing up against the submissive trolls of Oligarch empire, who have crushed killed & genocided so many in their monologue thinking & unilateral violence. The one sided fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') tarnishing of those who lost WW2 of the word, must be understood for us to resolve the Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX which commands & controls western humanity.
For the past 7000 years, 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') Oligarchy since Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC) & Phoenician Empire (aka Kingdom of Israel & City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut from 4000 - 0 BC have terrorized, invaded, pillaged, genocided & destroyed the once productive, peaceful indigenous Amazigh, Imazighen, Kabylie indigenous peoples & their vast tree productivity for enormous food, materials, energy & water-cycle abundance along with vast flowing rivers, lakes & wildlife, all in harmony with nature, now reduced to many 1000s of kilometres of Negev, Egyptian, Sahara, Sahel & other lifeless deserts of North Africa & all indigenous peoples on every shore of the Mediterranean & Black Seas. Peace & abundant Productivity are a function of all indigenous humanity's worldwide 3-D Polyculture Orchards.
The Torah, Old Testament, Talmud are propaganda tools for subjugating captured peoples under their control. The immense fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') power of Oligarchy stems from this destruction & imposition of fake wealth. The US Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England & Bank-of-International-Settlements have hidden triangulated minority shareholders across all three, which gives these individuals the power to issue all western colonial moneys as forgivable loans to friends, family & colleague mega-failing-projects such as Nuclear Bombs (>80% of scientists & technicians were Jewish), millions of years of toxic waste from Nuclear Power isotopes, Gain-of-Function COVID-19 attempts, mRNA, Pesticides, etc.
BLACK ACADEMICS ON JEWISH CAPITALISM & WEALTH BASED IN SLAVERY OVER 6 MILLENNIA SINCE KEY ROLE IN PHOENICIAN COLONIAL CONQUEST. 13 Sugar Jewish Plantation Colonies, Sephardic, Ashkenazi Jews(some of my family in 3 branches) as core of Slave Trade Christopher Columbus (Hebrew journals) as Morano Portuguese Jew starts Slave Trade, in 1498 5 ship expedition brought 600 Indians to Spain as slaves, previously as slave trader, Gold dealer in Africa Ghana, Gold Coast, Queen Isabella’s 3 Court Jewish Financiers Luis de Santangel, Abraham Zacuto, Don Isaac Abravanel. Curacao, Surinam Jodensavanne Zionist (Jew village Sugar Trade) Jan Pieterszoon Coen Chief Shareholder of the Dutch East & West Indian Companies centred in Netherlands, Oliver Cromwell & Menasseh Ben Israel Financier /c Dr Leonard Jeffries (NY City College) 100 million African Slaves stolen, Dr Tony Martin, Dr Aviva Ben-Ur, Stanley Mirviz, Cary Silverstein, Minister Louis Farrakhan (Jews Selling Blacks), Khallid Muhammad, Nation of Islam, Truth Terrorist 600 million Blacks slaved over 6000 years compared /c supposed 6 million Jews over 10 years, Reparations, Lehman Brothers, 75% of Jews were Slave Owners & prominent in Slave Trade Rothschild (Mississippi Cotton Trade to English mills) Secret Relationship between Blacks & jews Vol 1&2 by Rabbi Jacob Levin published by Nation of Islam, Rabbi Historian Dr Bertram W. Korn (75% of Slave Owners were Jews), Dr Abraham J. Peck, John Henrik Clarke, Jewish Academic Mafia, Dr. Harold Brackman 1600’s Slave Trading was Jewish Mercantile specialty, History of the Jews by Soloman Grayzel Principal Slave Traders in Europe, Middle-Ages, Dr Leonard E Barrett Sr Temple Univ. on Jews & Slavery, Brazil 19Nov’21 2h56m47s
The 50 AXIS governments all had laws or constitutions requiring all Corporations over 30 employees to facilitate multi-stakeholder Employee, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople etc investment, ownership & board-representation. Hence the phenomenal engineering & production capacities including war proficiency of the AXIS nations were built upon collective intelligence, referred to as Economic Democracy. Unfortunately for Huddleston, Petain & 99.99% of western people today, this knowledge of our indigenous heritage is suppressed. Https://
As western Oligarch subjects continue to kill people worldwide in Xenophobia at a rate of well over millions per year (>150 million since WW2), we are not even aware of the 7000 years of Oligarch empire control over the issue of our fake: Finance, money, capital, Media, Religion, Education Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX.
All humanity's ancient 10s of 1000s of years old 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors, cultivated COUNCIL PROCESS or Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues in order to bring mind to mind for many 10s of 1000s of years. all humanity's ancient 10s of 1000s of years old 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors, for creating understanding, Constructive Agreements, Contract delineation & for Conflict Resolution. Https://
wow,what an effort you put into this information,thanks
George Begg, Three branches of my family are Ashkenazi Jew, so I grew up with the propaganda indoctrination, yet in every practical way, the propaganda is distorted in every facet of health, life & all humanity's existence is jeopardized if not already crushed. The Bio-weapons of fake COVID-19 & mRNA shots which have killed some 20 million people are just one small example. Oligarchs & those who submit to this false power & privilege have a debilitating disease, threatening to wipe out all life. Coordinated, diaspora Jewish denial stands in the face of murder complicity, sending regular checks to Israel for such as the Gazan, Palestinian, Lebanese & Syrian Genocide over the past 100 years. It is time for those at the bottom of this pyramid, to take back a loving 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture'). Here's what a dozen Multihomes & neighbourhoods are doing in Canada, USA, Brazil & Kenya.
70% of people today live in Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village clustered housing) within an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 (50-150) persons. The Domestic Economy is equal to the Industrial & Commercial Economies combined & plays an integral role. The voice of primarily women accounting-recognized, celebrated & empowered for their work at this intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale enable appropriate personal goods, services & real-'education' (L 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within'). Most institutional goods & services are inappropriately scaled & cruel. Recycling, Repair, Reduction, Reuse of goods & materials are stimulated with specialists at these economies-of-scale among every other facet of the true 'economy'. Start-up industry & commerce within these committed extended-family Multihome bodies are the most successful, innovative & lasting in the face of economic pressures. 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration, contributing 2 trillion $/year of the most individually most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing & caring/year.
APPROPRIATE-SCALE CULTURAL ECONOMY FOUNDATION All indigenous humanity kept intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale in the Multihome (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). Multihomes should be the 1st Line of nutritional, preventative & restorative Medical intervention by specialists already amongst us treating people proactively & positively in harmony with nature. Here's an indigenous model of software to regenerate community care & health. Https:// Here's what a dozen communities are reaching for across Canada, USA, Brazil, Kenya. Come join.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? Http:// web-based Community-Circular-Economy software:
A) CATALOGUE intake form for individual & business Talents, Goods, Services, Resources & Dreams. Https://
B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region
C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. Https://
D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through COUNCIL PROCESS for creating Constructive Agreements, elaborating Contracts & Conflict Resolution.
As long as everyone gets plenty of privacy, I'm totally cool with communal living. Private shitter and shower and small kitchen but big communal baths and baking ovens. Cluster for thermal mass and joyous interaction and such. Looks like I could fellow-travel with you lot.
As an indigenous person, I agree.
Well said man,it's great to see others aware of the propaganda,how can one make 'nazi' out of nationalist socialist deutschland workers party, it is probably derived from the 'ashkaNAZI jews', who populated an area in germany. Time magazine man of the year Adolf Hitler 1938 front cover.
Sam and Mark, how beautifully you are true to your surnames. Protectors from wandering evil, keeping them beyond the pail, emphasizing our humanity and immunizing us from them who desire to poison us with their lies and fearmongering. I cannot think of a nobler calling.
Middle English baylle, "wall enclosing an outer court" of a castle, fortified city, etc. (c. 1200 in Anglo-Latin, late 13c. in place-names), a variant of bail, from Old French bail "stake, palisade, brace," which is of unknown origin, perhaps ultimately connected to Latin bacula "sticks," on notion of "stakes, palisade fence."
Good one.
Yup, I've been doing motte-and-bailey jokes since I first heard of Sam back in what's now the day.
The Baileys as bulwark.
The Baileys showing us what's at stake.
And all the things you've nicely pointed out here.
A couple of thugs who arrested me once in Illinois for environmentalism or whatever, well, in the place for the name of the cop the guy wrote "Bailey" like it was his father-name. Perhaps it was. In the intervening decades I've often had occasion to muse on that name Bailey.
You are doing great work Dr Sam!
thanks for sharing this with us. I had no idea that they are still pursuing you like this.
This tells me that the 'new govt' is not new at all as they are allowing this hounding of doctors to continue.
My understanding is it is not the Government but the Medical Council which is a separate entity!
An example of what is possible is one of the most powerful mind and reality altering forces in life.. Sam and Mark's courageous example of fearless truth seeking proves my point.
In 2015, after four years of severe health issues I at the time thought were attributed to chronic Lyme disease (a germ theory illusion i have sincecshed), I came to a clear conclusion about the true nature of the worldwide allopathic medical cabal. I reached this conclusion by an intense study of the history of the founding and development of this industrial monopoly spawned out of the petrochemical industry, the promotion of germ theory, and the complete takeover of the medical education and licensure system.
In April of that year. I left my old life behind. After selling my home and most of my possessions and leaving my career, I began something I called my Trek For Truth. I created a website and YouTube channel with that name, and at age 55 began walking solo across the United States from the Atlantic Ocean headed west. It was my Quixotic attempt to draw some attention to this crime against humanity. After switching to a bicycle after my first 1,000 miles, I reached the Pacific Ocean south of San Francisco in October of 2015 after covering over 4,100 miles.
In the ensuing years I had all but lost hope that a large awakening to medical truth would happen in my lifetime. And then I came across the examples of The Baileys, Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman. Stephan Lanka, Christine Massey, Mike Stone and so many other fellow truth seekers. Examples set, hope restored, reality forever altered. Cheers!
I have had the nick names of "rust"' and it could be applied to you and Mark. Rust never sleeps.
Your ethic for work and research is epic. You have always responded to questions with views based on the Bailey research and for me I have no doubt as to the truth of your well founded advice. You not not lecture but point to citations and research and books to read for me to make up my mind on. Based on that you have done so much to save my life and become med free starting 4 or 5 years ago so this now 77 year old frame is in a much improved healthy and happy system.
To love your enemies is a wonderful trait. I hope I do not disappoint if things get bad but I've seen too many bad actors in my life to turn the other cheek. I'm a believer in UTU.
Though all need to make a living, a real healer might be better off out of this system.
Unmedicated, unvaccinated and with all my body parts (except for the end of my penis, removed by some lunatic back in 1949), I recently saw two doctors over a severe mystery rash, seemingly contracted in the bush outside my home.
There may have been a time a country doctor had some familiarity with such things, but I could hardly get a modern local doctor even to look at my rash. The emphasis was on antibiotics for an infection I did not have, medication for blood pressure despite two readings of normal...well, you all know the rest. I didn't wait to be warned against cholesterol needed by my seventy-five year old brain and viruses that don't exist.
The system's corrupt past a critical point. Worse, it's slack, lazy and indifferent. You Baileys have my admiration. You are doing the only right thing.
uuuuuh. too much information!
Circumcision noted. Sorry for your loss. I tried to kill the guy who attacked me but he was nearly two-hundred pounds and I was only ten pounds.
The fact that Jacinta Ardern and most of the NZ health dept., never had the vax is worth fighting for. A Doctor here in Australia took this to the supreme court and won against the TGA. The truth of this must be made public. All the best to you and your husband.
You deserve to be vindicated.
The biggest red flag of all was when politician made themselves exempt from the gene therapy!
FUN FACT: Fauci proudly took the jab in his LEFT shoulder on camera at a press event after explaining how important it was for everyone to get it .....
..... the next day during a TV interview he patted his RIGHT shoulder when describing the slight soreness he felt at the injection site.
(the backdrop on each video was the right way round, proving neither videos was flipped)
In many countries it would seem. How a clue like that wasn't a "full stop" to the entire populace is a wonder. Of course, it wasn't widely advertised but the info was readily available to anyone who had the slightest interest.
In addition, various politicians referring to the roll out as a trial were all purposely done to warn those that had eyes to see. But telling and showing the brianwashed masses showed to me how much of a spell they were under and ultimately they were sleepwalking into they own demise, some sooner than was coordinated and pre- meditated , just the logistics of manufacturing and distribution alone did not add up given the respective timeframes back in 2021.
really, not to me. Please explain where such readily available EVIDENCE exists on any politician in the USA.
My question to you would be "where do you get your news?" Personally, haven't watched TEEVEE in 20+yrs and certainly adsorb only enough MSM to know what the empire is "up to". The sources I've relied on, which could be termed "alternative", reported on the "exemptions" repeatedly. (so multiple sources) If you never came across this information that tells me you weren't paying attention, at least to what counted.
SAM BAILIE ,Im from SOUTH AFRICA and ive watched and listened to you SINCE 2020 and read id say AT LEAST 60 % of your work (i make a point of following someone like you in depth so i can ascertain validity) i have seen consistency after consistency where you are right and the beloved "establishment"-(government and their cronies are grossly wrong) The only reason they cancel and ban and censor is :simply put is because you are RIGHT and they dont want their little apple cart , sponsors and financial backers to come under scrutiny for fear of funds drying up !! - follow the money - and 75% of the truth is told. These people are EVIL YOU ARE NOT, THESE PEOPLE ARE CORRUPT , YOU ARE NOT, THESE PEOPLE ARE PSHYCOPATHS , YOU ARE NOT, THESE PEOPLE ARE MURDERERS, YOU ARE NOT ,these PEOPLE ARE IN THE POCKETS OF BIG PHARMA , YOU ARE NOT. Heroes like you and Mark and Lizz Gunn and Barry Young have been noted by us the public - your efforts are WORTH A MILLION TONS OF GOLD to put it mildly. PLEASE PRESS DOWN, HARDER EVEN HARDER - PUT YOUR FOOT FLAT DOWN DO NOT RELENT , BRUSH AWAY THE EVIL CRUSH IT AS YOU ARE EFFECTIVELY DOING - WE SEE IT WE FEEL IT WE KNOW IT . GO DR SAM BAILE YOU HAVE THE SUPPORT OF MILLIONS AND MILLIONS - WE LOVE YOU SO !!! Finaly i feel compelled to pray for those evil people - heres my prayer -for them - MAY DEATH SEIZE YOU SUDDENLY , MAY YOU GO DOWN LIVE INTO SHEOL BECAUSE EVIL DWELLS IN YOU AND AMONGST YOU. - AMEN
Dr Guilaine Lanctot, in Canada, wrote " The Medical Mafia" almost 20 years ago, and abandoned her 4 clinics and was of course delicenced, it has been going on for a while and some doctors have stood up to the tyranny. Thank you for being among them. I don't believe they can carry on with their outrageous fine project as there is no lawful basis, I believe its just threats... we'll see. Good luck to you both and keep on being you. Much Love and gratitude. Marie
Good on you Dr. Sam, you’re beautiful inside and out! You opened my eyes to the virus myth! Thank you! Keep talking!
You're a tough cookie Sam and I am sure that you and Mark will come out of this affront to your integrity very well in the end. You have highlighted issues that the rest of us non medical folks never dreamed existed and for that you have my great thanks and the little I have been able to assist is small potatoes in what you've both achieved. By the way your video editing abilities have improved out of sight since your early efforts - well done to both of you.
If there was justice in the world, we'd have double winners for the Nobel Peace prize, you and Mark. Yes, the prize is bogus, witness the one given to the legendary crook Obama prior to anything he did for the benefit of the world. Imagine being given a prize for something that you "might do" in the future, not what you've done prior. Keep up the great work, you are inspirational people, we are so indebted to you and your pluck.
I will second that.
As an unvaccinated registered nurse who lost their job twice (once outright due to being unvaccinated and the second time because I answered family questions truthfully about turbo cancers), I appreciate you, Dr. Sam Bailey, and your work. You are not alone.
You have saved more lives & made more people healthy on line than you ever could as local GPs. I look forward to the blockbuster movie about the good Bailey's fight against the forces of evil.
It's always interesting to look at the flags of the most oppressed countries like Australia and New Zealand and notice big brother JACK in the top left corner, as we see in this Dear Jacinda snippet. Is this because they are former (foremost!) colonies? Also look at the 3 colours of the Stars and Stripes. The Canadian Red Ensign and the flags of Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia all feature big brother Jack. An interesting book is the latest by historian Richard Poe about the real evil empire. You can see a recent interview here.
Do typical doctors actually believe what they are saying about viruses and contagion etc? Having 7 doctors in my family and 5 doctors in my neighbourhood the answer is mostly “yes”.
If you discuss the evidence to someone who has been indoctrinated with lies (and since been lying to themselves) their response can vary from “no, you must be kidding” to very angry and almost violent. The more truth you point out, the more angry they become - or they resort to “I don’t think we should talk about this" which happened when I was at a doctor's golf tournament 3 years ago. It’s important to note that during their medical training there is no discussion of the scientific method and much of the training involves fraudulent history (like Pasteur & Salk the heroes) and "missing-information” (no mention of the Common Cold Research Unit in the UK).
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
― Upton Sinclair,
An incredible story of defiance in the face of systematic tyranny. Imagine if we all joined forces with just a fraction of the fight the Baileys have shown - the medical mafia would be toast faster than a bagel in a blowtorch.
If I had the cash and Sam and Mark couldn’t find a way out of this ridiculous $163, 000 con, I’d pay in a heartbeat - that's a bargain for the lifesaving work the Baileys do every single day.