Thank you both for this interview. I've followed the 2 of you since the start of your journeys. I bought yours and Mark's book, Sam, to try to understand terrain theory. I think it was a little over my head but since then, I came across Can you catch a Cold? to which you, Sam, wrote the foreword. I've nearly finished reading it and yhen will reread yours. I don't know if it's the Irish Mammy in me, but it was a particular delight to listen to you both...2 young people standing up to be counted. You're both slightly older than my 2, one of whom has had to resign after 6 months of bullying to sign off on something for the medical regulators that didn't do what it said on the tin. I know friends feel sorry for me..a PhD that I part funded, gone down the drain! I constantly explain that what I feel is intense pride in my child's courage and integrity and deep sorrow at the world my children seem to be inheriting. Anyway well done to you both!! The word 'hero' is so misused these days but I believe you are both heroes in the true sense of that word. I'm so glad that you both look and sound so well too, (particularly Sam White for whose welfare I was concerned at the start of his journey).

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We are living under a Fourth Reich regime, in a mind control dictatorship. Those with Integrity, Character and Strength of Will refuse to participate.

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In all of this, never forget that our source of Good, our true strength, comes from the Truth, and that comes from God, our Creator, who loves us and this world. He is Sovereign, even when we can't see or understand what He is (or seems not to be) doing. He sees it all, knows it all, KNEW it was going to happen. Why He allows these things to happen many times is not knowable, but He is not absent, He is not silent. At times we are not listening and often we are not seeking His wisdom but only our own human wisdom. And our own wisdom is not enough.

Dear Lord ... we need You! Please help us. Bring down these evil people, these seed of satan. Frustrate their evil plans. Give us and all that seek to do what is right, what You teach us is right, strength and wisdom to know what to do and to do it. Protect us from the Evil one.

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The National Socialists were against vaccines. We're living in a regime controlled by the people that the NatSocs were fighting.

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Both were and are evil.

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For the next few years we have access to real information. No reason to believe jewish lies anymore.

Don't worry, they'll clamp down in a few years, and the truth will disappear.

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Thank the lord for the two Sams. Their voices have been beacons of truth, cutting through the darkness of the CONVID fraud with unflinching clarity.

In a world gone mad, they kept countless people grounded in sanity, reminding us non-CONVIDIANS that we were not alone.

Their unwavering courage continues to shine a light on every facet of the Medical Mafia‘s deception reinforcing the vital importance of resisting tyranny at all costs. Without them, the fight for truth and freedom would feel more isolated and daunting.

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When the Medical Mafia comes knocking with an offer you ‘can't‘ refuse; the 2 Sams have demonstrated by example that refusing is exactly what you MUST DO!!

💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️ 🖕👊💥🖕😃

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Great interview with the incredible Dr Sam White. Thank you.

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The really creepy thing is all the willing slaves and all the willing fascist tools . The few hundreds running the world can via these fools reign from behind the curtain .

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Wonderful interview thank you

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Thanks, and well done for speaking out!, all of you !!

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I really enjoyed this chat between you both. You are both a credit to yourselves and your families, despite how sometimes parents and siblings are slow or even fail to get onboard. Stoicism like this is what we need more of in order to take back control of our lives, and our new parallel society that must ultimately win the day. Thankyou both for your resilience and for being so personable. It gives me much hope for the future.

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Another incredible interview; thank you so much. Dr. Sam White is so courageous. I don't know if I could have done the same, but he is a model to emulate....and all the other courageous souls out there in the world. We can all do our part- big or small- it counts.

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Two Sam's are the equivalent of ten million allopathic psychopathic mainstream morons thank you Sam+Sam+ all others taking making a stand

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

I really enjoyed this interaction between the Sam squared. There are a couple of other doctors here in the UK that I think share your passion for the truth. They are Dr David Cartland and Dr Elizabeth Evans, I have met both of them at resent events. With regard the legal aspect there is a prominent human rights lawyer here in the UK called Anna de Buisseret, she is passionate in bringing the truth to the general public.

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It's all a gargantuan fraud, and I have no clue how to break out of the matrix, because they are everywhere and in everyone and everything.



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"There is no such thing as FREE SPEECH. That was an unfunny joke which was used to present a pseudo constitution within a Swiss Sponsored Hunger Game construct."

— The Juxtaposition1 Channel: (Paid Content for Brutal Truth) - https://juxtaposition1.substack.com/p/the-juxtaposition1-channel-paid-content

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I don’t trust the church either . Only Jesus. Real science too- NOT “the” science .

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Church leaders, a majority of the police and doctors are just people in fancy dress following nefarious orders.

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You might want to google Vatican auditorium. They are telling you exactly who they are.

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Most of the church today are just gatekeepers. A few good men to found still, as for instance Robert Breaker and David O'Steen. The latter is unfortunately though very naive, when it comes to modern science and medicine.

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Great work Sams...I think its true we need to leave the control freaks behind & get back to individual to individual relationships & contracts ....partic leave behind Big Food & big multinational companies..go to local family fruit & veg shops that buy from markets everyday..use cash.. .grow what you can, rainwater tank. I love the idea of having a "Alternative Dr" outside system advising me on my most drug free & wholistic heath strategy's possible. As for free speech see this recent speech by Judge Andrew Napolitano (My fav Catholic!)! Ha! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIWd4bBC_uk

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The new rfk Jr angle with MAHA is to focus on food and barely bring up the real cause of many issues, vaccines.

It's almost like by design, but who knows if he's just doing it to sound safe to the mASS media.

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I've heard it said that the likes of RFK jr and Del Bigtree have had all the no virus info presented to them or knew about it already and largely agree with the conclusions but repeatedly claim that the general public was and still is not ready for such a drastic reversal in what was accepted up to now.

I can actually understand that argument now after four years of watching people continue to believe the mainstream view but I still think some of these characters are controlled opposition for Big Pharma.

I just listened to the Elon Musk Tucker Carlson interview and and apart from all the self-congratulatory falling off the chair laughter the part that stood out to me was the defense of vaccination as a way to prevent disease. It looks to me like the inertia of a lifetime of indoctrination and the more educated and public the individual the more difficult it is to question the narrative of the last hundred years.

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Bigtree has essentially admitted he is on board with the terrain model, but that his audience are too stupid to comprehend it. I think what he really means is that his business model is firmly plugged into the virus model and he doesn't want to lose that revenue stream.

The main value of people like Bigtree (and RFK) is teaching the public how to spot sophistry, evasion, perception management and grifting. It's the public who have to get wise, not Bigtree.

IMHO all of these 'characters' have something valuable to teach if we really pay attention to how they operate.....


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Corona Studies, I just watched the linked video, and it is brilliant! I laughed the first time the male voice interjected with the "no evidence" statements, and laughed harder with each subsequent interjection. I love how it ends with the [not] Spanish [not] Flu truth, too! Thanks for sharing this.💝

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Yep, I agree, we can learn a lot from these 'characters' by observing their behavior. I don't mind people selling stuff and making a living but with the condition that it's somehow attached to the truth.

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The Kennedy family are all a bunch of crooks, and that is a matter of fact: It is an old Mafia family, that earned it's massive wealth on bootlegging! You should not trust a word coming out of that mouthpiece of the deep state and Roman Catholic Church, and his entire purpose could be boiled down to one thing: Selling to the world, that the no-virus were a weapon of mass destruction produced by China! He is essentially put in place for one thing, to sell to the world, that we need to go to war against China (and Russia) and thereby selling the necessity of WW3! It also works massively, see for instance old trusted alternative health ressources as Mike Adams (The Health Ranger of Natural News and Brighteon) and Dr. Joseph, who are now fully onboard calling for sanctions against China, and many like them. What I call the Fake Resistance!

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