Mark's father Richard, was my doctor for many years and I found him great and really listened to my family's needs. I then had Mark for a doctor briefly before he left for Wanaka. So it was amazing to see that he was aware of what medicine today really is, a pharmaceutically controlled money making industry that doesn't give a shit about health. I do not have a GP.

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One day people will realize the fraud of allopathic medicine which is responsible for the degrading health of human beings.

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I tried to didcuss this with My GPs at Ash Trees Carnforth in a long letter. I did not even get an acknowledgement 3 years ago!. I wrote to my previous GP at Park View Milnethorpe! DITTO!. Our vicar put a colouful CGI of the "Virus" in the Parish mag of St. Oswald,s Warton. I called him out by asking "Who-Where- When- was the "Virus" isolated and said that he was committing in my view bearing false witness!...Lancashire Constabulary knocked on my door and threatened me with arrest for malicious communication. I wrote to Reverend Figg,s Bishops in Blackburn and Lancaster! I got no reply!. So...I wrote small bits of my research in grafitti style on my MY garage doors!...I,ve had FOUR visits from Lancashire constabulary over writing these findings on my own property! I remove their implied right of access and they have to leave!...Me? 76 Ex Rep- Ex Trucker- Ex Royal Navy..Warton Lancs UK

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Vitality is the key to good health and a long life.

Stay active, don't smoke, don't eat or drink to excess, eat a varied healthy diet & maintain a healthy weight.

And never, ever get vaccinated. People who live long lives don't get there under the care of an allopath.

Seems easy enough.

Unfortunately, western society is not conducive to any of the keys to good health. Not to followers anyway.

Allopathic doctors are slave doctors.

Master doctors treat the patient, not disease. Masters, wealthy independents, have the luxury of time and money to recover from illness naturally.

Slaves need to be patched up & filled up with drugs to keep them working (even if unhealthy or wounded) and productive and paying off debt until they drop dead.

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What a Legend, speaking out and putting the truth 1st, no matter what the cost. It suits you Mark, you look vibrant and really alive. Thank you for your service to humanity.

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Wow ! As an awake retired Canadian R.N. , I absolutely loved this interview. Kudos to you two couples for your bravery And perseverance. All of you are my super heroes . Blessings from Halifax , N S.

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When people start partnering with themselves, Wow, what a fantastic discription of empowered, loving self authority.

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What a great pivot to selling and buying land for self suffiency and the accomodation income. Brilliant.

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Robot GP!! Good god, what ever happened to "first do no harm"?

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OMGoodness, threatening you with a fine, they didn't proceed becasue they couldn't. They have no REAL authority over you. WELL DONE!!!!

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It is so reassuring to have the support of Dr. Sam and all the others she has introduced me to during the past 3 years. At the age of 11 in 1956, I refused the Polio vaccination that they were giving out at school because I had read of the severe adverse effect encountered by a young girl. That created a feeling of reservations about the health services that lead to my additional realisation that Psychiatry too was destroying not only the mental health but also the physical health of its patients. As a Psychotherapist I was spending my time helping people to find their own path to mental well-being while very gradually taking them off their medications. So, the whole Covid process for me is just a continuation of my firm belief that there is this huge, powerful, money-driven, illness-oriented industry that has inculcated itself into our ways of thinking and even the way we are educated. We so need people like Mark to give people the courage to focus on healthy ways of living as human beings. Most of our problems are the result of environmental, social and life-style factors and with people like Sam and Mark we can allow ourselves to think independently and cut the brainwashing that is everywhere. At 78, I am unvaccinated, unmedicated and actively enjoying life and learning.

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They come across a quite pathetic these rulers and so called authorities, don't you think?

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Covid- apart from the dark side, has been a great wakeup call in many aspects of our lives. It has made so many people take a thorough investigation into the medical system in particular. All of us who are awake have gained tremendously in confidence and personal strength., Thanks Mark and Dr Sam

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100 million people in the US are drowning in Medical debt and account for 40% of the Bankruptcy's in the country. It is just a money make scam and a system to move assets from one group of people to another.

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The Tyranny of Arden

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Related - Rebecca Barnett posted a truly brilliant piece on her substack page that's exposed the blatant hypocrisy of NZ [and AU] authorities who are now claiming that no one was forced to take the jab.

The evidence of their lies is absolutely staggering while the hypocrisy of their own deliberate misinformation campaign is another.

It would become rather interesting to see how the same characters would now respond if they were now presented with their highly contradictory statements.

'' New Zealand PM denies vaccination was compulsory despite widespread mandates, redefines what words mean'' https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/new-zealand-pm-denies-vaccination

Watch the video's !!!!

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