"public health" like "health care" is actually about sickness and disease, not "health." If our government cared about "public health" they would be working to measure and help those in the public who need improvements in "health" the most - the homeless, the poor, and the destitute. True "public health" would develop tools to measure healthiness, without reference to disease. True public health would be able to recognize and count cases of illness and disease cured. Today, however, public health considers most diseases ", incurable." It's shameful, profit driven, bureaucratic, and corporate, not "public" and not "health."

To your health, Tracy

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Well said. Doctors who actually want to help their patients depart from their MD training to explore what really makes people healthy. They depart from the Rockefeller Medicine model which has always been about money and symptom suppression, not health.

After following Dr. Sircus, I am convinced that most of us would benefit health wise by adopting a regimen of regularly ingesting baking soda, apple cider vinegar and chlorine dioxide. I recommend Dr. Sircus to anyone looking to improve their health with safe, alternative and inexpensive approaches. https://drsircus.com/protocol/

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indeed, thanks for mentioning. also beware of the strong correlation between corona's symptoms and 5G - https://stateofthenation.co/?p=12846

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I absolutely loved this interview, three amazing people.

I did have a bit of a chuckle when you were discussing how you thought all the Covid nonsense would be over and done with pretty quickly.

It reminded me of an experience I had back in 2020.

I was a RN working at a GP Clinic and I dared to say to one of the GP’s that SARS-CoV-2 hadn’t been purified or isolated. She started flaying her arms around and told me to get out of the room that I was ridiculous.

I do have a laugh now because I feel somewhat vindicated.

Keep up the good work.

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Three heroes! You three courageous brilliant beings are bringing the light. i crave the truth as much as I crave freedom. God bless you.

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It was great to see Christines request for proof of Monkeypox virus put an end to the fear mongering. As a father of a now 31 year old son with autism my focus for the past 25 years has been to warn people about the dangers of vaccines. After a little unbiased research It became obvious to me that the pharma industry was just interested in treating and creating more symptoms. I always felt that I wanted to find the root cause of why people got sick and understood that food was our ultimate medicine. I never thought about questioning the root cause or reason for vaccines in the first place which is the easiest way to convince those that I care about not to take a vaccine ! Why would you take something to prevent something that does not exist? Pharma can make up endless bogus studies but it is not that easy to prove something that does not exist.

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It was only in 2020 at 60 years old on furlough in the Covid madness that I questioned the reason for vaccinating. I had had no reason before as I avoided doctors and pharmaceuticals generally as far as possible. When in June I worked out the scam I was very, very angry. I have been working ever since to wake people up.

It saddens me that I did not wake up before and that people like you have been trying to warn us for many years.

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It has taken me an unfortunately long time to understand the depth of the problem of centralization, which includes the existence of centralized public health "authorities". It's not generally even a problem of the bad intentions of the individuals involved but rather the fact that once power is concentrated it attracts those with economic interests and it appears to be exceedingly simple to co-opt authorities if you have resources.

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Yes, I think the globalists at the center of the corrupt banking and monetary system are raking in a Niagara Falls of stolen wealth from bank loans where they tap digits into a leger to 'create' our money and loan nothing. It is the public making the loan, a loan of goods and services to the borrower.

This global crime cabal then uses the stolen wealth to create top down power monopolies in every sector of the economy, including health care. They buy up control of government the same way.

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Thanks, Sam & Mark, for bringing Christine for this interview.

From the beginning, Christine was like a Compass, a very focused mind that very few people, or perhaps no one, was able to manage in all these years to confuse or disorient her in her incessant search for the truth and her vocation to spread it at all costs.

In her own words, a phrase that is always worth remembering:

"Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly they don't exist and virology isn't a science."

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If I knew the Baileys' and Christine were assigned as the lead detectives on my case, I wouldn't even think about planning a bank heist - I'd be caught before I could say "getaway car!' The Dynamic Trio don't miss a beat. Their forensic expertise has already landed the Germ Theory con man behind bars, along with his shady associates: Mr. Virus Lie, Mr. Contagion Myth, and the notorious grifters of the allopathic medicine crew. None of these reprobates are getting out on Bail-eys' and Massey's watch!!

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I really dislike the disingenuous way the health “authorities” always seem to respond. Whenever they have to admit that there is zero scientific evidence that viruses like Mpox exist, they also say that there is no evidence that it doesn’t exist. How would it even be possible to design an experiment to prove that something like a virus doesn’t exist?

It’s just BS obfuscation.

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hasbara tactics.

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I sooo relate to that mind set Christene spoke of along the lines of ....well clearly they do not know the harm this is causing because if they did , they would do something about it . Then the double down on the effort to ' inform them ' or inform anyone deemed....these people too must be told !

Big thank you to the Baileys and to Christene for your integrity, and your tenacity .

Blessings and appreciation from Sydney Australia.

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After 200 years of the Germ Theory fraud and Christine's FOIA challenges to over 240 'health' institutions I thought how would Monty Python treat this issue...


Scene: A dimly lit pub in Britain. Mr. Wise to… is seated next to Mr. ViroLiegist, who is nervously supping a pint of warm beer. Mr. Wise to…, grinning mischievously....

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning in] “Ello, mate. You, er, work in ‘virology,’ do you?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [In a haughty, upper-class accent] Yes, that’s right.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly, twiddling his thumbs] Ahhhh, virology, eh? Very important field, eh? [Winks] Isolate any ‘viruses’ recently? [Leans in closer] You know… isolate isolate, wink wink, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, we don’t really… isolate in the strictest sense.

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods knowingly] Oh, don’t you now, eh? Don’t really isolate, wink wink, say no more! So, uh, you get your little culture dish, and-what-throw in some monkey kidney cells, eh? Give it a little stir, nudge nudge?

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, we introduce cell cultures -

Mr. Wise to…: Introduce, eh? [Winks dramatically] I’ll bet you do! Eh? [Leans in close, eyes wide] Cytopathic effects, eh? Lovely bit of destruction, wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, yes, it’s just part of the process…

Mr. Wise to…: [Interrupts, grinning] Part of the process, eh? Process, eh? Mixing and matching, bit of this, bit of that – eh? All gets a bit complicated, don’t it? [Leans back, crossing his arms smugly] I bet there’s PCR involved, eh? Eh? Amplifying things that aren’t really, you know – wink wink, say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: We use PCR to -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leans forward, raising his eyebrows repeatedly] Ohhh, I bet you do! PCR – right between the old genes, eh? Amplify this, amplify that – nudge nudge, lovely bit of sequences, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Awkwardly] Well, it’s to detect -

Mr. Wise to…: Detect, eh? [Grinning wider] Oh, I bet you detect all sorts of things! Bits of RNA floating about in the old soup, eh? No need for anything pure, eh? Just a bit of random genetic detritus, eh? You sly dog, you!

Mr. ViroLiegist: Well, it’s not quite that simple -

Mr. Wise to…: Not that simple, eh? [Nudges him] Say no more! No need to complicate things, right? Just throw in some random sequences, patch 'em together, bit of guesswork, eh? Lovely bit of data stitching – wink wink! [Leans in] You ever, uh, publish any of that? Eh? Eh? Get a cheeky little grant for your trouble?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Hesitating] Well, I mean, we -

Mr. Wise to…: [Nods eagerly] Ohhhh, I bet you did, eh? Got your cheeky little funding, eh? [Elbows him harder] Lots of papers written, all about nothing in particular – eh? Just a bit of this, a bit of that – wink wink, nudge nudge! And all without really having seen the little blighter, eh?

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Sputtering on his warm pint] Well, we have electron microscope images –

Mr. Wise to…: Oh, electron microscopes, eh? [Winks again, jabbing him with his elbow] Big ol’ blurry blobs, eh? Slap a few arrows on there, call it a virus, eh? Lovely bit of science, that! [Sits back, smug] Can’t argue with that, now, can you? Science at its finest, eh? Say no more!

Mr. ViroLiegist: [Confused] I -

Mr. Wise to…: [Leaning back in satisfaction] Ohhhh, you’re a sly one, mate. Absolutely love it! Nudge nudge, wink wink!

[Fade out, as Mr. Wise to… smirks knowingly and Mr. ViroLiegist squirms uncomfortably.]

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LOL, very python-worthy

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🎯 excellent!

Now we just need ppl to direct, act in, and film this little skit... do it well enoiugh (& short enough for short attn spans) & this cd go viral 😉

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that would be GREAT!! let's see how this rumbles....

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😀😀👍👍 LOL!! That would be hilarious!!

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The #vaccineinjured PhDs never dare to leave their re-education camp which brainwashed them into believing in adding 'mis' in front of 'information' or 'viral' in front of 'particle' is doing science.

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Shared far and wide! Awesome interview!

Thank you!

Millions are waking up everyday because of genuine content.

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

ps Dr. Peter McCullough will be on his propaganda campaign in Canada soon!

Sharing his treatments for a disease that has never been found! Criminal or very stupid!

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Heartfelt appreciation to be aware the three of you: Team Bailey and Christine for your ongoing work and obvious grace when dealing with the unscrupulous and the ignorant... sincere thank you Emmett

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Excellent interview with Christine Massey. One of the courageous souls who is calling out the facts. The increase in chronic illnesses the past 2-3 decades is undeniably linked to poor health management and power of 'big' everything. Learning to heal oneself energetically is key.

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Awesome interview. That's all I can say right now. Thank you. 💗

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Everyone has been raised with the virus model basically drummed into them since childhood. I myself felt that the model was deeply flawed and had no problem whatsoever dropping the virus falsehood. For some people this is a massive step and I'm content for the moment that they are refusing and questioning the vaccines. One step at a time as long as they are all in the same direction.

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