Wordsmithing is extremely powerful.

The word virus is in everyone’s vocabulary without a second thought. Talk about subliminal mind control. How about catch a cold?! I ask how does a society purge a false concept? Generations…

Can I relive life outside the matrix of false realities? But it’s never to late to adjust thinking and understand natural law. A lonely space. We live in a zombafied world

Evolving fast towards matrix 2.0! The really real threat…

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Yup. I haven't had a cold since I adjusted my belief. Four-and-a-half years.

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December 3rd, 2024: now five full years without a cold!

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GREAT REPORTING on Anthrax!! I really appreciate you addressing the nagging questions Ive been harboring. It seems like the Germ Theory stalker is up to its old tricks, this time picking on Anthrax to SPOREAD fear, likely with an eye to peddle something "safe and effective."

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True: if you ever hear "safe and effective," run!

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.... for the Hills!!

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That's why God made hills.

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The Great Mole in the sky sees all!

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Thanks Dr Sam another great video.

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Thank you kindly Dr Sam for sharing highly informative timely scientific information with us at a timw when we can not trust our own goverment.

For over a century, Americans have been led to believe that what was the true epicenter of the 1918 "pandemic" – US Army military bases – was actually the result of a Rockefeller Instutute vaccine experiment gone awry

The True Story of the 1918 “So-called Viral Influenza” Pandemic


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We think of people who accept the dominant narrative as stupid or blind, but they participate in a ritual similar to that of the non-dominant believers: they see through the easy lies and then settle in. Even the freedom-movement folks get out of the box and then lurk by the exit hole shouting back into the box. Comfortable.

Knowing themselves as "see-throughers," average folk are more easily manipulated. Most folks see through, don't they? Apparently most people "see through" Wuhan. Even the most dominated drudge likes to think of herself as a see-througher, as someone who has "seen through" that politicians are bad or seen through ____________ [fill in the blank].

Seeing through. Whoah.

People in the freedom movement continue to think of paying taxes as a virtue, continue to vote, continue to participate in a system that has a standing army with an unlimited budget, continue to buy fancy phones. How is this freedom? I haven't voted in 65 years. I gave away a career in ivy and millions of dollars and lived in cardboard for seven years and sorted out a few things. It wasn't difficult. Yet I get asked, if I get asked anything at all, the most rudimentary questions, right at the time when humans need to ask better questions if they are to survive. Okay, it was millions of dollars Canadian, which is play money, but still.

No-virus folks have seen through viruses. Very good. That was four years ago. But what about now? We love to flatter ourselves as see-throughers. We see through a glass darkly. See through to what? Seeing through is part of how we choose to not see. At so many levels we're a bunch of not-sees. We "see through" Fauci and then settle in comfortably to supporting the kind of system that made such a person possible. We "see through" Gates and then say nothing ill of people with new iPhones or people who clean Gates's bathroom.

What's up?

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Yes, I feel bad about paying a monthly fee to Microsoft ... but I'm still paying it.

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Anyway, my comment was celebrating the fact that you had the letter "I" in your comment.

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Hmm, I wrote a paragraph response and it disappeared. It was my first comment of the morning, so maybe that's a sign it wasn't up to snuff.

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In recognition of Sam's relentless pursuit to unveil the fraud of viro Lie gy, I have composed a few lines of verse in her honor:

Ode to Hawkish for Truth

Amid dawn’s first light, the hawk leaves her nest,

Roaming the skies, for the Germ Theory pest.

She can’t return empty-taloned, young minds to feed,

Bad news for Team Virus, its their time to bleed.

From crooked CDC peaks, to the murky UKHSA *valley below,

She circles the shadows, where hidden lies grow.

Circling on high, all their deceptions she sees,

Her lightning dives, catching prey with ease.

“Virology’s” lies stalk with, a sly, dark grin,

Until the hawk stoops, and her talons rip in.

The hunt for truth, Sam never flees,

Her powerful talons bring, viro Lie gy to its knees.

The target caught, the hawk grips its prey,

Home flight to Substack, she’s soaring our way.

In that nest high above, young hungry minds wait,

Eager for knowledge, to satiate.

Answers from research flesh, her beak carefully tears,

Feeding hungry minds, with the truth it bears.

Each shred of flesh, a revelation untold,

Nourishing our minds, with wisdom of gold.

For in the nest of science, hungry children yearn,

To learn, to grow, to question and discern.

With each morsel devoured, we’re filled with delight,

Feasting on truths revealed, from the hawk’s research flight.

So, let us honour, sing her praise,

This noble hawk, whose steady gaze,

Protects the light, as the flying sleuth,

Beware, deceivers, Sam’s hawkish for truth.

* Feel free to substitute valley with swamp depending on how you regard the UKHSA, formerly Public Hellth England. Shithole works, too 😀😀

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Excellent work! More evidence to escape the Matrix of FEAR!

Nothing like a little Zen on the road to Truth!

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Thank you, Sam and Mark.

When I realised that 9/11 wasn't a false flag per se but, in reality, simply a massive demolition job dressed up as a Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise where the plane crashes were faked as well as the death and injury in the buildings, I turned to the other alleged events thought of as "false flags" such as the post-9/11 anthrax attacks and Pearl Harbor and discovered that they too weren't false flags either.

The story of the alleged lone nut scientist, Bruce Ivins, is quite hilarious.




It was hinted that the alleged suicide of biological weapons expert, David Kelly, was suspicious and that perhaps he had been killed because of certain revelations he'd made re the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction BS but the story is utterly ridiculous and has to be yet another fake "false flag" meaning David Kelly didn't die at all and probably went off to live out the rest of his life on a Greek island or something.


"As far as it is known, Kelly walked a mile (1.6 km) from his house to Harrowdown Hill. It appears he ingested up to 29 tablets of co-proxamol, an analgesic drug; he also cut his left wrist with a pruning knife he had owned since his youth, severing his ulnar artery. Forensic analysis established that neither the knife nor the blister packs showed Kelly's fingerprints on their surfaces."

Love the "pruning knife owned since his youth."

"In 1984 Kelly joined the Ministry of Defence (MoD) as the head of the Defence Microbiology Division working at Porton Down, Wiltshire.[15][e] The department had only a small number of microbiologists when he arrived, and most of their work involved the decontamination of Gruinard Island, which had been used during the Second World War for experiments with weaponised anthrax. He increased the scope of his department, obtaining additional funding to undertake research into biodefence. Because of the work undertaken by Kelly and his team, the UK were able to deploy a biodefence capability during the 1990–1991 Gulf War."

Decontamination of Gruinard Island? Really? Gruinard Island is off the north west coast of Scotland and comes up fairly blurry on google maps. Wonder what goes on there. It looks completely deserted.

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Yeah there's fun described in that first link: it looks like someone pranked a New York Times reporter with an envelope of white powder and "according to the FBI, the ensuing investigation became 'one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement'." One of the prime suspects was a guy who "taught juggling to children." When it comes to jugglers, you can't be too careful.

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Interestingly this is probably why Russia does not use pathogens to kill dissidents. They use toxins like ricin or novichok which are real and deadly.

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Zionists use vaccines, bullets, and starvation.

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Not sure about that. So much stuff about killing people with exotic substances of whatever nature is pure BS. The Skripal story is the biggest hoax ever. https://sputnikglobe.com/20180525/uk-skripal-hoax-1064816845.html

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Sheer Eloquence and divinity......healing the world, one marvelous video at a time- always look forward to them, keep going ahead, making my day 😁

"And I think to myself,

what a wonderful world."

You guys are the best!

Blessings to you all.

You've got yourself, a real swell guy,

Nice one Mark, hits every time 🎇

P.s. it's funny, I've recently noticed, the "half truth" freedom movement people, don't seem to last......

It's Almost like it's an ascension paradigm requirement to speak the whole truth, as best as we know.....and correct if deceived.

Lukewarm half-truth, seems to lack longevity and lifespan, regardless of censorship of the full truth......hmmm, Jesus Rocks!

A universal game rule,

I'd imagine......🤔

Hmmmm, Lessons to be learnt, it's never to late......go on, go for it, unrequited truth, I double dare you fence sitters, love it, live it!

It really does feel brilliant, being oneself, unheeded.

I see Reese has finally got it on the non existence virus front 👍

"Dear fella, I never doubted you for a second " 😂,

I always knew his team were smarter than the average bear 😂

Metal heads rock! Thank you guys.

God bless and Protect.

Have the best day possible 👍


P.p.s, this gaining momentum freight train of Terrain, nothing can stop it, The Storm in a tea cup 🤙

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Anybody paying attention to anything claimed by authorities in Russia in 1979 is funny in its own way. That's like believing Wikipedia is a place where good folks get together and share knowledge.

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A theory.....

The bio labs, are just vaccine r&d labs......run by the DOD.

Nuff said.

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Superb, simply superb! Thank you Drs Sam & Mark.

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Mark and Sam are a driving force of truth, so much respect for you both. So good to hear truth, thankyou I have been following you for sometime and appreciate all you do and am becoming a paid member, within the next two weeks, I hope I can have the good fortune of meeting you both, thankyou

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Interesting to note that recommended 'post-exposure treatment' for 'suspected Anthrax exposure' during that 2001 event was the extremely toxic Ciprofloxacin-type antibiotics. So it wouldn't surprise me if some of the deaths were due to that in some way. About that Soviet leak in 1979, my first thought was nuclear accident or radiation-related in some way with 'bioweapons' as a coverup.

My own personal experience with the Anthrax situation was having to get the horrible Anthrax vaccine in the military during this time period (4 doses). The fiasco around this poison vaccine is quite a story, and the horrible company that made this poison (Emergent Biosolutions) came back into the limelight during 'covid' because it manufactured the Novavax 'covid' vaccine. (Bill Gates helped with that one, by the way).

This has some interesting background on the colorful history of Emergent Biosolutions, Anthrax, and the Anthrax vaccine (by Whitney Webb):


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