The LED headlights that are now being installed in cars is so intense and blinding that I now avoid driving at night. At home we find halogen lighting is more relaxing. We discovered when looking for lighting for our new home that LEDs all flicker, mostly imperceptibly, but it doesn't feel wise to be exposed to that constant on off flickering.

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same. they are BLINDING on the road, i no longer drive at night and i am still young 😞 its all intentional. i feel disoriented, like i have no depth perception. i have to roll the window down to really see if i can go or not, just horrible.

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YES. It's deliberate. They want us to KILL EACH OTHER, they seem to get off on it.

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Indeed, too cowardly to do their own fantasies but smart enough to use mind control.

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Mind control? Are you under their power?

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Not any more. Are you,?

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Oh, hell, no. ^_^

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I saw a recipe for a home built 70 watt laser. Mount that on the front of your car and deal with those people properly.

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Try using some blue blocking glasses.

They take the sting out of that very blue light.

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Really? Create more danger? It's not the drivers that manufacture the headlights.

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no. They are the ones who drove their 27 year old car to the dump and spent 40,000 dollars to have a car which blinds oncoming traffic.

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You're kidding, right?

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yes. I was. The 70 watt laser needs to be reserved for more serious crimes than led highbeam annoyance.

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And I love your handle, lol.

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Okay. Let's get one for the White House, so we can keep an eye on those fuckers.

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my dream for them is that they're the first to get their robots in there to do everything for them, manufactured by the fictional "elon musk (lone skum)".

Hackers get in, and one morning we find that the highest levels of the three branches of the u.s. gov't and especially the FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, ATF and other such harmful brainwashed or psychopathic idiots are no longer breathing because their robots decided that they would save them the effort of breathing and breathe for them.

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Lasers don't come in white in the same way that LEDs do not.

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I HEAR THAT!! It's infuriating, and if they put their brights on, might as well just let go the wheel and pray... You can't see anything!

I DO think this is deliberate fuckery, if you'll pardon my francaise.

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No, in French it's, "Je ne crois pas que ces conneries sont faîtes exprès"🤣🤣😜

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ooh, la la et… merde

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what are “conneries” ? wee birdies?

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Conneries means fuckery but it's plural in French😜 My Mom used to say, "Pardon my French" everytime she'd be swearing in English😅 I'd always answer, "That's not French Mom"🤣🤣

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Je parle un petit peu. Mais, plus pire que toi. ;) Le wuf! Le baruuuu.

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LEDs operate on direct current. They can't flicker without help from their power source.

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The power source is normally AC mains and unless properly smoothed will result in a 100 to 120 Hz flicker.

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The AC mains is rectified into DC in the power supply and smoothed into a stable direct current voltage unless it is defective.

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Auto LED headlights are blinding -- a safety hazard! I wear my night-time blue-blocker glasses if I have to drive at night.

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I was given a LED mirror as a gift and I notice when I turn it on, my eyes get very dry. I am a contact lens wearer and I do get dry eye now and then, but nothing like when I turn the mirror on. As soon as I turn it off, my eyes are nowhere near as irritated. So now I use it mostly in the off position.

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WTF is a LED mirror? Are you talking about a makeup mirror with LEDs instead of incandescent lights?

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Yes I am.

In the day, I had the old model which was incandescent. Now they’re LED, at least in the shops where I am. Perhaps if I looked online I could get an incandescent.

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If the power supply is in a wall wart, you could wire a dimmer into the system.

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Unfortunately for our 'energy certified' CasaClima house here in Italy, we are NOT ALLOWED to use lights which are not LEDs as it's part of the requirement for the energy certification. We also weren't allowed to have a gas stove - we asked specifically but it's against the certification. Ooops

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you must not be italians if you don't realize that the gov't can go f**k itself. When I want good european culinary products in Philadelphia I know to go to the Italian market where the entrepreneurs are smart enough to pay off the customs agents rather than destroy the quality of the food they bring in.

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Those are a.) Italians living in the US, and b.) Probably of Southern Italian descent. Northern Italy, where we live, and Southern Italy, are basically two different countries (they WERE until the late 1800's). We actually live in Alto Adige, which is the old Suedtirol, a hotly-contested region on the Swiss border. Here, everyone follows the rules. For what it's worth, my partner is Italian (we don't speak English at home!) and no, the leadership of the Autonomous Provice of Alto Adige (it's not directly the same as the Italian goverment: we are part of Italy but semi-independent and follow different rulings, it's a weird situation) definitely can't go and f*ck itself, because it will f*ck you back. They even DNA-test the dog excrement they find on the pavements so they can prove whose dog it is and fine you!

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DNA testing.. OMG!! That's like these countries that track you.

I think that is extreme and cost money, however, where I live in Switzerland I'm surprised how people use the dog poo bags but some, not many, leave it in the gutter. And in that respect I can see how someone in the government might say, "enough is enough! We provide plastic bags courtesy of the taxpayer and you cannot even take it home or put it in a rubbish bin!!'

I'm often struck by this in the sense that either the dog owners: 1. don't care; 2. sticking a finger up; 3. are used to the government doing everything for them.

As a volunteer garbage collector I'm shocked at how people treat their environments in such piddling ways AND whose responsibility is it anyway to get rid of the dog poo!!!??? There are already to many rules and regulations but sometimes I could shout..

Switzerland is usually pretty clean but the cigarette stubs are enormous..

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One has to wonder if smokers fail to see that cigarette butts are litter for the same reason that Zionists can't see genocide.

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you are mistaken. Zionists see genocide where it isn't. They only fail to see it where it is.

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They only see it when someone else is committing it.

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Sure they see it where it is, as long as it's someone ELSE's genocide... They can't see their own because they believe in unicorns instead.

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It's just laziness. I used to be a smoker... Nobody wants to carry around little butt bags, but it's not very cumbersome... Maybe we need a celebrity to advocate for it... sigh.

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what you should do is grow your own tobacco with no pesticides and roll your cigarettes in something clean and perfectly biodegradable. But you won't do it because you're not addicted to tobacco which is not addicting, you're addicted to all of the other crap in there which would be illegal to sell by anybody but the government or their named agents.

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All littering is laziness. I was a smoker for 10 years and I never threw a but anywhere than a trash can or ash tray. Those who follow celebrities have mental laziness.

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I think that when they dna test the dog-do it's time to change your address. Can you relate the history of this area to the Italian civil war of 1861 to 1865 which I never heard of in school, and how it is the exact same years as the "wahh b'tween the states". How could that never come up in a history class? Simple. Even going back to the 70s federal money had already turned public education into brainwashing school.

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There a fair amount of evidence that DNA is a bit of a con... And that it DOESN'T WORK in trying to find culprits, even doggie ones.

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corruption goes a long way then!


business used to ones advantage goes a long way!!

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it's funny how people in the west think that 3rd world countries are corrupt compared to the west because they're so used to only being screwed by the government. I guess they think of that as an exclusive relationship and thus a good relationship. We were supposed to like competition. It's obvious to me that it's better that there are corruptible customs agents at the port of philadelphia so that we can eat that great food made in Italy rather than having the u.s. gov't "protect" us by destroying the good bacteria that we want with heat. We need to bring back the spirit of the Boston Tea Party. We need to create the conditions whereby young people looking for a job will know that public service is a bad idea because it will be a life of humiliation and constant petty crime directed at them because most everybody recognizes that working for the gov't means that you are against the public and want to steal everything the public has and give it to the little green men at the vatican, the city of London and Washington d.c. Not to mention Brussels and wherever their branch offices are in China and India where they centralize the rape and pillage of the 3 billion humans. When the level of nervous breakdown among functionaries goes over 80% our work will almost be done.

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Support for corruption increases when the victims get something they like out of it.

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I was surprised to find that that the EU Commission has a Branch in Australia .....

I think you are talking about the USA roughly early 1900's !!! from what I've read.. no taxes, free trade...

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right up until Woodrow Wilson took money from the Rothschilds' agents to get his lame arse elected and gave them the central bank they'd been wanting since Andrew Jackson sent them packing. Zero inflation from the 1830s till the 1910s. Some panics which were created intentionally by our enemies who own all of the world's governments and central banks and basically everything of serious value.

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The Federal Reserve System is based on inflation to pay the interest on the debt.

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I’m a fan of Ayn Rand and Mises Institute and was shocked when I read about government involvement for Mates.

I was unaware of all this before three years ago.

Things changed in the world.

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You make a good point... This is what I'd call a part of The Resistance...


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you should get that gas oven so that if an italian functionary ever comes to bother you about it you can see for yourself how hard it is to make one human body disappear and then you'll know what you're talking about when the subject will be the "shoah".

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sounds like you have had a heap of experience OR know exactly how the system works and how to ignore it and live peacefully!!!

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well you have to give up on showing off. It would only attract attention and not from those you were hoping to impress.

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The US has been made to STOP MAKING incandescent light bulbs.

WHO has the right to tell people they CANNOT make something that is NOT harmful?? Mind-boggling.

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You didn't know about all of this until after you moved in?

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online? Germany perhaps?? or would it be stopped by customs!!

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Jack Kruse.. light and terrain..

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For over a year I have been researching the effects of emf (electromagnetic frequency) and the sources found in our daily lives. You see RGO reduced graphine oxide was discovered in significant quantities in the vaxpac. Further when the RGO is activated with emf the RGO could be manipulated and move. Further studies revealed how once activated it could self translocate in the body. So having purchased a professional emf scanner I began measuring the levels in our home. At the time my wife had begun compaining of head aches at night.

Imagine my surprise to find that the LED bulbs were emitting emf over 4x the recommended safe levels. Further when testing the bedside touch lamps the level rose from 10 to 13 times the safety levels. Even when connected to the wall but switched off at the lamp the figures were 8 or 9 times the safety level.

I made the decision to remove the touch lamps and LED bulbs and the headaches immediately ceased.

My findings were that emf levels increased in the early hrs of the morning.

This appears to requires further investigation.

Today we use the old incandescent bulbs.

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And the harmful affects to humans are proven to be what exactly?

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Anything that causes headaches, is causing a harmful effect.

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This is proven where? I really question all this little researchers… what background do you have to throw out these theories?

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Well if you use LED lights and they give you headaches, unlike other lights. Isn't that evidence enough. Like what John L Mason has said here. Or do you think he is lying ?

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I think this is more conspiracy. I’m so tired of conspiracy. I have LED lights in 3 homes. Guess what? None of us have headaches.

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Fantastic breakdown of blue light risks!! Huge thanks to Team Bailey for exposIng the hidden health hazards in our environment and providing real solutions. I’ll take their advice over the masterminds at MoMurder-na Harmaceuticals, who are probably cooking up a ’safe and effective’ jab to protect us from short wave light, dubbed L.E.D. ™ ー Luminescence Eradication Dose, complete with LNPs (Light-Neutralizing Particles) and messenger RNA (Retina Neutralization Agent).

Because nothing says trust the science™ like injecting yourself to survive your desk lamp!!

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Candlelight always helps. :)

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Great piece thank you. Prof Jeffrey from LCH London has been doing some excellent research into LEDs and health. He is doing comparison studies with incandescent / red light and the research is compelling.

He is struggling to get his research published - I wonder why?

I personally took on my local council in 2018 over LEDs, I soon became a person of interest to them and the street outside my house had new LEDs installed as a result. When I asked for the model numbers so I could research them, the man at the installation company told me he was forbidden to give any information.

I have only incandescent lighting in my home and use red light every day.

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I wish there was a button 😂

'told me he was forbidden to give any information.' 😂😂😂

and I unashamedly take the opportunity to quote one of my favourite quotes from Ayn Rand:

Criminals are a small minority in any age or country. And the harm they have done to mankind is infinitesimal when compared to the horrors — the bloodshed, the wars, the persecutions, the confiscations, the famines, the enslavements, the wholesale destructions — perpetrated by mankind's governments. Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.

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We didn't choose LEDs, they were forced on us and incandescent were taken away. That's all going to change now. Trump is having incandescentd return

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Sure hope it happens. I hate LED light bulbs.

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so, "safe and effective"? :0

I need to say I prefer incandescent lighting.

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Thank you for raising awareness on this topic!

LEDs are actually not technically even more energy-efficient than incandescent, efficiency is a 2-part definition (quality + energy use):


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watching recommendation concerning bluelight toxicity study the work done by Dr Jack Kruse at


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Thank you Team Bailey,

I've known about some of this, despite still using LED. I thank you for being level headed about it though and the example of the Torch.

Our lounge room has enough sun light and therefore we are not sitting under LED 24/7.

But I too had done some research and not happy about the health effects.

It is funny how Government(s) can bring about changes so quickly and easily and yet other areas remain unchanged when change would be better!

It is also interesting, funny (not haha funny) how when the Government forces the use of LED it is seen as fantastic and yet when another government, the one we hate, uses Force it is renamed to Fascism!!

We use LED but I think I might see if Halogen are available: Switzerland.

We have a wonderful tall lamp that uses Halogen, one of the long tubes and it is great.

We also have a second lamp which is total LED, tall lamp.

The Halogen failed and I found it hard to find a replacement, so resorted to the LED.

The thing that happened was that the light seemed 'gray' and the Television was dimmer and I had to adjust the brightness on the TV so that we could actually watch it. It seems to have some sort of automatic light sensor. Now it is a contradiction what I'm saying, but with the Halogen Lamp, maybe the TV is brighter, but overall it is a better light, effect. Overall I found the LED in the tall lamp like having bad weather in the lounge room. Maybe it is just the type of bulb!!!

Also, tempted again.. the Halogen lamp broke down again, after a few years... hunting around I found the Halogen LED replacement. MMMMMMMM... "they don't make Halogen anymore.” I was told. So I was lied to.

I was hit by the price also.. in Swiss Francs

I bought a new Halogen bulb at 6.95 CHF each

The replacement: LED replaces Halogen was something like 25.00 CHF which is roughly (xe.com) as I type = NSD$50.00

All made in China or east Europe (EU).

I did find more Halogen and stocked up.

Interestingly enough, also, the promise of saving Energy and money because a lot of these things are made in China or cheaper countries has changed to not being as cheap as originally. I noticed this living in Australia when a lot of Production was outsourced to Asian countries and I thought then, “this will not last, these cheaper prices”..

Thanks for the information about reading at night with screens and the effects on ones eyes..

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why no mention of incandescent which I just noticed can be bought for old time prices once again?

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Apparently, President Trump wants to bring back incandescent bulbs, although I'll believe it when I see it.

Right now we can't buy incandescent or halogen bulbs in the USA. I bought a whole bunch of incandescent bulbs for a lamp I have at home, and have a big supply that will last years even if they're never seen in hardware stores, etc ever again.

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Since "white" LEDs are actually blue LEDs with a phosphor coat, like florescent tubes, that converts the bright blue light into an adjustable pseudo-white, the blue can be mitigated by choosing white LEDs at the mild or "cool" end instead of the bright end.

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