Those Lab-coated experts it was pretty obvious that eating bats would lead us to Vanity Fair -mmm - and let's not forget the PCR - a test that doesn't work in finding a virus that doesn't exist - yep I believe

Thank you again Team Sam -

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You are exactly right my friend! I have seen Kerri Mullis in videos speaking about Fauci as well as what the PCR test will do and what it will not do, and yet this is exactly the test they used. He and Duesberg both challenged Fauci on the fraud that was AIDS, as well as the false HIV leads to AIDS and then death. Both vilified for their honesty. Mullis who won the Nobel Prize for his discovery, his discovery! So, if there is an expert on the subject, it is Mullis. They started to paint him as a surfing drug bum. Duesberg was never given another research grant to the present day, and he was a world-renowned cancer researcher. They just shut him and his work down. I do not think they are looking for a cure for cancer, just treatments as this is the allopathic medicines model. Drugs and surgery, nothing else allowed. Read Eustice Mullins book, murder by injection and see why things are as they are concerning medical lol care in this country.

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Mullis continued to "believe" in viruses, just not HIV. I know, it's astonishing. He searched for papers for HIV and could not find any acceptable ones, but never bothered to look at the papers for polio and measles and Kennel Cough (bacterium) or rabies or coronaviruses, or any other alleged microbial cause of illness or disease.

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True, he did not look for any scientific proof of virology, but he was still right about what he stated. Many truth tellers have been blinded by bias, just look at Americas front line Doctors, or any of the supposed heroes of the covid dangers. They all agree that the shot is deadly, and that cheap of label drugs will in fact cure the pathogen called covid. None will discuss the scientific fact that no such thing as a virus exists on the planet, none. They are a computer construct made in a computer lab. No virus has ever been seen, no photo produced, no structural drawing shown, no scientific method used as proof. Mullis as all humans is fallible to some degree. It does not diminish his truth about Fauci and the so-called science of HIV and AIDS. If you look at the right researchers, you will find the evidence. Dr. Sam Bailey, Christeen Massey is two that will show you the proof of this viral hoax. I myself was wrong once lol I joined the Army voluntarily. Only realized the mistake after I enlisted for the Viet Nam war. It was a lie as well but at the time I was a seventeen-year-old idiot who believed what I was programed to believe. I finally took the red pill and exited the matrix.

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The only way out of the "Matrix" is physical death. Until then, it will remain a prison sentence nightmare where videos like this one are relevant, and comments like ours revolve around frauds & lies & state-sanctioned genocide.

This ain't Paradise, and it ain't Heaven, and it ain't Home. Can you guess where we are?

Mullis was right about Fauci and brave to speak out against him, but that doesn't excuse him for being a half-truther who couldn't be bothered to take Stefan Lanka's advice and look into the papers about rabies & measles and all the rest.

Have you scrutinized PCR? Is it actually even meaningful? Or was it just another fraudulent tool for the myth of contagion?

Have you looked at who has won a Nobel Prize? It's basically only people who helped perpetuate a SCAM. It is basically only awarded to those who Carlin referred to as "being in the club (and you ain't in it)".

One red pill ain't enough, mate. It's far, far worse than you have imagined.

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Pasteur won the Nobel prize instead of Bechamp as the medical firm wanted so, as thereby people believing that vaccines protects diseases.

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Yes, PCR does not diagnose anything and quite frankly PCR is probably probably a fraud altogether unfortunately . My high school physics professor worked alongside of Kerry Mullis and he’s with suckered him into the HIV causes AIDS bullshit. So-called AIDS is caused by many many many things including animal nitrate, (poppers,)excessive Drug and alcohol lifestyle which minimizes proper nutrient uptake, sleep excessive sexual partners with anal intercourse. All of these things are un natural and lead to a disease state. In Africa, well deny a human being nutrients for 30 days and let’s see what happens! Cancer is a disease or a detoxification of civilization ! Albert Schweitzer never saw cancer among the indigenous Gabon population who struck their diet same thing with Stephen son with the Eskimos White flower molasses and other sugars set off the cancer train

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Yes, you are right! The PCR test as stated by Mullis, who invented it, will not diagnose anything at all, and yet this is the test that was used. Mullis challenged Fauci to debate him at three universities and was never even give an answer. Peter Duesberg was challenging Fauci as well and was never given a research grant again. As for AIDS as with covid, Fauci controlled the narrative as well as the supposed treatments for both. Amyl nitrate is a known carcinogenic in small amounts but add the extreme use of it, malnutrition, iv drug use and the immune system is destroyed. Kaposi's sarcoma is the result, then use AZT as the only allowed treatment and death is automatic 100% of the time. AZT and Remdesivir ate both toxic. AZT was the most toxic form of chemotherapy known to man and was taken off the market, then Fauci used it to finish off the patient. This also included people with HIV that were not sick at all like Arther Ash. His doctor prescribed AZT because Fauci only allowed this treatment and nothing else. HIV is not related to AIDS, and it is not one thing as stated, it is a combination of things. There is no AIDS virus, in fact there is no scientific proof that a virus exists at all, none, and yet there is a virology so called discipline and virologists working in the field of a thing that has never been proven to exist using the scientific method. No breakdown of the supposed virus, no photo, nothing scientific proof at all. These supposed viruses are generated in computer labs, not medical research labs. All you ever see are colorful floating computer-generated falsities. If you doubt what I state here, then look at the evidence. Doctors Mark and Samantha Bailey have shown the supposed proof offered by the virus community and the science is not there. Remember one thing and this is that allopathic medicine was invented by the Rockefeller family for one reason and that is a business model of profit over people. No natural medicine allowed. Any alternative to this model was labeled as quackery. Vitamins, minerals, healthy lifestyle, natural foods all worthless in this model because they could not control them as well as profit off them. We have one of the most inefficient systems in the world. The outcomes and general health of our country are among the worst in the world. We have the most drug addicted populations in the world. Does this sound like a successful system. Deindustrialization has led to hopelessness among millions of working-class people, then add the deliberate marketing of addictive drugs to this mix and disaster follows. If you realize that you are not a patient, you are a product or frequent user, then you will understand what is in fact a human destroying strategy. The Rockefellers are eugenics pushing Gouls as is Gates and family. I could go on but I will stop here, Jack.

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Yes, As I sit here and eat a raw steak New York steak, cutting it with my teeth(cave man style ) to my wife’s chagrin, I know the germs do not exist. bacteria are not germs, simply janitors and viruses are simply figment of their imagination. Raw meat, milk, butter, HIT strength training, breath Softly through your nose only building up that CO2 You will be fine. By the way my great great grandfather( William Harvey ) was first mate on the Cutty Sark, A famous ship of you kiwis, And a good scotch

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I already knew at the beginning of the plandemic that there was no virus because I had previously watched Dr. Lanka's videos, but never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what they would get out of it, that such madness, these endless lies and such a gigantic crime were even possible and continue to this day.

As I write this, state police are training on an empty block. They storm empty apartments and scream “POLICE!!!!!!” We know what’s coming…

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It was obvious there was no virus because the politicians across the world who were telling us there WAS one were circulating, flying around the world, partying, doing daily tv appearances obviously having make up done etc - they would NOT have been doing that if they thought there was a danger to them!! They were the actors in the scam.

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Indeed, and why so many were aggrieved at this when it was blindingly obvious something was amiss. I despair of my fellow citizens sometimes.


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Yeah I knew Covid was a farce when they refused to close the border.

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"Lab Leak" is an “approved” story. They want people obsessing over origin. It’s a distraction from the policy-related slaughter of the last 3-plus years.

The "lab leak" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened, which was straight forward mass murder in hospitals and nursing homes and this phony narrative is used to shore up the “deadly novel virus suddenly appeared” fairy tale.

By trotting out "lab leak" mythologies they get a lot of pseudo dissidents to chomp on the obvious bait and get them to do exactly what they want them to- reify the entire false foundation of the fake pandemic.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no "lab leak"- there is no "unique viral pathogen"- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "bioweapon"- There is no "There" there.

It is all fraud piled on top of fraud.

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Dr. Bailey, thank you again for being the brave voice of real truth. I know that Mcclough has stated that he has a photo of a virus but has failed to show said photo! It does not exist. All the supposed heroes involved in this con job have apparently been part of a Manchurian candidacy ploy in order to distract people from the real scam that is virology. I remember seeing a video of the group in a Florida covid summit, and as they all were saying that the injection was dangerous and so on, one of them stated that as dangerous as the shot was, most all vaccines were safe and effective, and that only one in a million adverse reactions were associated with them. What the hell! This is when I started to question just what they were actually trying to do. I knew this statement was a complete lie. I enquired about the fact that none of these people have stated the fact that no such thing as a virus exists, and I got no answer at all, not from Kennedy, Bigtree or any of these so-called heroes of truth. Even Mercola has not stated this obvious fact or even questioned it. I say why? Because it is apparent that they have been placed as the defenders of the official narrative. Pretend to be challenging the system while defending the big lie. This has worked so verry well with the unthinking sheep that they will challenge you when you state that no such thing as a virus exists. I was talking to my Doctor at the V.A., and he is vaccine injured himself. He would only admit this in private for good reason, as he would be fired and lose his medical license if he said it openly. I told him to look for any evidence that a virus existed, and I also stated that no scientific evidence exists to support this con job. He was open to this dialog, and he was critical of the entire fraud but again he stated that he was forced to get the jab because he is a Medical Doctor, and at the same time he did not want to take it. I also know a psychiatrist at my gym who is also vaccine injured and he stated the same thing. He did not want the jab but had to take it for the same reason as the other Doctor. I did challenge both about virology and I did not get pushback from either of them, so I do not think they reside in the matrix. Just like most in the profession, they are afraid of losing everything, and most people if it threatened their livelihood will pretend that the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese if these were the official narrative. Human nature is a strange thing is it not? Thank you for being brave enough to speak the real truth! Jack Williams, huge fan.

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Spacing, mate, spacing. Paragraph breaks, please. No one enjoys reading a large WALL of text. Read some Vonnegut or Bukowski and see how it's done.

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No one but you mate! Every comment has been positive except for yours so just crawl back into whatever government agency that you work for and do not bother contacting me again. You are transparent, glass, clearly an agent of the down under government. We are not mates by the way!

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Philosopher Newport is right Jack, please listen to him, it is hard on the eyes to read and I struggle myself because of a facial palsy and dropped lower eyelid.

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You can piss off with your mate, mate! I have nothing but good likes for my comments. I do not need your negative criticisms to know that what I say is understood by many, just not you two. I do not care what you think about anything, that is how much your opinion counts.

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What's your problem Jack? I asked you politely and you just are rude back. You couldn't care less if some people struggle to read your text? I have liked your comments elsewhere, haven't you noticed?

My point is that the criticism is constructive. I used to write detailed reports and have had to proof read my own text to make sure I consider my clients/readers.

You are perfectly capable of reviewing your comments and breaking them up with paragraph spacing. This will make the good points you make easier to follow.

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How many LIKES will my comment receive before you edit your comment and provide paragraph breaks?

Disagreement and/or comments about the presentation of your screeds is not trolling. No one is trying to upset you. If you are upset because of criticism, then a nerve has been struck and that's down to you to sort out.

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I am not interested in likes. This is apparently what you live for. I just comment on what I read and know. So far you have not made any comment on the subject we are talking about. If you have trouble reading or understanding what I say, then you are the only one so far. What does this say about you?

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You are still talking. Not interested in you or what you have to say. No nerve has been struck, and I admit I am not educated, not a writer, not ashamed of it. I am smarter than you, and that is fine with me, so FO. I am not upset because people like you do not upset me. I did ask not to be contacted again, and yet here you are.

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If you make a comment, that is an invitation to reply. If you don't want a reply, don't make a comment.

You say you're not a writer...

What does a writer do?

Write words?

What are your comments composed of?


Therefore, you are a writer.

Writing is a form of communication.

You do not communicate well when you subject the reader to a large WALL of text.

Learn to communicate well -- learn to be considerate of the reader, or don't bother.

If you need an example of how to be considerate to the reader, try Post Office by Charles Bukowski, or Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut.

If you wish no further replies from me in THIS thread, you know what NOT to do.


Philosopher Newport -- The Emperor of Sages

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I believe I asked you to not contact me. Perhaps it is you who do not understand English. I did not invite your criticism or comments at all. I did not ask for a critic of my comments. You choose to criticize someone on a site that asks for comments on the article, not on peoples lack writing ability. You have not commented on the subject of the article at all. I do not care what you think about anything, and you certainly did not bait me into a penis contest, due to the fact that you are one. Emperor of sages! Really? A legend in your own mind is accurate. Jack- more Inteligent than you!

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Yes, human nature is unfortunately much like that, so TPTB are not going to have any trouble with Phase 2 of their next Op, are they? :-( There won't be too much pushback if they come in hard and fast. People will just crumble. It'll be too hard to say NO. Especially when your whole life in Society hangs in the balance.

People worry so much about losing their house or their job or whatever. In the end, most of what we value in our material world is just 'stuff'. Ask anyone who's lost their home to a raging fire, or escaped the car crash just in time. People are just glad to have their loved ones and their own lives intact. Everything else is a bonus.

BTW, as much as you think those docs aren't in the Matrix, they still are, because they're not trying to get out of it, are they? They're STUCK in the Matrix - which is sad, because they otherwise sound decent enough.

But what humanity needs now is a huge bunch of decent enough people - with BACKBONES!!

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Robyn, I just posted a comment generally, and I should have directed it to you. I had a comment from some guy named Philosopher Newport that was critical of my lack of punctuation and writing skills, as if he did not understand what it was that I stated. No comment on the subject matter, just critical. I wanted to thank you for your like and comments. He is not an actual part of this concerned group; he is probably a government troll. They always criticize my lack of education in English punctuation. Never anything about the subject at all, just critical of me personally, this is the tell so I will not engage this twit again. Thank you for your input, Jack.

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Thanks Jack. Yes, we are all (meant to be) on here to learn from each other, to comment on posts, and to provide further input.

But Philosopher Newport had a point, though. It's easier to read comments when paragraphs are used! Perhaps he's just not very good at being helpful, who knows?!

Anyway, don't be discouraged by annoying people. I've had quite a few irk me, too. Best to just leave them and not engage with them - as much as you might want to write a scathing reply! It's just not worth the typing. Trust me!

I've found I have to read between the lines a bit and think 'what kind of person is this...?' before replying, sometimes. Some regular Substackers (I often come across) are decent, and so I'm never concerned about what they might say, because I know they'll say it nicely! And they know to expect the same from me. Other regulars I have to remember not to go down certain paths with, then we're fine. Once bitten twice shy perhaps?! Then there are others who I just DON'T reply to, no matter what! When a username you don't recognise posts a comment you don't like, just ignore it - or if it violates posting rules, ask for it to be deleted.

There are so many social accords with humans, aren't there?! It might make us 'human', but I swear it's part of our downfall!!!! ;-D

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Good points Jack, please try to stay respectful. Interesting that you would refer to the flat earth, as if the spinning, zooming, floating ball earth is the most established scientific fact in existence, despite zero empirical evidence supported by any good use of the scientific method. I woke up to the virus lie just like you. Question: Have we ever landed on this moon of cheese, or otherwise? If you are indeed a seeker of truth as you genuinely appear to be, certainly you are willing to challenge other assumptions you have also taken for granted. Watch the documentary “American Moon”, no worries as the maker still believes in the spherical earth you hold on to so tightly. Here you go….


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Thank you for the comments. I however do not need a proctor for my comments. I will say that the moon landing if it happened does not have any bearing on the topic we were discussing. I do not take the moon landing as fact or that it is made of cheese! I was talking about people who do not appear to be living any sort of reality. I personally do not care if the moon landing was real or not, I do know the earth is not flat. Speaking of assumptions', there are millions of Inteligent humans that believe in things with blind faith, right? Let's not do this little dance any longer! It does not address the topic in any way.

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Another great video Dr Sam. I really wish some of the other medics who are fighting this tyranny would get on board with this and open their mind more. It could certainly put an end to future medical tyrannies. I know what you are saying it true because as a hypnotherapist, now retired, I have demonstrated to my clients that they can use their mind and imagination to get rid of cold/flu symptoms and of course us the methods myself. I first did this as an experiment back around 1979.. You know.. if there is a real virus, I don't think for one minute that is would susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.

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If we didn't have censorship, and if Rockefeller not in 1910 destroyed the doctor education, the today the idea about diseases caused by viruses would not exist.

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There is a lot of confusion about symptoms as well. I happen to believe that symptoms are the body expelling toxins to maintain balance in which case you don't take something to get rid of it. The body has it's own wisdom which has been sabotaged for $ and control. I'm not sure that using hypnosis to get rid of symptoms is necessarily helpful. Hoe does it work? See Terrain model Refutes...FB page or therawkey.com

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All viruses do originate in labs. Computer labs. :-)

Great point, belief in and fear viruses is a key reason why the dominant narrative continues in power. The "freedom" activists who push "gain of function"/"lab leak" nonsense are helping to maintain the fear going. Key word remains "PROVENANCE," as claims are being made about nucleic acid segments which have never been demonstrated to be either viral or pathogenic.


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hi Dr. Sam, we enjoy your presentations so much

pleased too, to share some good news from Alberta, Canada:

judge rules "all orders from chief medical office of Alberta were illegal"

we continue to "kick ass" in alberta - home of canada's freedom convoy

big win in the provincial courthouse recently

attorneys Rath and Grey give you a blow by blow description of the unprecedented legal ruling in attached video link

editor note: begin viewing attached at third minute 3:00

please let us know should you have difficulty opening link


social media announcement / Chris and Kerry Show

The BIGGEST , most AWESOME news for FREEDOM!

They did it! They showed that our rights and freedoms were violated, and the court ruled in favour of our Charter Rights. WOW!
Chris & Kerry with lawyers Leighton Grey & Jeffrey Rath about their landmark case in which the Alberta Chief Medical Officer’s Health (CMOH) Orders were ruled unconstitutional and illegal. And the implications of the ruling going forward.
July 31, 2023

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Doing standup the other night, I kissed the microphone several times and said: "this is how much I believe in covid." It was open mic, so there's a different comedian breathing into the mic every five minutes. A public microphone is a germaphobe's dilemma: part public urinal, part "laboratory" of disease, part common cup. Peace pipe. Talking stick. Laughing is coughing. The mic's moist crenellations remind me of the communion cup of a Brethren assembly as we lip and kiss the rim of one brass cup passed round. Salvific saliva, theologically speaking. This do in remembrance of me.

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Reminds me of catholic mass as a kid, 300 people all drinking from the same cup. If contagion was real most of us would have gotten sick after...

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Yeah, Catholics and Plymouth Brethren are like that. Also witches, now that I think of it. Covid is mass. Mass hysteria, sure, but you had me at mass. Believers drinking koolaid from the same cup. In nomine patris...

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Be careful who u lump together bro

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You know how it is: some of my best friends are those three.

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It gets even more scary than that in the Orthodox Church we drink from the same spoon during the Eucharist ! Omg. !

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The other night visiting my mother-in-law, I licked the commode seat in the ER ! 😁

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Okay that's the gold standard of licking public surfaces.

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I’m still Thriving

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I could go out of my way doing just stupid stuff to prove a point that what I am doing is more healthy than how they were treating my mother-in-law with poisonous drugs laying flat on your back in bed ( Sarco piña ) Psychological torture etc. I could lick a goddamn toilet and be more healthy

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Fauci is right . He did not try to produce any gain of function . There was NOTHING that could gain anything . ……..so what are they doing in these labs that is so bad that even seemingly producing biochemical weapons are less incriminating ? ? ?

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They are making dirty vaccines aka BioWeapons in those labs..

Gain of function research experiments has nothing to do with virus organism bugs...

Gain of function deals with gaining control of gene functions like gene therapy technology.....

Gain of Function would be like turning on and off certain genetic functions or responses in humans..

For instance gain of function research can find out why some people have asthma and some don't and the research relating to this is to understand what triggers asthma attacks and then trying to turn off that function or reaction..

Virology is fakebelieve and has hijacked the whole molecular and genetic research industry by claiming that certain sequences are from external virus organism bugs Instead of understanding that the sequences come from within.

In reality these virus genes are inadequately created human genes or genes that cause damage through transcription of wrong enzyme sequences..

The cause is not from a bug that injects genetic code to transcribe into cells it's usually from external toxins or poisons such as consuming horrible food and drink, breathing in bad air or when you don't have enough essential nutrients and or amino acids to code for correct enzymes and proteins the body naturally makes insufficient ones that don't perform properly which means peoples bodies show signs of sickness which has been labelled as "catching a bug or virus" when really it's more like a computer virus as in the code or human genetic sequences produced are corrupt or malfunctioning genes.

The body goes into maintenance mode and focuses on cleaning up the incorrect fragments or "bugs" as computer nerds would call it, health practitioners would call it detox mode or healing mode but the body goes into a cleansing process to rid the body of antigens and garbage..

We are electrical beings, the computer is a copy of the human body so the term defragmentation would be used to describe what the body is doing.

You can't run other programs while defragmenting just like the body can't perform any other task while puking or detoxing or coughing, sneezing etc…

Virologists lack the understanding of human biology because they focus on the biology of fakebelieve non infectious contagious deadly mutating pathogenic virus organisms.

If you look closely at the research this is what a lot is referring to but then there are these retards that truly believe in the germ theory of disease they then create misconceptions of how the body functions and blames nano sized organisms which have been labelled as viruses when the word virus just means toxic or poison it has nothing to do with living or non living organism parasites that fly around infecting people and jump out of people to infect more people to cause mass suffering and disease.

This idea of virus organism bugs is a cover up story of environmental toxins being used by large manufacturing corporations and a pharmaceutical industry reliant on people believing in fakebelieve germ bugs that cause sickness and death.

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Tom Cowan often uses isolation of a frog as an analogy to isolating a ‘virus’.

It’s a prime example, because a live frog does know how to ‘catch a bug’.

Meanwhile, we’re to start eating bugs to combat climate change. Seems like we’re living in a terrarium, with psychos constantly jiggering a series of mind/body experiments with the Medical/Military/Media/Government/Industrial/Banking Complex. Ugh:(

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Can you speak to the theories around “viruses” being merely exosomes that sometimes might disregulate our intercellular comms systems and cause a temporary state of disease.

It sounds like you are close here...

“it's more like a computer virus as in the code or human genetic sequences produced are corrupt or malfunctioning genes.”

Could “viruses” be exosomes from sources that our bodies simply can’t process?

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Exosomes can simply be thought of as packets of information just like computers send and receive packets of information the body sends and receives packets of information via exosomes..

Virology viruses are not real things and can be a bit silly to call exosomes viruses when viruses in virology terms don’t exist…..

Virologists often point to and call exosomes viruses but exosomes are not living organisms and don’t have full genomes, they are just a collection of genetic information……

There can be exosomes that can cause apoptosis on cells and cells can and do release millions of exosomes during programmed cell death so this is where virologists want to claim that this is a virus organism ability.

Exosomes can also transfer signals all around the body very quickly for example chemotaxis is controlled by exosomes.

All this signalling and genetic data transfer throughout the body can be seen as viral signalling but not viral infection of bugs but more like when a online video signal goes live and people who are subscribed to the channel will receive a notification of the broadcast signal so when exosome signals go live and the material is transferred and received well and possibly transfected into cells for a purpose then the exosomes can go viral and keep sending the same signals through the body to do a thing like create proteins for example to search for antiges, or even start a healing process..

Exosomes can cause negative effects also and the regulatory system tries to correct these errors and which exosomes will also be used for that too… When the regulatory system gets corrupted then that’s when people suffer from chronic or terminal illnesses and diseases……

Then you need to release back up information and that’s best done by water fasting and other diet changes or herb intake etc..

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Thanks. It’s fascinating and quite frankly an example of the connectedness of all things.

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You are welcome, thanks for taking the time to read and asking the question 👍

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

I am not so sure about Gene research other. They know alot less than they claim Big fancy words ( made up diseases ) do not make them smart.

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Yes, it's a mystery. Perhaps they're producing biological (non-infectious) toxins. Or it's political cover for something completely unrelated. The same question applies to NASA, LIGO and CERN- what are they really doing?

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Fake, fake and fake!

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Gain of function should be Gain of Fauci as in financial gain. But the words do contain his name 'Fauci' so maybe he made it up specially.


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It's important to expose the prominent people who keep the virus theory in the news headlines as following a false paradigm if only to provoke a response, I suggest?

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The 'coronavirus' actually originated from the labs of the BBC, Cambridge Uni and LSHTM (lots of Gates funding for all three). In 2017 they collaborated on an experiment to simulate (their words) "a contagious Spanish-Flu like outbreak".

To this end they recruited 30,000 volunteers for the contagion experiment and had them download a special app to their phones. Then they 'infected' the smartphones at a special event in Haslemere and tracked the phones to create a data set of digital contagion of the digital pathogen on the digital devices. This data set was touted as the new 'gold standard' in pandemic modelling and it was used (by their own admission) as the basis for setting government policy 2 years later, at the start of 2020.

I think a strong argument can be made (I mean to those who still cling to the virus) that basing the entire pandemic response on a model derived from smartphone contagion (not human contagion) represents an admission from the architects of 'covid' that they know full well that virology is nonsense and contagion only works in the digital realm (where the laws of nature do not apply).

If unicornologists model all of their unicorn data from experiments they conduct with motorbikes can they really be said to believe in unicorns? Apart from Bigtree, RFK etc does anyone actually behave like they believe in viruses or contagion? (I mean outside of the digital realm). It certainly doesn't look like it.

Anyway, the experiment was made into a TV show ('Contagion! the BBC4 Pandemic') fronted by celebrity mathematician Hannah Fry. It also spawned at least one scientific paper. It looks pretty obvious that the team of mathematicians featured in the TV programme were brought in as 'useful idiots' and 'virus true believers' who had no idea that smartphones and humans are not interchangeable when it comes to modelling how disease manifests!

Although they may have smelled a rat by now, especially after the first confirmed 'covid infection' in the UK was officially declared to have occurred in the town of Haslemere ....... the exact same town that Hannah Fry infected the volunteers with a digital pathogen back in 2017. I kid you not.

In the paper the maths teams stated "we were asked to ensure the pandemic was seeded in Haslemere" meaning the town of Haslemere was not chosen arbitrarily, but had been selected by whoever was in charge of the experiment to be the origin of the smartphone pandemic.

The whole thing is mind blowing enough (and audaciously silly), but when you understand that virology is nonsense and contagion is not a thing it all makes total sense. Covid was basically a repeat of the digital pathogen experiment of 2017, only in 2020 it was passed off as a 'real' pathogen spreading between humans.

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Unbelievable. So they had event 201, Sept 19, for the global plandemic and then clearly they had a few country specific events prior to that. Absolute criminals, BBC included.

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fascinating! I do not live very far from Haslemere, I am in West Sussex. Gain of Function research can anagram to 'Ache farting foe unicorns' among others.


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Did anyone capture those dying from covid on camera? I saw dancing and I saw 'officials' telling us how many were dying, but because of lockdowns there was no evidence of covid, not that I want to see people dying of course, but there is no evidence of covid.

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Blessings and appreciation to you and your family Sam.....from Sydney Australia.

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Pandemic, epidemic, plague... don't care what term they place on events throught history that have wiped out millions of people and our pets too. Natural or created in a lab doesn't really matter to me, in the end something makes people and animals sick and sometime die. I've had several pets die from parvo and distemper. I've been sick with multiple things over my 60 plus years. Your group says their has never been a virus isolated. That is not saying they don't exist though, correct? Something clearly makes us sick and clearly is contagious, such as chickenpox. I am riding a fence not sure how to take all this info from either side, germ or terrain theory. As much as I'd like to read your books on this subject I don't have enough knowledge about this virology subject to be able to clearly understand and read it annoliticly.

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It's good to be skeptical.

Indeed, it's a scary thing to hear people say the opposite of what you've grown up believing without any doubts.

It's a scary prospect that MOST of what you've been taught as irrefutable history has been nothing but bald-faced lies & propaganda.

Health has always been tricky & mysterious, and it's only been since the early 1900s that we've been told by "medicine" makers that the trickiness & mysteriousness about health has been greatly reduced or even nearly eliminated -- and yet, the British Medical Journal in 2016 announced a mega-study by Johns Hopkins University which concluded that modern day medical care is the 3rd leading cause of death. Look back at the stats for 1900 and you will find that death by healthcare was not even in the Top 10.

Think about that.

Think about it some more.

So all their talk about parvo & distemper & rabies & measles & chicken pox & flu has been nothing but pseudoscientific bullshit. If you look at their papers and read the Methodology section you will find that their "proof" was obtained artificially -- there is nothing natural in their attempts -- they did not make any cats sick with parvo or distemper by exposing healthy cats to cats sick with so-called parvo or distemper. They may have made some cats sick or even killed them, but they did so unnaturally by injecting them with foreign matter into their brains or eyeballs or abdomen. They did not make any cats sick by simple exposure.

The whole & sole purpose of so-called vaccines was to protect the body from attack -- to protect the healthy body from exposure to a sick body. And yet there is not ONE study or experiment where healthy bodies became sick from being exposed to sick bodies. Not one plant or animal or human has ever been shown to be contagious.

The Germ Theory claims that you get sick because of microbes -- so teeny tiny that you can't even see them with the naked eye -- and as if the miraculously designed & engineered biological body could not ward off something so teeny tiny. Where else in Nature does something literally ONE MILLION times smaller attack & conquer something that is ONE MILLION times bigger?

The Terrain Theory does not necessarily exclude microbes as the cause of sickness, but rather, they claim if you nurture good health for the body then it will take care of itself without the need for "medicines". Instead of addressing a particular symptom, they address the whole body and trust that it will take care of itself as long as you don't interfere with its natural processes by attacking it with "medicines".

But the fact remains, health has always been tricky & mysterious, and people get sick & die regardless if they "believe" in Germ Theory or Terrain Theory.

What matters most is HOW you respond to symptoms. Chances are you will NEVER figure out what caused your sickness -- but if you do, then perhaps you will avoid what you think made you sick. But even if you avoid whatever you suspect as a cause of illness, you will still get ill from time to time.

The main thing is to avoid interfering with the body's symptoms. Symptoms are proof that the body is taking care of business. If the pain or discomfort is too much, then it seems best to reach for natural symptom relievers rather than synthetic chemicals. Synthetic chemicals are toxic and unnatural. We never needed them nor used them before the 1800s.

This "life" is a ride and no one's ride is completely pain-free or sickness-free. All doctors who are not killed will die from an illness or disease in spite of their recommended diets & lifestyle advice.

Think about that.

Think about it some more.

If you want some education about virology, look here >> https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/wissenschafftplus-the-virus-misconception-part-1.pdf

Study the 4 little sentences that compose Koch's Postulates. Once you comprehend them, you can then look at virology papers and zoom in on the Methodology section and see for yourself if the Postulates have been fulfilled. Until you do so, your only option is to flip a coin regarding who you "believe" about "viruses" -- and that's not good enough.



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You should have been around when smallpox was rife. Not that long ago. I am pretty sure that was a virus, like chicken pox, but 10times as bad. You would have had no doubt about who had it, and everyone knew how to catch it. You are fortunate to be so ignorant about it, now that it has been eliminated. A virus so deadly that it eliminated itself by being so contagious and so fatal.

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"I am pretty sure that was a virus, " ---

"Pretty sure" is not good enough in this forum.

Learn Koch's Postulates and then find the official scientific papers for Smallpox and look at the Methodology section >> Did they "infect" healthy humans by exposing them to humans who supposedly were infected with Smallpox?

If Smallpox is "caught" or transferred in a natural way (as opposed to being injected or intubated), then surely any relevant study or experiment will attempt to mimic so-called natural transmission. What does it say in the Methodology section of the paper you've found? Have you bothered to look?

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My very very fearful friend you could not be sowrong even if you really really tried. Viruses simply do not exist. People get sick, that is to say the detoxify for any number of reasons except viruses and bacteria you sound like you’re very afraid and that is what causes your many illnesses in your life I have no doubt I work with people like you every day of every week. The first thing you must do, is grow a “pair”

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Are you really a flat earther ? I have never met one before, and thought they were extinct. But what I wanted to say is if you are such an expert on microbes, you could clarify if STDS (sexually transmitted diseases) are real, or if there are absolutely no diseases you can catch from somebody by having sex ? What do you think ?

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Goddamn right I’m a flat earth man ! STDs truly an enigma. There is no doubt that a man will have sex with someone and after that his testicles will swell and he will have bloody ejaculation. Not fun. But not caused by bacteria or a virus. So what is it caused by, I don’t fucking know all I can say it is best that you screw your wife only and stay away from screwing other men 😁That be the lesson

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And I’m very serious about that. Aristotle said the highest of all virtues his courage and you my friend are lacking that

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Smallpox was not viral & certainly not Contagious. Have you done any research?


Read Dissolving Illusions by nephrologist Dr Suzanne Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk. Hint: the book is very well researched & exposes the fraud behind the smallpox scam

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It is simply not possible to understand real health without a pair of at least proverbial balls. The only contagion On this flat earth is fear and cowardice and it is pervasive. My mission is to stomp it out

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This isBolshevism2.0 ladies and gentlemen. You better wake the fuck up and get out of the matrix . Everything is gonna be taken from you . Now is not the time to play girly man with fake germs and scary things. Now is the time to play the words of Saint Church father Polycarp

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“Play the Man, PolyCarp”. No man pussies allowed

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It's possible that at certain ages of our lives . our bodies detox. Chicken pox, ect. Older, shingles. Ect. Terrain and the whole of body need consideration.

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Always detox. The less healthy you are the more you will be required to detox. The older you are the more entropy you have on your butt in the heart of the detox will be . Better to get chicken pocks over when you’re young and dumb.

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Yes, people get sick that is to say they detoxify no doubt about it. What causes all of it may be An Enigma. But the evidence is clear it is certainly not bacteria which are neutral and viruses absolutely do not exist. Fake ! Do certain people experience symptoms of detoxification at the same time absolutely yes like leaves falling from the tree, they may signal one another it is time to mult.

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Things like chickenpox may be a sign of a right of passage. When they are prevented through the use of pharmacological they certainly caused more problems in older age. My free advice to you would be to do not fear germs or sickness sickness is but a detoxification of poison from your body you will be better for when it is over If you behave correctly in your life mentally spiritually and physically you will detox much less and much less severe I promise you that . Eat raw food meat milk dairy bee pollen raw honey work out twice a week with weights in a high intensity manner sleep, magnesium spray breathe through your nose only , have exquisite posture and you will live long and then you will drop dead . So Says Saint Paul, it is appointed unto men once to die and then judgment. 😁

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Yip which is why they used the controlled opposition narrative with non sequitur "its from a lab" meme so that people would argue which lab and not if it exists at all.


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