Magic. Best thing about vaccines is that you can sell medicine to healthy people..... on top of that you may make people sick and sell more "medicine." You kind of eliminate the tedious waiting for people to get sick and "need help" from the Private-public coop globalist state. If lucky side effects will keep people from training, cold shower, eating healthy (meat and animal fat) or taking any care for themselves and their lifestyle. Not adhering to the 2030 agenda will induce cardiac arrest so let's all pop Statins and eat insects. Remember this is not a VAERS issue- You conspiracy theorist ,misinforming, racist, misogynist, white, middle aged, transphobic non birthing person.This was not brought to you from Pfizer.
I did call the number you advised me to. Gates wasn't there BUT I got connected to WHO and I told Klaus S ,a friend of Gats, to tell him to call back. Klaus said : Oh, we'll get in touch alright.
I used an alias so no sweat. The name is Bond- James Bond.
Let us consider Charlie Daniels, American country-rock guitarist, fiddler, and singer who wrote “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”.
It is a well-known song to me. I can’t say I care for it much, but today I realise its significance.
Of course the devil has been at work in the world for millennia but especially so in the USA of late. But his schemes have been long in the making and he did go down to Georgia 77 years ago.
This was the year that the CDC was formed on July 1, 1946, its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.
Jul 6, 2022 - An explosion July 6, 2022, damaged the Georgia Guidestones [some called it "America's Stonehenge], a monument near Elberton Georgia. [according to the] Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The site received renewed attention during Georgia's May 24 .gubernatorial [Do you know what a "guber" is in Georgia, BaldMichael?? No, not just peanut. A "goober" is a silly fool. HAH] primary ...
"The enigmatic roadside attraction was built in 1980 from local granite, commissioned by an unknown person or group under the pseudonym R.C. Christian."
[A big clue Mr Baldy!! The Devil is clearly slandering Christians for building this giant pile of rocks promoting depopulation!! Even though all the good ole Christians know God said specifically (over 100 times in the BIble) to "Be fruitful & multiply!" - Genesis 1:28 - Guess that Devil is really a dumb-ole-goober-fuk.]
"That's given the guidestones a sort of shroud of mystery around them, because the identity and intent of the individuals who commissioned them is unknown," said Katie McCarthy, who researches conspiracy theories for the Anti-Defamation League. "And so that has helped over the years to fuel a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories about the guidestones' true intent."
"The 16-foot-high panels bear a 10-part message in eight different languages with guidance for living in an "age of reason." One part calls for keeping world population at 500 million or below, while another calls to "guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity."
"It also serves as a sundial and astronomical calendar. But it's the panels' mention of eugenics, population control and global government that have made them a target of far-right conspiracists."
The Devil always has to tell us exactly what he/she/they (hahaha) is/are doing. Amirite?
Many thanks Lucinda. I had read about the Georgia Guidestones and their subsequent destruction.
I did not know about goober but now I do, so thank you. By the way the single one word anagram of goober is 'booger'. They say that is dried mucus but I think it snot. :)
As you say the Devil is really a dumb-ole-goober-fuk.
As regards "Be fruitful & multiply!" I had a go at the second part.
Thnx BaldMichael. Apologies for my jokey play on your name & appreciate your being a good sport & funny guy about it. Thnx for your links too. Love your points re: goober/booger;"heshit for short"; & "tall tails" too. Cracks me up.
Gotta keep laughing along the way to the Great Awakening OR is it the coming apocalypse per Icke's designated Reptilians ?? Making it clear right now, that I choose Awakening Peeps ASAP over coming apocalypse any day. Never been a raptures/here comes heaven kinda girl over in here. AND... Holy shite, BINGO! > Our "friendly" (NOT) wikipedia came thru w/this info so lookey here.
The Amorites were an ancient Northwest Semitic-speaking Bronze Age people from the Levant. Initially appearing in Sumerian records c. 2500 BC, they expanded and ruled most of the Levant, Mesopotamia and parts of Egypt from the 21st century BC to the late 17th century BC. They established several prominent city-states in existing locations, such as Isin, Larsa, Mari and Ebla, and later founded Babylon and the Old Babylonian Empire. - Wikipedia - AND ... The Amorites are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as inhabitants of Canaan both before and after the conquest of the land under Joshua.[3]
Just plum gobsmaked that a condensed amirite has historical relevance as I had forgotten about this group of ancient people w/a similar name.
By the by, saw an incredible Babylonian exhibit at the Louvre in Paris in 2008 (on a family trip) with amazing artifacts that was simply stunning. Read this about the hilarious <sarc> point that the Bagdad Museum in Iraq wasn't able to lend items for the Babylonian exhibit due to the dangers of transportation, i.e. being bombed & invaded by the USA & (other NATO allies) for many years.
Dang all those invaders going around blowing up ancient ruins & interfering w/famous museums' exhibits. It's enough to make a curator pull out their hair.
Hi Lucinda. My apologies for not coming back to you earlier. I had seen your comment briefly and thought 'Help, I'm going to have to spend a little time reading that properly before replying' - I am struggling with my eyes a bit due to LHS facial palsy.
Anyway, thank you very much and please joke away. I do not take myself too seriously.
As regards the Apocalypse, well it is here as everything is being revealed, but in the most peculiar way! I consider the rapture is not as many people thought it would be.
And thanks for all the info. Sad about all the destruction of ancient ruins. I have never visited the Louvre, one day perhaps. I can then say hello to the Moaning Lisa!
You mentioned the wolves in the sheep clothing. These are the so-called “health & freedom “ frauds who don’t wanna end the tyranny of virology. They want the CDC child schedule for the guaranteed, risk-free revenue stream. Their masters also want the people weak and slowly dying.
They don’t wanna stop their gravy train. There’s so many. They’re complaining about dividing a movement. I’m sorry, but I’m not joining their fraternity of deception.
Humans are vulnerable. They emotionally bond.
The wolves are good actors. They play their role of standing up to Fauci, but refuse to connect the obvious dots.
It’s Kabuki but I’m gonna spoil the plot. I’m not gonna comply.
The Fed is gonna collapse this year anyway. That’ll be the end for the cabal.
Also, I have the Rosenau transmission study but I really wish I had the other dozen studies that Tom Cowan referenced. Maybe you could make a video about them?
Acc. to Health Ranger, with citations, Pharma is giving mRNA vax to cattle and other animals, which will get into humans via eating, starting soon. It will be impossible to avoid mRNA vax, which to my knowledge have not been OK'd for human use, except for emergency use. It sounds illegal, but who can fight big Pharma and Agra?
According to several sources, like Tom Cowan and friends, all this mRNA hysteria is based on NO evidence... What's been actually FOUND in these jabs, courtesy of La Quinta Columna, is a shit ton of heavy metals, and that's plenty bad enough. Graphene, aluminum, mercury... no wonder people are dying and being maimed... But it IS possible to detox, it seems! And the Human Body has something going for it that we should not forget... Nature, the Divine Being, God, whatever you want to refer to it as, IS ON OUR SIDE.
Thanks for mentioning the Health Ranger's mRNA to animals injections....
BUT just a "head up"....
MOST of the 'humans" may be meat eaters, but there are 1.2 BILLION Plus of us vegetarians / herbivores in the world, that may not be taking the mRNA Patented Poison Pokes, or pills.... NEITHER!
There's not been any evidence, that I'm aware of, that mRNA ANYTHING is anywhere, or being injected into anybody. There's TALK about it, lots of that, but that doesn't prove anything! There's talk about a LOT of things, but then nothing comes of it. And I've been hearing lately about how DNA is actually a bit of a hoax, too... as it changes ALL THE TIME! So... We have to be careful what we take as "truth," and what is actually fear-mongering and/or propaganda! (Evil fuckers say evil fucker things.)
Some claim that reasoning is what separates human from animal. The last 3 years seem to substantiate this claim. Little did I know that so many wrongfully identify as human. Damn trans-furries.
I think the bigger issue is the dysfunctional breaking down systems we have.
There is very little to do with health (and nothing about healing) in medicine.
The whole mind heals.
Clearly we need a new way focusing on what we know( as in the cause of dis-ease).
Being aware of the modernized Rockefeller snake oil medical cult system ( based on making up diseases and labeling people -keeping them sick is profitable)is no bad thing. Not strengthening their narrative.
But at the end of the day Self knowledge( presence/mindfulness/ a whole mind) is key to good health.
I would like to know what you have discovered about Remdisavere. Also how they pressured people in using the air flow vent more than necessary. I discovered after my boyfriend died that the sweet protein shakes, pudding, and popsicles were probably the worst thing he could have been eating for 3 weeks. Instead of feeding him good food they gave him insulin, pain killers, medicine to reduce his cough. Insanity.
"The US meat supply may soon be widely contaminated with mRNA vaccines
Huge news: mRNA vaccines are about to be heavily implemented across the meat industry, with cattle, chickens, pigs, goats and other livestock targeted for regular mRNA injections.
Merely handling raw meat contaminated with mRNA products is likely the equivalent to being exposed to "shedding" from vaccine recipients. And introducing mRNA-vaccinated animal meat products into your mouth, if not fully cooked, may expose you to a kind of "food shedding" of mRNA products that can be absorbed into your blood and circulated throughout your body."
Oh dear, oh dear. I see Buttigieg is sticking his butt in. It says that residents were allowed back in but have since been suffering side effects. Perhaps they were all recently vaccinated!!
Te authorities will no doubt blame Covid 19.
And I see they are trying to blame Trump. Typical. I ask how on earth the train came to be derailed in the first place - they can't blame it on Covid that's for sure!
If a real deadly virus exists, there would be nothing to stop it from taking out the planet. It could not be controlled and no vaccine or mRNA poison would do anything to stop it. Why? Because it would already be floating around the planet and by the time you got an injection, you would have already been exposed.
Magic. Best thing about vaccines is that you can sell medicine to healthy people..... on top of that you may make people sick and sell more "medicine." You kind of eliminate the tedious waiting for people to get sick and "need help" from the Private-public coop globalist state. If lucky side effects will keep people from training, cold shower, eating healthy (meat and animal fat) or taking any care for themselves and their lifestyle. Not adhering to the 2030 agenda will induce cardiac arrest so let's all pop Statins and eat insects. Remember this is not a VAERS issue- You conspiracy theorist ,misinforming, racist, misogynist, white, middle aged, transphobic non birthing person.This was not brought to you from Pfizer.
Did I get all that right, Mr Gates?
Mr. Gates is not taking calls at this time. Please dial 9 for a normal human being, and 666 for Mr. Gates' VM.
I did call the number you advised me to. Gates wasn't there BUT I got connected to WHO and I told Klaus S ,a friend of Gats, to tell him to call back. Klaus said : Oh, we'll get in touch alright.
I used an alias so no sweat. The name is Bond- James Bond.
Thanks for this especially, Baldmichael. >
Let us consider Charlie Daniels, American country-rock guitarist, fiddler, and singer who wrote “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”.
It is a well-known song to me. I can’t say I care for it much, but today I realise its significance.
Of course the devil has been at work in the world for millennia but especially so in the USA of late. But his schemes have been long in the making and he did go down to Georgia 77 years ago.
This was the year that the CDC was formed on July 1, 1946, its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.
Wonder how the (now destroyed) Georgia Guidestones figure (d) into Loopy Lucy's plans?
> Georgia Guidestones blown up: Early morning explosion damages ...
Jul 6, 2022 - An explosion July 6, 2022, damaged the Georgia Guidestones [some called it "America's Stonehenge], a monument near Elberton Georgia. [according to the] Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The site received renewed attention during Georgia's May 24 .gubernatorial [Do you know what a "guber" is in Georgia, BaldMichael?? No, not just peanut. A "goober" is a silly fool. HAH] primary ...
"The enigmatic roadside attraction was built in 1980 from local granite, commissioned by an unknown person or group under the pseudonym R.C. Christian."
[A big clue Mr Baldy!! The Devil is clearly slandering Christians for building this giant pile of rocks promoting depopulation!! Even though all the good ole Christians know God said specifically (over 100 times in the BIble) to "Be fruitful & multiply!" - Genesis 1:28 - Guess that Devil is really a dumb-ole-goober-fuk.]
"That's given the guidestones a sort of shroud of mystery around them, because the identity and intent of the individuals who commissioned them is unknown," said Katie McCarthy, who researches conspiracy theories for the Anti-Defamation League. "And so that has helped over the years to fuel a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories about the guidestones' true intent."
"The 16-foot-high panels bear a 10-part message in eight different languages with guidance for living in an "age of reason." One part calls for keeping world population at 500 million or below, while another calls to "guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity."
"It also serves as a sundial and astronomical calendar. But it's the panels' mention of eugenics, population control and global government that have made them a target of far-right conspiracists."
The Devil always has to tell us exactly what he/she/they (hahaha) is/are doing. Amirite?
Many thanks Lucinda. I had read about the Georgia Guidestones and their subsequent destruction.
I did not know about goober but now I do, so thank you. By the way the single one word anagram of goober is 'booger'. They say that is dried mucus but I think it snot. :)
As you say the Devil is really a dumb-ole-goober-fuk.
As regards "Be fruitful & multiply!" I had a go at the second part.
And as you say the Devil always tells us exactly what hesheit (heshit for short!) is doing. He tells tall tails (sic).
So yes, ewerite.
P.S. Weren't the Amirtes a tribe in Canaan? :)
Thnx BaldMichael. Apologies for my jokey play on your name & appreciate your being a good sport & funny guy about it. Thnx for your links too. Love your points re: goober/booger;"heshit for short"; & "tall tails" too. Cracks me up.
Gotta keep laughing along the way to the Great Awakening OR is it the coming apocalypse per Icke's designated Reptilians ?? Making it clear right now, that I choose Awakening Peeps ASAP over coming apocalypse any day. Never been a raptures/here comes heaven kinda girl over in here. AND... Holy shite, BINGO! > Our "friendly" (NOT) wikipedia came thru w/this info so lookey here.
> Amorites (Sumerian) ) -
The Amorites were an ancient Northwest Semitic-speaking Bronze Age people from the Levant. Initially appearing in Sumerian records c. 2500 BC, they expanded and ruled most of the Levant, Mesopotamia and parts of Egypt from the 21st century BC to the late 17th century BC. They established several prominent city-states in existing locations, such as Isin, Larsa, Mari and Ebla, and later founded Babylon and the Old Babylonian Empire. - Wikipedia - AND ... The Amorites are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as inhabitants of Canaan both before and after the conquest of the land under Joshua.[3]
Just plum gobsmaked that a condensed amirite has historical relevance as I had forgotten about this group of ancient people w/a similar name.
By the by, saw an incredible Babylonian exhibit at the Louvre in Paris in 2008 (on a family trip) with amazing artifacts that was simply stunning. Read this about the hilarious <sarc> point that the Bagdad Museum in Iraq wasn't able to lend items for the Babylonian exhibit due to the dangers of transportation, i.e. being bombed & invaded by the USA & (other NATO allies) for many years.
March 12, 2008 -
Dang all those invaders going around blowing up ancient ruins & interfering w/famous museums' exhibits. It's enough to make a curator pull out their hair.
Hi Lucinda. My apologies for not coming back to you earlier. I had seen your comment briefly and thought 'Help, I'm going to have to spend a little time reading that properly before replying' - I am struggling with my eyes a bit due to LHS facial palsy.
Anyway, thank you very much and please joke away. I do not take myself too seriously.
As regards the Apocalypse, well it is here as everything is being revealed, but in the most peculiar way! I consider the rapture is not as many people thought it would be.
And thanks for all the info. Sad about all the destruction of ancient ruins. I have never visited the Louvre, one day perhaps. I can then say hello to the Moaning Lisa!
"Industry" is right... yark.
Bravo Dr. Bailey 🎉
You mentioned the wolves in the sheep clothing. These are the so-called “health & freedom “ frauds who don’t wanna end the tyranny of virology. They want the CDC child schedule for the guaranteed, risk-free revenue stream. Their masters also want the people weak and slowly dying.
They don’t wanna stop their gravy train. There’s so many. They’re complaining about dividing a movement. I’m sorry, but I’m not joining their fraternity of deception.
Humans are vulnerable. They emotionally bond.
The wolves are good actors. They play their role of standing up to Fauci, but refuse to connect the obvious dots.
It’s Kabuki but I’m gonna spoil the plot. I’m not gonna comply.
The Fed is gonna collapse this year anyway. That’ll be the end for the cabal.
Let's make sure we bury the fucking thing once it's dead...
I drew a mustache on my picture so nobody would recognize me ;)
I hope you have a chance to review Team Enigma on Bitchute. It's amazing.
Also, I have the Rosenau transmission study but I really wish I had the other dozen studies that Tom Cowan referenced. Maybe you could make a video about them?
Acc. to Health Ranger, with citations, Pharma is giving mRNA vax to cattle and other animals, which will get into humans via eating, starting soon. It will be impossible to avoid mRNA vax, which to my knowledge have not been OK'd for human use, except for emergency use. It sounds illegal, but who can fight big Pharma and Agra?
The movement is focused on food, housing, etc sustainability alternatives to the WEF version of Reset.
Another interview potential Dr Bailey.
I have a motto for these times: Resist Not Evil: Work Around It.
We don't have to fight the Evil, we can simply overwhelm it with GOOD.
According to several sources, like Tom Cowan and friends, all this mRNA hysteria is based on NO evidence... What's been actually FOUND in these jabs, courtesy of La Quinta Columna, is a shit ton of heavy metals, and that's plenty bad enough. Graphene, aluminum, mercury... no wonder people are dying and being maimed... But it IS possible to detox, it seems! And the Human Body has something going for it that we should not forget... Nature, the Divine Being, God, whatever you want to refer to it as, IS ON OUR SIDE.
And I'm NOT saying we don't need to DO anything... There is SO MUCH we need to do!!!
Yes. Inject shit increasing the uptake of radiation. That's the ticket.
And the symptoms are very like... drumroll... THE FLU.
If it walks like the 'flu, talks like the 'flu, it is the 'flu.
If it flies off it is probably for some fowl (sic) reason.
Yep! And what I'm sayin' is, the "flu" these days is likely to be 5G.
Thanks for mentioning the Health Ranger's mRNA to animals injections....
BUT just a "head up"....
MOST of the 'humans" may be meat eaters, but there are 1.2 BILLION Plus of us vegetarians / herbivores in the world, that may not be taking the mRNA Patented Poison Pokes, or pills.... NEITHER!
There's not been any evidence, that I'm aware of, that mRNA ANYTHING is anywhere, or being injected into anybody. There's TALK about it, lots of that, but that doesn't prove anything! There's talk about a LOT of things, but then nothing comes of it. And I've been hearing lately about how DNA is actually a bit of a hoax, too... as it changes ALL THE TIME! So... We have to be careful what we take as "truth," and what is actually fear-mongering and/or propaganda! (Evil fuckers say evil fucker things.)
They have been poisoning cattle for years, if not injecting them with poisons they put them on the fields for the cattle to eat.
And we are fighting big pharma and big farmer and we will win.
Yes, and they've been spraying OUR food, too, and injecting US with poisons...
I've come all the way over to the realization that ANY vaccine is an insult to the Creator.
Money Raising Necrotising Agents
Some claim that reasoning is what separates human from animal. The last 3 years seem to substantiate this claim. Little did I know that so many wrongfully identify as human. Damn trans-furries.
1. The WEF want to reduce the population by a huge amount. 1 billion maybe more
2. They claim to be saving million's is lives with vaccines
Something stinks 2. Above actually means killing.
Fear and ignorance keeps people on the ranch.
I think the bigger issue is the dysfunctional breaking down systems we have.
There is very little to do with health (and nothing about healing) in medicine.
The whole mind heals.
Clearly we need a new way focusing on what we know( as in the cause of dis-ease).
Being aware of the modernized Rockefeller snake oil medical cult system ( based on making up diseases and labeling people -keeping them sick is profitable)is no bad thing. Not strengthening their narrative.
But at the end of the day Self knowledge( presence/mindfulness/ a whole mind) is key to good health.
We HAVE to stop the cult of injection!
They've harmed so so many. All the dead babies, all the hurt youngsters, all the dead care home patients...
WHEN will we say ENOUGH?
Give them the name they deserve. Syringe fundamentalists.
Hey! You stole my initials. Gibs dem bak! :-)
Syringe fundies.
Branch Covidians is a good 'un too.
I would like to know what you have discovered about Remdisavere. Also how they pressured people in using the air flow vent more than necessary. I discovered after my boyfriend died that the sweet protein shakes, pudding, and popsicles were probably the worst thing he could have been eating for 3 weeks. Instead of feeding him good food they gave him insulin, pain killers, medicine to reduce his cough. Insanity.
I'm so sorry for your boyfriend and for you. xo xo How awful. Please accept my condolences. xo xo xo
This is my research on what I believe you mean is Remdesivir, an awkward word to remember how to spell.
"The US meat supply may soon be widely contaminated with mRNA vaccines
Huge news: mRNA vaccines are about to be heavily implemented across the meat industry, with cattle, chickens, pigs, goats and other livestock targeted for regular mRNA injections.
Merely handling raw meat contaminated with mRNA products is likely the equivalent to being exposed to "shedding" from vaccine recipients. And introducing mRNA-vaccinated animal meat products into your mouth, if not fully cooked, may expose you to a kind of "food shedding" of mRNA products that can be absorbed into your blood and circulated throughout your body."
Thank God I'm raising my own! Chickens, pigs and rabbits so far. Going into 2023 with abundance!
The US meat supply is already widely contained with antibiotics and antibiotocs (hence tic toc videos of dancing cows). :)
They also put poisons in processed meats.
And now dioxins brought to you from Ohio!
Oh dear, oh dear. I see Buttigieg is sticking his butt in. It says that residents were allowed back in but have since been suffering side effects. Perhaps they were all recently vaccinated!!
Te authorities will no doubt blame Covid 19.
And I see they are trying to blame Trump. Typical. I ask how on earth the train came to be derailed in the first place - they can't blame it on Covid that's for sure!
Seems to smell of dead fish and coons. The masked bandit kind.
Have you seen Dr. Steve Kirsch's newsletters recently?
Here is a link to the most recent newsletter article:
.... The next 'pandemic' has been announced :-
To get people off the coasts? Stop them fishing? Shoving everyone inland?
I recommend anyone who is new to these topics to read at least chapter 9 of Peter Bylund book "How to Think About the Economy"
The whole book makes similar points to that of Henry Hazlitt's, but Bylund's book was published last year.
"The unrealized is the true cost of regulations, and it far exceeds the unseen."
If a real deadly virus exists, there would be nothing to stop it from taking out the planet. It could not be controlled and no vaccine or mRNA poison would do anything to stop it. Why? Because it would already be floating around the planet and by the time you got an injection, you would have already been exposed.
Hi Dr. Sam, I just discovered you are on Substack! Great to see you here too.