The nastiest pathogens that I know of - are politician's and of course many in the medical profession but by far the most carcinogenic of all is the pharmaceutical industry and its minion's .

Love and blessings to you and yours Sam .

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Great Video.

Hopefully it will wake up many.

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I have friends who live in Puglia and the lockdowns were draconian. They were not allowed to leave home except to go shopping. Even then, only one was allowed to go and had to fill out an on line form beforehand to say which shop. Any deviation resulted in an automatic 3000 Euro fine. Preposterous. They remained purebloods though.

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Pavarotti was singing - Nobody Shall Sleep - Nessun Dorma - looks like a lot of Italian Pollies and Medico's might not have heard him - and Big Pharma simply took advantage - I remember when the 'killer virus' (lol) first started to take hold and Italy was constantly making mainstream headlines - it's gunna cause such a shockwave when all this fake stuff comes to light -Thank you Team Sam

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They still believe there's Covid, need vaccines etc.

Just mainstream. Interesting how they're Catholic which doesn't encourage 'thinking ' or reading the Bible themselves.

Sacrilegious almost! They trust their priests, pope, regardless!!

Maybe there's a link.

There are Catholics who think and study also.

I'll be interested in what others report here.

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You just know that whatever fake Pandemic they are planning, the PCR test will be used to facilitate it. This evidence showing this test is fraudulent needs to be shouted from the roof tops, or 21st century style shared worldwide. While the PCR retains any credibility, we will not be safe from it's fraudulent 'test results'.

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HA! It reduces fear of a microbe but perhaps increases fear of tyranny! Can't be helped, I think, except by a total spiritual enlightenment to make us immune to fear itself!

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Another segment that would be interesting would include the amounts of money distributed to hospitals, clinics and such within the different areas in Italy and how it changed over a few decades.

Dr Sam mentioned we could safely ignore the hysteria and destructive measures promoted by the fraudsters. That's not entirely true. People definitely still need to keep a watchful eye out for them. Look at Australia - beating and arresting people for not complying. That's dangerous.

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From Wikipedia


In medicine, comorbidity - from Latin morbus, co, -ity - is the presence of one or more additional factors to account for early death. Comorbidity describes the effect of all other conditions an individual patient might encounter that increases the chance of death. Examples from Modern History include Big Pharma, Kill Gates, Government Indoctrination Camps, Anal Schwab, TeLIEvision, Anthony Fraudci and The Mighty Dollar. Wikipedia

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Love these simple to understand and very clear videos - what would we do without Dr's Sam and Mark Bailey -

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Excellent video, and the tyranny is abominable. Micheal Bryant on 21st century wire was interviewed and wrote an article about Italy earlier this year. Hard to conclude anything other than orchestrated malevolence.

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I remember the Biological group of the Russian military landed in Italy at the onset of the "pandemic" They were in and out in a matter of a few days. I wonder what they found?

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the Healthy American does a humorous take on the new VAMPIRE VIRUS... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MyMUSK9nr4

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Dr. Denis Rancourt is the expert on All Cause Mortality. His research found no virus was involved in Covid deaths. It was all due to Collateral damage and effects of fear, suicides, unemployment, etc.. He's currently working on applying his method to entire global population. - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/covid-19-is-a-fictional-pandemic

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Thank you, Dr Sam Bailey, for your tireless work. I have a question. Do you know of Robert Yoho M.D.? He has written several books on corruption in govts and in medical/healthcare. He is on substack. Most recently he reposted someone else’s post about Lyme Disease being a bioweapon. I had watched your video on Lyme disease and posted a link in the comments. IMMEDIATELY my comment was deleted by robert and when I tried to politely ask why he would not instead just explain his position, I then discovered I have been ‘banned’ from commenting on his substack for the next..... one hundred years. Surely someone like that has to be controlled opposition?

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Mama mia.

Hey, fun related fact is that my mother, aka "Ma," died in Tennessee in 2020 of covid. Or as I called it, old age.

Ma was a century old, and had been joking about her death for decades in the following words (true story): "it's not the cough that carries you off. It's the coffin they carry you off in." Boom.

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